God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1243: Lingling’s obsession

The depths of the giant nephew palace.

The president of the Giant Chamber of Commerce sits in the middle of the pool, holding a jade scorpion tempered by Tianxiang Anshen Yu. The beautiful face is covered with dignified color, and there are faint lightning mad blasts between the two.

The tens of thousands of banned patterns engraved on the walls of the palace walls, suddenly bursting with colorful energy waves, the cumbersome quaint arrays on the walls, such as fresh, or like mountains and rivers, or like the ocean boiling, or like clouds The group is erratic...

Many of these quaint arrays were naturally formed, and they were the ultimate in the world. They were acquired by this person with huge sums of money, and the Chamber of Commerce strategists directly moved those natural arrays into the wall murals.

This person was silent for a long time, and suddenly the jade scorpion was opened.

Surprisingly, the jade scorpion is nothing!

He was stunned by the strange light, and his expression was obsessed with even the enthusiasm of the jade scorpion inside, as if there was something in it, but it was hard to see.

He is so obsessed with obscenity...

Numerous bans, strange arrays of sparkling waves, and beams of light, such as rivers, meet at the top of the head.

A colorful spring is magically emerged, which contains the heavens and the earth to the depths. The water spring falls from the top of the head of the man, and the colorful springs plung into the jade scorpion he holds.

I saw that the inside of the empty jade scorpion was rushed by the colorful springs, and the original invisible material suddenly appeared.

It is a blue-black bone!

The bone is about half a meter long, the bone is black and green, and the surface is covered with natural patterns. It has a pointed cone, one end is sharp, and one end is thick and blunt.

As soon as the bones emerged, the face of the president of the Chamber of Commerce was suddenly unhealthy and rosy. It was an extremely obsessive crazy look! He looked at the bone in his death, and even the beautiful face was even blooming!

His white fingers trembled fiercely, pressing on his heart and ecstatic, reaching out and touching the bone a little.

As his fingers were close to the bones, a suction came. Such as magnets attract iron fine.


His fingers were sucked tightly on the bone!

Suddenly, his body trembled violently, and the body's divine power was lost, and even the flesh and blood were disappearing.

The beautiful face of the handsome, quickly visible to the naked eye, in the meantime, he had a white hair!

In his shackles, there was a deep fear and a change of mind. A stream of blood spouted. The finger that clung to the bone was cut off by him!


The lid of the jade scorpion was re-closed, and the colorful spring water on his head stopped to be drained. His face was pale, his eyes were full of fear, and his mouth was bleeding.

He sat in the water pool for a long time. The ganoderma collected for thousands of years was taken out and swallowed. The wrinkles on his face and the white hair on his head gradually disappeared. His old face was re-emerged and the lost strength was slowly replenished.

His face was still pale, his eyes were full of bitterness, and he shook his head and whispered: "I still can't, what power is it, can it be so terrible?"


The grotesque space is turbulent.

Numerous streamers flew and flew, and numerous chills and hurricanes raged. Can make any soul instantly annihilate, many violent big bangs happen in every corner, never stop.

There is no energy here, no air, no sun, moon and stars, it is the void of the violent annihilation of the dead, the most dangerous place between heaven and earth.

In addition to practicing space ambiguity. And to achieve a certain level of exquisite realm, the average person will never dare to get involved here.

Here, it means death, which means billions of years of loneliness.

If you can't find the entrance to go out, it is the strongest who has reached the beginning of the three heavens. You will also lose yourself and gradually lose your energy. Until the end of the market to die.

At this point, at the rupture of the void, there was a figure that was stagnant.

He calmly stopped in the absence of gravity, and there was a violent chilly hurricane not far away, and there were strange streams of light behind him, and he approached him a little.

In front, it is a horrible explosive field that can crush all the flesh and blood of the soul, and the soul cannot be avoided.

He didn't have a long time to stay.

He was very calm, calmly watching all the changes around him, watching the sinister approaching, and frowning and sinking.

For a long time, he took out a jade scorpion and used the jade scorpion refining the heavenly incense and the gods, which contained a finger and wore the finger of the blood-stained ring, belonging to the bloodthirsty finger!

The reason why he came here is because it will not be detected by any powerful force. He needs an area that is absolutely safe, quiet and reassuring, to seriously think about things and to do something seriously.

The bloodthirsty gossip is divided into eight parties. Yan Lie Te and Xuan He tend to inherit the bloodthirsty inheritance, and control the bloodthirsty, and resist the Protoss.

The two men were paying attention to him very early, helping him to silently arrange everything. The earliest he left the flames of the gods from the mainland, and there was a broken shadow. It seems that there are two people and the shadow of the brand.

