God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1258: Winning battle

The blood is boiling, and the clusters of dark red clouds fall from the sky, such as cotton cloth wrapped in the five bone islands that participated in the battle.

Despair, destruction, darkness, corrosion, chaos, five bone islands, after being wrapped in those clouds, a dark red film is formed, which completely closes the bone island. The film flows with extremely turbulent energy fluctuations, such as the blood sea. The internal whistling. .

Shi Yan stared at the gods, and the stunned color was revealed.

The dark red film, I don't know what kind of material, like a strange enchantment, but a little different, as if it existed, not just the condensation of power.

"That is the membrane of the black horned horned dragon. The membrane is condensed with special strength to form a defensive array. The black horned horned dragon is a powerful creature of the ancient celestial demon. Their meat film is very tough and is the most suitable material for the engraving method. At that time, when the bloodthirsty blood was strong, I collected the most cherished materials in the world. The meat film of the black horned horned dragon was also offered by the people of the Tian Yaozu."

Xuanhe saw him curious and smiled and explained the mystery to him.

"Don't underestimate this layer of meat film. In the past, all of our eight heads were engraved with the meaning of the righteousness. The flesh film was on the periphery of the forbidden land. It was to prevent the holy land from being attacked by the Protoss, but the barriers laid down. Unless it reached the immortal two or three heavens. Realm, otherwise I would like to tear this layer of meat film."

Immortal two, three heavens...

Shiyan’s glory flashed in the sky. He looked at the Xuanhe River deeply. He said: “What kind of realm are you and 腓 特 、 晧 晧 晧 晧 晧 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 何种 何种

Immortality is the ultimate strength of his current knowledge, reaching immortality, which means that he is at the peak. In the vast stars of the vast sea of ​​stars, those who can break through this realm are still extremely rare. So far, he only saw the holy animal Qinglong and Xuanhe. Waiting for people to enter immortality.

As for the Protoss Sparks, the Gila of the Pluto, the Lena of the Tianshui Palace, and others. It’s just that the beginning of God is perfect, and it’s just immortal.

"I and I am very immortal in the realm of immortality, meditation...maybe in the immortal two heavens, or may have reached the triple heaven of immortality, the body of the meditation has been hidden for many years, even the soul is rarely seen, so if it is not forbidden If there is a change, he may not come to the soul. You can't see the body and the soul of the Lord. I can't be sure that he really cultivated it."

Xuanhe looked down and explained it carefully.

"The Protoss, the Lord God... was the immortal triple heaven. In order to destroy the master, the body was crushed, and the soul was also hit hard. Even the origin of the fusion was broken. The Lord did not appear for many years and should be seriously injured. Restoration, at this time, what kind of class is in the realm, it is really unclear, but the four kings under the lord of God, the realm is always equal to us, and now, it is also immortal."

"The sacred beast of the Tian Yaozu. It is just a monumental double heaven, but you gain the original source and make the gods change the continent. He may take the opportunity to enter the immortal triple heaven."

"The royal family..."

When he spoke, the desperation, destruction, darkness, chaos, and erosion of the five islands about the head of the competition began formally, in order to compete for the first position. Those inheritors of the eight major bloodthirsty departments have already released the virtual world and the beginning boundary to form the magnetic field.

There is a wonderful enchantment formed by the black nailed dragon's flesh film, which was moved by the Xuanhe three people to cover the islands. Let those who compete for the war can only go out and cannot enter. Once it comes out, it means giving up, the last one to stay on the island, the final winner, the new leader.

"Where is the situation of the royal family?" Shi Yan raised his eyebrows and was amazed.

When Xuanhe said that he was a royal family, he suddenly stopped and looked sullen and vague.

"Now the patriarch of the Emperor is a woman, called Ayala. The woman is a sister who is a sorrowful sister. In that year, I had a dispute with this woman... Audrey is her daughter, she is her Later, it was born with others. That person is only the ordinary nobles of the royal family. It is not worth mentioning, but the realm of Ayala is not weak. It is an immortal double heaven. In the royal family, there should be two people who have reached the immortal world. If you count on the filth, the Emperor is not to be underestimated." Xuanhe hesitated and explained with a smile.

Shi Yan’s look suddenly became weird.

Xuanhe said that he was swallowing, but from the expression of Xuanhe's expression, he could see at a glance that between Xuanhe and Ayala, there must have been a shallow source.

Obviously, Xuanhe should have abandoned the feelings with Ayala, so that Ayala has a hate and a common aristocratic aristocratic combination. Perhaps, the contradiction between Xuanhe and Minglu is also related to this matter. Hehe, it means that there is a heart.

He looked deeply at the Xuanhe River and nodded secretly. He smiled: "The predecessors must have been a romantic figure."

The Xuanhe looks like a strange ancient, temperament is sinister and sinister. When you are young, you must be very popular with women. In addition, he will gain strength in his early years, and he is the leader of death. This life is extremely exciting, and there is no shortage of beauty around him.

