God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1224: Delivering promises...

Undead island.

The house of Yang’s family still existed, but it was slightly broken. Yang Qingdi stood at the majestic palace filled with dusty spider webs and remained silent for a long time.

His eyes evoked a thousand expressions and sighed, "For many years..."

Beside him, Yang family and stone family people also sighed. I didn't expect to wander around the Mazhao star field. Now I am returning again. The life situation is really strange.

Xia Xinyu is also in the crowd, she is very bleak, her body is lonely, and her heart is deeply sighed.

When the Xiajia and Yang family were handed over, the relationship between the two sides was harmonious. However, due to the opportunity in the land of Shenzhou, they finally became strangers. Xia Qinghou did not hold up with the Yang family because of misjudgment, which eventually led to the decline of the Xia family.

In the battle of the Yongye Forest, Shi Yan finally laughed at the end, but he did not kill the Xia Jia.

Two hundred years passed quietly. Many of the people of Xiajia could not break through and they were all dead. Nowadays, the surviving people do not know where to live. She only feels bitter and bitter, watching Yang family and Shijia step by step toward the peak. Slowly grow and grow, and then compare the summer family's encounter, she can not tell the sorrow and grief.

At this time, her jade hand tightened, she turned to look at Shiyan.

"There are still people living in Xiajia." He smiled.

“Where?” Xia Xin’s beauty suddenly flashed.

"I'll take you."

A light trail appeared, and his bridge glimmered through the heart, disappearing from the dead island.

The island of Galois reincarnation, the island of the original Xiajia cultivation.

The island is overgrown with weeds, and there is a red stone hall in the southeast corner. There is a military field in the main hall, and dozens of Xiajia Erlang are practicing in it.

Summer night is one of them.

He is a realm of robbing, he is tempering martial arts in the martial arts field, and he is also the son of several Xia’s children.

An old man, who was squatting, sat at the corner of the martial arts field. He looked at the summer night and nodded secretly.

In the summer night, I stopped practicing and practicing, and went to the old man. Dao: "Pre-weekly, I heard that you have lived for more than two hundred years. What happened to the summer home two hundred years ago in the land of China?"

Zhou Yu’s face sank and snorted. “Why do you ask so much nonsense? The reincarnation of the island is the foundation of Xiajia. It’s always been that Xia’s family has never been to the land of China!”

"Why every time my ancestors sighed. Say we summer home... If you didn't stand the wrong team that year. Should you leave many years ago?" The summer night quietly lowered the voice, and the ghost said: "I heard that really powerful people, I have been away from here many years ago. I entered the vast starry sky. If we were wrong in the past, we should take the lead in entering the country. Is this true?"

Zhou Yu looked embarrassed. Drinked: "Don't talk nonsense!"

He looked up at the sky and sighed.

After a long time, Miss... I don’t know if I am still alive. I don’t know how old I am. I don’t know if I can see you again.

He figured up and walked away, went to the back of the Xiajia Mountain, in a cave in the back hill, Xia Shenchuan face wrinkles criss-cross, the life magnetic field gradually depleted. He has already stopped practicing, writing the martial arts that he has learned in these years, and he can give something to the summer family.

His father was in the summer and the pure land came together, and eventually he went with the net land and took them back to the endless sea.

Since then, the summer has been fascinating all the time, and the strange disease that he lost his intelligence at that time has actually started, and the aura of heaven and earth has gradually deteriorated. Xia lightly waited for the realm of retreat, and slowly lost his heart and soul, and recovered his intelligence a little before his death. He also remembered the mistakes of the year.

"Homeowner." Zhou Yu came quietly.

Xia Shenchuan looked up and smiled. "Why don't you continue to stare at the boys in the battlefield?"

"Homeowner. You should continue to stick to it." Zhou Yu bit his teeth and said: "As long as you break through the realm of real God. You can improve your life, you will continue to survive, maybe... you can wait until the day the lady returns. ""

Xia Shenchuan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Don't persuade me, I am sure that the breakthrough is hopeless. It is better to add more martial arts to the children in the rest of the time."

"Home! Not the same! Don't you feel that endless floods are much richer than before, you still have time! You have spent your time on martial arts writing, and there is no chance!" Zhou Yudao, "If you are a child Knowing that you are so self-defeating, you must be disappointed!"

Xia Shenchuan's body trembled, writing the martial arts hand shake, wrote down, bitterly said: "For more than two hundred years, Xiaoxier from the ice and fire secrets of the virtual domain field, it is basically a life of nine deaths. Extraterrestrial, full of countless dangers, If she is still alive, if she can come back, she should have returned."


Suddenly the cracks in the hole came.

Xia Shenchuan and Zhou Yu subconsciously went to see, and immediately shocked, the old eyes immediately wet, and they were pointing at the coming people, unable to speak.

