God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1090: Break 桎梏

Chapter 190 breaks 桎梏

Another corner. ("")

The geeks who were covered in mud suddenly sneaked into the ground, and half of them were sunk together with him. The six huge palms were pressed like mountains, and there was a wave of seals.

A strip of bright river traversing the sky, such as the sparkling chain of the splendid waves, to entangle the palm of the mountain, there are countless thunder and lightning, a whip with a flash of lightning, in which Spoil.

The giant man who is as strong as steel, carrying a giant hammer, grinning at the side, laughing, without intervening.

The handsome man frowned, watching the six palms of the mountain disappear into the ground, secretly inducted, Shen Sheng: "This person is powerful."

"Big Brother, can't you keep him?" Giant Han shouted.

"He cultivates the earth's righteousness and understands the surrounding environment. The strength and the righteousness are integrated in the mud. It is difficult for us to force him out." The handsome man shook his head and said: "This guy is very difficult to deal with, um, it seems that this ancient Those who come from the mainland are really the pinnacle of the major stars."

"Big brother, those hundred robbers?" Giant Han grinned.

In the quagmire, there are many crystals of hundreds of souls, and the clay man is only half taken, and perhaps the same. The handsome man does not have a hysterical killer.

Half of the hundred robbery souls, shining with a faint luster, standing next to the face of the cold and cold business days.

At this time, Shangyingyue was cold as ice, and his stomach was annoyed, and he wished to kill everyone.

The hundred robbing ghosts and vines were the first to be discovered by her, but they were spoiled by Shiyan and Shaying. Later, they were taken away by Shiyan. Now they are half taken by the clay figurine. At this time, there are not many hundred souls left. There are also two inscrutable brothers.

Shangying's moonlight vomiting blood.

The handsome man touched his chin and thought about it for a while. He suddenly laughed and said, "Let's take another half."

The man with the portable giant hammer looked blank.

Shangyingyue also stumbled. ("7*"

"Just take half, see who has a share, but also give others a little bit." The handsome man said with a smile.

The giant man looked amazed, but did not say anything, screaming and taking away the remaining hundred robbers, and then turned to look at him, "big brother?"

"Let's go." The handsome man squinted and took a deep look at Shangyingyue. "My name is Wu Feng. I will say hello to your father for me. I will say that I miss him very much..."

Then, he left with the giant.

"Wu Feng... Wu Feng." Shangying Yueshen's feelings are wrong, and Emei's deep locks are considered. It has only changed for a long time. It seems that he suddenly thinks of something and reveals the appearance of his heart.


"Big brother, who is that woman? We can kill her and take away the hundred souls of the soul. Isn't this like your style?"

After leaving from here, my brother, Wu Bai, was confused.

"If we kill her, it will be troublesome in the future, or it will be less irritating." The handsome man who claimed to be Wu Feng was laughing.

"Who is she?"

"Shangying Month."

"Have not heard."

"You kid is kept close to practice all the year round. Naturally, I don't know the mystery. Her father cultivates destiny and can hide the fate of the destiny. It is extremely mysterious. Her mother's origin is also very strong. When I was outside, I was ordered by her father. After one round, I owe a person a favor."

"Big Brother, the last time you were stuck in the source of the gods, you can't break through the virtual gods, the one that was spotted?"

"That is that time."

"This way, it really owes a person a person, no wonder the big brother did not kill her."


Shangyingyue collected the remaining hundred robbery, and the cold face looked a little better. She took a deep breath and indulged herself. She took out a prismatic mirror, the material of the mirror and the edge of her collection. Like a crystal, it seems to have some connection. The latest chapter of the church

A scent of frost sprayed out, and the mirror suddenly showed a layer of platinum luster, faintly shining a blurred scene.

She leaned forward and frowned for a while, and the beauty gradually lighted up and sneered: "I am unlucky enough to go to the robbery at this time."

As a cold and cold light, she quietly flew away from this piece, flew in the direction of Shiyan, and the suffocating air in the body slowly overflowed.

After half an hour.

Shangyingyue was in a blue-breasted gown, and the pretty face stopped in a quagmire. She was stepping on a group of ice under her feet, so she didn't have to be contaminated with sewage.

The painted brow moved, and a white bracelet on her wrist swayed, and then the chilly force condensed and became a piece of sharp ice. The ice was like a thin blade, cold and secluded. The cold light is like electricity, and suddenly it is stabbed inside the mud.


A layer of hurdles suddenly burst, and a piece of cold knives shattered, and the sound was heard in the mud.

There is enchantment closed!

In the eyes of Shangyingyue, the flash of light flashed, and more cold blades like thin **** emerged, and the cold and sturdy bones quickly fell into the ground.


