God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1174: Sit on the sidelines

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-four chapters stand by

Haig and the light Shenzhou were bitten together and dragged into the deep sea of ​​blood by the bone claws, and they disappeared instantly. ("")

Hasen is still floating under the **** tombstone tombstones, dark eyes such as ink, sinister evil, cold eyes to the people in the blood.

In the **** sea, Cangwu and Audrey struggled to resist the evil spirit of invading the soul. Among them, the cicada turned into a white tiger demon and crouched on the ground, and the demon trembled, as if it was accumulating strength.

Audrey's tall body is completely empty, such as a ghost floating in the sea of ​​blood, giving people a feeling of unreality.

This kind of Audrey is not subject to physical attacks. All kinds of heaven and earth can't bring her heavy damage. Unfortunately, this **** sea has the spiritual power to corrode the soul. It can penetrate her soul altar and affect her soul spirit. .

However, Audrey is extremely exquisite in the soul. When she is fully committed to resisting spiritual evils, her eyes are always clear and clear, without a trace of confusion.

She seems to be getting steady.

In the **** sea, the protoss of Philippe and Mia are killing each other. Mo Zhen, Wu Feng, Jiao Shan, and Sha Sha are also mad, and they are fighting against each other.

In the strange land of the sea of ​​clouds, there are gradually new dead people. Whenever one person dies, Stone Rock will be shocked and harvest the essence of their passing.

Shi Yan looked at Hasen, looked very dignified, silently running the power of the righteousness, ready to adapt.

Hasen's dark eyes stared at the depths of the blood, and for the time being did not manage Audrey, the sky, the main goal is still placed on the black grid.

Haig’s footprints are sinking deep in the blood, but the breath on him... is still alive!

Obviously, Haig is still alive and should be accumulating more power.


Everyone can even hear his heart beat vigorously!

Every time his heart beats, he can transform a power from the ancient **** continent. If he is prepared for his full time, his power will not know the degree of horror. ("")

"You should kill them."

Hasen reached out to the sky, Audrey, and suddenly rushed into the depths of the blood, the **** red tombstone floating above his head, and he did not fall into the **** sea, the **** sea suddenly set off a terrible **** wave, a **** energy The light column penetrates and the world is reflected in the scarlet.

The milky white light runs through the five elements, and the five elements are connected in a subtle way. The wonderful array of five-pointed stars is quietly visible in the **** sea.

In the center of the wonderful star of the five-pointed star, Haig is sitting like a ruthless god, and his eyes are jumping with blazing flames. A dark golden copper ball emerges from the eyebrows. The sphere is covered with star lines, and the faint is the miniature of the ancient gods. Beating like a heart.

From the glimpse of the black-browed heart, he seems to be no longer affected by the blood, and his body appears to be inexhaustible.

"You purgatory burning to increase strength at the expense of flesh and blood, soul, and instant strength, but I have merged with the ancestral star, I can sacrifice strength from the ancestral star without sacrificing any flesh and soul, you... what to do with I am fighting?"

The five-pointed star goddess under the black grid is dazzling and dazzling, bursting out of a circle of dazzling light, the light of the gods is changing like a vast expanse of stars, lingering around the black grid.

The volatility of the bursts emerged from the footsteps of Haige, forming the power of the seal world. After the spread, the blood and the sea gradually faded, and slowly returned to the silence, so that a trace of blood gas dissipated, so that the evil spirit energy disappeared. .

In the blink of an eye, in addition to the blood red tombstone on the top of Hasen's head, this **** sea was stirred up.

Haig stepped on the five-pointed star goddess, such as the dreamy star world, such as the star god, the hands and feet of the ancient continent Peng Pei mana, endless general.

"Sky cage!"

Hegeer's hands slowly close together, such as holding something in the palm of his hand, giving direct restraint.

Everyone clearly saw that with the black-handed hands clasped together, the blood red tombstone on the head of Hasen was compressed a little bit, such as the deformation of the giant gods squeezed, the skinny body of Hasen, the root skeleton is also awkward It sounds like a crack.

The roots are dark red bones, piercing the flesh in the squeezing, protruding outside the body, watching it violently, and Hasen looks so fierce that it is not like a ghost. ("")

"Now do you know why the ancestors in the family would choose me instead of choosing you?" Haig looked indifferent and spoke in a toneless mood: "I have an innate advantage, I was chosen by the ancestors, you and I am an enemy, and I am enemies with the continuation of the entire race. This is simply impossible to succeed."


During his speech, his hands were tied together, and Hasen’s bones were broken, as if they were squeezed into a line by two giant mountains. The whole person was distorted.

Even the **** tombstone was directly turned into a group of vague blood, bursting open, turned into a trace of violent blood and fell into the bones of Hasen.

The people who had just fought, one after another, returned to normal. Some people were severely wounded, and the wounds were deeply visible. Some people became cold bodies, and the bodies were dry without blood, such as weathering for many years...

