God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1219: Bring back with the stars

The first chapter of the two hundred and twenty-nine chapters with the stars back

The holy land of the gods of the gods. ""

At the bottom of the huge abyss, Xuanhe talked and said: "Ayala, I am coming to see your brother today."

Aunt Lamemei showed a hint of sarcasm and sneered: "Then you have come to the wrong place. He was tempted by bloodthirsty. He would rather abandon the position of the chief of the royal family and leave with the bloodthirsty. It is no longer my meditation. The royal family, he has never returned to the royal family over the years, and has not had any contact with me!"

"I don't believe it." Xuanhe smiled.

Aunta’s face was cold and angered: “He is the head of the sacred soul of your bloodthirsty blood. You can’t contact yourself, even find me a person? It’s unreasonable!”

"I have contacted him with our pulse method, but I can't find it. I have seen all the avatars in the past few years. I want to see him as the main body!" Xuanhe insisted.

"I can't help you." Auntie chilled.

Xuanhe laughed and didn't continue to chase it. It seems that Ayala and the imperial soul are secretly connected. He took the initiative to come. When he came to see Auntie, he would know the person. That person should also Know why he came.

"The Protoss is now attacking the major stars. How do you think about this?" Xuanhe touched his chin, and said evilly: "When you and the Protoss came together, this is why you are not ready to be tied to them." Not a child?"

Aunta’s eyebrows were slightly embarrassed, revealing the expression of thoughts, and did not immediately answer.

"The Protoss is not the same year. In the same year, the Protoss took the name of removing the bloodthirsty blood, integrated the forces of the various parties in the universe, and eventually subverted me. Afterwards, the Protoss did not share the Galaxy with you, but dominated the world. Secondly, if you want to come, you won’t be so obsessed with it?” Xuanhe’s expression sinks.

"If you have bloodthirsty, if you can converge and converge, you won't fall into the field like today. It's all your masters!" Auntie sneered, sinking and screaming, saying: "The current battle between you, my royal family I will stay out of my life and hope that you will burn all the jade!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Xuanhe laughed loudly and looked happy. He said: "It's very good. It's best for you to be able to stay out of the world."

He suddenly had a meal and said: "I am here, there is a gift for your daughter."

The voice is falling, the Xuanhe is a little clan, and the clusters of black crushing clouds gather together, covering a circle of thousands of miles. From those clouds, roaring and howling, when you see a few thousand, the murderous souls are from the dark clouds. Appeared.

Aunt Lamin’s sudden appearance showed a colorful light, and it was moving and moving.

Those evil spirits are the souls of the source **** and the virtual **** level. Among them, there are still ten groups of souls, such as the ten mountains, showing the terrible trend.

The ten groups of souls were actually refining the soul of the strong gods.

Xuanhe reached out and pointed to Audrey, and smiled: "The prostitute has to break through the beginning of God, and I will give her a gift."

Tens of thousands of murderous souls screamed and screamed from the dark clouds to Audrey, but they were stunned by an invisible force. They screamed and struggled, trying to get out and leave, the formation of the 10th regiment The great soul, but also the roar of earth-shattering, the snarl is full of humiliation and unwillingness.

But they can not break away from the shackles of the Xuanhe River, turning into a gray shadow, one by one into the fuzzy chaotic virtual world at the top of Audrey.

There was a fierce scream inside the body of Audrey, such as the billions of creatures angering the gods, and the artistic conception formed by an evil resent seemed to be able to erase the souls.

Her beautiful face is covered with a blush, and there is a bright color in the beautiful, like a tonic, and there is a thin life, the vaguely imaginary world, which is supplemented by tens of thousands of evil spirits, gradually Condensed in essence.

Ayala looked at her deeply, her eyes showed a hint of happiness, and her expression was still cold and stiff. "Xuanhe, you have been doing a personnel for thousands of years."

"Ha ha ha."

Xuanhe laughed and turned into an electric light, and drilled into the center of the black cloud. The sound came from the cloud: "Tell your brother, the master inheritor is about to enter the Martial Star field. He is the head of the Royal Soul. How to do it."

Aunta snorted and said nothing.


Shadow ghost prison.

A strip of void passages is closed. If the swaying lines float in the void, the stars and rivers appear as numerous cracks in the mirror, which is extremely strange. ("")

After experiencing the invasion of the Protoss Ascot family, this place is temporarily in a state of absurdity and abandonment. There are no living beings around, and no one is practicing here.

Here, it is also the domain sea of ​​the Malang star field. The domain sea is the channel of the star field. When almost every star field is formed, the domain sea will appear slowly. It is very wonderful. It seems that God has deliberately condensed and made the universe countless stars. Domains can be quickly connected.

Between the star field and the star field, some have thick barriers and are isolated by both sides.

Such as the Malang star field and the fire rain star field, the fog magic star field, although separated, but there are natural void barriers, difficult to pass.

There are also no barriers between the star field and the star field, but they are infinitely far apart. Even if the cultivated space is strong, it takes a long time to cross the infinity distance. It may be ten years. It may also be hundreds of years.

