God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1289: One person is enough

Because of the sharp loss of divine power, Cook and Jeremy became quite exhausted and weak. The hard-pressed blows of the two men were dragged into the void and disappeared. It was a heavy blow to their hearts. ""

They suddenly stopped, their eyes became flashing, and obviously there was new thinking. .

They are all members of the Bradley family, and they are honorable in the family. This is to come to the Thunder Stars just to match Letka and help Letka stabilize the situation. When they see the situation, they are ready to abandon Letka. To get rid of the land of right and wrong.

The two eyes flashed, and they couldn’t help but squint at Letka.

Both Letka and Thunder are practicing the thunder and lightning, but the Protoss has a unique advantage in physical strength, flesh and blood, and cultivation talent. Letka responds with the Protoss inexhaustible body, releasing the exquisiteness of all kinds of thunder and lightning, obviously winning After that thunder.

The same as the first **** of the two heavens, the Thunder was defeated, and was actually turned back by his own thunder and lightning, and was entangled in the thunder snake, looks like a wolverine.

Cook and Jeremy saw that Letka had the upper hand, and his mind was moved. Suddenly, Cook said: "Letka, this kid is tricky, you have to deal with it for a while, that person... we will help you."

When talking, Cook and Jeremy will change their opponents with Letka, and they will hand over the hot mountain of Shiyan to Letka.

Let's take a look at Letka, and turned his face and his face suddenly sullen. "You two can't even eat him? Are you ignorant of the family?"

He thought that Cook and Jeremy did not do their best.

Cook and Jeremy’s heart smiled and turned into a glimpse of fire, and a glimpse of ice was already at the side of Letka.

Surprisingly, Shiyan did not stop.

He stood above the Tianchi, and there was a ray of light in his shackles, and he looked at the gap that was gradually healing.

He knew that someone had secretly shot, affecting the void gap that he released, and guiding the ice and fire of the Cook and Jeremy to other spaces, the man. It should be the terrible existence of the Thunder star field that was sent to him.

He didn't know what the man was from. At this time, seeing Cook and Jeremy sneak away, they would condense the soul message: "What about the seniors?"

He knew that the person should be nearby.

Unfortunately, the man did not respond, the space gap created by him also healed, and the Galaxy was flattened again.

The void is in turmoil.

At the intersection of the gorgeous beams, Di Carlo made a wonderful mark on both hands, and the mark suddenly enlarged.

An expanding sphere of light condensed by the force of Cook and Jeremy. It suddenly appeared from the mark. It was compressed by Di Carlo, and in a short time, the expanded light ball contracted into a fist-sized crystal. The flames and ice flames flow inside the crystal, which is wonderful.

"The energy of a lot of money, the burst is too wasteful." Di Carlo pinched the crystal. Satisfied with a smile, and immediately flashed a light blade, cut the space, and turned to the direction of the stone rock. "You have swallowed up the righteousness, there is no lack of energy, this thing will not give you."

He throws it away, and the crystal spins out, traversing the layers of space. Falling into one area.

God is on the mainland, an island on the endless sea.

Xia Xinyu Qian Ying sits on a reef on the seashore and looks at the blue waters.

The scene in her mind changed, such as the fast-moving and retreating of the long river, the magical scene of her and Shiyan's two hundred years of scenes appeared, she seems to hold the same weapon that can shuttle time. Constantly retreating, her soul shuttles at different times, in retrospect.

A crystal suddenly fell from the sky, and it was a coincidence that the "啪嗒" fell on her head and turned into a drop of water. Quietly integrated into her mind.

She suddenly trembled and couldn't help but look up at the sky. Mei Man is full of horror.

A pure and abundant force suddenly burst out of her body and instantly changed her realm.

In the emptiness of the void, Di Carlo's line of sight, like passing through a layer of barriers, falls to her, revealing an extremely complex look in his eyes, whispering something softly, "Space, time..."

At this time, he heard Shi Yan’s soul communication, but he just smiled and did not respond.

Thunder star field.

Shi Yan cut off his expectations and regained his calmness. He looked at Cook, Jeremy, and Letka, and grinned.

He is not worried that Cook and Jeremy can escape. Today, the Thunder star has been closed, such as a sealed cage, no one can come in, no one can go out.

In this environment, who can escape his pursuit of space proficiency?

"Respect the Lord, please remember your promise!"

At this time, the Thunder suddenly screamed, the soul altar was like a volcanic eruption, and the flesh and body power was extremely fast.

In the distance, Ji Feng and Harmon’s face changed and screamed: “Don’t!”

Shi Yan also shocked and decisively shot.

As soon as the figure moved, he crossed the space and condensed directly behind the Thunder. "You have done enough for the Thunder Star. I want to kill them, and you don't need your sacrifice."

