God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1088: Strong grab

The first eighty-eighth chapter

The day of the red dragonfly, the fire splattered, and the vines and vines slowly cracked and rusted the wooden shell, and the ice-blue silk thread with a thick hair was quietly revealed...

There are many rattans in the vines, and after each rattan is refining, many crystal ice-blue threads are displayed. Those silks are silky, blue and blue, very beautiful and beautiful, with a weak soul. Fluctuation, this is a hundred souls of the soul, a peculiar Yuan Shi soul material, the endless use. ("")

Shangyingyue's eyes are bright, and her face is full of joy. She continues to refine her vines and take out a piece of prismatic crystal.

The prismatic crystals, such as narrow eyes, float out of her white palms and slowly fall to the hunter.

The prismatic crystals quietly moved, and they entangled on the hundred souls of the robbery, entangled a hundred robbers of soul, just like someone was winding a wooden block, winding the long root coil together.

Looking at a crystal clear hundred robbery silk wrapped around the crystal, the commercial shadows of the moon trembled, more and more condensed spiritual will, refining more rattan.

She knows that Shiyan may come back at any time and wants to end as soon as possible, so as not to provoke a stone attack.

Before hiding in the dark, she saw the confrontation between Shiyan and Nasha, and her attitude towards Shiyan has been completely changed!

When she first saw Shiyan, she did not put the stone rock of the **** of the gods in the eyes. Before entering the ancient continent, she had made up her mind. Once I met, I must not let Shiyan look good.

She also really did this.

Previously Shiyan saw her take the initiative to avoid, and she was more and more sure that the stone rock was low and the strength was very poor. On this ancient continent, many high-definition gods were rampant, and Shiyan was at the bottom of the food chain. She felt that people People can bully.

But Shasha was defeated by Shiyan...

Of course, she knew that the stone rock resort was insidious, and the first sneak attack with a despicable sneak attack, but Sha Sha was defeated.

Moreover, Shiyan is hot and poisonous, and he has no desire to kill all the kills. He has tried his best to kill the sand scorpion and chase it out all the way. He must kill the sand smash when he is seriously injured. ("")

She realized that Shiyan was not easy to deal with...

While collecting hundreds of robbery souls, Shangyingyue was secretly vigilant, and looked around uneasy, ready to shoot.

Suddenly, her soul has a heart!

The face of Shangyingyue changed suddenly, the attention space was concentrated, and the thunder and lightning appeared in the graceful posture. The electric dragon wandered on her body. The **** body was like a set of green arc electric awns, which made her shine.

A breath of cold and cold, from all directions, seems to reach people's minds.

Shangyingyue was shocked.

In her mind, a **** and colorful "dead" word, like the mountains and mountains, is strange and emerges, and suddenly rushes to her knowledge of the sea.

The word "dead" is bloody, and there are countless violent, crazy, killing thoughts. I suddenly hooked out her inner fear and made her mentally disoriented. The whole person seems to have been smashed by the soul, a force. Such as the river water, mentioning a note.

The consciousness of death invades the mind, occupying her esoteric layer and letting her spirits rise.


In her virtual world, the thunder and lightning are intertwined, and there is a tens of thousands of mad thunder in the virtual world. She directly hits the Olympics, rushes into her knowledge of the sea, and competes with the word "dead" to rush away from the negative emotions that come.

Numerous ice peaks floated and rolled in the cold sea of ​​the virtual world, infiltrating the cold and cold energy into her soul, making her soul slowly recover.

Her beauty showed a touch of light, a little forehead.

The imaginary world of hundreds of thousands of Thunder lightnings has emerged in her celestial cover, shrouded the red dragonfly's heavens, and numerous Thunder lightnings have become roaring intensive mad dragons, seemingly to destroy the heavens and the earth.

This piece of flaming land, like the looting of the thunder, highlights the changes that have destroyed the earth and destroyed the land. Thousands of thunder and lightning dragons screamed and screamed toward the young people who had walked in the distance.

The youth is naturally stone rock. ("7*"

With the negative emotions of death, she immediately invaded her mind, and she knew that she would usher in the most violent counterattack, but he still underestimated the power of Shangyingyue.

Seeing countless lightning surges, his body became a huge heart, and there was a tremor of "咚咚咚". The blood of the body, such as iron and steel, flowed, bringing him a sky of energy. Under the urging, he calmly condensed the space barrier.

In front of his eyes, there are layers of ripples in the space. Each ripple is a layer of space. Under his two hands, dozens of spaces are allowed to float.

The thunderbolt dragons rushed over and tried to smash the tears and destroy the layers of space, but the speed was slowed down.


He looked up at the fire in front, and the raging flame released by Shangying Yue Mibao suddenly settled, and he no longer jumped.

A piece of prismatic crystal wrapped around a hundred robbers, under his ten fingers, one by one, he was taken away, and the spoils of the hard work of Shangyingyue were all cheaper.


A thundering whip that smashed the heavens and the earth, pulled from a distance, and the space that he condensed out was demarcated and was completely cut in an instant.

