God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1194: You can come back... nice!

The departure of Yan Yan, Haicang and Jing Yuxi did not affect other people. The leader of the small forces remained in place.

They are all across the blood line, looking at the stone rock, the expression is very shocking.

Among them, one person was extremely strange, his eyes showed a huge horror, and he whispered in a low voice.

This man is the Eve of the broken star city. He once had a deal with Shiyan. Iver attached great importance to the thousand lotuses. He once sent people to stare at the rock, and even Shiyan’s actions in the broken star field were clear.

At that time, Aifuyi's grandfather was the realm of the gods. In the broken star field, it was really the wind and rain. The action of Shiyan in the broken star field caused the broken star field to collapse, and the broken star city naturally collapsed, let Aifu hate it. I also thought about retaliation.

Ke Shiyan is missing in the broken star field.

The Gorefiend sent the strongman in the same year, and cleared the forces that had once started on Shiyan, but Eve escaped.

Because of the great changes in the Malang star field, Iver also came to the blood star through the relationship of his grandfather. His grandfather and the gods are deeply involved, so that Iver is also good in the blood star.

"Is he?" Avery's grandfather whispered.

Eve nodded, his eyes stunned and said: "It is him."

"Don't provoke him!" Grandpa Aif was stern.

"How dare I?" Avery smiled bitterly.

After many years, Shi Yan is no longer the character that I've been able to measure. The old things that broke the star field in the past became unreal for Iver.

That year, he relied on the friendship between his grandfather and Shenguang, and he was able to purchase a lot of warship materials, selling them in the broken star city, and doing a lot of things.

That year, Shi Yan was just a small role, and he was at the beginning. Not too seen by Eve.

Today, the name of Shiyan is amazed by the Malang star field. Let the ice clan chief hail almost died. Let Yan Yan be jealous.

Eve had a dream-like feeling and sighed secretly.

He was soberly aware that the distance between him and Shiyan was like an insurmountable gap. It is difficult for him to catch up with Shiyan's footsteps in his life.


Yan Yan and others left, Fu Wei, Feng Han, Lin Xin still still. They fell from the sky and stopped at the periphery of the **** aperture.

Fu Wei three people also abide by the rules set by Shi Yan, there is no step in the thunder. Just whispering in the periphery.

The heads of those small forces. Suddenly, like a chicken blood, they gathered in Fuwei, Fenghan, and Linxin. They smiled and flattered, and they took the initiative to make good, including Eve’s grandfather...

Fu Wei, Feng Han, Lin Xin, everyone looked at each other, and the heart was bright. I know that those people were shocked by the power of Shiyan because they had a good relationship with Shiyan. They all secretly show their attitude and choose their alliance.

It is a problem that has troubled Fu Wei for a long time, because the sword of Shi Yan seems to suddenly solve it.

Fu Wei three secret surprise.

They looked at the rocky rock that sat in indifference, and they all gave birth to an inscrutable feeling. After leaving the stone rock of ten years, the eyes were deep and sorrowful, as if they had experienced many things, as suddenly matured, let Fu Weimei Flowing out of the splendid, the heart can not help but tremble.



In the blood pool, the blood scorpion smashed the bones and smashed the sound of the beans, and the black dregs flowed out of his pores. The Gorefiends and the sacred ceremonies swayed, and the life and death of the dynasty alternated, allowing the blood to boil.

His powerful flesh and blood is more and more horrible, and the body changes quickly, becoming the form of the immortal body, a sturdy and horrible one.

His body was quietly changing, and the undead blood was burned up. The altar in the altar gradually became more and more turbulent.

Shi Yan looked solemn, quietly watching the Gorefiend, and did not dare to relax for a moment.

He knew that the Gorefiend had reached a critical moment, and that a neglect of carelessness could lead to unexpected dangers.

Gut and Bath are also nervous and nervous, watching the Gorefiend in a moment, silently guarding.

For a long time, the blood scorpion became bloody, crouching in a way unique to the undead, and the horror of the body slowly calmed down.

Shiyan, Gut, and Bath finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They understand in their hearts that once the Gorefiend is broken, it is the strongest of the three gods in the beginning of heaven, and the fighting power is even more terrible.

The onlookers also looked up and excited, and looked at the awe of the eyes of Shiyan.

The three gods of the beginning of the heavens are the peaks of the knowing, the power is strong, the realm is unpredictable, such a strong man is born, they have more chances to fight with the protoss, so that they are all ecstatic.

"The beginning of the three heavens, is the ultimate state of the real?" Shi Yan suddenly asked.

Gut and Bass are stunned. The two old dragons thought about it. Some Gut said: "It should not be the ultimate. I heard that after the beginning of the realm of the gods, it was 'immortal'. This is a guy who came from other stars in the same year. When I talked to our demon territory, I didn’t know whether it was true or not."

Bass nodded. "We have never seen a strong person who transcends the realm of the gods. Maybe it is just a legend. It may not exist at all."

"Immortal?" Shi Yan squinted, revealing a thoughtful expression.

"I heard that person said that in the vast universe, someone really broke through to the immortal realm, such as the current patriarch of the Protoss, it is said that ... he is the realm of immortality." Gu Tedao.

