God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1222: immortal

A circle of bright white light spreads around the blood pool, and every time a white light appears, it means that a group of people have left the blood star. (_《"》》)

The city people living in the city of Shenzhou disappeared under the arrangement of Shiyan by means of arrays. Many old people who had had a past relationship with him had been seen for many years.

He has been standing next to the blood pool.

Gorefiend, Fu Wei, Feng Han, and Lin Xin, the heads of the forces, are also silent next to the law, with complex expressions.

Yang family and Shijia people pulled in the end, and did not leave the first batch. Yang Qingdi and the Gorefiend stood side by side, and the two exchanged their feelings softly.

In a short time, most of the city people in Shenzhou City disappeared, leaving only Yang family and stone family people still not moving.

Yang Qingdi looked at Shiyan.

He smiled lightly and explained: "You don't go back to the city of Shenzhou. You can't go back to the island. After that ocean, the aura will not be weaker than the land of China."

Yang Qingdi and Shi Jian looked moved and showed a bit of joy.

"What about me? What good place did you find for me?" Gorefiend grinned.

"It is also the endless sea." Shi Yan squinted and said: "Because of your family, you will go to the endless sea. The islands that are endless in the future will be the most precious places on the mainland."

He and the ancient continent are united in one, naturally knowing that the Tiande Mountain in the endless sea is the sacred place of the Tian Yaozu, the holy land is extremely wonderful. In the past, many demons of the Tian Yaozu joined forces and changed the pattern of the heavens and the earth, in which there seems to be a novel arrangement. .

He has long noticed that the aura of the endless sea islands is gradually more abundant than the land of China, and will become the most prosperous center of the mainland in the future.

He is naturally selfish, and the best things are of course left to his family. Therefore, the Yang family and the Shi family are in the end, and will continue to dominate the endless sea.

Fu Wei, Feng Han, Lin Xin listened at the side, look different, a doubt in the stomach.

"Shi Yan. Isn't the blood star bad? Why do you want to move away?" Lan Lan said their voices, "If the blood of the magic star is not enough, why did you want to cross the star field?"

The rest of the people also looked at him.

Lianna, Ferran, Cato, Fu Wei, and Zi Yao are among them.

At this time, it can be in this area, either honorable or close to Shiyan, which is qualified to listen to some hidden words.

Shi Yan is indulging, knowing that the things of the ancient continent are not secret in other stars, they will know sooner or later. I will not continue to conceal, saying: "Let's go with me and see."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they nodded.

"Cato, you go to the Giants." """ (To call the giants Zhen Guna Xin two people come over, the Giants have grace for me in the past, we can not treat the Giants."

"Ferland predecessors, those who came from the flames of the star, Kashun, you go to summon. Well, those who are closely related to us, such as the predators of the land of punishment, you bring it. As for the original Those who are in the league. It will be."

Shi Yan took care of it and suddenly told him.

Cato and Ferran immediately left.

Feng Qi's charming face is full of joy. The heart is moving, she is intelligent. It has been judged that this matter has a great relationship. Those who can be invited to come over should have a big chance.

Most of the predators of the land of divine punishment are his father's veins. Now, in the blood of the stars gathered under her father, Shi Yan asked Ferran to call those people, apparently on her face.

Zi Yao listened to him mentioning Kashun, and also grinned, and the beautiful waves swayed and glanced at him.

In a short time, Naxin and Zhengu of the Giants came together. For example, two meat mountaines, Naxin is about to enter the realm of the gods, and Zhengu also reaches the double **** of the virtual god. The body is like jade glittering with luster and luster. The blood of the blood trembles.

"Shiyan kid, you call us to do it? Haha, we are very satisfied with the life of the blood star, but do not want to leave easily." Na Xin smiled.

The Giants are indeed very satisfied with today's life. The magic blood star is full of aura, and it is also the place where the Mazda Stars are powerful. Almost no one dares to provoke them. Their giants are placed in a region in the blood star. The realm has increased rapidly.

Na Xin and Zhen Gu are extremely happy to enjoy the present life. Listening to Cato concealing that Shi Yan wants to move their giants away, I feel a little reluctant.

"You will make a decision later." Shi Yan smiled and did not explain first.

After a while, Feng and Kashun’s warriors in the flames of the stars also came one by one.

"Uncle." Zi Yao smiled and shouted.

Kashun was graceful and relaxed. "The princess's style is better than ever. It is the most correct decision to get out of the flames. It is our way to come to the Malay Star Field."

He looked at Shiyan again, and he chuckled. "You change so much. Every time I see you, I have to be shocked."

The leader of the predator of Feng Qi and several places of sacred punishment, after coming over, was slightly restrained. In front of the powerful people like Gorefiend, Fu Wei and Feng Han, who are famous in the world, they are a little straight. Obviously can not be opened.