The consciousness of the space energy suddenly spattered, and he knew the sea chaos, and the mysterious layer also swayed violently. The soul was like a knife, and the pain reached the extreme.

The stone rock body swayed a bit, his face was cold and cold, and said: "Sure enough, I don't want to swear by the gods."

The shadow of the sacred lightning of Shangyingyue actually caused him to be injured instantly. Many of his gods were annihilated by lightning, and his soul also had a weak and weak power. The forces of the gods and the gods of the gods overlapped each other and sacrificed. Out of the virtual world against the enemy, he is also somewhat unbearable.

"Hand over the hundred robbing souls!" Shangying ketone body trembles, gnashing teeth and squeaky.

The sky whip shadows, such as hundreds of millions of thunder and lightning, climbed into the sky, intertwined into a dense grid, and Huo Ran came over to the top of Shiyan’s head, which contained a horrible thunder that smashed all living beings.

This blow is afraid that it is difficult for the general **** to cope.

Those who can enter the ancient continent are the most outstanding virtual powerhouses in the major stars. They are often the three heavens of the virtual gods, and even have the terrible power to transcend the realm.

Shangyingyue is this type of person.

She holds the gods, the virtual gods of the three heavens, the anger of the shots is simply earth-shattering.

Shiyan’s face is gloomy, and the fierceness of the blood and the sea is rushing out. The blood is almost comparable to the ancient beasts. It is so strong that he is already urging the undead blood, ready to become undead. The magic body is gone.

Shangyingyue is too strong!

"Big brother, this girl is very strong!"

A thunderous sound suddenly came from a distance, even if you saw a golden giant hammer like a hedgehog rolling in, the weight of the hammer was doubled every time the hammer was rolled, and the hammer of the size of the disc was attached. The strength of the force seems to burst a small mine star, which is terrible.


The giant hammer fell like a meteorite in the sky, and suddenly appeared in the lightning whips of the sky. In the meantime, if the void was shattered, lightning and golden light splashed, and the ground cracked the gully, which was several kilometers deep.

A powerful big man laughed and laughed, and he was covered in gold armor, such as the gods and soldiers, and the whole body revealed the golden spirit that could destroy all the hard things in the world.

"Big brother, it’s a hundred ghosts!"

The giant Han eyes stunned and suddenly smiled and laughed. The sound was like Hong Zhongdao: "It's very interesting."

It is clear that Shangyingyue is starting to attack Shiyan. He can completely clean up the mess by losing both sides, but he does not. If he wants to show his strength to the extreme in Shangyingyue, he seems to show his most arrogant violent. One side is coming.

The giant Han looks rough, and it seems that the age is not too big. His face is violent, his footsteps are like a landslide, and the earth that is stepping on is rumbling.

After he came over, he reached out and grabbed the giant hammer. He laughed at Shangyingyue: "You are very strong, I like powerful women!"

"Nervous disease!"

Shangying’s face was cold and his face was stunned. He said to Shiyan’s cold voice: “Hand over the things, or I’ll be rude!”

"Hundreds of sorrows and vines belong to our brothers. We discovered them earlier, just because there is a little private matter that has not been collected." A handsome man, who came here, said with a leisurely smile.

Shi Yan’s heart was dumb, and he wanted to go all out. He looked at the big man who suddenly emerged from the smirk, and stopped the subsequent strength improvement, but looked at the hunter.

Under the burning of the shadow of the Shangying month, the hundreds of robbers and vines no longer exist, only the gray fluffy material flies in the sky. In the position of the hunter, the ground is covered with a lot of ice blue silk. All are a hundred souls of silk, crystal bright, and a slight wonderful soul wave.

Hundreds of robberies are very small, there are thousands of scorpions, only one-fifth of the collections before the Shangying month, at this time he was stunned by his income.

There are still four-fifths of the robbing souls, and there is still nothing to be done at this time, but it seems not easy to get it.

When he was arrested by the palm of his hand, he felt a wonderful feeling from the layer of mystery. This hundred robbers seemed to have some magical effect on the mysterious layer, which made him secretly pay attention to it. Silk is curious.

"There are four-fifths of the Hundreds of Souls, and if you want, you can collect it."

Shi Yan said calmly, shook his head at the Shangyingyue month and said: "If you fall into my hand, you can't take it. The rest, you have to take it away, you need to move your brain."

"No!" The handsome young man who came over, after a few words, stopped for a few seconds, and suddenly frowned: "Someone has already been unable to hold it."

It seems as if a sorrowful soul, his faintness drifts toward the direction of the hundred robbing souls, his eyes are shining with the pale lustre of the monks, and his breath is extremely dangerous.

"There are still people underneath." Juhan smiled indifferently and casually said: "The more people, the better, so that is interesting. Anyway, no matter how many people come, things will be me and my brother."

Shi Yan frowned, glanced at the direction and found that a mud man slowly emerged from the mud, only a pair of eyes were cold and cold, and there seemed to be no human emotions.



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