Further, the blood pool of the dark forest cave is also the arrangement of the branding and the ring spirit, pulling his soul from another universe.

He has a kind of life to be planned, and there is a kind of helplessness that is swayed by the ropes.

He doesn't want this kind of life, and he doesn't want the feeling that this kind of thing is booked!

He wants to temporarily break away from the **** moment, think carefully, think about where the future life should go, how to treat the relationship with bloodthirsty.

The head of the Royal Soul Department, with Muwei and Baiye Feng as the mainstay to win bloodthirsty fingers and blood-grain ring, obviously do not want him to climb to the top, do not want him to become a bloodthirsty substantive leader, or it may be purely for **** ring and that root finger……

The jade scorpion was opened, and hundreds of thousands of souls in Heilongjiang were killed. The magnitude of the movement was beyond imagination.

In any star of life, even on the ridiculous meteorite, if he opens the jade scorpion again, he may be immediately perceived.

For various reasons, he came to this place and came to the gap of space, the most dangerous and magical place in the universe. Here, any strong force can't lock it, and he can't know what he is doing.

He rubbed the jade for a while and tried to open the lid.

Surprisingly, unlike Wu Lie, he did not encounter any obstacles and opened the lid directly.

He was suddenly shocked, and his eyes were unbelievable. He looked at the jade scorpion, and inside, only the **** ring, the finger seemed to disappear from the air.

There was no sigh of relief in this jade scorpion, and no living creatures were ravaged. Looking at the **** ring, he looked stunned and stunned for a while, subconsciously touching the blood pattern ring...


He was shocked.

The finger in the jade scorpion still exists, and the blood pattern ring is still on it, so it is not immediately twisted by him!

That finger is clearly in the box!

He can touch it, but he can't see it. The finger doesn't seem to refract or reflect light. It seems to be in an invisible state. The eyes can't see it, and the soul can't touch it. Only by touching it, will it be found there. .

Extremely weird.

He rubbed the finger that could not be seen and touched, stroked the **** ring, and the soul consciousness called again and again, calling for the spirit, and rebuilding the connection with the spirit.

The spirit has never responded.

He was indulging, and a drop of red blood at his fingertips broke through the skin and suddenly dripped on the blood ring.

A **** fog emerged from the ring face, and immediately, the **** pattern of long-lost souls reached his mind.

"I only have one master, there is always only one master..."

The spirits whispered softly, but they kept repeating, and the thoughts were firm and never seem to have changed.

Shi Yan suddenly silenced.

He understood it, his eyes were dark and difficult to understand, and he sighed softly.

From his blood ring, from the first appearance of the ring spirit, until today, the ring spirit has never taken the initiative to call him the master, and the spirit has not really recognized his identity from beginning to end.

Before the spirit of the ring with him, perhaps thought that the bloodthirsty really died, the world did not leave traces, so accompanied by him, he was regarded as bloodthirsty.

However, when the ring spirit saw the bloodthirsty finger, everything changed for it...

"Talk to me well." He called.

Ringing stopped repeating whispers. After a few seconds, he slowly said: "The last memory return, after the fusion, I know that the master's cheekbones will not be destroyed. His cheekbones are split and scattered, flowing in the end of the sky, all the corners of the Xinghai, some of the cheekbones are those People get, and some bones have not been discovered."

"You don't have to cut off contact with me. You are loyal to the Lord. I can understand. I have never managed to reinforce you. You only want to be his master. It is also up to you, even... I can help you find his bones. "Stone rock frowns.

The **** ring or face is shining, and the fascinating lines on the ring are squirming. The words of Shiyan seem to excite the ring spirit. It suddenly changes wonderfully and responds very quickly: "If you can help me find it I will continue to help you with my master's bones. I can help you climb to the top."

"Can you tell me about him? Where did he come from, how to refine you, what is his identity?"

"The master is the master. I am just swearing. I can't understand the master's mystery. I just made it out. I used to be something I didn't remember."

"What is the name of the eight bloodthirsty bloodsuckers? What are the names? How many people are killed? How many people are still alive? How many people are still alive?"

"You help me find a skeleton of my master. I will answer you this question."

"How to find?"

"I can feel the master's breath. In the farthest place here, there is a skeleton of the master. You can help me find it."

"Here? Void gap?"

"right here."

"You guide the direction."

"it is good."

"Ask again, why is his bones sometimes ignorant, the soul can't sense, can only touch?"

"Because the master has mastered a kind of power, that kind of energy, in the endless life of the world, only the master understands and masters it. The reason why the master dissipates is related to that kind of energy."

"What kind of energy?"

"You don't need to know for now."



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