God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1110: Torn your face!

Mia said this, the eyes of Yoman's moving eyes are red, and all the people of the Fernandez family who followed Mia, not only because of the pressure of the Ascot family, but all of them are very excited. (, "")

When treating the enemy, Mia, no matter how cold and deceitful, is not a disadvantage for them, but a leader's personal ability.

If this leader treats his own people, showing enough attention and care, will make every one of them more supportive, so that everyone can do more with their heart and even sacrifice their lives.

Obviously, Mia's words made her majesty very moved, but inspired the fighting enthusiasm.

On the contrary, it is the more gloomy face of Phelp. He didn't say much at this time, but he only nodded.

Watt holds the soundstone and keeps in touch with the people of the Ascot family. Many of the strongest Ascot families scattered around have quickly rushed in, and there is a loud crack in the far away.

Shi Yan still calmly held Phelp, sitting there like him, squinting his eyes and waiting for the arrival of the Ascot family.

"What should we do?" Jiaoshan whispered.

Mo Zhen, Wu Feng, and Cecilia and others were on the other side, and they were clearly separated from the two protoss. They kept a relatively safe distance. Everyone looked cautiously at Phelp, Mia, and others, and wanted to know things. Follow-up development.

"For the time being, don't worry about it. Everyone just has to look at it." Mo Yan smiled eccentrically. "I think at this time, they should have no energy to deal with us. Of course, we should not take the initiative to attack the guns that provoke each other." I suddenly found that the situation is getting more and more interesting. Don't you think?"

Everyone laughed low and the expressions were easy.

"Phelp is crazy." Mia suddenly broke the deadlock, and before the Ascot family did not gather, she suddenly waved: "We are not accompanying them to play, let's go first."

If you stay here and do not move, with the gradual advent of the Ascot family, this battle will inevitably occur, and Mia suddenly feels that this is not necessary at all.

Because she can leave, she can not participate in the war, as long as she avoids the strongest of the Ascot family, she does not take the initiative to set off the war. Is it that Philp and Watt dare to let the people chase her to kill?

"The colorful ghosts don't leave, don't leave." Shi Yan said coldly, stabbing the spurs on Phelp's chest, a little harder.

A bright red wound bursts directly, and faintly can see the heart of Phelp's fierce beating. The bone spurs only need to break a few inches forward.

"kill and kill!"

Like a snake that was stepped on his tail, Phelp suddenly screamed and snarled and asked Watt to kill him.

At this time, the strongest of the Ascot family was not all present, but Watt and the other six were extremely advanced people, and they were not afraid to face Mia. They saw that Phelp was so miserable. He did not dare. I thought more, I could only rush out in the tremor of Shiyan’s arm.

The people of the Ascot family, such as the volcano erupted, slammed into Mia and Joman, and Watt and others pointed to Mia and surrounded them in an instant.

"Hand over the colorful ghost demon flowers!" Watt snorted.

"You are really crazy, and dare to start with us. I will see how you will explain to the Presbyterian in the future!" Mia looked cold and "Dare to come to the ancient continent, don't be afraid to be killed, you are so afraid of death." What qualifications are inherited from the patriarchs of the Ascot family, perhaps you die early and are a boon to my family."

"Hey! You should die soon!" Phil Pu Li.

The future successors of the two Protoss forces that have been called by the younger brothers and sisters have finally officially broken.

Watt took the lead and led the Ascot family's six imaginary gods to attack Mia.

In an instant, this area has turned upside down, and various forces have collided with each other to create a ray of colorful light, as if the splendid fireworks filled the sky, accompanied by the roar of the earth and the bursting of the air.

All are the virtual gods and the heavens, and the three heavens are strong. Once the raging shots, the nearby earth is deep, the void is like a smash, all kinds of powers such as colorful rivers stalking in the sky, such as the rainbow thunder and lightning, let This heaven and earth is like being drowned by the ocean of energy.

If someone overlooks the sky, they will find that the area is like an energy flash flood, the raging power is colorful, the ocean is flooding and spreading around, and all the trees, sand, flowers and flowers along the way are mixed into powder and debris. Destroy everything.

Mo Zhen was surprised and happy, and ignored the glance, releasing energy barriers to defend their space and prevent themselves from being affected.

All kinds of forces in the swamp broke out in madness, and the fierce and arrogant arrogance of each other smashed and crushed the earth and earth, and the earth was devastated.

