God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1233: Aoyi fusion! (Seeking a monthly ticket!!)

The five planets of Jinmushuihuo, which are swirling on the top of the black grid, have a vast array of energy fluctuations.

Haig’s eyes are condensed, and infinite glory blooms from his world. The light is like a puffy raindrop, falling on the five planets, making the five planets more powerful, in the state of a five-pointed star, slamming in the rock. Over the top of the head.


Black violent drink!


The five planets bloomed with golden light, blue light, white light, red light, and yellow light. The five-color brilliance emerged. The flame of the group spread out from the periphery of the planet. It is one of the natural fires of the source, or the skyfire after the fusion. The power is endless. Refining everything!

The powerful parties lurking in the thirteen stone buildings are all changed in color, showing a shocking color.

This is a manifestation of the high degree of integration of the source of the skyfire. After the integration of the source, the understanding of the fire of the skyfire is far more than the other three.

Audrey looked shocked and couldn't help but scream: "Haige is on the way to the integration of Tianhuo, fearing that it will be much deeper than us!"

Gila squinted and nodded secretly. "If there is no special means for that stone rock, I will not be optimistic about this battle."

There are many people who think like him.

Thousands of illusions, broken temples, the hidden powers of the Tianshui Palace, the Spark and the Muwe people are also full of surprise.

It is the most outstanding person of the Protoss in the past ten years. The power of Haig’s display is not inferior to that of the same person in all respects. When the person first entered the realm of the gods, he may not be able to understand the flame of the source. The Protoss Presbyterian will carefully cultivate and let Hagrid take charge of the future Protoss.

A stock can refine the atmosphere of all things, and release it from the top five planets, shrouded the rock below.

At this moment, the main soul of Shiyan came from the depths of the soul, as if with the rotation of the five planet balls, the destruction of life!

He believed in the words of Haig.

When the time was in the wild. Hagrid deliberately suppressed the realm, clearly able to break through the beginning of God but was so restrained that the mood was flawed and did not really show strength.

He also finally understands why the Protoss regards Haig as a protoss leader, not Hasen, because Hagrid is indeed a wonderful gift. On the way to realizing the situation, he surpassed Hasen early, and he entered the mind of the gods very early, and the power of the righteousness tends to be perfect. .

Now he is stepping out. When you reach the beginning of God, your mood is no longer flawed. And unlike the beginning of the realm of the gods, the power of the righteousness has been stagnant.

He is like a skilled person who has been immersed in this realm for many years. All kinds of esoteric forces are flowing in the water, and they are naturally natural, and they are completely blended with his soul.


The black grid is low.

The outer circle of the five planets lingered around the blazing flame, and suddenly came under pressure. For example, the five sacred mountains squeezed the space and let the space smash and smash.

The sound is earth-shattering!

Shi Yan took a deep breath. The eyes suddenly became scarlet and bloody, and a wonderful mood suddenly covered them.

Death is righteous!

In the meantime, there was a cold and cold death in the depths of the Black Iron City. The hundreds of thousands of warriors who had disappeared in the past, the speed of death disappeared as if they were directly stuck by one hand. The sinuous silk is drained from the depths of the clouds like rivers.

Hundreds of thousands of silk threads are full of strong death volatility, and they are also mixed with unwilling souls, and are immediately dragged down by Shiyan.

Numerous wires condense in the void, turning into a huge palm in a flash. The palm of the hand is like the wrath of the gods, and there are countless screams in the interior, which gradually form on the top of Shiyan.


Shiyan stormed.

The volatility of death filled with huge palms suddenly found strange changes, and the death of dense breath disappeared, such as being transformed by some strange rules.

In just a few seconds, the palm of the hand has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the palm of his hand is full of blood, which is full of vitality, such as the sum of a top-ranking strong person, this is the fluctuation of life!

The palm is full of infinite vitality, and the fine texture of the palm is twisted and squirmed, forming a mark of life.

The giant palm slammed down and immediately held the gold star ball tightly, and immediately turned to the side.


The Golden Planet, which was pulled out from the beginning of the black grid, was thrown to the depths of the sky by the giant palm, and there was no trace in the flash.

The giant palm is alive and fascinating, and it is wonderful again. Countless stars swim in the palm prints. The birth mark is mixed with the rules of the stars. The trajectory of the palm prints, such as the activity curve of the stars in the Tianhe, is endless.

"Life and death transformation!"

"Take a new life at the end of death, condense life energy, this is the true fusion of death and life!"

"The perfect combination of the righteousness!"

For a time, from the stone buildings, there was a repressed exclamation.

Those who came from the powerful forces of all parties, when they looked at Shiyan, had a horror in their eyes.

"No! There is a rule of stars between the transformation of life and death, which is the new fusion of the righteousness!"

"Is this son able to reach such a height?"

"Using all kinds of powers to be so subtle, his talents and qualifications are not inferior to the black grid!"

"Sure enough, it is a bloodthirsty inheritor!"

