God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1276: Deep understanding

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-six chapters deep understanding

The palaces arranged by Thousands of Magic are broad and majestic, with unique cultivation rooms and a training ground for the use of the righteousness. The palace has seven floors, each floor is 100 meters high and the room is nearly one hundred.

This palace is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

At this time, all of them were occupied by Shiyan and Ouyang Luoshuang. The palace has many balconies and windows. At night, there are three rounds of magical moons floating in the sky, which are in the shape of a character.

The magic moon, the reflection of the three moon stars in the far-flung place, is not real, but it can bring light to the magic star.

That night.

Shiyan and Ouyang Luoshuang are in the same stone platform, overlooking the vast expanse of the sea, and they are born with a wonderful feeling.

They are the same as the warriors on the mainland, but they are far away from the hundreds of millions of distances. In this magical star, they look at the sky and recall the scenes of the past, such as the dreams flickering.

"When I walked out of the rock, I was faintly aware of your breath. It was just that my heart was a tribe of God. I didn't pay attention to it." Ouyang Luoshuang's eyes were clear and lightly said: "I really didn't think of it. The warrior can go to this step today, and the world is unpredictable."

Shi Yan sprinkled, said: "I did not think that you are like a **** in my eyes, now I will talk with me side by side, but I did not expect to be able to kiss Fangze."

"Can you mention this?" Ouyang Luo cream face cold.

Shi Yan sneered.

"You are really the new bloodthirsty master?" Ouyang Luo asked suddenly.

"You also heard the name of bloodthirsty?" Shi Yan was amazed.

"Of course I have heard that I have been wandering in the Xinghai for many years, and I have experienced many things. I naturally know a lot of secrets." Ouyang Luoshuang took a natural look and curiously asked: "I heard that bloodthirsty blood is a star disease for thousands of years. People see people, the Eight Great Heads are even more **** and cruel, and the Xinghai is broken and broken, everyone shouts, can be described as the source of sin..."

When she talked about bloodthirsty, there was no good word, all of which were negative evil words. (-<书海阁>-网.)

Shi Yan, smiling, said: "Who are you listening to?"

"Everyone said so." She said naturally.

"Before... I don't know how this pulse is, but in the future, I will make it change." Shi Yan indulged, saying: "The Protoss won the world and did not bring too much change to the Xinghai. They Many practices are even more extreme. Because of the rise of the Protoss, some of the former races in the Xinghai have disappeared. They are not noble."

Ouyang Luoshuang nodded slightly, "My master said so."

"Hey?" Shi Yan was stunned, and he was puzzled.

"He said that when the Lord God gave birth to a deep sleep and handed over the power to the Presbyterian Church, the Presbyterian would stir up the smog of the Protoss, and there are indeed many problems," she explained.

Shi Yan’s heart is even more confusing, frowning without much words, secretly doubting.

“Well?” He moved his mind and looked in one direction, squinting and frowning: “What is she doing?”

"Who?" asked Ouyang Luoshuang.

"Xing Ming's daughter." Shi Yan touched his chin and his eyes were weird.

Ouyang Luoshuang snorted. "When I was shackled, I heard Xing Shang and Wei Yun talk about this woman. This woman has countless faces. A pair of jade arms is really a thousand people..." Her eyes were disgusted.

Shiyan was amazed and nodded and said, "That is really dirty."

"I don't want to take a look at the dirty ones." She got up, and her slightly slim figure suddenly disappeared.

Not long after, Xing Ying came from a distant style, twisting her hips, graceful, and a delicate face like a peach blossom, obviously applying the powder, she smiled and looked at the waves, the voice: "I am representing the broken temple. I personally came over to apologize. I am very sorry for my uncle and my father. I brought something to come to compensate for the compensation..."

"Her things, I don't want to." Ouyang Luoshuang's voice whispered in Shiyan's ear. "This woman, I don't want to see."

Shi Yan smiled lightly, overlooking the following Xing Ying on the high platform, saying: "Even if you want to apologize, it is not you. Xing Ming personally came to the identity is not enough, as for you, it is not enough!"

His eyes were condensed, and his eyes were turned into bright dragons. He was drilled from nothingness, wrapped Xing Ying's full body and directly thrown away, so he was expelled.

A moonlight flashed, Ouyang Luoshuang reappeared, she looked at the direction of Xing Ying's disappearance, frowning, said: "She came because of you, this woman is in the heart of the spring, is to send a gift."

Shi Yan laughed and said nothing.

"I thought you would laugh, although she is extremely dirty, but it looks like a superior, how can you shut her out of this guy?" Ouyang Luoshuang Qingli blinks.

"There is already you here. One more person is not beautiful. You also said that she is too dirty. I have always been a good person." Shi Yan shouted.

“Clean and self-satisfied?” Ouyang Luo’s mouth curled up with a weird arc, which seemed to endure the smirk. “Please don’t insult the word?”

Shi Yan's face is black.


Ouyang Luoshuang finally can't help but laugh out loud, like a frosty flower bloom, the beauty is thrilling.

