God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1086: The sudden killer!

"I am grateful that you are too late? Would you mind?"

Shi Yan’s intriguing, very serious request: “Really, those monsters and poisons are very beneficial to me. If you are willing to give up, I will be grateful!”

Sasha’s face changed slightly, and his heart was full of enthusiasm. He greeted the eighteenth generation of Shiyan ancestors.

He has not yet figured out what the bead suddenly appeared in Shiyan, and the bead seems to be extremely restrained by the monsters and poisons he released.

Hundreds of thousands of monsters and poisonous insects can only evolve into only a few hundred that can invade the enemy's soul. Each one is an extremely rare and spiritual treasure. It is also the lifeblood of his life. It is precious to the extreme.

With the wisdom and spirituality, you can invade the poisonous insects and monsters of other people's souls, and you can truly claim the locusts. It is also the basis of the sacred sorcerers of the sacred gods. Every refining and cultivation has to take great energy. It is a powerful key to the "God of God".

More than a dozen of these top aphids were swallowed up by the beads of Shiyan’s mind. The sand sputum almost vomited three liters, and they also pretended to be unintentional. They apologized to Shiyan’s smile, which is a mystery to him. Rushing and ruining, cutting meat on his heart.

"That is a mistake, a mistake...".

Sha Fei's face trembled, pressing against the inner temper, his eyes were cloudy and uncertain, such as the volcano was forcibly contained.

"let it go."

Shi Yan smiled lightly, his eyes narrowed and relaxed, and he urged him: "Please continue to start with the Hundreds of Ghosts."

The quenching of the cold pearls will promptly absorb the worms and poisons of the past ten, and there is no rush to return to his virtual world. Instead, he sinks in the sea of ​​his knowledge, knowing the secrets of the sea as a tentacles. On the top of the sea, the sea is cold and silent, just like the cold jade beads of the gods.

Knowing the sea has a quenching cold pearl, his spirit has become extremely keen, and the consciousness of the poisonous monsters is extremely accurate. It is possible to judge the life fluctuations of those monsters and poisons and to sense them. They have a lot of toxins in their bodies.

This made Shi Yan immediately cheer up.

He suddenly realized that the monsters and poisons that had just been released from the sand shovel were absorbed by the hardened cold beads, and some changes in the quenching cold beads were stimulated.

Quenching cold beads come from the dead soul jellyfish, one of the most mysterious and poisonous creatures in the world, taking a variety of toxin venom for a living, can be described as the source of poison.

The sand cockroaches cultivated refining worms and poisons, most of which contain scorpion toxins. Many of them are very horrible. When they are touched by ordinary people, the toxins that can be tragic can directly invade the soul and understand the sea. Even the protagonists are hard to guard against.

However, for the quenching cold beads, everything is not trouble, the face is tonic...

Therefore, the tainted cold beads faintly changed, and he stayed in the sea for a while, as if he was expecting more worm poisons to enter, and wanted to have a more enjoyable meal.

Squinting and feeling the change of the sea, Shi Yan smiles more and more bright, calm and stimulating the sand.

Sha Fei secretly bit his teeth, his face smiled awkwardly, said: "This is the hand, this will start...".

Satay continued to play the magic sound whistle, and the whispering cold and quiet whistling sound made the worm poisons all crazy, like sand, pouring into the depths of the mud hidden by the hunters, in just a few breath intervals. In the mud, it has been filled with monster poison.

The poisonous worms squirmed, causing the scalp to numb to the depths of the mud, and the few plants growing in the mud were foraging.

Their small eyes show brutal and fierce green light, one by one, such as the smell of **** beasts, revealing sharp and small fangs, tumbling in the swamp, turning the swamp upside down.

The strange noise that came from the swamp should be the sound of the slashing of the vines and the rattan vines. It is obvious that the hundreds of hunters and the tens of thousands of poisonous insects and monsters are mixed together.

The sand smog his face, the green light in the eyes is faint, and the magic sound whistle in the mouth is like a ghost crying, and the sound becomes sharper and sharper.

Suddenly, he spit out a colorful sigh of sorrow, suffocating like a cloud of cotton, covering the swamp, and the strange liquids from the suffocating gas penetrated into the monsters and poisons in the swamp.

Those monsters and poisons are mad, and they are dying to eat the hunters of the hunters. Gradually, there are rattans appearing from the swamps, twisting like snakes, seemingly struggling. It is extremely embarrassing to get rid of something.

Hiding in the darkness of the Shangyingyue, the beautiful scorpion suddenly shines, and the worms and poisons gather in the swamp to deal with the hunters and vines. She quietly approaches this side and leans against the strangeness of her secret treasure. It is hard to avoid the perception and sight of the two people of Shiyan and Shaying.

Shangyingyue was amazed at the swamp, watching a little bit of the stalking vines, watching hundreds of thousands of monsters, poisons crawling over the cane of each of the vines, and the face was disgusted and wrinkled. I felt a little scalp and numb, and those worms made her want to vomit.

