God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1133: a reincarnation

Chapter 1,130, a reincarnation

A group of dark purple flames swayed with a gorgeous luster, and escaped from the left eye of the little fat man, faintly rolling, and there was a strong soul turbulence.

The little fat man glared at the small eyes of the soybeans, and with the help of the dark purple flame, he saw the surrounding atmosphere, and the dark purple flame leaped. As soon as the soul fluctuated like lightning, it was a hundred miles away.

This process did not last long. He quickly took the dark purple flame into his mind. The human and animal harmlessly smiled and said: "The two women are far away, we should not hear us, so you can give me a detailed explanation. Say God's grace to the mainland. Right, just say, my name is Cangwu, you can call me Xiao Cang, Xiao Yan also do, all with you, not too polite."

The little fat man is a celestial tribe, but he was not born on the mainland of God. He has always been very curious about the gods who gave birth to their family. He suddenly found that Shiyan came from the mainland of God, and he naturally would not let go. Ask for an opportunity.

"God's mainland energy is exhausted, and now the various ethnic groups who practice the martial arts are arranged by me in the Malang star. As for the gods and continents... after the changes of the ancient times, the ancient times, and the ancient times, they are at the edge of the universe. Abandoning the corner, it is difficult to contact the outside world..."

Shi Yan quietly explained everything he knew.

"Is there a place called the Tianhui Mountain Range?"

"Not bad." Shi Yan nodded.

"This time is over, can you take me there?" The fat cheeks trembled slightly, and the heart seemed to be excited.

"No problem." Shi Yan promised to come down.

"Is there anything special?" The sky continued to ask.

"It should be gone." Thinking carefully, Shi Yan shook his head.

The sky immediately silenced, secretly adjusted his thoughts, and organized his words. After a while, he slowly said: "The specific location of the ancient magic continent... I can’t say it, it should be like the gods of the mainland, at the edge of the universe. But I have a way to get in and out."

He looked at Shiyan deeply and said: "If you want me to take you in, I can also send you to the ancient magic continent, but I have to make it clear that the ancient magic continent is similar to the Shen En continent, and it is also energy depletion. And there is no activity for the tribes of your undead."

He immediately snarled.

The sky is a vein of the celestial beast of the Tian Yao, and the **** battles of the Tian Yao and the Emperor tens of thousands of years ago stunned the stars of the parties, and finally ended up with the failure of the Tian Yaozu. The people of the Tian Yaozu deliberately hid and sought the hidden land. Repair, in order to avoid the pursuit of the royal family.

In an extremely accidental situation, they found the ancient magic continent...

After they entered, they found that the ancient magical continent had been ruined for many years. They did not see a tribe of the undead. At that time, the energy of the ancient world was very high, which was not suitable for high-level spiritual cultivation.

However, the Tian Yaozu has just been defeated, only want to find a foothold for a while, plus they have a lot of energy in the hands of Shen Jing, after the Shangyu stayed in the ancient magic continent, the sky was also born in the ancient magic continent, a deep underground Perseverance allowed him to reach the source and integrate into his own soul altar.

After many years, many people of the Tian Yaozu gradually drifted away from the ancient magic continent, crouching in other stars, and the sky also left with the tribes.

When their ethnic group completely walked out of the ancient magical continent, at that time, the ancient magical continent energy was completely exhausted, and there was no death, no signs of life, like a dead star.

However, the vastness of the ancient devil's origins in the past, suddenly found out that the ancient magical continent is like a dead wood, like the resurrection of the resurrection of life, and gradually began to absorb the cosmic energy, the energy depleted ancient magic continent, such as re-starting a new cycle , doing a wonderful transformation...

After discovering this situation, he found the ancestors in the family to ask the inside story and suddenly understood the fact that the ancient continent will never deplete the real energy!

Every ancient continent's heaven and earth energy has a cycle of reincarnation, which is extremely devastating and fading. When the energy of the day is filled to a certain extent, it will slowly deplete. After the energy is cleaned, it will have a wonderful process. The ability to regroup the energy of the universe.

The ancient magic continent has been absorbing the free energy in the universe.

According to the ancestors of the Tian Yaozu, the five ancient continents have subtle connections. When the rest of the four ancient continents are exhausted, the “wild” is often in the most prosperous period of energy.

The "desertness" of this period will breed the most wonderful treasures in the world. It is a chance of hundreds of thousands of years. In this period, if you are fortunate enough to enter the "desert" and reach the central region, you may encounter the dream of dreams. !

So, under the arrangement of the Tianxuan ancestors, the sky came here.

