God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1245: Gossip

.. "Sen Luo was the most loyal in the past. However, after the master physically dissipated the world, he actually chased into the gap of the void, with the same thoughts as me, to reunite the master. (I want a novel)"

The spirit of the ring is quite awkward.

"Desperate leader, Luo Luo, what kind of realm is this person at that time?" Shi Yan asked. .

The bloodthirsty gossip has been the overbearing role of the heavens and the earth since 10,000 years ago. Each one is powerful and dominates many stars in the starry sea.

Through Shang Chen, Xing Ming, Gu Lian, and Lena, Shi Yan knows that the gossips have been extremely powerful, and the once-forced Protoss retired into the ancient gods, and they have not been able to annihilate the gossip. Now he Entering the realm of the gods, I have seen the Qingzu Sanzu Qinglong, knowing that the transcendence is immortal.

He would like to know, such as the gossip from Sen Luo, what kind of realm was in that year.

"Sen Luo only has the three gods of the beginning of the world. In that year, his realm is the gossip from the weakest, but the real power of Sen Luo can definitely be in the forefront of the gossip. Despair is not focused on the level of power and realm, but on the desperate mood. Thorough understanding."

This is not concealed. "Sen Luo was able to slaughter the Protoss of the Protoss in the Three Gods of the First God. His desperate ambitions often erupted in an unimaginable horror."

A red glow appears in the blood pattern ring, a blood-thirsty finger, a black-black bone, disappears in the ring, and is earned by the ring.

Listening to the story of Sen Ling about Sen Luo, Shi Yan emerged with awe and secretly nodded.

The bloodthirsty gossip is exquisite and fascinating. It is not surprising that he can challenge him more and more. Especially the cultivation of desperate people, this extreme paranoia is endowed with great potential. He knows the magic.

With the cultivation of the three gods of the beginning of the gods, the killing of the immortal strong, Sen Luo was absolutely extremely powerful.

Ringing the bloodthirsty bones, the wonderful blood lines on the ring squirmed, flashing a circle of **** ripples. It is faintly imprinted into the **** cloud, and the imprint is initially blurred, but gradually clear, shrouded in this strange beginning debris...

The **** cloud marks the center, highlighting a vortex, a subtle suction breeding.

The body of Sen Luo suddenly turned into a light smoke dissipated, and the desperate mood that haunted his whole body, with the beginning of the debris here. They are all turned into some kind of pure energy. One into the vortex, it is imprinted by the blood cloud, and it is quickly condensed.

Eventually become a gray-black ball. Only the size of the walnut, the ball hides the madness and despair.

The ball was once again taken away by the ringing spirit. It immediately called: "You see the cultivation of the desperate and righteous. I will take out the power of this Sen Luo, and as long as the cultivation of despair, with the help of Sen Luo, When you break through in an instant, you will climb a new realm."

The ringing spirit stopped for a few seconds and suddenly said: "There was only the first **** of the gods in the same year, but this corpse had an immortal realm. He apparently broke through the realm again. I was trapped in this void for many years. Step by step, touch despair, his final understanding of despair and ignorance has reached an incredible point. If he is not dead, he can get out of this place, he may have the power to fight with the battle..."

"Ming 晧? Who is he?" Shi Yan stunned.

"The soul of the soul is the leader." The spirit directly responded. "According to the agreement. I came to tell you that the gossip is from the identity, the head of the gossip is the head of the gossip, the sacred soul is cultivated, the emperor is the emperor, and now the empress of the royal family. It’s a little girl.”

Shi Yan stayed and muttered: "Isn't he a relative of Audrey?"

The spirits continue. "If you don't convert to the master in the same year, he will be the emperor of the royal family. He was one of the most powerful existences in the world. He was taught by the master to teach the soul of the soul, and the magical combination of the righteousness and the royal family to cultivate the soul altar. The miracle changes, the body is broken directly, and his soul can be split indefinitely."

"In that year, he was the most peculiar in the gossip. He had no flesh, but a ghost, but he helped the master to command the major stars. Numerous splitting souls were scattered in all corners of the Xinghai, and there were thousands of avatars. No one knows his true face. Seemingly."

"Death leader Xuanhe, this person you should know, for the undead Mozu, is also the talented youth of the undead at that time, was accepted by the master, passed down the death of the righteousness. Xuanhe Ben practiced the meaning of life, thinking that the death of the righteousness will conflict, but Xuan The river talents are talented, and the two kinds of philosophical geniuses gradually merged into one, becoming the strongest of the gossips, which is second only to the meditation, and the strength is extremely strong."

"The darkness is the first to be branded. He is the strongman who came out of the Shen's mainland. When he entered the star-studded arrogance at the beginning of the year, he offended the forces of all parties and was jointly chased by the strong. The master finally saved him and taught him darkness. The temperament is cruel and violent, and after the darkness of the cultivation of the righteousness, the masters will open up the territory and make a great contribution."