Shi Yan is watching the gods.

"You look so good when you laugh." He really praised, "You should smile more, this will be more affinity, I like your smile."

Ouyang Luoshuang immediately condensed a smile and snorted, saying: "You are not my man."

"As far as I know, you have been sealed for thousands of years in the Rock. Shouldn't you experience emotions? When I kissed you earlier, you panicked. Hey, should it be the first time that a man is invading?" Shi Yan grinned and looked proud.

Ouyang Luoshuang is a pretty face.

"Even if I save your reward." Shi Yan shrugged his shoulders and said, "You will show the beginning of the world and give me a mystery. I always feel that the power of your cultivation is justified."

“Why do you want to show it to you?” Ouyang Luoshuang was scornful, but she really showed her beginnings.

Her beginnings are very strange, a round of bright moon hanging high, the moon below is an endless cold pool, the pool is clear and deep, the moon will shine out, the moon in her beginnings is also cold, it seems to be Cold weather in the cold pool.

She combines the essence of the moon and the power of the cold and cold, forming such a strange beginning, and the beginning of the world, Shiyan is covered with ice and snow, and the body and mind are cold.

"Sure enough, I am a bit familiar." Shi Yan looked at her beginnings deeply, and her heart began to move. Her own beginnings also emerged, such as the sky was covered by a landscape painting...

The sun, the moon and the stars emerge one by one, and the stars of life slowly swirl, the innocent void, the broad world, and his beginnings are like the Xinghai, which is vast and vast.

The moon star that once merged with the protoss of the Protoss, with a holy and innocent atmosphere, is very similar to the moon fluctuations in the beginning of Ouyang Luoshuang, and it is even more mysterious.

"You are the beginning of the world, how is it like the vast sea of ​​stars, I have never seen such a strange!" Ouyang Luoshuang was so surprised that she went to see it and looked a little shocked. "That moon star makes me feel very kind, you ......"

"Convergence of your own beginnings, you enter my world, and feel the stars on that month." Shiyan shouted.

Ouyang Luoshuang stayed and his eyes hesitated.

Entering the beginning of others means that life and death are mastered by the other party. Generally speaking, the warriors with little difference in realm are not willing to do this easily, unless they are close relatives.

Everyone in his own beginnings is the only **** who can show the magical wonders of the heavens and the earth. In the beginning of others, it is the most passive, which is equivalent to giving life to each other.

"Don't grind, I want to harm you, can you still be so free? For you, my beginning is a chance, if you can grasp it, you will see yourself." Shi Yan frowned.

Ouyang Luoshuang bit his teeth, thinking for a while, and surely, he took off his own beginnings and made a move, drilling into his beginning.

She and Shi Yan have a wonderful feeling at the same time.

She enters a new space and wanders in the Xinghai. In this space, there is a breath of stone rock everywhere. She has the feeling of coming to the depths of the soul of Shiyan, like entering the heart of Shiyan.

The feeling of Shiyan is equally wonderful. When Ouyang Luoshuang came in, he instantly shocked the soul and gave birth to a feeling that he could understand all the secrets of Ouyang Luoshuang's soul. It felt that he had the understanding, and many souls on the mainland, his deputy souls. Can perceive the anger, can enter the other party's spiritual dreams deeply, as God is easy.

At this time, he is the feeling, in his beginning, he is the god, Ouyang Luoshuang is his subjects, can dominate the life and death of life.

Contemplating, his glimpse of consciousness came from all directions, infiltrated into the heart of Ouyang Luoshuang, the sea of ​​knowledge, the altar, and even the beginning of the boundary. The beginning of Ouyang Luoshuang, such as a small space, started at him. In the world, he uses his heart and mind to feel that he can break through the mystery of the beginning of the Ouyang Luoshuang through his own beginnings...

This is an indescribable sense of wonder.

He has a feeling that if he suddenly devours his ignorance at this time, he can engulf the beginning of Ouyang Luoshuang and turn the beginning of Ouyang Luoshuang into a part of his beginning!

Unconsciously, he closed his eyes and realized this wonderfulness with his heart, and realized the feeling of others entering his beginning.

Similarly, Ouyang Luoshuang also fell on the moon star in his beginning, stepping into the star of the moon, Ouyang Luoshuang gave birth to a feeling, that moon star, for her cultivation of the ultimate meaning of the righteousness, a The moon contains the most powerful power.

Her soul trembled, shocked, and devoted herself to the wonders of the moon.

The moons are the beginnings of the Protoss ancestors. They have the true meaning of light and righteousness. It is a priceless treasure for her to cultivate the meaning of the moon.

The two, keeping a strange situation, are all aware of the mystery, but look for the beauty that is good for them.

Their souls, as they slowly sublimate in this process, gradually enhance their understanding of the realm of realm.

They have forgotten the time for a while, indulging in the incomparable wonders, and feelings in the collision of the soul.

Pursuing the deep meaning of the profound meaning of the righteousness.



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