God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1072: Will be!

The first chapter of the seventy-two chapter will be!

Above the innocent sea, two teams gathered on the basis of the gods and kings, arranged in a special battlefield, are fighting fiercely. Church

The young man named Yuedao, who is a Shaun, also knows how to use the battlefield, and has been handed over with the protoss army. The battles of big and small do not know how much experience has been experienced. It is rich in experience and skillful in killing and killing.

Yuedao's look is grim, hidden in the center of the 300-year-old God of the Fire and Rain Stars, like an erratic ghost, and the change of the continually, the constant rumor.

His voice is cold, as if there is some magical power. The warriors of the fire and rain stars are tempted by his voice, and they are inspiring one by one. The eyes appear extremely warlike. It seems that the fighting power has been raised.

Yuedao practiced the sound of the sound, this kind of meaning is used in the battle array dispatch, has a natural advantage, seems to be able to promote the potential of the underpowered, let them become fearless, let them kill crazy, even do not know pain.

The team he dispatched, 300 people formed a blood knife, addicted to tyranny, three hundred people's air machine wonderfully connected together, many fluctuations reached a fine coordination.

This 300-person squad has given people a sense of oppression of the thousands of horses galloping, so that Xia Xinyu and Shenguang are all changed.

Obviously, this Yuedao, like Xia Xinyi, is also a strong person who is really good at dispatching and using the team. He has a unique talent in this respect.

Xiao En smiled lightly and said: "Yue knife practiced the sound of the sound, although he was not very superb, but his voice can promote the potential of his soldiers, so that they do not know the pain, do not fear death, become extremely crazy. Of course, Yue Knife also knows how to use the team to confront, he has gone through hundreds of battles of varying sizes, and he can bring surprises."

Yu Shan nodded gently and praised: "Xiao Daren has a knife, this is really lucky."

Sean haha ​​laughed and looked happy.

Many of the strongest people in the Fire and Rain Stars are also looking at the Yuedao, and their eyes are shining.

Compared with Yue Knife, Benny’s performance is much worse...

Benny is the first time to dispatch battles, all kinds of key tips and methods have knowledge in his mind, but have not practiced. The latest chapter of the church

He looked a little flustered, his tone was so rushed and chaotic that his team twisted into a mess before he fought, and there was no battle.

Shenguang and the warlords of the War League all showed disappointment. The warriors of the blast warheads dispatched by Benny were even less confident. They all slandered and even did not listen to Benny’s discourse arrangements.

The warriors of the fire and rain stars, as they saw it, could not help but laugh.

Sean also frowned, thought for a moment, and made a gesture toward the knife, indicating that he would not attack.

"You are disrespectful to us!" Sean's face sank. "Send such a raw hand, people who have never dispatched the team to meet us, this is to look down on us!"

Yu Shan also frowned slightly.

Xia Xinyi took a moment and quietly stepped forward and said softly: "Would you like to change the sword for me? I believe that it can be evenly matched with him. It will be difficult to see if it will not be defeated..."

Her eyes are not bad, but also Benny has no experience, although it is not clear why Shiyan wants Benny to come up, but today's situation is clearly not that Benny can control, she is worried that the fire and rain will cause trouble, then take the initiative to ask .

Shi Yan frowned, suddenly sinking: "Benny! Your crazy strength!"

In the crowd, the anxious Benny’s mind was shocked, and a murderous thought seemed to flood in. His uneasy mood suddenly became more and more turbulent, and the dangerous ruins of the evil spirits emerged between the two.


A wave of annihilation of all vitality, slamming out of Benny's body, he suddenly became a person, becoming extremely hysterical crazy!

A martial warrior who was not listening to the command of the hurricane warfare was stretched out by his hand, and his bones burst into flames, and the body was almost directly crushed.

Benny's eyes are scarlet, and it seems to ooze blood in the eyelids. The explosion of a cavity suddenly spread out. It seems to affect the soul of every warrior of the entire team, and their soul altars are restricted. The latest chapter of the church

Immediately, Benny continued to give orders, and it seems that the soul consciousness directly poured into those people's minds.

A group of three hundred people smashed into a group, suddenly there was a momentum of destruction, and every warrior in the blast department seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, as if they were enchanted, and hysterically mad.

Benny's scent of destruction, even mobilized the power of the people, in a moment to condense into a gas of killing.

He seems to be the demon to dominate the team, the three hundred squad like the troll of the nine sorcerer, the evil, crazy, violent volatility spread, rushed to the team that the knife is in charge.

"With the soul of the gas machine, you are one!" Sean **** ran with discoloration, and his body trembled.

Yu Shan is also eye-catching, with an incredible expression, apparently horrified to the extreme.

Knowing some of the wonderful people in the battle, they shouted and their faces were completely puzzled.