"The chaos is the first guru, this is a Protoss. In the Protoss, the family suffered a slaughter. Grurich lost the fire and fell into a frenzied situation. He was killed by the owner, but his master was mad at him and taught his chaos. From the most famous madman."

"Destroy the first singer, for the Hakka people, but not the royal family of the royal family. Bent is an illegitimate child. When he was a teenager, he was extremely miserable. There was a dark destruction factor in his character, which was ruined by the master. It turns out that this The righteousness seems to be tailor-made for him, and Bent has become a sharp knife in the hands of the master, destroying the righteousness.

"Desperate leader, Luo Luo, he and Xuanhe, for another undead Mozu. The master's desperate ethical inheritance is special, just leaving the idea to swim between the heavens and the earth, only those who are extremely desperate, just the mood and the desperate soul and The idea is resonated to get started. Senro is the first person to sneak out of despair, and eventually reach the ultimate, the most underrated one for gossip."

"The corpse of the corpse is the corpse of the corpse. The corpse is a natural genius who knows how to use the corpse. It is not superb, and it is difficult to get to the deeper realm. When the master passed on this ambiguity, he wandered in all corners of the universe and saw 腓 特The talents are different, and when there is no one to teach, they will have a glimpse of the corpse, and then inherit the sect of the corpse. The sorrow is not the owner’s expectation, and soon becomes the corpse patriarch, leading the celestial group of the Xinghai. The corpse that has been disgusted by everyone has become one of the powerful ethnic groups in Xinghai."

"Corrosion is the first one. It is a poisonous tribe. It is very poisonous. It is rejected in the Tianxuan tribe. It has been lonely and cultivated in a poisonous star. It is unintentionally discovered by the owner and teaches its corrosion. Adding more nature is suitable for cultivating this kind of ambiguity. It is quickly proficient and quickly breaks through at a speed that the master can't imagine. It is the most frightening one for the gossip."


According to the agreement, the ring spirit will tell the gossip from the name.

"When the gossip of the year, how many survived in the world?" Shi Yan was silent for a long time, and looked serious.

"There should be only the Ming Dynasty, the Xuanhe River, and the martyrdom in the world."

"They, what kind of realm was they in the past?" Shi Yan asked again.

"Except for the desperate leader, the other seven are immortal."

Although Shiyan had a premonition, he was still shocked, but he was awe-inspiring and said: "What kind of realm is your master?"

The spirit of the ring was silent for a while, saying: "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Shiyan was amazed.

Silence is silent.

"What is his relationship with the ancient continent?" Shi Yan continued to ask.

In the trial of the wilderness, Shiyan knew a fact through the spirit, and the blood sword was made by the spine of the 100,000-year-old undead. This made him extremely shocked. Ling did not say much.

One hundred thousand years ago, four continents, Shen En, Shen Ze, Ancient God, and Ancient Devil, each gave birth to the Tian Yao, the Emperor, the Protoss, and the Undevil.

At that time, the four generations of the most powerful generations went to the wasteland, trying to refine and reinvent the wasteland into itself.

The Holy Beast White Tiger is one of them.

The four of them are the earliest generations of the four major races, and they also incorporate the original origins of the four continents, entering when the wilderness was first opened.

Then, all of them died, and the white tiger turned into a mountain. The ancestors of the dynasty became the ice blue light curtain of the outer layer of the wilderness. The Protoss left only the beginning of the boundary, and they were integrated into the stone by the refining of the stone, the ancestors of the undead. The flesh becomes a wild mountain.

The blood-stained sword of the blood is made by the spine of the ancestors of the undead. What is the relationship between him and the wild?

This is Shiyan's unclear and always wanted to ask. At this time, I finally couldn't help but ask.

"I was made by the master. The master did not mention it with me at this time. I don't know where the master came from or know his true identity."

"So, after you were refining, have you ever gone to wasteland with him?"

The spirits continue to silence.

When it doesn't want to talk too much, it always responds with silence and silence, which means it doesn't want to answer.

Shi Yan frowned deeply, half-sounding, saying: "It's time to go back."

He is not reluctant, because he knows that it is useless and that the spirit does not want to say it.

Two **** lights suddenly flashed, and the blood sword and blood shield emerged from the ring, and the soul re-emerged. "I will not save this sword shield anymore. I will not serve you, but this sword shield should be It belongs to you, it is up to you. After I have fully integrated my memory, I can also tell you the mystery of the sword shield, just when you find the reward for my master's remains."

Blood Sword and Blood Shield are bloodthirsty things. Stone rock has been used for a long time and often plays a key role.

However, for the mystery of these two weapons and weapons, he always has a kind of helplessness that cannot grasp the key. Nowadays, the spirits take the initiative to take out the sword shield and say that it is necessary to give a mystery. He suddenly rejoiced.

If you can break the sword and shield, his strength will be closer, and the combat power will climb a lot.


Ps: I am sorry, there is only one chapter today, the brain is very powerful, the bottleneck is bottleneck, and the pain is unbearable~~To be continued..


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