God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1263: Shocking guess

"How come I never felt this way?"

"This is the key!" "Let's drink low," "Why can only the protoss, the emperor, the demon, the undead inheritor be aware of this breath from the master, don't you feel strange? To reach our level today. It should be easy to think of it. Only he has the blood of our ancestors, and we can all feel cordial!"

Xuanhe, Yan Lie Te, and Shi Yan’s minds were shocked and all dumbfounded.

"You think it's right, the blood of the master, the combination of the Protoss, the Emperor, the Heavenly Demon, the Undead Moment!"

"The same is true. The inheritance of his inheritance, the practice of our four ethnic groups will be half the battle. The people he chose at the beginning are also the people of our four races, because he knows the characteristics of our blood, he knows our four ethnic groups. The tribe can better carry forward his ups and downs."

After a moment of ignorance, one word and one word: "Because the master is the blood of the four races and ancestors who entered the wilderness 100,000 years ago!"

Shiyan, Xuanhe, and 腓 特 呆 呆 若 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木

The bloodthirsty is a fusion of the blood of the four major ancestors. It combines four racial superiorities and one body. It is simply incredible.

Xuanhe and Qi Lie have not said for a long time, silently digesting this shocking news, the head can not turn a little.

For a long time, Xuanhe took a deep breath and calmed his mind. He said: "Only by our kind feelings to the master, I came to this conclusion. Is it too arbitrary?"

In fact, he has already believed most of his heart, because he understands the meditation, knowing that if the meditation is not 100% certain, he will never take it out.

Over the years, in fact, he is also secretly exploring the mystery of bloodthirsty identity. He has similar speculations in his heart, but it is extremely vague. Now he is talking about the ignorance, and all kinds of unknowns suddenly become clear.

"In order to prove this, I personally looked for the Tian Yao demon sacred dragon. He is the oldest person like this year. He and the white beast of the sacred beast were born on the mainland."

"Qinglong survived for 100,000 years. After I explained my guess, Qinglong told me that he had seen the master. He was aware of a special atmosphere of the white tiger on his master. He was born at the same time as the white tiger. The ancestor of the Yaozu is truly familiar with the White Tiger. He said that he can almost certainly affirm this matter."

"Of course, you know my character, I am still verifying this matter. Just some time ago, Qinglong took the initiative to contact me and let me meet a person. This person, Shiyan is more familiar."

Look at him.

"Who is it?" Shiyan is amazed.

"He is a ghost."

Shi Yan's heart and soul micro-shock, surprised: "How do you say?"

"Ghosts are a mixture of heavenly ghosts and dragons. The ghosts are actually the unique beasts of our royal family, but not many people know that in fact, the ghosts have the blood of our royal family."

"As for why, it's about the secret of the Emperor, I can't talk much, but I can tell you that the blood of the ghost is similar to the blood of our royal family. And the dragon is a monster living in the magic domain, there is a demon. Family blood, and I heard from Qinglong, Xiaolong also swallowed some undead people, and integrated their blood into their own."

"The combination of Tian Gui and Xiao Long, the birth of ghosts, this is a wonderful creature with the blood of the Emperor, the Tian Yao, and the Undevil. He can exist in the heavens and the earth is a miracle, if the Emperor, the Tian Yao, Undead Mozu blood fusion can appear sneaky, then, there can also be a master of the collection of four blood."

"I went to Qinglong's contact, went to see the sneaky scorpion, took a drop of ghosts in the body of the fresh / / book fan building fastest text update - < Book Haige > - no advertising / / blood. This blood, by the Qinglong Known as the blood of perfection, Qinglong said that the blood of the master is the blood of perfection. It is the perfect blood that blends the blood of our four ancestors. The blood of the sneaky is only one line away from perfection."

"Now, look at this drop of blood. Do you look at his blood and the blood of his master carefully? Is it very similar?"

After the end of the meditation, in the direction of his original altar, a drop of blood emerged.

The blood is extremely strange, such as the clear green crystal, the blood is liquid, but the blood seems to be between the solid and the liquid, seems to be constantly changing, extremely demon, strange and dazzling.

Xuanhe and Yan Liete only looked at the drop of blood, and they were all shocked.

Shi Yan didn't want to think about it, he guessed the fact that the blood of bloodthirsty was definitely very similar to the sneaky!

Being a **** of great devotion, not only can you know that the spirit is not the original spirit, but it can also break through the mystery of bloodthirsty and find out the identity of the blood of the four ethnic groups. This guy is the first to gossip. Compared, Xuanhe and Yan Lie are really inferior.

