God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1230: Inconvenience

At the corner of Heilongjiang, on a platform of hundreds of feet high, two figures overlook the bottom.

Not far from the bottom is the manor. The horror that came from before was from the depths of the manor.


Cecilia screamed, her face was pale, "just the shadow of the troll, is that?"

She had just found the manor where Shaying lived, and Lena looked at the building and thought about when to enter. Suddenly she found a fierce atmosphere rising from the sky, as if the giant comets were shrouded and all the strong hearts were Shocked.

She is very close to this. If her master Lena is helping, she may be shattered under the pressure.

At this time, Cecilia was on the hundreds-foot-high platform, overlooking the manor, and slamming his mouth.

In the vicinity of the manor, within a hundred miles, there are hundreds of thousands of corpses of warriors. The postures of the warriors are strange, or they are buying materials or are having fun. At this time, they still maintain their original posture, but the altar has been crushed. No vitality.

The imaginary **** has a soul sacrificial person, and he died in a film, in every corner of the manor.

"It's the breath of that person." Lena is also amazed, her face is very ugly, "He has been annihilated for countless years, how can there be breath?"

"Is it the bloodthirsty Lord?" Cecilia asked.

"It must be him." Lena snorted and said: "When this person was in the world, the teacher was still young, and the realm was not as good as you. But the master of the master had participated in the war that year, and the protoss united with that. When the man started, the master returned, and soon after the return of the master, he was ruined by death. She said before she died that the man was smashed before death and turned into countless residual limbs disappearing in the void. The Protoss has been searching for the whereabouts of the person’s limbs, and there is no news,”

Lena paused for a few seconds and looked down at the manor. She said: "The breath just should be the stump of his body."

Cecilia is eclipsed. "Only the residual limbs, the fierceness of the release, will let the martial arts below the martial arts smash?"

"It is true." Lena showed a sly look. "The man I have never seen before, my master united with the Protoss and the great stars of the great stars, and smashed several stars in the battle, separated by infinity. The shock waves that come, have caused many warriors in the vicinity to disappear. The fierce god. The body has a terrible force."

Cecilia is terrified.

"Master. You have already entered the immortal world with half your feet, that person...what is he in? What is so powerful?" She asked bitterly for a long time.

Lena smiled bitterly. "My master was also in the realm of immortality, and this was qualified to participate in the action of killing him. But the master was attacked by the person's corrosive power. After returning to use all methods, he did not disappear, and eventually the altar rotten soul was annihilated. You said How strong is that person?"

"What kind of realm is he?" Cecilia asked again.

"Don't ask too much, the more you know, the more stress you have, and it can only hinder your realm." Lena sighed. "When you get to the division to break through the barrier, you really can enter the immortal, you may know How strong is he..."

Black Iron City Chamber of Commerce Center.

The iron forehead was covered with sweat and looked up at the direction of the manor. He rushed to the front and said: "Sparks elders. You breathe in the breath, don't need me to say anything?"

He collected a brocade, and flashed a touch of joy in the sputum. The casket had a promise to him, which helped him break through the realm of the gods.

The spark of fire was like an ice block, nodded, and did not say anything more than the iron chaos. Just glanced at the huge mirror in the middle of the secret room, and it flashed away.

After he left for a long time, he opened the mirror, and respectfully reported: "The president, the black iron city has changed. The jade scorpion sent... was opened."


Under the manor.

Stone rock unkempted from a stone path.

Sasha's chest was stained with blood, and his eyes looked weak at him. Reluctantly, the voice hoared: "You finally came out."

Mu Wei, Bai Yefeng, Wu Lie, Jiao Mu, Sanji everyone, as well as Wu Feng, Mo Zhen, Jiao Mountain, several people are standing on the side, Wu Feng a group of juniors are apathetic, a wounded appearance.

"I think we should leave Blacktown!" Wu Lie screamed.

Shi Yan gave him a look.

"When your jade scorpion is opened, the black iron city has died hundreds of thousands of people. The giant commerce chamber is afraid of killing people." Bai Yefeng explained with a bitter smile.

Shi Yan frowned.

He was arranged by the Shangchen to come to the giant comet, and the Shangchen was stunned by the martyrdom. The bloodthirsty pulse made him come naturally and had deep meaning. That finger... is it the bloodthirsty leader? He is not sure about the purpose of coming over.

But as soon as the jade scorpion was opened, hundreds of thousands of warriors were killed, and he also had a great shock, giving birth to a bad feeling.

Nowadays, the ringing spirit is on the finger. He does not dare to touch the jade scorpion easily, nor can he know any secrets from the ringing spirit, and suddenly gives birth to a confused feeling of the future direction.

"Black Iron City is not the place where we discuss big things. We are here just to wait for you. The thousands of illusions and broken temples are all in the Cold Iron City. Let's go to the Cold Iron City." Gloomy luster, suddenly proposed.

"Thousands of illusion, broken temple, cold iron city?" Shi Yan confused.