With the soul to gather the breath of the underarms, to connect the soul to the altar with the knowledge of God, this is the most subtle way of the battle of the Royal War, only the legendary ones of the masters will be able to achieve.

Both Shawn and Yu Shan have fought with the Protoss. As far as they know, there are few inside the Protoss to achieve such exquisiteness.

They are not shocked by them.

Benny, who had clearly touched the battlefield for the first time, was crazy and stunned. It turned out to be so wonderful in an instant, and it was so incredible that it was so powerful that it was a powerful attack.

The team of Yuedao, watching Benny carry his knees, feels completely different from the onlookers.

In the eyes of Yuedao and those fire and rain stars, there is no Benny and his team. There is only a horrible monster like a **** demon. The **** mouth is spurting on the **** basin, and they are rushing toward them. A pair of tears to crush them all.

It is not illusory, just like the real existence, they can even see the demon's Mori's teeth, and see the demon's evil cold scorpion.

Their minds were instantly captured, giving birth to an unbeatable defeat. It was still a battle of the front edge, and it suddenly collapsed.

A lot of legs are not picked up.

Under the fierce flame of the demon destroying the earth, even the Yue knife is chilling, and his eyes are full of fear and anxiety.

There was no real contact with this battle, and the knife was defeated here.

"Stop!" Sean slammed into the air, and the sound of the waves was like a thunder, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Under his violent drinking, the scene of Yuedao and others was changed again. It was discovered that the demon who had just been oppressed disappeared and disappeared. Only when he saw it, he discovered that the person who came in front of him was the warrior of the blast warfare, and there was also hidden among them. Benny.

Benny's eyes are red and red, and his face is killing madness. The whole body has a strong devastating volatility. The fluctuations are like countless threads, and the squadrons of the blast wars gather together.

Outsiders will look carefully and will find that above the 300-person squad, there is a cluster of gray clouds of smoke, faintly forming a kind of horrible demon, and the extremes of Shiyan’s fierceness. similar.

However, the demon that emerged above the 300-person squad is even more fierce and fierce. This is a collection of three hundred people, which was developed by the special forces of Benny.

It is like the essence.

Those around watching and seeing clearly on the top of Benny's head, carrying a terrible ferocious troll, even able to perceive the troll's evil and fierce atmosphere, which made them discolored and began to re-examine Benny.

Gathering under the sigh of breath, condensing into a demon statue like a real demon, this battlefield is simply the creation of heaven and earth, even Shaun and Yu Shan, who once fought with the Protoss, are as good as a chicken, suddenly realizing that Benny is not the first The second dispatch battle array, if it is the battle of the battle, how can he bring to the legion changes.

Shenguang and the strongest of the War League are also horrified, and both Rong and Yu are frowning deeply, and the eyes are flickering.

"Can this kid come to our war alliance?" Yan Rong suddenly joined the Xia Xinyu and seriously said: "This is an uncut jade. Once it becomes more skilled, it will be the top talent in the future. !"

Xia Xinyi smiled indifferently, and the beautiful whistling turned a little, whispering: "You can see Shiyan, if he promises, our war ally will naturally fight for it."

"Who would be so stupid." Yan Rong smiled and shook his head, knowing that it was just a luxury.

"Shi Yan, if he is willing to come to us, we must be fully cultivated." He walked forward and looked serious.

Shiyan was amazed and shook his head slightly.

Benny also indulged in a crazy situation, at this time only slowly returned to the clear, gradually stabilized, but still a little mentally embarrassed.

"How is he compared to that of Liana?" Sean waved his knife and they retired. His face became very dignified. He looked at Benny deeply, but asked Yu Shan, who was next to him. "I think there is this kid. Is there any Liana that doesn't seem to matter..."

He saw the potential of Benny, knowing that although Benny was the first to dispatch the team, but if he was immersed in his heart, he would certainly be a peerless talent.

He has not seen Liana. In his eyes, Benny is the unparalleled talent. He thinks that Liana should be better than Benny.

"This kid is really good, but compared with Liana, there is still a lot of fire." Yu Shan smiled lightly and said: "This kid can't compete with Liana unless he has experienced hundreds of battles. He is too inexperienced. And there is no experience of tempering the Legion."

Sean’s eyes were light, “Nana, is it so powerful?”

"Benny may be able to catch up with her in the future, but at this time it is far behind. You said who we need?" Yu Shan chuckled.

"All need!" Sean's eyes are shining. "All can be used for us!"

Shi Yan glanced at him and suddenly smiled and waved and said: "For the time being, Liana will come soon. I will arrange for her to train you for a while. As for... Benny, hehe, if you are not afraid of him. If you come in chaos, you can also toss your people to toss and to give him some experience."

"No problem, if he is willing to toss, it is our blessing, we are very happy." Sean said quickly.

"We are also willing to arrange for people to toss him." Yan Rong and Yan said together, a look of enthusiasm, squinting and taking the initiative to get together.



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