At this time, Feng Wei took the initiative to go over and said softly: "Father, don't worry, it is definitely a good thing. The luck that can be invited is very good..."

Feng Wei was slightly relieved, smiled and nodded, and glanced at Shiyan, his face was full of emotion.

He naturally knows the relationship between his daughter and Shiyan. He also knows that Shiyan has a very good relationship with women. Sometimes he is not reconciled to his daughter. Most of the time, he is still very happy, because his daughter’s choice is correct and his vision is even more Very outstanding.

Because of the daughter's correct judgment, they can only come to the high-level star field and can survive in the blood star.

Compared with the Malang Star Field, the overall level of the Flame Star Warrior is weaker. They come here to have the feeling of a countryman entering the city. They know that they can have everything today because of their daughter’s choice because of Shiyan. Care.

"People are almost at the same time, let's go." Shi Yan swept the crowd and stepped into the center of the law.

The crowd immediately entered one by one.

A circle of dazzling glare flashed, and they disappeared one by one, and the next moment appeared in the undead island of the endless sea.

Here is a line of stone rock arrangements that year, when he changed the change slightly before the blood star, it became a direct crossover.

At this point they are in the array of undead islands.


Yang Qingdi’s eyebrows rose, and he snorted and smiled.

The Yang family and the Shijia people all showed their horror, and they were all confused.

In the end of the year, the endless sea was invaded by the Mozu and the Dynasties. The endless seas and the islands were covered with charcoal. Many mountains and rivers collapsed and the lakes dried up. When they left the endless sea that year, the endless sea was devastated. At that time, the gods’ energy was still Not until the final stage, the aura is still thin.

But today, this undead island is full of strange trees, many mountains and rivers are lush, the lake is crystal clear, there are many fish with fat and aura, each valley has flowers everywhere, and even many flowers are rare, even Very few areas of the Malang star field can be nurtured.

The white milk cloud is like a faint mist around the island. Many rare birds are screaming in the mountains, the clouds are shining in the sky, the fog in the island is misty, and the appearance of a wonderful fairyland.

Gorefiend, Fu Wei, and Feng Han are all looking at each other, and immediately release the soul around the inspection.

In a short time, the coldness revealed the color of the movement, saying: "There is a strong atmosphere in this place. Many flowers and plants are rare species. There are also Jingjing veins in the mine nearby. Here...what did you give up?"

He can't understand.

“No!” Na Xin came to the endless sea. He frowned and said: “It’s totally different! And the last time was two worlds!”

"When we left, if the aura had one-third of this time, we really want to go?" Yang Qingdi sighed softly.

Everyone listened to Na Xin and Yang Qingdi, and they all looked at Shiyan. They naturally knew that there was another hidden feeling.

Under the eyes of everyone, Shi Yan said: "The energy of this place is more fashionable than the blood star, but for a hundred years, it will sweep through the blood star. After the millennium, the heaven and earth aura will be the richest in the universe. It is also the most blessed place for the military to quench the flesh and realize the uplifting power of the gods. In the future, this continent will be the wonder of the universe."

When this statement came out, everyone was shocked and moved, and they all showed a shocking color.

"Yes, in the next ten thousand years, this continent will be the center of the universe." A voice suddenly came, and the initial appearance was outside the celestial pole, but in an instant there was an undead island that appeared in front of everyone.

The Gorefiend of the Three Gods of the First God, when he saw him appeared, his mind shook, revealing the color of disbelief and horror, and said: "You, your realm?"

"Forgive me, I was born in this continent. I lived here in the Taikoo era. I am a Tianhui nationality." Qinglong smiled and looked at Shiyan, saying: "The bloodthirsty inheritor I finally saw you, I want to thank you on behalf of all the people of the Tian Yaozu."

"You are?" Shi Yan was shocked inside. In front of this person, he had a feeling of looking up at the starry sky.

After breaking through the beginning of God, he was able to calmly face the Gorefiend, but after this person appeared, there was a strong crisis. It seems that this person can destroy him at any time. It feels like... Let him be in the throat, every One second is uneasy.

This is a feeling that has never been seen before!

"The current patriarch of the Tian Yaozu, my name is Qinglong." He introduced with a smile.

Shi Yan was eclipsed, stayed for a while, and took a deep breath. He smiled and said: "You old man, you can live to the present, I really see the old demon."

Qinglong haha ​​smiled and said: "You will be able to reach the realm of immortality. Once you are immortal, you can live like me for so long."

As soon as this statement came out, Fu Wei, Feng Han, Na Xin, Li Anna, and Lin Xin all of them were completely stunned.

The immortal realm, only in the realm of the legend, the Malang star field as a high-level star field, has not born a tens of thousands of years of this level of power.

This kind of person... Forever in the myth of rumors from generation to generation, I only heard that it really exists, but no one can see it with my own eyes.

Today, they finally saw one.



Ps: Hey, this is the end of the replenishment. .


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