"This battle is fun!"

Many people whispered in the stone building, and the sight of the road seemed to pass through the numerous torrents of light and torrents above the manor, and projected onto the stone rock.

In the stone rock they saw, at this time sitting on the stone floor of the Manor Square, the eyes were scarlet and looking at the sky.

Haig suspended the sky, the four planets above the head rolled, the clusters of fire as the ocean slowly moved, surrounded by the giant palm, to refine the giant palm.

After the giant palm hit, the energy fluctuations attached to it were quickly reduced, as if they were being refining.

Shi Yan was sitting still in the same place, coldly screaming, and drinking again: "drainage!"


In the back of the stone rock, if the void is cut by countless light blades, there will be a hollow crack in the abruptness. There are strong and fierce anger in the cracks. There are countless deaths of the dead souls. Those death breaths seem to be summoned by death. The infinity space was stayed.

The heavens and the earth were dead, and the Black Iron City suddenly dimmed, and even the rays of the nine suns could not penetrate the dying gray of death.

The ash of death comes from the gap of the void, and turns into a large river in which the rivers flow into the palms. The giant palms send stronger life movements. Once the rivers of death are absorbed by the giant palms, those palm prints are like the original imprint of life. In general, form a brand that can create life.

The starlight appears out of thin air, and the starlight covers the giant palm and merges into the palm of the hand.


The giant palm changes instantly and turns into four fists of the same size. The fists are clenched, and the inside has violent blood fluctuations, which are full of vitality.

Four fists stared at the target, and suddenly hammered the four planets that appeared in the beginning of the black grid. In a hit, the planet would bloom with hundreds of millions of stars, and the stars would splash around, like a meteor falling in every corner of the Black Iron City. Many warriors could not escape, and they were crushed by the aftermath.


"The two are crazy!"

"They are going to destroy the Black Iron City!"

"Protection! Seal!"

The Black Iron City Chamber of Commerce Center, the iron and chariot floating in the sky, suddenly appeared on his head a small city, the city is black and lacquered, it is the epitome of the Black Iron City.

The iron chasing cold face, the two hands are cumbersome and changeable, and they are all printed in the shadows of the black iron city.

With the infusion of his seal, the black iron city of the chest was awakened like a behemoth, and the sound of the giant earthquake came from all corners of the city. The black iron city, which was tempered by the black sky, was innumerable and infinitely marked on the city. Inspired by it, the force of a seal and enchantment suddenly covered the entire Black Iron City.

The aftermath of the energy formed by Shiyan and Haig, as long as they fall from the sky, they are intercepted by the black cloud and crushed by the black mans.

There is no more energy aftermath that can hurt the city people of Heilongjiang.

After finishing this piece of iron, his face was pale and his eyes were weak, but he bit his teeth and sullen, and angered toward the direction of Shiyan Haige.

Something is beyond his expectation. As the real city owner of Heilongjiang, he must ensure that the city is safe and sound, and that the city of Heilongjiang and the city’s citizens will not be hit hard by the battle of Shiyan and Haig. This is the task of being the head of the chamber of commerce.

He knew that if there was an accident in the city, the president would have no mercy to revoke all his duties, and even make him survive in every corner of the universe.

His fear of the president is more than the ban on the Protoss. He knows the secrets of the Chamber of Commerce and knows the terrible things of the Chamber of Commerce. He simply does not dare to let the President of the Chamber of Commerce ask him to sin.


The four giant fists banged the four planets. When the fists and the stars collided, the stone rocks and the black geniuses were all violently shocked, but their eyes were firm and they believed that they could finally win.


Haig raised his head and released a seal. After the seal appeared, it suddenly became a magical attraction.

The golden star ball, which was hit by a fist and starred at the giant comet, was dragged by the seal and turned into an extraterrestrial meteor. Haig looked at the meteor, biting his teeth and drinking, leaving two blood marks on his lips.

The meteor was suddenly given an infinite amount of energy, and the protoss ancestral star far away from the ancient gods field suddenly trembled three times. There were mountains and rivers on the surface of the stars, and the rivers dried up, such as being pumped away some kind of magical power.

The meteor formed by the Golden Planet instantly bursts into a dazzling light. The light transcends the intensity of the giant comet's sun. It has the power of the sky that can be killed by the three heavens of the first god, such as a thunder and lightning, going straight to the rock. Head.

The meteor is falling faster and faster, and the power contained in it is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that even the black iron city and the giant comet can be used throughout.

The old monsters in many stone buildings, watching the falling stars, feeling the horror energy fluctuations in them, all look stunned. At this moment, they know that the source of fusion, even if only the realm of the gods, the real power can still move. !

That power, even those who have a long history, may not dare to resist.

They all look to Shiyan.

See how Shiyan responded.

Because of this attack, Haig extracted the power of the ancient continent, this is the real kill!


Ps: The last half day, the small counter-request brothers help! ! ! Seeking a monthly ticket! ! (To be continued)


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