God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: God beast white tiger bone

The edge of the desert.

The six Chatters family members smashed the altar in an instant, which led directly to a **** battle. Mia and Joman almost missed it and immediately departed at the fastest speed.

Mia’s heart was bright, and unless Husson had a huge accident, his knees would not be so easy to die.

She and Joman are wise to leave.

Satay, Mo Zhen, and Shangying are all wanting to chase, but they are raised by Audrey: "You don't have to chase down, Haig is nearby."

Mo Zhen and Wu Feng stunned and suddenly ecstatically said: "You can kill them together!"

Audrey took a cold look at the two people and said indifferently: "Haige gathers more people than us. If you think you can kill him, you can try it yourself."

Satay, Mo Zhen and others were slightly cold, and they waved their hands and did not continue to persist.

joke! Haig is the strongest of the Protoss generation. It is even more terrible than Hasen. His masters are like clouds. Without Audrey, they dare to act.

"Isn't it here that your psionic ability will be affected?" Cecilia did not understand.

Audrey was calm and calm, and explained: "It’s too close, it’s still identifiable. The **** battle between Shiyan and Hasen has led to the violent energy in the center of the desert, which has changed the rules of the heavens and the earth. Many nearby warriors have been Attracted, there is no exception to Haig."

"Do we need to prepare for the war?" Satay asked.

Audrey shook her head. "I don't think it is necessary. The fighting power of Haig is similar to us. He won't spend unnecessary energy before he reaches Shenshan. Unless his strength is better than us, he will definitely not. I will come over, I know that this person is very cautious and will not be as crazy as Hasen."

“Will it be Shiyan’s victory?” Wu Feng’s eyes shone with a horror. “The six Husson’s screams suddenly and violently, it’s supposed that Hasson’s scorpion, if not, isn’t it so fast...”

Everyone is deeply convinced.

"Hassen is the hope of the Chatres family. It is subtle and ruthless. It is the only way for the Protoss to be able to compete with Haig. I didn't expect... He would be defeated in Shiyan's hands, and it really surprised me." Sighed.

Cecilia and Shangying Yuemei are full of joy and radiance, and the heart is also swaying up and down, and there is a kind of glory.

Audrey's pair of alums also showed amazement, and they were equally shocked and shocked by the power of the undead.

"He is coming." Audrey suddenly sipped.

Everyone is watching.

In a short time, a figure gradually approached, and it appeared in the eyes of everyone without any urgency. He shouted: "Is it all right?"

It is Shiyan.

Everyone smiled on his face and immediately screamed: "Hasson? Is it dead in your hands? Are you not hurt?"

They are very concerned about Hasen, want to know the life and death of Hasen, because Hasen is the most sharp weapon of the Protoss, so that each of them is deeply jealous, including Audrey... Many people’s fear of Hasen, compare Haig is even deeper, because Haig is rational and can be measured by normal people, and Hasen is a bloodthirsty mad dog. No one dares to touch it easily, so as not to provoke the smashing of the smashing spear.

"Hasson is still alive, I have not defeated him, he is only a god... There is something wrong, and he has already evacuated early." Shi Yan had already made a decision, and his face was gloomy, and he gnawed his teeth: "The Chapels family's purgatory burns If the evil is terrible, the power of Hasen seems to be able to soar infinitely. If his own flesh and blood cannot support him, I think... the last thing to escape is me."

When this statement came out, everyone's face changed. "Hassen is still not dead?" They couldn't help but repent.

"It seems that the loss of Hasen is too great, the body can not support the load, and this is the rush to let the six savage deaths to supplement their own losses, take the opportunity to temporarily deviate, and then come back to find you after the recovery." Audrey Deeply looking at Shiyan, said: "You are proud of yourself. After adulthood, Hasen has gone through countless battles of great and small, leaving a fierce name in the major stars, but he has never heard of the news that he is not defeated. You can persecute him to avoid the edge, and the reputation will spread throughout the universe."

To Audrey said this, everyone looked at Shiyan’s gaze and showed a look of respect.

The persuasion of the Hasen escaper means that it will be the most outstanding generation of the vast expanse of the universe, meaning that it is qualified and resistant to the black.

In their minds, Shiyan’s status has suddenly risen a lot, and it is faintly beyond Audrey.

"Leaving the desert, continue to the central mountain." Audrey looked into the distance, lightly drinking.

Everyone triumphed.

... on the outskirts of the desert, a gloomy valley of screaming winds.

Mia and Joman seem to be being pulled by a certain sound. They stumbled and crashed into the valley. Mia and Joman were all in the cold, and there was a sense of crisis in which the soul altar was stared by some kind of beast.

A whistling wind blew in, the valley fog was cleared, showing the appearance of Haig, Phelp and the dozens of Protoss.