In this way, the stars must be connected, only in other ways.

The domain sea is the best way. It is the natural place that God gave to the star field. The empty space channel is a naturally formed space transmission array, which spans the star field and is hundreds of millions of miles away.

The Shadow Ghost is the domain of the Malang Star.

On this day, a very chaotic gap in the void, such as a balloon being blown up, violently swelled up.

In just a few tens of seconds, the gap of the void became hundreds of times larger, and immediately a ray of glare came, the void channel could not bear the smash, and the numerous pieces of void splattered and turned into a meteor, filled with various fields. .

A beautiful star of life emerges from the bursting of the void passage and appears directly in the shadow ghost prison.

The Star of Life is covered with natural energy light curtains, and the interior mountains and lakes are picturesque, and the life is full of vitality.

The Star of Life did not stop moving, continued to wander in the shadow ghost prison, flying at an extremely fast speed.

It eventually stopped near the battle star of the War League.

"I finally saw the sun, the moon and the stars."

"I finally saw the light."

"what happened?"

"do not know."

On the Star of Life, many mortals and warriors are exclaimed in the sky, revealing the color of surprise.

They seem to be enclosed in a dark world, because there is no alternation of the sun, the moon and the stars, they do not know how long the time has passed.

They only know that the days that made them fearful and worried that they would come to an end.

Inside the stars.

A young man opened his eyes, and hundreds of millions of tiny stars in his eyes flashed, such as the eyes of the sea.

He grinned and muttered to himself: "It is finally."


A corner of the demon dragon.

There was a fierce incitement in the heart of the ancestors of the Tian Yaozu. His eyes lit up and he suddenly laughed.

He stunned away from the demon dragon star and flew in the direction of the shadow ghost prison. He was not practicing the space, but the speed was faster than the space of the sacred level of the sacred space. In a flash, he passed through dozens of life stars. , blinking billions of miles.

When he went to the Shadow Ghost, he did not know that the person he was looking for went directly to the Blood Star.

The space next to the Blood Blood Pool is a strange array.

The currents flashed through, and the currents were intertwined into the sky-like spectacle, and the array was completely shrouded.

At the glimpse of the violent volatility, a young man suddenly appeared and flashed through the law.

The several demon virgins who are guarded by the tactics are all excited and stand up, but when they are looking for people, they find that there is no trace of breath.

Shenzhou City.

The Yangjia and Shijia resident city capitals are located in the center of the city. The Yang family and the stone family are practicing here and enjoy the wealth.

Yang Qingdi is in the 100-meter secret room of the underground. The secret room is made up of Shenjing and many strange stones that seduce the energy of the heavens and the earth. It is simple and solid, and the internal energy is filled. A series of milky white energy rivers are suspended around, such as the wonderful snake, Yang Qing. The emperor swallowed into the abdomen.

Suddenly he frowned and got up and disappeared from the stone room.

On the east side of the city's main house, Shi Jian is reprimanding Shi Tianluo and Shi Tianxiao's juniors. "You are a rabbit, and now the days are better. You will not practice hard. Do you have the rock?"

Shi Jian blows his beard and blinks, and anger rushes: "Our old stone family can have everything today, it is all played by Xiaoyanzi, but Xiaoyanzi is also a Yang family. You look at the Yang family of Yangjia, Yang Haodu Quick King, what about you? You all stink, you know that you are lazy, and then go on like this, the face of the old stone family has been lost by you!"

Shi Tianluo, Shi Tianke, Shi Tianling, a group of juniors crying and sorrowful, sighing and sighing, dare not refute anything, but the heart is depressed.

How can you compare with the Yang family?

The Gorefiend regarded the Yang family as a relative, opened up the blood pool to cultivate the Yang family, and brought many rare and precious treasures of the blood star into the Yang family. This made the Yang family strong.

People's blood is strong, and there are such unique advantages, how can they compare with them?

Refuted in the hearts of the people.

The elders Han Feng sneered in the darkness, and they nodded in a serious way. The hurricane from time to time ignited one or two words: "Hey, it’s the same person. How big is the gap? When the young master of the rock was seventeen years old, he had a glimmer of power. You started fast, now How far has it been pulled? I am embarrassed to say!"

"Who dares to compare with Xiaoyanzi? You dare?" Shi Tianke retorted.

Han Feng shrank his head and couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, I haven’t seen the stinky boy for a long time. His realm is getting higher and higher, and his status is different. I’m afraid that there is no embers to come to me to talk to my grandfather." Shi Jianxi sighed and looked lonely.

"This is not coming."

Suddenly, a clear voice came, and a black figure suddenly popped up in the room.

Shi Jian’s body trembled, and the old eyes couldn’t help but wet. But the mouth groaned: “You are a kid, isn’t the wings hard, can’t you remember my grandfather?”


Ps: Hey, today is another chapter. I will make up tomorrow. I am ashamed of myself. The plot is not straightened out. I can’t figure out how to sit and scratch my head for a few hours. I don’t want to make too many logical mistakes, so I am sorry. ~~


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