God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1308: Crazy spread!

In the southeast corner of the six-pointed star, a ship of the Protoss is like a group of hungry sharks, swimming in the Xinghai.

There are many protoss powerhouses on every Protoss battleship. Those people are far and steady, with a little cold and **** meaning. This is a fighting madman who has experienced a hurricane.

On one of the bright warships, the unique flag of the Blakell family is erected. The pennant is a broad picture of the mountains and rivers. It represents the ambition and purpose of the Blakell family. It incorporates the Lushan River into the family territory and strengthens the family territory.

Thornton is the current family patriarch, just as a strong young man, a long hair shawl like a flame, strong and strong, double eyes and introverted.

He cultivated the power of Jin Rui, dressed in a gold armor, and began to cultivate the three heavens. In the Protoss, Thornton is known as the "Golden God of War."

At this time, Thornton squinted and walked on the knees in the interior of the battleship, and looked solemn.

In front of him, there is a golden palm leaf with palms, and the leaves on the leaves are like strange snakes, such as gold thread, revealing the sharp and sharp force, suddenly, the golden yellow leaves on the serpentine A movement, a yellow halo that runs through the stars, suddenly emerges.

A terrorist field, such as the eruption of hundreds of millions of volcanoes, suddenly emerged from the leaves and shook the earth.

For a moment, the golden leaves are infused with endless power.

A figure suddenly appeared in the secret room, it is the Austen family clan Pago, also the first **** of the three heavens, bitterly repairing the earth, Pago seems to have been paying attention to this piece, once I perceive the mysterious, immediately cross the sky Come.

Pago has a pair of light gray eyes, gazing at the golden leaves, and is pleased to say: "With the power of this 'detonation of the gods', it is easy to win the six-pointed star, the elders will be in time. Injecting the power of breaking the boundary for the gods, it is really supportive!"

"Explosion of the gods" is a secret treasure of the Protoss, only twelve of them hosted, when conquering the star. If you encounter a hard-to-break barrier, you can use the power of "destroying the **** leaf".

But the "explosive **** leaf" is a one-time use of consumables. Every time it is displayed, it must be refilled with the power of terror. Those forces must apply to the Presbyterian Church and will be injected by the Presbyterian Church.

It is said that the power injected into the "explosion of the gods" is a wonderful source of energy for the ancient gods. Directly linked to the origin of the ancestral star.

is also like this. The Presbyterian’s censorship of the “explosive deity” energy injection is extremely strict, and the less important star field competition is generally not easy to give energy.

Thornton treasured the "explosion of the gods". Finally, I was a little relaxed. "This battle is the first battle between us and the bloodthirsty official confrontation. This warrior will naturally attach great importance to it. Our fire and rain star field is in a big advantage, as long as we can get the support of 'explosion **** leaf', immediately I can win the game."

Stopped, Thornton said: "We need this victory to boost morale!"

Pago nodded and looked positive. He said: "This battle, let us lay the foundation for victory!"

Every Protoss knows that the year has passed and the Protoss want to continue to dominate the Xinghai. It is necessary to cross this robbery.

Protoss, in this battle, the interior is unprecedentedly united!

Every Protoss is deeply aware of the importance of this war to the future of the race. The twelve families of the Protoss, which used to be secretive, have now united as one and fight for the race.

They have no gaps.

Today's Protoss. After thousands of years of accumulation, I have conquered dozens of stars and harvested countless treasures, which is the peak!

If this battle cannot be won. The Protoss will fall to the altar, and the glory of glory will cease to exist. For every Protoss, this battle is of the utmost importance and cannot be lost.

"Flowing from our side, pushing the future of my Protoss to a new height!" Thornton sipped, revealing a firm, "go, launch the final blow, completely destroy the line of fire and rain, the hobby Blood is killing!"

He and Pago figured out and disappeared from the secret room and appeared in the core area of ​​their respective warships.

Thornton held the "explosive **** leaf" re-injected with energy, full of confidence, watching the family's many powerful people eager to move, not to be overwhelmed, ready to issue the command of the total attack.

At this time, inside the core of the core area, a jade piled inside the sound nest, there was a scream of tears that pierced the eardrum, and howling like a sharp steel needle, such as piercing their eardrum, bursting into screams, crying It came and made everyone shocked.

The sound nest is made up of many sound stones. If you hold the sound stone in the same star field, you can use the sound stone to communicate this place in case of emergency.

"Home! There are mysterious enemies, the gods are on! Our people are killed in the inexplicable, one by one disappeared!"

"Unable to resist! Widson is also mad, can not find the direction of the mysterious enemy, our people are dying!"

