God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1291: Self-freezing

The voice of the ringing spirit calls for reverberation in the minds of Shiyan. For example, the massive rocks are thrown into the calm lake, and huge waves are picked up to breed layers.

At this time, in order to break through the key moments, the call of the spirits directly leads to the distraction of Shiyan, and it is impossible to use all the energy for the breakthrough.

Ji Feng, Thunder, and Harmon looked at him, and his expression was extremely dignified, but he could not find a solution.

"What should I do?" Ji Feng's eyes are cloudy. "The state of mind is lost. Outsiders can't help but help. Otherwise, it will only help the more chaotic. How is this good?"

"If he annihilates in the Thunder star field, we will definitely suffer the anger of bloodthirsty, fearing that it is no better than under the rule of the Protoss." Harmon smiled, he thought farther and deeper.

Shiyan is the new bloodthirsty lord. At this time, the most dazzling star among the stars and seas has become the core representative against the Protoss.

If he dies in the Thunder star field, then the warriors in the Thunder star field may suffer, and they are overwhelmed by the anger of the Xuanhe, the Ming dynasty, and the violent anger.

Nowadays, the Thunder star field can no longer bear any waves. The reason why Thunder, Jifeng and Harmon put everything down is to find a hope for the Thunder star, but don’t want to give it to the star because of his impulse. The domain brings despair.


The Thunder looked at Ji Feng and Harmon, snoring and said in a light voice: "He is the new bloodthirsty lord, the successor of the legendary person. If he will annihilate the fire at the time of the breakthrough, I think ... he will never make a choice to break through here."

As soon as this statement came out, Ji Feng and Harmon looked awkward and then felt very reasonable and relaxed.

Yes, if Shiyan doesn't have a bit of control, how can he not immediately tell them to break through immediately after killing Letka and others?

If you don't have full confidence, do you dare to take such a sudden loss?

After trying to understand this, Ji Feng and Harmon took a deep breath. Let the mind calm down, continue to silently guard, and secretly observe the stone rock.

They did not know that Shiyan at this time, in the mind and the sea, was fighting against the interference of the spirits, and they did not know the transformation of the ancient body of the flesh. Shi Yan did not anticipate the crucial moment, and the ring spirit could break through the blockade of the sorrow and influence him with the soul consciousness.

The voice of the ringing spirit calls, he hears clearly, but he is trying to ignore the words of the ringing spirit.

He is very clear, if the spirit of the ring is good. Never bother him at this time.

The spirit of the ring, as the words of the meditation, will be ruthless to him at an early age. Perhaps at this time, he wants to take the opportunity to seize his soul and occupy his body.

If he is a spirit, he will choose this shot because there is no better chance than this.

At the time of breakthrough, the mind must be absolutely concentrated, and a slight influence will lead to great changes in the soul. It may even ruin the soul directly.

Although the Thunder, Ji Feng, and Harmon were on the side, they could not help him at all, because the three people did not know the existence of the spirit, but only because of the abnormality of his present body, because of the breakthrough.

In their eyes, Shiyan’s own problems can only be solved by himself.

"Master, help me unlock the seal, I will treat you wholeheartedly. You can kill that person!"

The spirit of the ring is constantly shouting. The sound went straight to the depths of his heart, so that he had a suspicion. Let him think...

As long as he shifts his attention a little, he can't concentrate on completing the transformation of the gods, which will lead to the rebellion of power, and then it will be dragged down by his own power and directly die.

He was short of breath, his body trembled violently, and his body was stirring, and he was already in a very dangerous moment.

At this time, the voice of the ringing spirit is calling more and more urgent, such as seeing hope...


At the crucial moment, the main soul of Shiyan came out with a thought, passing through the void barrier and reaching the star of God.

Deep inside the heart of the gods, the huge crystal suddenly came to dazzling glory, a bunch of ice cold fireworks flew out, and the fireworks moved, many glaciers in the mainland of the gods melted sharply, such as the horrible forest The power of cold.

The ice-cold fireworks crossed the emptiness and heavy distance, and suddenly appeared in the mind of Shiyan, and the bones spread rapidly!


In an instant, Shiyan's body was covered with thick ice rock, which was filled with cold, white mist, and infiltrated into the surrounding area.

The Thunder Tianchi was immediately affected. When the cold white mist spread, it formed a thick ice at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few tens of seconds, the entire Thunder Tianchi, the entire surrounding palace and the world, was snowy and cold. .

Even the Thunder, Jifeng, and Harmon have become three ice sculptures, and the function of the gods is frozen.

The expressions on the faces of the three people remained horrified, and they could not move with one movement. They could only communicate with the soul.

"Good cold! This cold current, I am afraid that only those who have reached the three realms of the beginning of the gods, the ability to repair the ice cold can be released!" Ji Fengdao.