"Do you believe it?"

Xuanhe, Qiang Li characteristics head.

"The truth is not so simple. The master's body is made up of the blood of the four major ancestors of the year. The soul of the master can be thought of from where?"

Shiyan, Xuanhe, and Lieite were again staying, while shaking their heads silently.

"I don't know." The cicada shook his head. "I spent a thousand years, just breaking the mystery of the master's blood, as for the master's soul, and... the kind of taboo force he later mastered, I will I really can't guess."

Every word in the meditation makes the three people of Xuanhe, 腓right, and Shiyan fall into a bitter situation. In the end, the statement about the bloodthirsty soul is even more tight, and the three are always locked. The fog can never be worn.

Shiyan and Xuanhe and Miao Lie are in a closed island of darkness. They listened to the conclusions of the eternal investigations about the martial arts and bloodthirsty. They all benefited a lot and had a new understanding of the meditation.

As they spoke, the dark islands along the various areas gathered together the inheritors of the righteousness, silently looking to the island of darkness, waiting for further instructions below.

Looking up, suddenly said: "There are results."

Xuanhe and Yan Lie were secretly inductive, and they all nodded slightly, and there were counts in their hearts.

"Bang Teng and Yang Qingdi won the corrosion and despair, respectively, plus you two, it is said that there are four big heads to support him to become the new lord." Ming looked at Shiyan, the eyes are gloomy and cold, "destruction, chaos two The island’s new leader will listen to me. With Randolph, I also have half of the decision. In the past, we agreed that unless the five heads agreed, they would not be able to climb to the top.

腓 愣 愣 愣 , , , , , , , , 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个 那个Want to stop?"

Xuanhe's face was also cold again.

"He only has a natural world, and he is not qualified enough to let me obey. I no longer oppose him becoming a new lord, but unless he can beat me one day, I will never call him to honor the Lord." I licked my mouth.

"No objection, he is now the top of the new lord, and it is only for us to have a clear flag. It is natural that we can't really give it all to him." Xuanhe also nodded, sly and laughed, bluntly said: "Stone Rock, when can you reach immortality and beat me, I will sincerely call you to respect the Lord. In our place, everything is watching power, this is the rule that the master set in the past, we will remain unchanged for thousands of years. The year will still not change."

腓 特 特 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Going on, it won't be too long to kill us. If you are in a hurry, you will work harder. Hey, we can all be over 10,000 years old. Don't let us wait another year."

"The Lord God has regained consciousness. The four kings have been summoned back to protect the Fa. The Lord will restore power recently. I have received news that many of the gods of the land of God have been transported to the ancient gods. It seems that God mainly relies on those gods. The slaves will climb up."

"This war is not optimistic." Xuanhe frowned.

"Xuanhe, I don't know what I said today, have you solved your heart for a long time? If you solve it, you should be able to talk to the Emperor and Ayala and recognize the mistake. Perhaps, the Emperor will It won't be neutral, but will choose to join us."

Xuanhe snorted and did not answer this question.

"The undead Mozu was the closest to us in the past. Nowadays, the undead demons are scattered in the Xinghai people. They are also closely related to your Xuanhe. Although they do not practice the eight great meanings, they can be extremely powerful. For 100,000 years, they have been They are all enemies of the Protoss, and they can only be done by your Xuanhe River."

He looked at Shiyan again and said: "Because you and the origin of the gods and the origin of the origin, the Tian Yao people have no choice at all. They can only fight side by side with us. So, if Xuanhe can My sister persuaded that the four races and the three parties will join us and the battle will be much easier."

"You are the bloodthirsty lord, to see the thousands of illusionaries, broken temples, and the masters of Tianshui Palace. If you can convince them, we will take the initiative in this battle."

From Shiyan, the **** pattern or the anger was thrown away into the meditation. It was originally a passive situation. The miracle was reversed. This is the biggest obstacle in his heart. At this time, he is no longer obstructed.

Because from the beginning, the meditation was not directed at him, but against the ring.

"The spirit has been sealed by me. This ring represents the status of the Lord. It is still worn by you. But you must be cautious. Don't break the seal. You can't lose the ring because it has a memory that is too More than our unknown secret, I can't kill it directly. Otherwise, the secrets of the owner's forbidden land will be blinded forever. I will try to deal with it. Before I am sure, you should keep it."

Meditation and caution.


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