God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1142: Crazy showdown!

The first one hundred and forty-two chapters are crazy!

The sudden outburst of Shiyan is a surprise for anyone.

Nowadays, Haig, Phelp, and Mia are coming quickly. Hasen has shown a powerful and outrageous real strength. At this level, Mo Zhen, Wu Feng and others hope to finish the battle quickly, and more. Focus on the challenges of Haig.

Shi Yan suddenly showed that the power of Hasen was comparable. For everyone, it was undoubtedly a powerful potion, which made them feel shocked.

The eyes of all people gathered on Shiyan.

On one knee, he and the hard **** armor of the body applied to the body, showing a strong beauty, a root of sharp thorns, giving a sense of invincible sharp.

The violent fluctuations of violent killings rushed out of his body, and those powers condensed into essence. For example, a demon-like demon screamed around him, making a silent roar and shouting, tearing everything in the world. Smash.


In the blasting of the earth moving mountains, the body of Hasen's skinny bones, such as the hedgehog, digs out of the earth, and Huo Ran falls to the front of Shiyan again.

In the depths of the eyes of Hasen, there was a gloomy luster, and a chest of **** bones was exposed in the chest. The bones were engraved with exquisite evils. The evil arrays, like the vortex, turned and swallowed Hasen’s flesh and blood, let that There is endless horror in the evil circle.


Like the roar of the beasts of the extinct beasts, they emerged from the remaining Chatriz family. They swore to give effect to the loyalty to the sage, and they were given a soulful brand. At this time, they were as wild as wild animals.

From the depths of each of them, they are braving the cold and crazy colors, like unconscious fighting, giving people a feeling of extreme evil and strangeness.

In a moment, every tribe of the Chatres family, the power of the gods is instantly increased by 30%!

Originally in the encirclement against them, Mo Zhen, Fuller, all face changes, in those people crazy rushing to have to avoid the edge.

Those of Hasen’s majesty, roaring one by one, suddenly, as a head of evil dragons gathered around the side of Hasen, everyone’s chest and blood bones burst out of flesh and blood, and there were fierce and violent fluctuations.

"They are burning the soul!"

Audrey's face was cold and cold, and she couldn't help but stunned and drunk, reminding everyone to be careful.

Sure enough, it is the crazy Chatres family!

The faces of Cangwu, Cecilia, Wufeng and others changed, and they were secretly surprised. The subconsciously gave birth to such a thought.

Hasen is gaining momentum, his scorpion scorpion is staring at Shiyan, and when he gathers under his knees, he still does not move, and his horror fluctuations gradually rise.

Correspondingly, the tribes of the Chatres family are actually violent, and their strengths have skyrocketed.

"Oops!" The sky suddenly screamed and his face became heavy for the first time. "Hasson can take their strength! Hasen is still strengthening!"

Everyone suddenly changed color.

When Hasen made his best efforts, the power of the people who were comparable to the two gods in the realm of heaven and earth was pure and honest. It was already terrifying. Now he has taken the power of the evil with an evil contract. To what extent should he strengthen his strength?

"Shiyan! Shiyan is also strengthening the power!"

Cecilia suddenly shouted and exclaimed, the beauty is full of incredulous, **** and full of ketone body tremble slightly.

Everyone looked at Shiyan with a burning gaze, and they all burst into shock. They showed a very shocking look. Many people couldn’t help but scream and scream, a look of inconspicuous expression.

The rocky rock with red eyes like blood, at this time, is full of **** fog, which is pungent and bloody, and the negative fluctuations of violent, bloodthirsty and fear that he has uploaded are condensed with each other. , turned into a strip like a real demon ghost.

The magnetic field of the terrorist power he created is also gradually climbing, and the degree of enhancement is not inferior to Hasen!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

No one knows the four Chatricis families who had been annihilated before, and two of them were fighting in the army. Their six-person death spirits poured into the rock caves. He did not purify into the essence of absorption. Instead, it is directly rushing to mobilize, forcing energy to compress and condense, all used to smash the death gods formed by the triple heaven.

The essence of the six imaginary gods, the three martial artists, was used in this battle, combined with his own many powerful, so that his momentum is also rapidly rising.

If he is still the body form of the Terran, perhaps he can't hold it at all, maybe it will burst into the blood and hurt his heart and lungs, but now he is the undead body of the Mozu, the blood of the undead blood flowing in the blood vessels, to him The strength of the physical body today is enough for him to have a good fight!

Hasen draws on the power of evil under the evil contract. Shi Yan is the madness of extreme extremes, which is an extreme extreme madness, but it can bring the power of terror in a short time!

"Don't act rashly!"

