God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1118: Sudden change

Inside the swamp, the pedestrians converge on the breath, slowing down the pace and quietly sneaking. "" ""

For the first person to be Joman, he frowned and his eyes were faintly electro-optic. It seemed to be clear about what was in the distance, very cautious.

The families of Mia and the Fernandez family were pulled behind, without showing a trace of intolerance. They were waiting for the guidance of Yoman. They all trusted Johann’s judgment.

"The news of Haig didn't have any traces." Joman probed for a while and suddenly stopped. He looked far away from the clear lake that appeared to the front. He whispered: "The majority of those people gathered nearby, they seem to have tossed for a while. ..."

Yoman smashed the wet soil under his feet, rubbed his fingers, and looked at the trees next to him, frowning: "These people walked around in many places, like, what was laid out."

Mia squatted, and her left hand suddenly raised her high.

All the people of the Fernandez family slammed and stopped at the same place, all looking alert and looking around.

"You mean that someone might have a ban?" Mia asked seriously.

Yoman nodded, pointing to the land ahead, the trees standing, the thick bushes, and surely replied: "From the tiny signs, the other side must have touched the hands and feet, and it is still quite secret. Fortunately, I am This road has been immersed for many years and can see their little movements."

"It’s weird." Mia was amazed. "Don’t they know that we will be here? If not, why should we set up a ban here?"

"I don't know much about this." This is where Joman is puzzled.

They did not know that Shiyan was the same as Haig, and they could not know the ancient continent. They could judge their path from their direction, so they prepared in advance, which made the two people very surprised.

"Maybe it is not possible for us to target Phelp or Haig, but we must be cautious anyway." Mia thought for a moment, suddenly laughed, and turned back to white four people: "You explore the front The situation."

The four faces of the white man are sinking at the same time.

Mia and Yoman’s dialogues are clear to them. In the mud, shrubs and bushes that seem normal in front, they may all be dangerous and may cause human life. Mia is afraid that her family will be injured and she wants to let them They used cannon fodder, which made anger in the hearts of Bai Yu and others.

But they dare not show it. At this time, Mia’s power was too strong, showing overwhelming power, and they were told by the family before they came over, to listen to Mia’s orders.

The white cockroach can only agree with the scalp.

"Everyone is careful, the front may not be very good." His heart was tight, and suddenly God was cautious to gradually promote the body's divine power and run the whole body.

The other three masters of the White House also learned him. They first condensed the power of the gods, and then they ran the power of the righteousness. They gradually transformed the illusion of the eagle and the giant illusion, leaving the body in place and calling the illusion to the front. In fact, the speed is still very slow.

Mia's cold scorpion flashed a stern color, coldly watching the actions of the four white people, and turned back to the Fernandez family to withdraw a little later.

The bottom of the lake is hundreds of meters.

The stone rock in the transparent bubble still holds the hand of Cecilia with both hands. The atmosphere of the intimate lover seems to be very good. Whether he or Cecilia is very grim, the eyes are shining before the war. The urgency of solemnity.

"How?" Cecilia exhaled Ruolan's soft voice, and the beauty was full of nervousness.

Her body's divine power is like a stream of streams and the air bubbles in the lake are faintly echoed. The energy of the explosive force in the bubbles seems to be consistent with her thoughts, and she can burst at any time.

Those bubbles are a peculiar secret treasure. They can gather the water vapor of the heavens and the earth in the lake and oceans to be compressed into explosive energy. Once they are pushed out, they will instantly form a terrible power frenzy. She is refining her own hands. She knows well. The horror of the power of bubbles.

She is prepared to use the instant destructiveness of the bubbles, giving Mia and others a heavy blow and adding more survival chips to themselves.

This sloppy plan was also proposed and formulated by her. She didn't want to have any scorpions and let everyone doubt her ability, so she was nervous.

"Not very smooth."

Shi Yan's face was cold, and she glanced at her and closed her eyes. The deputy soul at the back of the brain swirled like a flame, releasing soul fluctuations.

Cecilia’s heart was tight and she said, “What is the situation?”

"The Joyo seems to be very good at catching clues. He seems to have discovered something. Now Mia's people have all stopped. Mia seems to send white people to do cannons." Open eyes, stone rock wrinkled Frowning, said: "Whether is Johann’s good pursuit, any small signs will be revealed, and he will be linked by him, and then capture a lot of news?"