"We have lost thousands of people!"


Inside the sound nest, the screaming screams of the people of the tribe called for help, listening to the screams of desperation and shouting by the people, and both Thornton and the people of the tribe were looking forward.

"Widson is mad! It must be because of him! Brother, this Widson should have been killed, look, this is a problem!" Thornton's brother Souter suddenly screamed hysterically.

Many family executives also looked gloomy and guessed what happened.

"This is not the right thing. Widson has gone crazy a few times in the past, but it has caused hundreds of people or thousands of people to die. This time, there must be an accident!" At this moment, Thornton was still calm and his attitude did not change much. He indulged, suddenly "In the past, Widson was mad at the outside world, causing his demise to die. So far, we can't break the mystery. I don't know what happened. This time he is crazy under our eyes, maybe we can finally know. What's the secret in Widson's body!"

Thornton looked at the crowd and took a deep breath. Shen Sheng said: "You don't even know. The reason why I stayed in Widson until now is that he is still in a high position, not because of his half family pedigree. But because, In this Widson's body, there is a mystery that I can't see. I only know that there is a hidden power in his body. The power can be detected from time to time, but most of the time I can't perceive it. That power is very mysterious. It’s terrible. I’ve kept him so far, and I’m trying to figure out the mystery of it one day.”

When he stopped, he said: "Today, it is the moment to reveal the secret land. What is shocking in the body of Widson, we may finally see it this time!"

Then, he issued a series of orders, and he was sent to Pargo of the Austin family.

Pago also immediately called the family powerhouse.

In a short time, Thornton and Pago each led a group of strong men, gathered together and plundered to the depths of the abyss.

However, they only rushed out of the distance, and both Thornton and Pago were looking forward and looked awkward.

In front, a group of Protoss people lurking in the abyss, such as the funeral dog, fled, and the direction of escape was just the same as them. Those people were extremely embarrassed and had deep blood on their bodies, but from the perspective of blood, it was clear. It is caused by the secret of the Protoss.

In other words, those people fled and fled without a battle.

Thornton knows the fierceness of the children on the submarine ship, knowing that unless they encounter a situation in which they know that they are absolutely hard to beat, they will not be able to practice themselves so much, at the expense of self-harm.

This shows the situation ahead, fearing that it is the most dangerous moment.

Thornton was hesitant, and suddenly he knew the message: "Sparks elders, please come over and see, bloodthirsty may have moved out with your general existence."

This thought spreads out. After a while, a starlight extends from the stars behind them. The star fire elders face coldly and suddenly appear, cold voice: "Nonsense! I have been perceiving the soul with the soul, where is the pseudo Immortal come?"

The words of the Sparks fell, and his face changed abruptly.

I saw the protoss of the squadrons, one after another, inexplicably melted in front of the star fire, and those gods suddenly turned into a light smoke, such as being wiped away by the heavens and the earth.

Surprising to the extreme!

Thornton, Pargo, and even the Sparks, all of them suddenly felt cold and inexplicably frightened.

I saw those people who rushed to them, and many of them showed the expression of the rest of their lives. They thought that they saw them and saw the fake and immortal sparks. They could escape this robbery. They still had a glimmer of joy on their faces, but suddenly Quickly ablate.

This is a blow to both Thornton and Pago, such as heavy hammers on their chests.

Let everyone's heart hurt like a knife!

"No! No! It is not a pseudo-immortal existence!" Suddenly, the star fire eyes are stunned, such as suddenly wake up, screaming in a huge earthquake, screaming: "Add more! It is the breath of more! God, how can happen Is this a strange thing? Adding more and more violent death, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Gado, gossip from the erosion of Oyi Kui's first addition?" Souter subconsciously shouted.

Both Thornton and Pago were discolored. Thornton just stunned and reacted immediately. He was terrified and worried: "Not Gado! It is Widson! This is the breath of Widson, absolutely wrong!"

When he screamed, the unique "domain field" of that of Widson spread, such as the flood of the ocean, swept through all directions.

Invisible acidosis in the "domain field", there is no sign of exhaustion, only to reach the level of the beginning of God, can you perceive the terrible of invisible corrosion and acidity.

That corrosion is very poisonous. At this time, if the cancer of the heavens and the earth is burned, it will spread with a terrible trend! Crazy spread! Constantly spread!

"God, it’s a terrible poison!"

Everyone is also stiff and full of fear, because they see a scene that is unforgettable forever...

Navidson gradually emerged, and a six-level life star surrounded by the Widson field spread in their eyes, slowly disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Even the Star of Life can be dissolved and dissolved!

How terrible?



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