"Before they don't have a win or loss, we must not intervene, we must be patient and wait." Wu Feng looked sinister smile, sighed and said: "That guy is really powerful, even think of such a wonderful strategy, We all followed it."

Everyone has echoed, and the eyes of Shiyan are full of awe and excitement. Even the four people who were glaring at Shiyan, Shangyingyue, Jiaoshan and Jiaohai, are full of cheerful smiles on their faces. Intention, all kinds of unpleasantness are swept away.

"Right, you said that his soul consciousness is not bound by the shackles of the ancient continent. Is this statement true?" Suddenly, Mo Zhen took a look and screamed.

Everyone looks at Shangyingyue.

"It is true. Here he can still sense the fluctuations of life around him, and the knowledge is not affected at all." Shangyingyue is extremely sure.

Mo Yan’s eyes were bright and he nodded. Shen Sheng said: “After this battle, if Fernandez and the Ascot family lose both sides, perhaps... we can slap each other through his gods. Kill in the swamp! Because they hide and escape no matter how they are, they will be caught and found!"

Wu Feng and Cecilia are all very excited, and the corners of their mouths can't help but show a smile. The eyes that look to Shiyan are getting hotter.

"Hey, if he appeared five years ago, we wouldn't be so passive." Wu Feng said with emotion.

"Satay, you must cast a hatred against him. From today, you must never be poisoned to him!" Mo Zhen looked coldly at the sand.

Wu Feng and Cecilia, Shangyingyue, and Jiaoshan people all looked at the sand with warning eyes, forcing him to express his position at this time. "Reassure, I don't want to be strangled by the Protoss. We are safe." Before I lifted it, I wouldn’t be like him.” Sha Fei said with a sullen face.

"In fact, everyone doesn't have to worry too much." Cecilia giggled, dismissively glanced at Satay. "Really, he is really not an opponent."

Everyone looked at them, and each of them was weird. They couldn’t help but laugh at the low, and they agreed with Cecilia.

Satay's face is more ugly than ugly.

In a frozen marsh area, there is a chilly white mist in the distance. There are huge glaciers in the fog that are inserted into the clouds. This is the land that borders the glaciers.


A smashing sound of the ice was heard, and a figure appeared suddenly, and his face stood cold on a piece of ice.


A number of figures flew in and out, and dozens of people stood behind him in a short time, all of which were full of breath, giving people a sharp sense of sharpness.

"Young Master, we came across the barrier, you see?" Peyton squinted, slightly squatting, waiting for Hagrid's orders.

"I feel it."

Black gaze closed his eyes, a faint flame shadow slowly emerged from the back of his head, like a tiny flame meteor flying and spinning, the raging skyfire energy, also sent out strong soul fluctuations.

Half-sounding, the black-faced face suddenly changed, and the look became extremely sullen. "Damn! What are they doing?"

"What happened to the young master?" Peyton stunned.

"Mia's people and Phelp's people seem to be fighting, and those interracial fish are safely watching in the sidelines. These two people are not invaded by the soul, actually making such incredible things, damn, they Will break my big thing!"

Hagrid's two different atmospheres alternated, and the anger was like the most turbulent volcano. For a while, it was as cold as the cold ice, and the soul was cold and shivering.

The extreme cold and the heat of the extreme heat are contained in his body, allowing him to change his temperament at will, giving a feeling of extreme fear and danger.

The encirclement plan for the seed geniuses of the major stars is his personally formulated and practiced by him, and he proved to be a feat for the elders. In order to succeed, he can sacrifice small interests and also help to help Mia. Phelp cleared the obstacles.

Because he knows that as long as there is no problem in the general direction, as long as he can kill all the major star warriors and make his proposed plan come true, he will succeed in this and will be unanimously recognized by the elders.

However, I entered this place and immediately discovered that the Allies not only did not act, but they were still intertwined. The volcano inside Haig was immediately ignited. "Let the fastest speed! I want them to give me an account!"

He will never allow anyone to destroy his plan!

He paused and looked amazed, but he didn't dare to ask, and immediately nodded and said: "Everyone will push the power to the extreme, and clear the troubles in the swamp as soon as possible."

The Bradley family's powerful warriors are silent, and they are full of enthusiasm. They have exploded their powers and acted to correspond to Peyton's slogan.

For a time, in the earth-shattering explosion, there were dozens of deep giant pits here, and I saw a figure madly plucking away.


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