God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1084: 蛊神教

Hundreds of robbers and vines were used in hundreds of thousands of rattans. They flew out of the muddy mud, and quickly walked away in the distance.

Surrounded by a variety of medicinal herbs, there are also many trees growing in the foliage. Whether the lakes are clean or not, they are scattered in a cluster. The air has a moist water vapor and the energy is very abundant.


The strange sound is still approaching quickly. Shiyan and Shangyingyue are hiding in a tree, and frowning waiting.

In a short time, the vines that fled before the vines appeared again, and countless rattans swept the muddy land like tentacles, and hurriedly drilled into the muddy swamp pool that was hidden before it.

Shiyan was amazed.

Before coming over, he heard from the merchants that the ancient world was "ridiculous". There were no major ethnic creatures in this ancient continent. The **** and fleshy life of the demon, the demon, the human, and so on did not exist. Every 10,000 years, those The various warriors who enter the "wild" will also be directly pushed out.

However, in the "wild", there are many medicinal herbs in the Yuan Dynasty. They have no flesh and blood, but they have simple consciousness. This is the spirit of plants.

According to Shangchen, the spirit of plants has a long life, and can not survive and survive with the demon and the demon. The spirit of the plant grows to a certain extent. It is said that the energy will be dissipated and re-entered in the ancient continent. It will bring changes to the rules of the ancient world.

The creatures with flesh and blood are different. For example, the human race, such as the protoss, as long as the realm is deep enough, it has an endless life.

As long as they survive the world, these ethnic creatures will rob the heaven and earth energy cultivation, and there will be endless growth energy and refilling the star of life. If there are too many such strong people, they will gradually consume cleanliness and eventually become a dead star.

The Shen En Continent is also an ancient continent. It can pass through the changes of the ancient times, the ancient times, and the ancient times. It has produced many Taikoo creatures, and there have been ten major races such as the Protoss and the Mozu, and the energy is now exhausted.

“Famine” seems to recognize this early on. It is considered to be a very selfish class in the ancient continent. Just as a mother does not have children, she will always be young and beautiful, always healthy and full of vitality.

Hundreds of robbers and vines are the spirit of plants appearing on the ancient continent. There is a vague and simple consciousness. The so-called hundred robbery means that a hundred years is a robbery, and a hundred robbers are only a million years. This is also the annual ring limit of the Hundreds of Ghosts. Only a million years of age will naturally dissipate as soon as time passes, and energy will return to the ancient continent.

Shiyan looked at it and hid inside the swamp. He frowned and looked at the introduction of the book in his hand about the hunter of the hunter, and he was shocked.

Hundreds of robbers and vines are as tough as cold crystals, consciously, deep in the mud and dirt, after the refining and chemical, nearly ten cane can form a hundred robbery souls, for the original element of the Yuan Dynasty, can temper the soul of the gods and soldiers...

This is the record in the Shangchen book.

It is also said that it is extremely difficult to deal with the hunter, and once it is hidden in the growing swamp, it is generally not easy to force it out.

Quietly put the book away, through the gap between the ancient wood branches and leaves, he glanced at the shadow of the shadow in the front of the trees.

The trees where the two are located are tens of meters tall, the branches and leaves are extremely dense, and the sky is covered. Not to mention hiding one or two people, it is the ten people who enter it. It is hard to notice without paying attention.

The ancient continent has a wonderful influence on the gods. Even Shiyan’s knowledge is difficult to capture the fluctuations of life around him. He believes that people who enter him like him will be restricted. Here, the eyes are the weapon to search the target, so they hide in the leaves. It doesn't look ridiculous.


Suddenly, the sound of the mess came from all directions and slowly poured in.

Shi Yan stared at her eyes and looked at it. Suddenly, her face changed and her face was green.

Various kinds of poisonous insects, such as snakes, flying scorpions, green-footed spiders, black-spotted scorpions, and other insect venoms, look at the gray pieces at once, and surge like a wave, fearing that there are hundreds of thousands of them, all of a sudden Cover the surrounding area.

The worm poisons engulf all the potent spirits that contain energy along the way, and the branches and leaves are not let go. As a result, all the plants are swallowed up.

The wet land is barely exposed.

Hundreds of thousands of poisons, monsters flooded like water, and some are swirling in the sky, such as the black cloud of clouds, to cover the heavens and the earth.


The strange whistling sound came from all directions, and the reverberation reverberated. It seemed to last for a long time. It seemed that some kind of flute was screaming, and it was commanding poisons and monsters.

Shi Yan looked cold and calmed down, and looked at the close poisonous monster.

He knows that there should be no such flesh-and-blooded poisons on the ancient continent. It must have been brought by the same foreigners. The whistling sounds from the surrounding area are obviously being played by some people, guiding the poisons of the monsters, and secretly hiding. One person.

On the opposite side of the tree, the shadow of the face in the branches and leaves is cold, and the look of the face is awkward and uncomfortable.

Women are afraid of such tiny creatures, and she is no exception. Watching the monster poisons get closer, the commercial film releases the power one step earlier, leaving the surrounding cold and cold, so that the trees are frozen by the ice crystals.

The monsters and poisons that are rolling like waves on the ground suddenly squirm, and the monsters and poisons overlap and gather. Gradually, they change into a vague face...

It was an old man with dark and sinister darkness. His face seemed to be full of ugliness and ugliness. His body was initially condensed by monsters and poisons, slowly regenerating and changing. After a while, it was finished, and it was no different from ordinary people.