"Thousands of illusions and broken temples are two powerful forces between the stars and rivers. In fact, the alliances formed by several of our stars to deal with the Protoss are mainly initiated by the Thousand Magic and the Broken Temple. The trials of the temple into the wilderness were killed very early, and there was no connection with you, so they did not enter the Malang star field. This protoss directed against us, but did not kill the thousand illusions and broken temples. Before coming over, I contacted the thousands of illusions and broken temples and invited them to fight against the Protoss."

Muwei explained briefly and said: "But the thousand illusionists and the people who broke the temple insisted on seeing the person in charge of bloodthirsty, saying that they would like to talk to you and decide what to do."

"Thousands of illusions and broken temples are extremely powerful. In addition to the Protoss and the four major races, thousands of illusions and broken temples are strong in the Xinghai. If there are thousands of illusions and broken temples, the Protoss crisis can be lifted. !" Baiyefeng interjected.

"You have made such a big move in the Black Iron City, we certainly can't stay in this Black Iron City, you see?" Muwe's eyes are secluded.

Satay looked at Muwei, and the pupil flashed a sigh of sorrow. He always felt that Muwei had any thoughts on it, and Baiyefeng seemed to be not quite right...

Shaying and Mo Zhen exchanged, knowing that Baiyefeng had always been unable to look down on him. He thought that Mo Zhen was too embarrassed to inherit the slogan of the black wind. However, in the treatment of the Ma Weixing domain, Bai Yefeng was surprisingly in favor. Mo Zhen decided and took the initiative to draw a weak force.

Mu Wei and Bai Yefeng are very similar in some respects. They are extremely concerned about the forces of the various parties in the joint venture.

It can be said that the success of this gathering of giant comets is the result of the active planning of Mu Wei and Bai Yefeng. Even the thousands of illusions and broken temples are also in contact.

Sha Yu saw Mu Wei and Bai Yefeng sing a singer and tried to bring Shiyan to the Cold Iron City. He gave birth to a tacit understanding of the two people. Many things discussed the illusion of good things. He always felt that these two people were hiding something and treating the stone. There are secrets in the rock.

Satay looks at Shiyan.

Shi Yan looked indifferent, seemingly thinking about it, hesitating whether to listen to the proposal of Mu Wei and Bai Yefeng.

Just when he was hesitant, a flaming meteor galloped, a chilly atmosphere, such as the extreme frost and fog, instantly let everyone feel cold, the soul is frozen.

call out!

A figure flashed out in the manor, it was the spark of the Protoss Presbyterian Church. He glanced at Muwei, Baiyefeng, Jiaomu, Sanji, and Wu Lie, and squinted and said: "You kneel down for me, will that The jade scorpion brought it to me. My Sparks hereby promised that my family warships will immediately withdraw from your star field and will never continue to attack."

His faint eyes were chilly and turned into hundreds of thousands of cold and cold lines, covering the entire manor.

The person who was stared at by him, the veins, the divine power, the blood slowly stagnate, and the ethics of the altar was controlled, and there was a kind of gradual disappearance of power, which became the demise of the mortal.

Stone rock feels even worse.

In the smoldering gaze of the stars, he knows the sea more than a cold line. Those cold lines seem to have a sense of autonomy. In his knowledge of the sea, he makes a chilling and chilling scream, screaming in his knowledge of the sea and letting him know what to do. The knowledge is frozen.

A glimpse of the righteousness is accompanied by a sense of life. This is the unique sign that the realm has entered the immortal threshold. Even if it is not a true immortal strongman, this spark will at least have an insight into the subtlety of the immortal realm.

The cold line screams and wanders in his knowledge. His consciousness is slowly frozen, and even his mind is locked, and his mind is slowly frozen.

"You protoss have killed the docks of my dock. Nowadays, the district has to do nothing, not so simple!" Muwei said coldly. "If your spark has entered immortality, you can do whatever you want today. It’s a pity that you just just stepped into it, and you still have to take a step to truly enter the immortality!"

"Yes, I want to see if you can really be crazy in front of us!" Baiyefeng laughed.

Sha Fei looked confused. He didn't think that under the pressure of the spark, the first reaction would be Mu Wei and Bai Yefeng, which made him more and more surprised.

"Scorpio food soul!"

Muwei sneered, and the body shook. Numerous locusts emerged from his body. They were densely clustered like clouds. The locusts were strange, and they screamed and screamed, piercing the eardrum and spreading to the Spark.

Baiyefeng’s eyes were condensed, and hundreds of thousands of thunderbolts were born in his head. The thunder and lightning rumbling rumbling, the black iron city was turbulent and immortal, countless lightnings were like a stream of rainbows, and the face of the skull was shot at the Spark. Give a blow to kill.

At the same time, Shi Yan eyes a glimpse, cross-border calls for the deputy soul.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, a illusory soul formed by clusters of flames emerges, and hundreds of millions of flames, such as fireflies, are on the top of the sea. In a short break, they will burn the sea.

His frozen consciousness immediately recovered.


Ps: second, continue to ask for a monthly ticket! !

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