God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1226: Black iron city

The giant comet is south.

The majestic city pools, such as the rolling mountains, stand between the heavens and the earth. The cities are wide and tall, as if the giant beasts are on the ground. Under the nine sun rays, the golden and jade-like city shines brightly.

There are nine suns and six moons around the stars. The days are hot and hot, and the night is cold and cold, but no matter the day or night, the giant comets are covered with light, and there is no darkness.

In the south, there is a city named Hei Iron City, built with black and black iron in the sky. It has a place in the black city of the Juyi Star.

In the mountain forest outside the city, corresponding to the giant scorpion, a transfer array named "Xuan", the foreign warriors transmitted from the "Xuan" will often enter the Black Iron City.

There are nine giant stars in the city, each city is a trading city, there are countless large and small shops, at least half of those shops belong to the giant chambers of commerce, and half of the chambers of business belong to all parties.

The giant comet is the most famous trading star in the universe. Here you can buy almost all the materials for cultivation, all kinds of grades are available, and Yuanshi materials are not rare.

It can be said that the cultivation materials that can't be found in the giant comet are almost the most rare of any stars.

Nine giant comets on the city, distributed in every corner of the giant comet, each city is magnificent, attracting a large number of foreign military personnel to come over, or to sell materials, or to buy.

On the giant comet, not only can you buy cultivating materials, but you can also buy mines, miners and even stars of life.

It is said that the giant comet has been sold in the stars!


In a martial arts field in Heicheng, in a strange room, two figures are practicing in the righteousness.

The dome of the chamber is inlaid with a number of colorful crystals, arranged in a special array, carefully smashed, and the crystal forms a "water" word, from which there is a wave of meditation.

The secret room is not a stone, but a pool of water. The pool is crystal clear. The water is simmering, and it has a wonderful effect, which can enhance the spiritual understanding of the righteous people who cultivate water.

This is the water of the Austrian training ground, refining for the Jubilee Chamber of Commerce, rented to the extraterrestrial warriors who come to the giant comet, for them to have leisurely cultivation of the righteousness, a lot of similar training grounds, the fire of the righteous training ground. The ice of the Austrian training ground. Lei Zhi’s esoteric training ground covers a variety of common meanings.

The special esoteric training grounds are aimed at cultivating different ethnic groups. Can enhance the speed of cultivation and understanding of the righteousness.

This kind of esoteric training field is divided into different levels, and the fees are naturally different. They are all built by the Jubilee Chamber of Commerce. The wealth that is earned through the practice fields every year is hard to imagine.

In this water-based training ground, there is a piece of water crystal in the pool, the crystal is like a heart shape, and it has a gentle undulation.

A charming woman is quietly practicing in it, absorbing the energy of the water heart and melting the body, such as a drop of water, perfectly matched with the water, as if it is part of the training ground. The true meaning of the meaning of water.

On the edge of the water, a woman with a silver hair, sleeping with her eyes closed.

I don't know how long it took. She opened her eyes and her eyes were dim. It seemed to have a very heavy mind. She looked at the water crystals dissolved in the pool. Dao: "Yes, your starting position is solid."

The charming woman in the pool is Cecilia. After she was taken out of the wilderness, she came directly to the giant comet to see her master. I am going to explain this trip clearly to the Malang Star Field, but she is left behind by her master Lena. Let her immediately use the water heart crystal to quench the realm and enter the beginning of God.

When she entered the wilderness, the state of Cecilia was in the triple heaven of the gods. After ten years of tempering in the wilderness, the mind, the will, and the understanding of the meaning of the water reached the bottleneck of breakthrough. She was lucky to get the water. The level of Shenjing Shuixinjing, the key to all breakthroughs have been obtained.

Lena strictly allowed her to take the opportunity to break through. She had to stay and use her most advanced water training ground in her master's shelter to step into the beginning.

Stabilizing the wonderful materials of the realm of the gods, Lena has already gathered for her at the Jubilee Chamber of Commerce. After a period of refining and refining to absorb the water and the power of the heart, Cecilia’s original realm has finally stabilized and will not worry about the mind. The drawbacks of confusion.

"Master, I am now calming down the realm of the gods, can you let me go now?"

Cecilia's charming smile, the melamine body ** from the water pool, the skin is white as jade, beautiful and smashing, such as ripe peaches, bloody.

"Would you like to go to the Martian domain and find the young man named Shi Yan?" Lena snorted. "I have worked hard for you to exchange a lead. I hope you can help me find his bones." Come, you didn't do anything well, but instead hooked up with that person, you still have to find him? Is it not at all to the master?"

"No, I went to find him to find out about it." Cecilia quickly explained, "I was lost with him at the beginning, and afterwards I was thrown out of the strange world for no reason, he should stay." Then... a series of things happened. When I saw him again, I had no time to ask about it until I was ridiculed."

"You mean, you were smashed out, and he... but not?" Lena looked.

"I can be sure." Cecilia is just saying: "When he and Hasen confronted each other, he turned the virtual world out. The virtual world is similar to the world I entered, and I think..."