He reached out and pressed to the thunder, and the thunder of the thunder suddenly steadied.

"Respect the Lord!" Thunder was low.

"You go to help me to destroy the rest of the people here, Letika three people, I am enough to send them to the market." Shi Yan smiled, the blood sword in his hand waved, a **** rainbow appeared in the Xinghai, As a smattering of blood, he suddenly disappeared in the Scarlet Sky.

"Ray old, let him cope, he can!" Ji Feng quickly called.

Harmon also dissuaded. "It’s better to die than to die. You don’t have to sacrifice. You have sacrificed too much for the Thunder star in these years!"

The Thunder was there, looking deep into the shadow of the blood, his eyes showing a strange look, sinking and screaming, he nodded slightly and whispered in his own voice. "Then my life is left, for the thunder." The star field is also reserved for you..."

He turned and looked very determined, and with Hamon and Jifeng, he pursued the protoss.

Those protoss are all under the shackles of Letka, and the realm is not enough for their impact. In the screams of screams, the gods of the Protoss are smashed, and the soul is like smoke.

They did not know that the annihilation of the one of the Protoss was the greatest help to Shiyan.

The tragic ones, the gods and the torso are all absorbed by Shiyan quietly, and they are drawn into the **** rainbow, which turns into a **** sea. The negative emotions of negative emotions such as fear, despair, irritability and grievances are one in the soul of the blood. Surging, it adds to the evil of the **** sea.

Shiyan absorbs those energies arbitrarily, and uses the power of death in the **** seas to turn the **** sea into a stream of **** streams, such as blood red ribbons, extending to the direction of Letika, Cook, and Jeremy. .

The three of them were trapped in the mud, and under the spread of the **** streams, they were all under the control. They felt that the power of the gods was brought to the shackles, and even the altars became hard and sturdy. Many exquisite meanings were released. Out.

Unconsciously, the **** sea of ​​Shiyan has affected their hearts and penetrated into their souls.

"Thunder and thunder!"

Letka's screaming screaming, the strip of snakes broke free from the palm of his hand, screaming, raging in the **** sea, to break the **** sea.

Cook and Jeremy have also spurred the power of the gods. The flames in the beginning are like the ocean. The ice peaks are shot out, and they will join forces with Letka to crush the blood world of stone rock and then stone rock. kill.

It is a pity that Shiyan, who exerts his full strength at this time, absorbs the power of many Protoss people at the time of their death. At the peak of the peak, the power that can be used now has greatly surpassed the three people of Letka, and the **** sea is like a creepy blood. The poisonous tumor, after flooding the three people of Letka, will continue to add strength.

The inexhaustible negative force, the horrible unimaginable, directly attached to their altar.

"Space changes!"

Shiyan sinks in the **** sea, and the **** sea suddenly bursts, such as glass smashing, turning into countless pieces of **** scorpion.

The three people of Leitka, who were wrapped in blood, explode, and the bones shattered, and the whole body was full of blood.

In the smashed blood sea, Shiyan grinned, and the body was like an avatar. He was in a different blood-colored wafer, on the side of Cook, Letka, and Jeremy, as if they were in different mirrors, such as shuttle Between real illusions.

This is a subtlety of space ambiguity, which is the refraction of space.

Many stone rocks change their position. For example, the locusts rush to Leitka. The illusions have life fluctuations. They are not illusory things. The fluctuations are death, sorrow, fear, and violent tempering. Three people in the body.

The three people of the Leitka, who suffered heavy losses in the flesh, were all stunned in the smashed blood-colored fragments.

This look is finally fixed.

The three can no longer move, the soul altar has lost, and lost the dominant power of the god.

Stone rocks, which were condensed by negative forces, were blurred by clarity and disappeared into the three bodies.

The strong body of the three people, such as being pumped off the flesh and blood, dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, lost flesh and blood, without a trace of life fluctuations, and eventually was blown into the ash by the wind, completely dissipated.

Also disappearing together is their soul altar.

Immediately, many of the disappearing stone rocks re-emerged one by one, such as the scattered incarnations, one after another, and only one person left.

This stone rock squinted, such as a beast full of flesh and blood, smashed the scarlet mouth, satisfied with the low smile.

He knows that this battle will end the Thunder Stars will be fixed, and he will break through to the beginning of the two heavens, further from immortality.

The thunder and three people around him continue to chase down the Protoss to escape the warriors. Whenever a warrior dies, he becomes a bundle of blood in the field of his **** and directly integrates into him to help him increase his strength.

Devouring the subtlety of the righteousness, at this point, he was gradually explored by the gods.


Ps: Today, I am very sorry, it is really dizzy by the downstairs decoration. Fortunately, I have already arrived in the countryside. Well, I will give up all the bustling cities. I will try my best to make up the debt in the closed environment of the country~ .


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