Seeing Cecilia, Shangyingyue, Shaying and others quietly leaning against Hasen and Shiyan to try to influence the battle. Audrey hurriedly stopped to stop: "Unless you instantly push the power to their level, otherwise You used to ask for food."

The fat face of the sky is shaking, and it is also affirmed: "She is right, unless you reach their strength, otherwise don't approach easily. Your strength and physical strength can not afford their impact, or ... a little bit interesting Let's go."

Cecilia and others did not believe in Audrey's judgments and statements, but they knew that the sky should not be nonsense, hesitated, and took the initiative to stop.

At this moment, Hasen and Shi Yan, like two fierce beasts, roared and roared, and the earth-shattering power fluctuations from the two people were swept away in all directions, forming an energy storm field, crushing all the hard objects along the way into nothingness!

Mo Zhen, Sha Fei, and Cecilia all looked terrified, and ended up avoiding them. They used the power of the gods to condense the visor shield armor, which was barely resisted under the impact of the energy storm surge.

They are all footsteps, shaking like a drunk, and the face is unhealthy red, obviously it takes a lot of energy.

So strong!

Everyone screamed in their hearts. The energy frenzy formed by the combination of Shi Yan and Hasen’s powers shocked them, and they were all painful. If they were in the middle of the energy storm, would they have to be physically wounded?

Everyone's eyes are changing in the world of flying sand. In the scene of wind and rain and thunder and lightning, I can't see the appearance of Shiyan and Hasen, but I can see the sky and the Audrey, and stand on the edge of the energy storm. move.

At this moment, everyone suddenly had to admit that the realm of the sky between the sky and the Audrey really far exceeded them.

Audrey is the identity of the royal family. They are not surprised by their ability. They are unexpectedly the sky. They all look at the sky and their faces are very strange. They all began to secretly guess the identity of the sky... ...

"Good horrible energy shocks!"

In the vast forest, the Mia of the Protoss suddenly burst into a gallop, and the pretty face revealed an incredible horror.

Phelp, Haig, and Payton all suddenly stopped, and they looked at the front with a sigh of relief, and they looked very heavy.

The horror fluctuations in front were too fierce, and even the barriers of the map could not be hindered. They spread directly and shocked them.

"So strong power fluctuations, comparable to the beginning of the showdown, who will be?" Phelp looked sullen, "The Chatres family has many evil secrets, Hassan has always been crazy, one of them should be him, he... ...have this ability, but who is his opponent?"

"It should be the woman who killed You!" Mia affirmed.

Haig did not speak, his eyes were extremely calm, his eyes squinted and he suddenly jumped and frowned: "No!"

Everyone looked at him fiercely.

"It’s not the woman who killed You, the guy you said, the young man who is not dead!" Haig’s face was shocked, and the calmness in his eyes broke instantly. He took a deep breath and said: He is not only the tribe of the undead, but also the inheritor of the bloodthirsty! The essence of his cultivation is precisely the death of the righteousness, it is a coincidence!"

"Death is righteous?" Mia Jiao Wei trembled. "The rumors that the Chatres family would kill the younger brother of Xuanhe, use his bones to temper and polish it into a **** bone, and engrave the protoss secret, let Hasen hold The main bone dominated His Majesty, and this made Hasen's toughness. I didn't expect it to be so good."

"This person we must kill, we must not give him more room for growth, or it will endless troubles." Haig frowned, cold and said: "I will personally shot him."

Mia, Phil Plu's mistakes, and nodded suddenly, "Since you personally shot, then he must not escape, he really should not appear here, should not be exposed too early." Erpu Yin channel.

"He and Hasen are extremely powerful. I have to deal with him and I have to make all my strength." Haig calmed his face and shouted: "The speed is over!"


The central energy of the island is turbulent, and the waves of the island are ruined. The area where Hasen and Shiyan are fighting is gray and the sky seems to be covered by the energy light curtain.

Every tribe of the Chatres family is sitting on the ground like a fossil, and there is a column of strength from the top of their heads. The pillars of the gas are moved by the soul of Hasen, as a dragon is rolling, let The surrounding void collapsed and the earth trembled with horror.

Stone rock is like a meteorite. It stands quietly in the thick **** sea. The mind changes and condenses all kinds of deaths. It turns into a giant hand and turns into a **** meteorite, which has fallen to Hasen.

A scorpion demon condensed by a negative force, entangled with the pillars of the power of the Chatris family, such as the smashing and biting of evil creatures, **** and cruel.

If Shiyan and Hasen were fighting in no one, the two sides were evenly matched, and the stunned days were so dark that the islands under them gradually collapsed and split, and the energy of the heavens and the earth was changed, which directly led to the amazing spectacle of the ancient continent...

Ps: Sorry, today is another chapter, make up tomorrow~~



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