Xia Xinyu stood in the mouth of Tingting, and the tears overflowed with tears. He cried: "Grandpa..."

"Little girl! Is it a little girl?! I didn't look at it!" Xia Shenchuan returned to the light, and his face was unhealthy and rushed out.

"It's me, it's me..." Xia Xin didn't make a sound.

For many years, she also wanted to return to her homeland, but she did not have such an opportunity.

The virtual channel connecting the outer domain of the Malang star field is either closed or full of danger of the void. She has no ability to return to her homeland and can only hang in her heart.

Nowadays, her hometown falls directly into the Malang star field and appears in the same star field. She can finally set foot on her homeland.

For more than two hundred years, I did not expect my loved ones to remain healthy. Xia Xinzhen suddenly lost his heart and tears.

Shiyan stood in the corner of Houshan, and looked at the cave house far away, but did not enter.

When he broke through the realm of the gods, he once again revived the city of Tianzhu, the endless sea, and the land of China. At that time, he knew that the Xia family had re-educated in the reincarnation. He did not pass, but now it is the same.

When the insistence and the pure land came together for the summer, although this person had already died, Ke Shiyan still had some snacks for the Xia family.

Therefore, although he returned to this place with Xia Xinyu, he took her and his family to reunite, but he did not come out.

After an hour.

Xia Shenchuan and Zhou Yu appeared at the entrance of the cave, and looked at him from afar. Suddenly, they were all greeted with a loud voice: "The old man represents Xia Jia and apologizes to Yang."

Zhou Yu looked at Shiyan deeply, and his eyes were full of shock.

He has learned from the heart of Xia Xinkou that the current state of Shiyan, and the status of this time, reminiscent of Shiyan in that year, he only felt that the youth in front of him is synonymous with miracles.

Many Xia family people, when they heard the sound of Xia Shenchuan, were amazed and came from all corners.

Summer night is one of them. He is flying all the way, and he looks at a young figure in the valley. He is similar to him at the age of twenty. He looks like a black man with long hair hanging behind his shoulders and his back is majestic. The temperament is cold.

"Yang family, is that a family that is not a genius? It is that person who brought the mainland people to the outside world many years ago! That person is the legend of the era of the mainland!"

Summer nights secretly screamed.

"Shi Yan, my grandfather personally apologized, you ... do you have to investigate?" Xia Xin sighed, bright and bright.

"Shi Yan? This name seems to have been heard..."

"The family of Yang family, called Shiyan... Is that person?"

"Isn't he really? Who did you get out of the field early?"

In the meantime, all the Xia family people have shaken, and the ones that worship the most look at Shiyan, their eyes are hot.

The name Shi Yan is a legend in this era. It is the object of all people's fear. Every corner of the mainland, no matter what ethnic or military force, knows the name.

It is this person who took their predecessors and elders away from the field many years ago and went directly into the domain. At that time, they did not have enough training and were not qualified to enter the field. But the elders and ex-offers who left them said to them, saying When they wait for a certain level of day, they are also eligible to enter the field.

Those people asked them to remember this name and tell them all that it was because the mainland had a bad man, so that the depleted mainland warrior could have a cure.

All the people in the summer night and the Xia family were staring and staring at him for a moment.

Shi Yan frowned, and then stretched out again, said indifferently: "If you are there, can I pursue it?"

Xia Xinyi has a sweet heart.

"That round of the island?" She hesitated, and she stopped.

Xia Shenchuan and Zhou Yu, who know the mystery, secretly clenched their fists and looked nervous.

They know the secrets of the mainland from Xia Xinkou, knowing that the endless sea will be a strange place for the whole star, and will attract countless extraterrestrial strongmen to practice here. Every inch of land here will be worth more than a Shenjing mine.

If Shiyan is willing to nod, it will be the creation of Xia Jiatian, which will affect Xia Jiawanian.

"But it." Shi Yan sighed. "You can continue to practice on this island."

Xia Shenchuan and Zhou Yu looked shocked, and they all bowed and bowed.

"I am leaving." Shi Yan nodded to Xia Xinyu and was ready to leave.

"You will leave tomorrow. Today, let me accompany you." Xia Xinyi stunned and flew to him, and took the initiative to bridge his hand.

The next moment, she and Shi Yan flashed together in the forest on the reincarnation island. When she settled down, she kissed Shiyan with enthusiasm, and the snow arms tightly wrapped around his neck, and the exquisite body was close to the stone rock.

Her starry and fascinating, her body twitched gently, ** eroded the bones of the rock, licking the red lips, exhaling like Landao: "You are stronger than me now, I honor the promise of the year. ......" She figured a graceful spin, a shirt faded, a perfect white ketone body, such as jade-like ** emerged.

Shi Yan’s eyes were hot, and she watched her re-enter her arms, suddenly whispering, holding her tight and enjoying her pleasure.




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