When Ayala was a princess of the royal family, she was inevitably a proud person. She was fiddled by the Xuanhe River and had a deep affection with the Xuanhe River. Naturally, she would not allow the Xuanhe to continue to chaos. With one heart and one mind, she is used to her, and the Xuanhe is happily swaying. The nature is insane. Perhaps she can't stand the restraint of Ayala. She will directly abandon the beautiful flower of Ayala and choose to embrace the whole flower...

A thought passed through my mind, and Shiyan’s sight seemed to cross the long river of time, and I saw the truth, and the smile became more and more weird.

Xuanhe lightly coughed, and smiled and said: "In that year, I did... I was stunned by the waves, because this thing is everywhere, if the master passed me to death, I am afraid that I was killed and died."

"Predecessors are very powerful." Shi Yan is sincerely admired.

"You are not bad." Xuanhe smiled and said: "I have been observing you for many years. Your way of doing things in this area is quite my style. It’s just that you have feelings in your heart, you can’t do it, you can’t do it. It’s worse than me. I never lacked a beautiful woman around me, and I’m never fixed. The name of my Xuanhe River, in that period, has a unique meaning in the eyes of women of all nationalities, hehe.”

He grinned shamelessly, reminisced for many years, and looked proud.

"The predecessors are really powerful, because the history of love has been chased around, almost annihilated, the boy really admired." Shi Yan eyes weird.

"Cough." Xuanhe's old face was red, waved his hand and said: "Don't talk about this matter, continue the topic just now. Except for us, the Protoss, the Heavenly Demon, the Emperor, the Thousands of Magic, the Broken Temple, and the Tianshui Palace. The power-holders have reached immortality, but they have recently broken through in 10,000 years. The realm is slightly lower, and there is only one immortality. In addition, it is the president of the Giant Chamber of Commerce. This guy is mysterious and hidden. Deep, it must be an immortal realm. As for what level of hierarchy, I am not sure."

Xuanhe frowned and said: "This is generally the case. In the vast sea of ​​stars, you can break through the immortal, and they are all strong ones."

He looked down to the island of despair, looking at Yang Qingdi, his eyes were bright, said: "You are too grandfather, very breakthrough potential, he should be able to be a desperate leader, in some ways he and Sen Luo Very similar, just a mold carved out."

When I got here, Xuanhe paused and sighed softly. "Where did you find the roots of Sen Luo?"

Shi Yan knew that he had come to see it, and he did not hide it. "In the emptiness of the void."

"Sure enough." Xuanhe nodded. "When he insisted on going to the gap of the void, he was looking for the remains of his master. From then on, I guessed that he might be buried inside. His righteousness is powerful and exquisite, but he is not practicing. Space is righteous, oh..."

Xuanhe suddenly silenced.

Shiyan bowed his head and looked down at the island of despair. At this time, the other three who reached the virtual heaven and the three heavens, did not ask for cheap in the hands of Baku, and have already left the island of despair.

Yang Qingdi did not participate in the battle. He always looked at the distance in a corner. He waited for the person to take the initiative, but the three who had cultivated to the virtual gods and three heavens had locked in Baku at the beginning, and they were aware of him before. The strange fluctuations did not provoke him.

Today, the three men have left, and there are only two people on the island and Baku.

He sat still in the same place, Baku carrying the sharp weapon that had just forced the three virtual gods and peaks, and the head was turned into a gray cloud, and went straight to Yang Qingdi.

The gray clouds are full of desolate and desolate, dark clouds, like a cold and desperate heart, which makes people feel the hope and persistence of surviving, just want to fall quickly Endless miserable land.

The artistic conception rushed in the beginning of the boundary, rolling in and drowning Yang Qingdi.

Shi Yan’s eyes were condensed, and he looked deeply at the bottom and was amazed.

In the ash cloud, Yang Qingdi’s eyes burst into scarlet blood, and the blood is shining like a rainbow, and it penetrates the layers of gray clouds. It is also desperate. In the artistic field of Yang Qingdi, there is a desperate Begging for hope.

The hope of perseverance in desperation, such as the endless fire, actually burned the gray clouds from Baku into ashes and turned them into mists.

The fire of hope for survival in the desperate Yang Qingdi is not extremely turbulent, but it contains infinite power. It seems that it will never go out, and it will continue to burn and jump.

Xuanhe 精 精 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The most exquisite and horrible thing about desperateness is the hope of perseverance in desperation. That hope is the most terrible and powerful place of despair. It is the core of the desperate Olympics. Baku, in despair He has gone astray on the way, he is not your grandfather."

"Well, I can see that there is no hope in Baku's heart. Only despair can't show the mystery. Even if the power is pure and honest, because of the realm of fellow initiates, he is inferior to the level of the righteousness and will inevitably lose. "Shi Yan also defined.

He was able to perceive that Yang Qingdi’s desperate ambition and strength were constantly rising because of Sen Luo’s fine perfusion.

In the battle with Baku, Yang Qingdi’s righteousness and strength were tempered by the hammer, and the realm was obviously changing. Baku fought him, unless he was killed in an instant, otherwise, once dragged down, Baku will Undoubtedly defeated.



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