"He has integrated the world into the virtual world!" Lena felt a shock.

Cecilia nodded.

Lena suddenly silenced and thought about it for a long time. For a long time, she said indifferently: "Then you don't need to go to the Malang star field. At that time, he helped him to attack the protoss in the Martial domain. At this time, he was forced by the Protoss. Those heads have come to the giant comet, and the person you said will come to the giant comet without any accident."

"Why come to the giant comet?" Cecilia was amazed.

"Because the giant comet is the safest. For tens of thousands of years, the four races are fighting, but this star is never affected by the war. Whether it is the undead, the royal family or the protoss, even the bloodthirsty of the year, in its prosperity During the period, there was no action on the giant comet. Those small forces had to talk about something secretly. If they were in other stars, they might be wiped out by the Protoss. Only on the giant comet, even if they leaked the news, they would not even invade. ""

Lena explained.

"Master, you have seen the president of the Giant Chamber of Commerce, this person... What is the origin of the identity? Why aren’t the Protoss dare to move the Chamber of Commerce?"

"The water of the Giant Chamber of Commerce is very deep. The president is even more mysterious. Even I can't guess what he hides."

"If Shiyan came to the giant comet, how can I find him?"

"You go to the Satay and other people who are blasphemy. They are all in Heilongjiang, they are looking for them. You can naturally see the people you want to see."

"Ah, thank you master."


Inside a manor in Black Iron City.

The samurai of the martyrdom, the Wufeng of Wujia, the cypress of Wujia, the Jiaohai of Jiaojia, the Mou and the Fuller are all among them. Together with them, there are leaders of various forces, and the small manor But there are real power figures in all major stars.

An old man wearing a blue robes and a corner with a broken star, a dark green long hair hanging shoulders, followed by several warriors, suddenly went to the manor.

"The head of the Black Chamber of Commerce, Hei Tiecheng, asked for it." Behind him, a warrior in the virtual world of the three gods, suddenly sighed and sighed at the door of the manor, and there was a hint of disdain in his voice.

As the city guard of the Iron Chamber of the Giant Chamber of Commerce, he will be deeply respected when he walks in any star field. Other star-owners will be respectful and respectful, because he is a man of the Giant Chamber of Commerce. Be proud of it.

The mega-commercial chamber has stood for tens of thousands of years, and it has developed from a small star field. The forces gradually spread throughout the Xinghai. It is the most peculiar force in the universe. Even the most powerful period of the four races will not easily be provoked. This is a huge The enthusiasm of the Chamber of Commerce is also the glory of every member of the Chamber of Commerce.

Upon hearing the head of the Black Iron City, he asked for help, and the heads of the various forces in the manor looked at each other.

The sacred **** elder Mu Weiying hooked his nose, his face was sullen, and he frowned deeply. He looked at the people who talked to the secret room and said, "Who are you connected with the iron chaos? How does he know that we are gathered here?"

And the Black Wind Stars of the Black River Stars are the white brothers of the brothers. They said: "You are too small to smash the Chamber of Commerce. On the giant comet, they will not know what is going on in the wind? There are not many secrets in this world. The Chamber of Commerce, passed the mysterious president."

Jiaojia’s Jiaomu’s face changed. “The Giant Chamber of Commerce knows that we are coming. Does the Protoss know it? The rumor that the mysterious president and the Protoss have an unknown relationship. If he and the Protoss unite and want to poison us, we will not send it. Into the tiger's mouth?"

Baiyefeng waved his hand and smiled: "If the Giant Chamber of Commerce is walking with the Protoss, the Protoss invaded the horoscope in this eternal time, definitely not just now. If you are welcome, the Giant Chamber of Commerce will join forces with the Protoss. The star field where we are all, now I am afraid that it is already a vassal of the Protoss."

When this statement came out, everyone was silent and seriously thought about the meaning of Bai Yefeng.

Half-sounding, they nodded one after another, apparently that Baiyefeng’s remarks were not exaggerated.

Because the Giant Chamber of Commerce really has this weight!

"Don't be suspicious, listen to what I said when I talked about it." Baiyefeng got up and flashed out of the secret room and took the initiative to go out to the manor. He shouted: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

The rest of the secret room waited for a moment, and they all came out and greeted the people with the Baiyefeng.


at the same time.

Shangchen and Shiyan were in front of a city gate in Heilongjiang, and they were paid into the Shenjing of the city. Shenjing was on the scene and the two stepped into the city.

“Very prosperous!”

As soon as Shi Yan fell into the city, his eyes circled and he could not help but whisper.

"Of course, the giant comet has not been affected by the war for thousands of years. I don't know how much wealth is accumulated. It can be said that it is the heart of the universe. Can you not be prosperous?"

Shangchen smiled.


Ps: The monthly ticket has doubled. I haven’t had a monthly ticket for a long time. I’m looking for it today. I hope that my brothers and sisters will be happy, and I will vote for the small counter, please! !


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