Numerous lightning bolts violently exploded. Under the driving force of her power, they also violently infiltrated, and this piece of earth must be overwhelmed.

Deep in the ground, the stone rock wrapped in hard and hard mud, the body suddenly moved.

The soul of the soul altar was quietly drifting out, floating from the cover of the heavenly spirit, swaying and rushing to the mire.


Such as a group of demon spirits, such as a colorful fireball, burning fierce life fluctuations.

A hot flame flies out in an instant, and in the upper reaches of the sky, the fire is drawn out. The flames of the source are rushing out, and all the wetlands in the surrounding area are sizzling. The thick earth energy of the ancient continent is like It became the body of the flame soul, and a large number of gatherings came.

In just a few seconds, the thick, water-like heaven and earth energy actually condenses into a smoggy body, wrapping the flame-like soul.


A huge energy air mass, such as the size of a fan, is full of strong power, and has rolled to the commercial shadow month.

In the shadow of the sky, the thunder and the energy air mass impact, the surrounding bombings are devastated, and the earth is roaring.

She looked blank.

This soul-free flame soul seems to be able to easily use the energy of the ancient continent, control the power to arbitrarily attack in various ways, and form a violent force, which makes it difficult for her to cope.

Shangyingyue suddenly had a bad feeling: this guy is the owner of the ancient continent!

If it is not the owner of the ancient continent, can you so skillfully run the power of the ancient continent and be able to attack anyone as you wish?

Her sense of horror is also the excitement of Shiyan.

The deputy soul is the fusion of the origin of the ancient continent and the skyfire. It is the core of the gods' continent. The gods' continent is also one of the ancient continents, and it is the same as the ancient continent called "the wasteland".

Perhaps it is for this reason that when his deputy soul is away from the gods, it seems that there is no binding force, and it is able to control the horror of the heavens and the earth, to form powerful attacks based on the fluctuation of the soul, and to easily capture the quotient. The movement of the shadow moon.

Without the physical restraint, he flew out the deputy soul, and it turned out to be like a blind man.

The main soul and the deputy soul are in the flesh. He can't perceive the fluctuations of life around him. It seems that there are invisible barriers blocking him, so that he can't use the gods to see other people's movements and discover the surrounding scenes.

- This is also a headache for all those who enter the ancient continent.

However, when his deputy soul breaks away from the body, it seems to break this embarrassment at once. The deputy soul seems to be part of this ancient continent. He can easily perceive the changes in the surrounding area through the deputy soul!

In the Wanli area, it is still a vast expanse of swamps, but there are many powerful lives lurking. Unlike what he saw before, those life lurking in all corners are flocking, and some are clustered. He silently perceives it and draws A very clear conclusion: a person who entered the ancient continent has joined forces!

This discovery made him very scared. It was all the geniuses of the big stars and the powerful gods. One of them made him a headache. If several people joined hands, he would not be difficult.


A kilometer-long heaven and earth energy fist, hard life will force the shadow of the shadow to open, and her lightning power is violent.

The spirit of the deputy soul was slightly weakened. He immediately understood that the energy of the deputy spirit could not be endless, but also consumed the spirit of the soul, which made him know that he could not be unbeaten by the relationship between the deputy soul and the ancient continent. place.

"Don't be mad! You haven't finished yet?" The deputy soul sent a strong soul volatility, converging to the commercial shadow month.

"I am noisy? Is it always good for you to be an enemy with me?" Shangying’s face is cold. "You took the lead of our world, and also peeked at my bathing water, and robbed me of the hundred souls, who is Noisy?"

"The result of the election is that your father gave me a hard copy. I heard your voice and looked at it. I was worried that you have something. Don’t you know what to do? As for stealing your soul, if you are not telling me whereabouts, Hey, I am trying to fight with Sha Fei. How come you are in your mouth, are you taking care of it?"

Shiyan took a deep breath and suddenly said: "I finally remind you once. Now there are a lot of strong people joining forces nearby. You and I will all die, and one of them is coming to us. Our battle will give them Guide the direction. If you don't want to die, I ask you to be honest!"

“A group of people are coming over?” Shangyingyue sneered and taunted: “Don’t tell me, can you gain insight into the surrounding conditions? As far as I know, no one can detect the fluctuations of the surrounding strong people on the ancient continent. You can? What state are you?"

"Believe it or not." Shi Yan was impatient with the message. "There are about five hundred miles on your left side. Someone is coming. If we don't fight, they can't lock our position. You can go." I still need to temper the virtual world anyway, I will stay here."

Then, his deputy soul landed slowly and was hidden in the mud.

Shangying month hesitated, snorted and quickly traced.



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