He grinned and smirked, his body was quietly wrapped in a black robe, and a thin hand in his robes, far away from the direction of Shangyingyue.


Numerous insects and madness rushed over, and the old trees that were flat in the shadow of the movie instantly filled tens of thousands of monsters and poisons. In just ten seconds, the old trees collapsed, and the branches and branches quickly disappeared, and those monsters and poisons disappeared. Engulfed.

The gods are entangled in the shadow of the Qing Dynasty, and the disgusting stagnation in the poisonous monsters in the land, a circle of lightning moving in the lower part of his feet, so that the evil insects do not dare to easily close.

"You are the daughter of Shangchen and An Liya. Are you called Shangyingyue?" The old man of the dark spirit saw her appear, stared at the look of the eye, and suddenly laughed. "Say, you guys." The results from the world are also from our docking stars, from us.

"You are the person of the 恫 蛊 蛊 ? ? ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商 商?

The Docking Star Field and the Fantasy Star Field are the most famous high-life stars in the vast Xinghe River. The overall power of the star field is extremely powerful. It is also a star field where a few protoss do not dare to touch it. The star power is better than the fire. Both the star field and the Malang star are strong.

The reason why Docking Stars makes the Protoss not easy to open the war is because the Docking Star Field is the star field controlled by the "God of God". The most mysterious genre in this universe is proficient in mysterious magic. It is a major race. I don’t dare to provoke the embarrassing role.

The "蛊神教" people are good at using scorpion venom, and it is said that they can kill people across the border, making the soul rituals eat like a poisonous insect that cannot be seen, and a little bit of smashing.

It is said that a strong man of the 12 major families of the Protoss had wanted to take a shot at the Docking Star Field. Unfortunately, the man could not convince the family strong, and the inexplicable soul altar was broken every day. He was separated by a star field. Killed, the protoss family watched his day-to-day life failure, and there was no cure.

This sounded the alarm for the family, and the family also dismissed the idea of ​​dealing with the "discipline".

Of course, many people say that the Protoss did not make a big move because the "Godism" only guarded the docks, did not show strong aggression, did not form a conflict with the Protoss, plus the power of "蛊神教" The Protoss also wants to wait for the other star fields - after occupying it, will slowly shift their eyes to "蛊神教".

Even so, no one dares to deny the power of "蛊神教", the evil sect of the Docking Star Field, who holds the most mysterious magic in the universe, and even the powerful God of the beginning is also taboo.

"Yes, I came from the docking star field, called Shaying." The oracle **** worshipper smiled and revealed his white teeth, extremely terrible.

"Satay!" Shangyingyue exclaimed, his face became more and more awe-inspiring. "I heard the mother say you, the most powerful person below the gods!"

"Haha, I won the prize." Sha often smiled sorrowfully and said, "I am coming to take a hundred souls, do not hinder you?"

"Do not hinder." Shangying's eyes flashed a bit, faintly said: "If you don't mind, I want to leave here, but also for a while not to disturb you."

"You please please." Shaying looked at her deeply, and whispered softly, then saw the countless poisonous monsters taking the initiative to let a road leave and leave for Shangyingyue.

Shangyingyue did not hesitate, tapped his head and then evacuated to the outside. When he was about to get out of the circle surrounded by poisonous monsters, he said to him in the back: "The people in the bush have nothing to do with me. I will advance in advance. Declare, don't think that I have other attempts."

Then, she speeds up, and the electricity generally rushes away from the poisonous poison circle.

After taking a sigh of relief, he suddenly laughed and said: "Friends come out and tell."

Shiyan looked coldly at the direction of the disappearance of Shangyingyue. He took a deep breath and took the initiative to fall from the leaves. The soles of his feet suddenly ignited the raging flames.

Many poisonous monsters evaded and gave him room to settle down. Many poisonous insects screamed sharply and seemed to be burning.

Satay’s eyes lit up quietly and looked at the fiery flames on his soles. “The flame of the source! Oh, it’s the source flame! Wonderful, wonderful!”

"Do you want?" Shi Yan calmly asked.

Satay nodded again and again, earnestly and sincerely said: "The flame of origin is very rare. For the devotees of our 蛊 蛊 ’, this kind of flame has a unique magical effect. Can the younger brother cut love?"

"Yes." With his eyes open, Shi Yan laughed and pointed at his head: "It merges with my soul. You kill me, you can get it, very simple."

Satay frowned and silenced.

Ps: Sorry, there is only one more today.

Well, I still explain the situation a little. At the beginning of the month, a relative got lung cancer. I smoked too fiercely. I often cough and bleed my teeth in the morning. I was shocked by this incident.

It was also from the time I got the news that I had been smoking for more than a decade and finally decided to quit smoking.

My son is too young. I have been writing books for many years. My body is already very bad. I really don’t want to have any accidents. I’m so white, I’m afraid of death.

To this day, there are no cigarettes in 20 days. I really didn’t smoke. To be honest, this has greatly affected my writing efficiency.

The dependence on the smoke made me sit in front of the computer every time, my mind was blank, and my heart could not stand still.

Every time it is a huge test, I have been holding it for a long time. I really want to quit. I know that it will affect my update, but I know that there will be such a difficult period. I can get rid of it when I can get over it. I hope everyone understands support.

I declare that during this period I will not ask for any votes, and I will not fight until I succeed.

Sorry, please forgive me, please give me some time, oh~~(To be continued


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