She is forcibly controlled, calming the mind with the power of ice and cold, and secretly preparing for something.

The bracelet on her white wrist was slowly shining, and gradually became a whip wrapped around the white tender arms. She seemed ready to shoot.

Looking at the hundred robbers, the vines seemed to be bound, and she was so excited that the bulging chest was shaking and swaying, and unfortunately no one could see her moving beauty.

Hundreds of robbers and vines are entangled in the marshes by the worms and poisons. Those tiny monsters and poisons seem to be the nemesis of the hunters, and the thousands of vines that have been robbed by thousands of vines are swaying. It seems so powerless, many of the spikes on the rattan have been eaten by monsters and poisons.

The spirituality of it is a little bit reduced.

Satay breathed a sigh of relief, stopped playing the magic whistle, smiled, and prepared to speak to let Shi Yan refine the hunter.

At this moment, he suddenly became alert and his face became extremely ugly.


Three bones of the bones of the bones, crystal clear as white jade, quietly emerged from the gap of three narrow spaces, such as three beams of thunder lightning, instantly stabbed his chest.

The sand shovel was discolored and hurriedly responded.

He never expected that Shiyan would choose this waiting list!

When Xian played the magic sound whistle, it was the time when his mental power was most concentrated. Shaju was always prepared with caution. In his thoughts, Shi Yan really wanted to shoot, and he would choose to play during his playing the magic whistle. Because at that time, he needed to spend a lot of energy to smother the monsters and poisons to entangle the hunters.

At this time, he shot him and he was the best time to look at him. He even revealed flaws in his secrets. He had a perfect plan and waited for Shiyan to suddenly shoot.

It is a pity that Shi Yan has been very relaxed and calm when he blows away the magic flute. He stretches his nerves for a long time, and nothing happens.

The magic sound whistle stopped, and the robbed ghost vine was screwed out. At this time, Shiyan’s attention was also placed on the ghost hand vine. Shaying thought that Shiyan really had an idea for the ghost vine, and saw that the overall situation was fixed and tight. The nerves finally relaxed, and I planned to let Shiyan go to refining the ghost vines and start from the secret.

But in this gap, Shiyan started! Nothing to come!

The spurs of the three cracked voids, such as the Thunder blade, directly slammed into his chest, and the quick people could not even change their minds.

Puff puff!

Three sharp instruments into the sound of the meat, a beautiful armor rupture in the chest of the sand, three **** flowers appeared, the internal blood clots squirming, there are several poisonous insects inside his body, struggling with claws in the spurs The tip, desperately resisting, does not let the three bone spurs fall into his heart.

That is his life-threatening **** with flesh and blood!

A fresh ping pong came out of the sand, and his face suddenly became white. His body was wounded, and the **** of life was followed by a heavy blow, which instantly injured the heart and lungs.

"Good vicious!"

Sha Fei screamed with a cold face.

Shi Yan was silent, his face was cold and cold like a cold knife, and the body was shocked. A fierce and violent sky burst into flames. The body's internal forces were like a wave of waves, and they piled up in a stack.

At the time when his strength in the body was skyrocketing, he held a **** giant sword, stepped across the air, and slammed it toward the sand.

If the sky is dyed red by the giant sword, it becomes a **** color of the monks, and a **** oppression of silence is suddenly overshadowed.

The soul of the sand scares is scattered.


He spit out a smear of blood, blood mixed with minced meat, and many tiny poisonous insects in the minced meat.

The poisonous worms were stabbed with tiny wings, screaming and screaming, madly licking the minced meat that he spit out, bulging at the speed visible to the naked eye, turning golden, and becoming round.

A swelled poisonous worm swells, and the former servant rushes to the stone rock. Once it is close to the stone rock, it suddenly bursts, and instantly forms the energy fluctuation of the horror, and disturbs the surrounding void.

The soy-sized poisonous insects, after absorbing the essence of the sand scorpion, caused a thrilling energy storm in a self-destructive way, so that Shiyan could not come in for a short time.

Satay is full of blood, such as being scratched with a bayonet, like a evil spirit.

His screaming screams, the life of the chest squirming and squirming, and the three bone spurs forced out of the flesh.

The sand shovel slammed into the hunter of the hunter, and the body was wrapped in countless monsters and poisons. The poisonous worms suddenly fled and dive in the filthy rivers and lakes everywhere.

In just a few tens of seconds, hundreds of thousands of monsters and poisons disappeared, leaving only the self-detonating sound of the rounded worms that were often sprayed out of the sand.

"When my injury is restored, I will be tasted by the worms. I remember you!"

The screams of the savage and savage of Satay came from the depths of the secluded underground, and gradually drifted away. When he spoke, he was also fleeing quickly. Obviously he was extremely afraid at this time.

......(To be continued


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