"He doesn't cultivate the power of extreme cold. What's the matter?" Harmon's soul shouted.

"This extremely cold force comes from Tianhuo. He is the fusion of the origins and the master of the ancient continent. This Sen Han, from the depths of the ancient continent, we don't struggle, as long as the soul altar is not frozen, just watch it. Change, this cold force is not aimed at us, so we can bear it." Thunder explained.

"Who is it for?" Ji Feng was amazed.

"His own." Thunder said.

“Why?” Ji Feng and Harmon asked for a soul.

"I don't know, I only know that his breakthrough has encountered trouble. As for what kind of trouble, I can't see it. I think he should be able to cope, all we can do is not to disturb him." Thunder explained again.

Ji Feng and Harmon are confused, but they know that Thunder has always been extraordinary. They can only choose to listen to the thunder. They dare not release the power to unwind the ice. They wait so silently.

Shiyan was wrapped in heavy ice. If it was sealed by the iceberg, the gods, blood, soul and sea were at rest.

The ring with mysterious and cumbersome blood lines is naturally frozen. Because of the infiltration of the extreme cold force, the ring spirit can no longer give a hint of breath, and can not reveal any idea, because the stone rock altar, the sea and the soul They are all in self-freezing.

Time is in a hurry.

I don't know how long it has passed, Shiyan is dead, Jifeng, Harmon, and Thunder are gradually unable to withstand, and the extreme cold power gradually penetrates into their souls.

They had to run the altar, urging the amount of power, bursting the ice on the body, and coming out of the frozen state.

"Three days." Ji Feng frowned. "He has no movement, his soul is stagnant, he has no thoughts. What should he do?"

"Stare, observe, don't move." Thunder said.

Ji Feng and Harmon had no choice but to ignore it and continue to wait and watch it as a rock of a thousand years of icebergs.

In the dark sea of ​​stars, a little bit of stars are shining, the stars are infiltrated, shining in the frozen Thunder Tianchi...

The faint starlight, such as the luster of fireflies, flickers and flashes in the frozen ice. If it is pulled by some kind of force, it moves quietly in the ice, and gradually approaches the ice peak where Shiyan is located...

This piece of heaven and earth is a glacier, and the frozen Tianchi and Shiyan are connected into a huge ice area. The starlight moves in the ice, slow and slow.

The first starlight, after a long movement, blended into the body of Shiyanbing.

If the fire of the stars ignites the fire source, the stone rock smashed into the hole and suddenly became like a diamond, suddenly bursting into the glare.

In the meantime, there were countless stars in the pool that merged into streams, and they flocked to the stone rock body, hiding in his body.

At this time, Ji Feng, Harmon, and Thunder suddenly woke up and found this spectacle, showing a shocked expression.

"Thunder Sky Pond is made up of a mysterious star field Tianhe. On that day, there was lightning power and star energy. The energy has already flocked to him!" Thunder stared, and moved: "He must have done it before." I was in trouble, but now I think he found a solution."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Feng and Harmon are also showing joy. They are surprised to see countless stars flowing into Shiyan, which makes Shiyan's momentum soar.

They closed their eyes and felt a half-sound, and they nodded secretly. They were surprised to find that Shi Yan had become more stable and unconsciously, and should have spent the most difficult time.

They know that the rest of the time is the compression and condensation of divine power, the washing of the altar, and the sublimation of the soul.

The toughest moment has passed, and the following Shiyan will be all right. When you wake up, you will enter the beginning of the gods.

"I knew that he wouldn't have anything." Thunder smiled and said: "You can rest and see if anyone below us has eliminated all the remaining Protoss."

The three men each took out the soundstone and asked about the details of the majesty, showing a satisfactory expression.


At the corner of the star field, the mine is connected.

The Chen family gathered in the surrounding area, frowning one by one, waiting silently.

"The man, why haven't you come yet? Did he deceive us?" Chen Rong frowned and lowered his voice. When he spoke, he showed awe and color, and quietly glanced at the white clothes in the distance.

Ouyang Luoshuang is beautiful and cold, far away from this side, slightly frowning.

"No, he will come over, there should be something he needs." Chen Lei whispered.

Chen lived in a remote place in the Thunderfield and was closed to the outside world. At this time, he did not know the great changes in the Thunder star field. He was in fear and uneasiness every day, fearing that the Protoss would retaliate again.

They were scared by the Protoss, feared by heart, and feared every day.

"We gambled on everything, hoping to win and give the family some incense." Chen Rong smiled and sighed softly.

"Do not worry, our Chen family will not be destroyed, we will live well, I believe him, he will be able to give us a new future." Chen Lei said comfortably.

All the people of Chen’s family gathered here, waiting for the arrival of the man, waiting for a hope.



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