"Damn! Miss this guy!" Cecilia suddenly repented, anxiously said: "In the past five years, Mia, Phelp, they have relied on Yoman's tracking, in order to re-find us again and again. Although not as good as the guys you said, the coverage is strong, but Yoman is indeed very extraordinary."

"It seems that the plan may not receive the expected results." Shi Yan touched his chin, his brain flashed, and he was thinking about it quickly.

"Mo, Sha, and Shangying are spending a lot of precious attacking instruments in order to arrange those prohibitions. If they can't receive the effect, they will be depressed and vomiting blood. We are afraid that there will be no chance to set up next time." Celia's frown is tight, her charming face is full of grace, and she is searching for a reversal strategy.


Shiyan suddenly screamed.


When the illusion was evolved in the day, and Mia was step by step toward the lake, Mia suddenly stopped.

Everyone was stunned and looked at her. White is even more ugly, forcibly restraining his temper and posing with a stinky face: "Miss Mia, what other orders do you have?"

Mia suddenly smiled and waved: "You don't worry about it for a while. According to Haig, there is a guy in the lake who knows how to use space. Once you trigger the ban, he will immediately leave and we will find it hard to trap him. ""

Through Yoman's judgment, Mia suddenly came up with a speculation that she thought was correct: when those bans were arranged by Shiyan, it was convenient for Shiyan and Cecilia to do things at the bottom of the lake, as long as the external prohibition triggered Shiyan can know that someone is coming, and can take advantage of the space to escape.

There is such a judgment in my heart, Mia naturally does not want to let them stunned and stunned, and calmly calm down, rushing to Joman: "We will sum up and see how to first mess up the space, so that the guy can not rely on space for an instant. The righteousness left."

"We have no intention of being mindless, and we have time to plan slowly. There are a lot of methods." Yoman smiled coldly. "For example, the sky is filled with energy and the magnetic storm is formed, which makes the space unable to withstand collapse. for example……"

Joman thought about it, smiled coldly, and made a plan for Mia. Mia listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

The bottom of the lake.

"What's wrong?" Cecilia was shocked by his somewhat awkward, flattering face. "Is there anything worse?"

Shi Yan smiled bitterly. "You really said it."

"Ah!" Cecilia shouted.

"The other party not only knows that we are at the bottom of the lake, but also knows our identity. They are ready to start messing up the space, so that I can't take advantage of the space." With his eyes open, he secretly sensed, "There is no space in any area." The vibration point, once smashed or destroyed, the cultivating space of the righteous, can not quickly take away. Now, they are preparing to slap me when they are not paying attention, seal those shock points, and then come to us."

As soon as this statement came out, Cecilia was eclipsed and said: "Since the plan is difficult to implement, we should not continue to stay, and immediately evacuate!"

"The bubbles in your lake, if all burst open, the destructive power formed in an instant, how many people can be killed?" Shi Yan suddenly asked.

"Even if it is the first **** of heaven and earth, dare to venture in, it is also a must-have!" Cecilia from the channel, and immediately lost face again, "What is the use of these now? If we are ourselves At the cost of killing, it is definitely not worth it. We will evacuate as soon as they have not succeeded! Later, it will change!"

"You can take a fight."

Shi Yan looked solemn and took a deep breath. He said: "They don't know how violent the ban on our periphery is. I can't guess that you made such a big squad at the bottom of the lake. They only banned the ban, but only me. Get out the police."

"How to fight? If you fail, you can't take me away, do we have to die here?" Cecilia shook her head again and again, "I don't think it's worth it."

"The value is not worth it. If I say it, you just have to listen." Shi Yan suddenly sneered, clenching the arms of Cecilia, and said: "Do not worry, they can only confine the space, it is only very small. A range, as long as we clash out, I will take you away immediately."

Cecilia's pretty face was white, watching his cold look, his heart chilling, and secretly daring for him.

Shi Yan grabbed her for a while and suddenly let go. When Cecilia was surprised, Shi Yan grinned. "The other party has succeeded. If you kill me now, you must die." It will only reveal the secrets of the lake in advance, I think you will not be so stupid.

Cecilia stared at him for a while, her charming face was full of bitterness and helplessness. She had calmed down and she glanced at Shiyan. She said, "Forget it, just go crazy with you, hope that we Can survive."

"Reassured, we can survive." Shi Yan said seriously.


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