"Hague!" Mia lightly drank.

Haig nodded and said coldly: "Is there an accident at Hasen?"

He was aware of the crazy battle between Shiyan and Hasen in the center of the desert. He was attracted by the earth-shaking energy of the heavens and earth, and he came from afar.

"Hasen... I’m afraid it’s over." Mia’s eyebrows twisted out the pain, and the voice was low and painful: "His six men are violent and the altar suddenly shatters. This is enough to prove that Hasson had an accident, maybe now It’s terrible.”

Both Phelp and Payton's Protoss were discolored and secretly scared.

"The accident is an accident, but if it is easy for Hasen to be killed, I don't believe it." Haig was silent for a while, frowning and said: "I have been fighting with Hasen for many years, I know this guy better than anyone else. Crazy and powerful, even me... If you want to kill Hasen, you have to pay a very painful price, maybe the body will be crushed."

When I got here, Haig’s tone paused, and I quickly looked at the direction of the desert. “The man who fought with Hasen’s blood was still strong, and he was obviously not hit hard. From this point of view, although Hasen had an accident, But it must be alive. If Hasen is really killed, that person... I am afraid that it is seriously injured and has no ability to move."

He looked very thorough.

Fighting with Hasen for many years, Haig is too aware of the terrible thing of Hasen. Knowing that Hasen’s most powerful is the counterattack before death, almost no one can retreat before Hassan’s death.

Stone Rock's peace and quiet, let Haig immediately affirm that Hasson is still alive, but the state may be a bit bad.

"We used to save Haig in the past!" Mia suddenly made a positive proposal, and her eyes showed a pleading.

Haig is indifferent. "The strength is not weaker than us. In the past, it was only two losses. This is not my style. The most sensible thing is to bring our people together as soon as possible. In the process, try to kill them. Finally, with the advantage of strength, they will be completely destroyed, and we can minimize the loss of my family." He gave his own plan.

Philp all nodded, apparently treating Haig as a leader, not interested in taking care of Hasen.

Mia secretly sighed, knowing that Hasen had no problem, she did not insist and agreed.

"The other party is also approaching the mountain as soon as possible, and we are going faster." Haig waved his hand and suddenly grinned and said to Mia: "I have got a lot of good things, can help you to lift the power a little, Treasures, as long as you look carefully, you will find that all the land is treasure."

Mia spirit is slightly uplifted.

... If you look down from the sky, you will find many ant-like dots that are approaching the central mountain.

Among them, Shiyan and Audrey gathered a group of people. Haig, Phelp, and Mia gathered another group of people. The two sides are not close to each other and cannot be captured by the gods, but if one is slower, One side is faster, and it is very likely that you will meet.

Many warriors of various ethnic groups who are acting alone are scattered in other areas and are approaching in the same direction.

The sacred mountain in the blossoming clouds and the rainbow, like a gleaming jewel, stands there and does not move, waiting for the excavation of people.

There is a small point, the closest to the mountain, and the speed is extremely fast.

If there is no accident, this person should be the first to enter the mountain.

This person is the sky.

The sky was the first wave to enter the Central District. When he came in, he separated from Cecilia and Shangying, and acted alone.

Shi Yan, Audrey, Mia, Haig, and Phil Pip sometimes meet, sometimes they are trapped by fierce, sometimes the two sides will break out, and they are more or less delayed.

The sky that can be made by one person toward the mountain of God, but unconsciously, went to the front of everyone.

In the thorns of the step, the sacred body is as strong as granite, ignoring the shackles of barbed thorns, slamming in a arrogant manner, and the body is like a bulldozer crushing all kinds of thorns that can crush ordinary people.

The Tian Yaozu is one of the four major races, and the sky reveals the arrogance of the Tian Yaozu.

The direction of the sky suddenly changed. In the thorns, the twists and turns of the thorns, after several hours of non-stop plunging, he suddenly stopped.

A tiger-like roaring mountain ridge suddenly appeared in front of the sky. This mountain is obviously not as spectacular as the mountain, and the taupe rock is piled up like a tiger, and it is lifelike, giving people a terrible deterrent.

The sky came to the foot of the mountain, suddenly reached out and stabbed into the stone wall at the foot of the mountain. The inner strength of the arm and the ocean, the horrible energy fluctuations emerged.


The mountains burst and the stones fell, and they were thrown at the foothills.

A huge skeleton with a crystal white snow looms from the inside of the mountain. There are several kilometers of mountains and rivers, which are tall and mighty.

"Sanzu White Tiger!"

The sky whispered, the eyes showed a wonderful luster, gently stroking the white jade bone of the huge tiger bone, instinctively inducing something.

(To be continued)

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