"Do you mean that the ancient magic continent has revived?" Shi Yan shouted.

"Not bad." Cangwu smiled and said, "Not only the ancient magic continent, as far as I know, the gods of the mainland and the ancient gods are also exhausted, and may soon re-absorb the disability of the universe. Shen En, Shen Ze The energy cycle of the ancient gods and the ancient demon four continents is said to maintain striking similarities and close ties with each other. The energy of the gods on your side is exhausted, indicating that other continents are the same, and the ancient magic continent is now revived. The same three continents should be like this."

"You, me, Haig and Audrey, we all got the origins of the ancient continent, and they all came here." Shi Yan indulged and suddenly frowned: "The land under our feet and the land we have acquired are also wonderful." The connection, you come in under the arrangement of your celestial ancestors, and it is also arranged under one person. Maybe Haier and Audrey are the same. So, what is there in this wasteland, we are all gathered here, inevitably Have a connection!"

He looked at the sky for a moment, "Can you tell me clearly?"

At this moment, he realized that the sky would appear next to the lake. In fact, he was not interested in the bathing of Cecilia and Shangyingyue. The real purpose should be to lead him to appear, to say it... the sky is coming from him. .

"Don't look at me, I don't know the specific situation." Cangwu shook his head again and again, and said: "I really don't know, my ancestors just told me, let me go to the central area, saying that something will happen in it. Also, our ancestors seem to have a connection with the predecessors of your undead. They told me that if I see you, let me work with you..."

"Why didn't anyone tell me about this?" Shi Yan suddenly became angry, and there was a sense of arrogance that was secretly manipulated. He didn't like it.

The reason why he came over was because the Shangchen came up to him, and the Shangchen was also greeted by the bloodthirsty gossip. In the dark, there was always a hand in planning his direction, pulling him to act and let him take each other. The mind is acting.

He is very upset.

"Don't ask me, I am also in the dark."

Shi Yan calmed his face and thought for a long time. Suddenly said: "Well, you tell me now, what should we do?"

"I don't know." Cangwu shook his head. "My ancestors told me, just let me work with you. I don't know how to do it. They said... you will know slowly, let me listen to you."

"I will know slowly? I know a fart!" Shi Yan violently said.

This feeling of being at the mercy of others made him extremely dissatisfied and could not help but want to swear.

"That...Do you have a strange ring?" The sky touched his head and suddenly said: "They said, you can know what you should do from the ring, I don't understand what it means."

Shi Yan’s face suddenly changed. He subconsciously looked at the blood pattern ring, and his heart suddenly moved.

The blood of the ring of the ring is not complete, but now it is still in a state of stagnation. For a long time, he has not taken the lead to contact him. He has communicated many times without fruit, and he has gradually forgotten the martial arts. Now he said to the sky, he reacted violently. It is.

Perhaps, the blood pattern ring can really give him some instructions, he immediately contact the ring spirit again.

Unfortunately, there is still no response, and the spirit seems to have disappeared, making him very helpless.

"Audrey should come soon."

The cicada coughed and chopped out, and took out a beautiful robes to wear it. He wrapped his white fleshy body fat, and a wonderful wave of ripples flowed from his body. His body was extremely thin. The demon is gradually disappearing.

Shi Yan can no longer detect any bad things from him. No matter how he perceives the investigation, the sky is a normal human being. He must not associate him with the Tian Yao people.

He looked at the sky with surprise.

"Our family and the royal family have always been deadly enemies, and they have found her identity. I have to kill me." The sky was dry and laughing, and the face was full of fat. "I explained to her later, telling her that I am from Hasen." Come over there, I will join you first, and only then will you be guaranteed not to be obsessed by Hagrid and Hasen."

"What do you want to do?" Shi Yan's face was gloomy.

He always felt that there was something in the sky that looked at him. He felt that the sky must have his own plans, but he couldn't guess at all. The little fat man seemed to be simple, but his heart was so wide that he could not see through.

"I listen to you." He smiled happily. "I don't know what to do. Anyway, I know that it is right to follow you. You will always... understand."


"Stone! Someone is here!"

Cecilia and Shangyingyue suddenly rushed together from a distance. They all noticed unusual fluctuations, and the fluctuations were extremely cold and cold, and they immediately became nervous.

"It's Audrey." Shi Yan didn't change. "She should have discovered this guy's trace when she was inspected by God, so I was in a hurry to figure out what happened."

With the little eyes in the sky, the old **** is leaning against the tree, and it seems that he is not afraid of the arrival of Audrey.




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