"Why is it not repaired? Will it never fall?" Shi Yan said.

Gut and Bass shook their heads together. They only knew that the transcendence was immortal, but they did not know the mystery of the immortal realm. In the Damascus field, no one could surpass the original **** and enter the realm of immortality. There is no record of this aspect in the history of the various races of the Star Field.

The Malang star domain is closed to the outside world, and their news is very dangerous. They are unclear about many outside matters.

"Why didn't you see other people? Ghost, McGee, Gumo, Xia Xinzhen, Zi Yao, what? I didn't see one?" Shi Yan temporarily put "immortal" down, and suddenly asked again.

"They are all retreating." Gut replied, "The sneaky, McGee and juniors have room for improvement. Recently, we have taken out the cultivation materials that have been collected for many years, so that they can enhance the realm of power, in the Protoss. Under the invasion, there may be no guarantees for the Malang star field, and we will not consider it later. Those rare Tiandi treasures are not lost, they are taken for them. Those guys are forced to ask for pains. The Protoss does not. They won’t come out before they hit."

"We are all in the realm of the old guys, not a one-and-a-half-time break, so don't waste time." Bass added.

The Yaozu, the War League, and the Shenguang are all powerful forces in the Martian domain. In the accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years, many treasures of cultivation have been hidden. They used to cherish it and reluctant to use it. I hope that it will directly enhance the realm of the realm at a critical time.

The arrival of the Protoss. Disrupted their steps. Their cultivation materials that have accumulated for future generations have been used by them.

Ghosts, McGee, Gu Mo, Xia Xinyu, Zi Yao, such as juniors with space for improvement, naturally benefited, and they were asked to retreat and practise, and use those cherish materials to enhance their strength and prepare for the battle with the Protoss. when. Can give more help here.

Those Yang family members, Yang Lan and Yang Zhuo have the blood of the undead. It was treated as a loved one by the Gorefiend, and was also forced to repair by the Gorefiend, and the treasures collected by the Gorefiend were used to strengthen the power.

This also led to the arrival of Shi Yan, and found that the atmosphere of the familiar people were hidden in the ground and many mountains and abdomen, and many were blocked by the banned enchantment, so that he was perceptually vague and thought that something had happened.


Fu Wei was on the periphery of the blood-colored aperture, and suddenly whispered out, Ming Hao stared at Shiyan, Wen Xiao smiled: "Can you talk?"

"Go, Fu Wei is now the owner of the medicine cabinet. For the soul of our alliance here, in the past ten years, in order to resist the invasion of the Protoss, she really spent a lot of heart, and several times she was in danger, almost by the Protoss. Killed, this little girl... not easy.” Gut sighed.

"Well, this little girl is really not simple. It took a lot of experience to master the medicine cabinet. Without waiting for her to relax, the protoss broke through the empty passage. If these years, she would not combine strength, protoss. I was afraid that I had been stalking the Malang star field. She spared no effort to get out the reserve warships of the Medicines Pavilion. The article was not sent to the hands of the protoss, which blocked the progress of the Protoss, the little girl... Absolutely personal." Bass also praised.

Obviously, Fu Wei used her approach to get the true recognition of the two old dragons.

Shi Yan’s heart was amazed, and he nodded toward Fu Wei, stepping through it. If the electricity was tens of meters, he directly came out of the blood-colored aperture. In front of Fu Wei, Feng Han, Lin Xin, Yan Ze, Feng Yan, and everyone. Stand still.

Feng Han, Lin Xin, who had also talked with the heads of the small forces, and when he saw him came over, immediately stopped the words decisively and used his eyes to signal that the leaders of the small forces temporarily left, and Grandpa Iver was also urged, although they were very I want to stay and listen, but I don’t dare, I have to retire and leave the space to these true Xeon.

"You are finally back." Fu Wei smiled and said: "You can come back, it's good."

Feng Han and Lin Xin saw Shi Yan for the first time. They didn't talk at the side. They carefully looked at Shiyan's every move and wanted to find out exactly how Shi Yan was. It was useless to listen to his majesty. They still hope to judge with their own feelings. .

"You have worked hard for ten years." Shi Yan smiled lightly.

"Oh, without the holy script you gave, I can't do the owner of the medicine cabinet, it's thanks to you." Fu Wei softly.

Feng Han, Lin Xin secretly moved, Fu Wei as the owner of the medicine cabinet, in today's Malang star field can be described as the most powerful woman, in the face of Fu Wei, now Feng Han, Lin Xin will feel Stress, because Fu Wei, who is in a high position, has a majesty, and many people dare not face her.

Over time, I have cultivated Fu Wei and there is also a kind of concealed pride, but it is difficult for ordinary people to detect.

But when Fu Wei faced Shiyan, not only did she not have a trace of pride, but she even looked like a simple little girl. When she spoke, she was even a little nervous, which made Feng Han and Lin Xin look strange.

They suddenly remembered the words of the sly sly mouth: I said that Fu Wei and Shi Yan had a leg.

The two are now looking at it like it... It’s really right for the hail.

Feng Han and Lin Xin are surprised.


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