"what happened?"

"Not good! It was hurt by Hassan's madman!"

"He didn't even let his own people escape! It was so devastating that even the only humanity was gone!"

All ethnic groups screamed and screamed, and even Mia, who had always had a close relationship with Hasen, was really angry, and the beauty was fierce.

Hasen caused public outrage!

The sky and Audrey were the first to break free from the spiritual shackles. The two ignored one, and they were surprisingly tacit.


The sky is shouting, such as the tiger's exit, the gas of killing is like Jin Ge Sensen, the tiger's eyes are like a torch, and the demon of the pouring of steel juice is a toss, and Huoran flies to Hasen.


The cicadas were torn apart, and the body parts of Hasen’s broken bones burst and were broken and broken.

Audrey's body is nothing, and the eyebrows appear to shrink the dozens of souls of the soul of the Turing, the soul altar is like a crystal pendant, exquisite and smart, pouring out hundreds of millions of soul silk, a net like a Hazen mind A silk thread of the soul is quickly tightened, and the Hasan soul altar is to be broken.

Cangwu and Audrey are deadly enemies. The two sides have been fighting for many years and they never know each other.

However, for Hasen, for this madman, these two enemies actually joined hands, just to kill the madman madman, to erase this uncertainty.

The Protoss Mia looked at it all with a cold eye. She watched that Hasen was first smashed by the black grid, and was torn by the sky. Finally, Audrey was entangled in the soul altar with the soul of the aussie, and remained quiet.

She found that Hassan today is not the Hasen she knows. The original Hasen is crazy and brutal, but it is only against the enemy, and will not kill the own people. The original Hasen has a bottom line and is smart.

At this time, Hasen is no longer a Protoss in her eyes, but an out-and-out madman, a madman who even the protoss compatriots have never let go, even the thugs she wants to kill.

She did not have compassion for Hasen. She looked at Haig, Cangwu and Audrey respectively. She did not say a word, did not let Hagrid give her hands, or let the Protoss help.

She felt that Hasen should not survive.

Everyone is silent.

The same is true of Shiyan.

However, he is slightly different from the silence of the people. In the silence, his soul sacrifices the stage to maintain high attention and always pay attention to the signs of Hasen.

He didn't want the death of Hasen's head, and the reason why he looked coldly was because... Hasen didn't die!

I don't know why, he noticed a deeper threat from Hasen's body. He knew that Hasen had integrated into the bones of Xuanshan and even the will. In addition to being proficient in the death of the mysterious accident, Hasen was also well versed in the corpse of the scorpion, and spurred the power of the corpse. Rejuvenate the machine and die again!

He has seen it once!

He felt that Hasen would be resurrected again, because the Hasan soul altar was still unfinished, and his crushed bones did not evaporate into ashes.

Hasn's drop of blood, a drop did not dissipate, and there is still an amazing energy rhythm moving, changing in a silent way with the corpse...

This is not the most horrifying stone rock.

He is faintly aware of this mountain of God, the tree of the world in the mountain of God, this ancient continent... some mysterious power of the wild seems to secretly care for Hasen, in a way that only he can perceive, to transfer some kind of power into Hasen in vivo.

As he smashed his body and absorbed the essence of death, so that no one could perceive the same, Hasen was also taken care of by special means.

The black grid is unknown, and the sky and Audrey have no foresight. The strongmen of the big stars are cold-faced, cold and cold, and cold and cold, watching Hasen, they are all dead.

"Audrey, the demon of the day, we should be removed." Haig suddenly said.

"Alright." Audrey nodded lightly, his eyes shifted, and he looked cold and cold.

The sky did not panic, suddenly sneered, and the demon body suddenly changed, and became a fat fat man. He appeared in the side of Shiyan, squinting his small eyes and turning his head to look at Shiyan, saying: "Hague and Austrian Gorgeous, you pick one."

Hagrid does not look the same.

Audrey is a sinking face, cold and secluded: "Stone, this is our thing for the Emperor and the Heavenly Demon, I hope you don't intervene."

"I am very curious." Shi Yan frowned. "If I ignore it, would you kill the sky with Haig?"

Audrey nodded.

"And then?" Shi Yan stunned. "Then you and I will join forces to kill Haig, and then, you and I will fight for a fight, robbing the original source?"

Audrey suddenly silenced.

She really thinks so.

"Do you think the reality?" Shi Yan was dumbfounded. "Haige will be so stupid? Let me and I deal with him? Do you think... things will develop according to what you want?"

"I know that it is not realistic." Audrey regained her calmness. "You, me, the sky and the black grid are all coming from the beginning. If you want to get the origin, we can't have reservations. ... There is a person who succeeds, how to arrange it, no one can predict it."

Shi Yan was amazed. He looked at Hasen, who turned into a pile of broken bones. He secretly felt it and looked at it.



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