God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1324: Taichushengling

Di Carlo screamed and suddenly teleported to the side of Reddy, and he wanted to leave.

Even the heavy space that condensed on the giant worm was ignored.

"Ronaldinho, what the **** is that?" Reddy swayed the dragon's head, and the silver dragon's body flew out of the blue lightning, and the lightning was entangled, all bound to the giant worm.

"Don't waste money, we are afraid that this thing can't really cope." Di Carlo's face is covered with blood, his expression is embarrassing, and he squeezes out an ugly smile.

At this time, Shi Yan’s feelings changed drastically, and there was a fascination in the eyes.

Because of the ring spirit that was closed by the meditation, at this moment, the sound of the voice was screaming in the **** ring, and the ringing spirit did not know that it was in vain to gain an inexplicable force.

As soon as the soul turns, he escapes into the blood-grain ring and finds that there are countless mysterious and cumbersome enchantments in the inner part of the blood-grain ring. Those enemies are layered, like a curtain, wrapped in a gray soul, the soul. It should be the spirit of the ring.

Nowadays, the dense enchantments, such as the rupture of the mirror, crack a lot of gaps, and the spirit of the ringing spirit gradually becomes fiercer from the seal.

This spirit is not the original spirit, it is that Xuanshan is drawn from the origin of the ancient gods. Like him, he may be an extraterritorial soul. It engulfed the original spirit, and attempted to occupy his soul. Later, Hearts and evils, to gather bloodthirsty bones and resurrection.

It is sealed in the center of the ring so that it can't break free. Only at special moments can it communicate with Shiyan occasionally.

But now that the enchantment of the meditation has broken and torn, the spirits are obviously going to break free.

Next to that Di Carlo is screaming again, a pair of giant worms can not match the appearance, so that Shi Yan is uneasy, more and more uncomfortable.

At this critical moment, he indulged for a few seconds, suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it, and a mysterious vortex appeared next to him.

"Hey, first return to the grace of the star." He did not give Xia Xinyu the time he prepared, he raised his hand. A soft force poured into Xia Xin's body and sent her directly into the vortex.

At the same time, he had a little eyebrow, and the soul of the Lord emerged directly from his forehead.

The **** imprint between the main soul and the eyebrows, a sudden strange blood, a **** signal, directly into the unknown mysterious land.

In the blood of the forbidden land, a **** light descends from the sky. Fall into the central island of engulfing.

period. A stream of ideas was released, and Xuanhe and Yan Lie immediately perceive that they all changed slightly. Strictly set out.


Not much time.


Just beside Shiyan, a group of strange lights condensed, even if you see a ghost appear. Instantly turned into a soul-divided soul.

Two electric lights flashed, and Xuanhe and Yan Lie also suddenly appeared, and they looked dignified.

When the glimpse of the glimpse, I saw Di Carlo's **** face, and the preparations for fear and uneasiness dragged Reddy away, and stunned, and suddenly said: "Brother."

Di Carlo was stagnation, looked at him and said: "I don't have such a good younger brother!"

"Ronaldinho!" Reddy groaned. Twisting the dragon's torso and shouting: "What the **** are you afraid of?"

Xuanhe and Qi Lieite looked at Shiyan at this time. To be exact, it was the blood pattern ring that looked at him. Xuanhe Road: "Would you like to break the seal?"

Shiyan nodded and rushed to the road: "The seals were laid out by the hustle and have been safe before. But I don't know why they suddenly became turbulent."

The sullen face was sullen, and I reached out and grasped the blood pattern. When the soul penetrated into it, the expression suddenly changed and I looked at the giant worm!

He closed his eyes again. If you are thinking about something, then suddenly open your eyes. Looking at Di Carlo: "Brother, what is the thing that the master said in the past?"

Di Carlo didn't yell at this time, showing a bitter expression and nodding. "It should be."

Xuanhe and 腓 特 特 are inexplicable, look at the meditation, and look at Di Carlo, do not know what they say.

Seeing Di Carlo admired, the look is extremely ugly, Shen Sheng said: "That thing, in the ring of influence on the ring, seems to help the spirit to break free!"

When the words came out, everyone was stunned.

The cicada also frowned. "Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on, I don't know the spirit inside, what is the connection with that thing."

"What is that?" Xuanhe asked.

When the people spoke, the giant worm was still struggling fiercely, to get rid of the heavy space blocked by Di Carlo.

It is like a star-like squirm, the release of the breath is isolated, only Di Carlo can feel, and only he is suffering.

Di Carlo was hit by a chest, and his body was trembled, and his pale face was covered with more blood.

He suddenly screamed. "My space source can't bear it. I want to let go of the seal. Let's get ready!"

"What is that?" Xuanhe and Yan Lie together looked at the meditation and violently shouted.

"Too early life!"

Xuanhe, Qi Lieite, Lei Di, and Shi Yan all look stunned. They have obviously not heard of this term, showing a faint color.

"Netherest Mail!"

The meditation did not explain, the face was gloomy, and a ghost was drawn from the eyes. In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of ghosts floated, such as the ocean formed by a soul, drowning the space source printed on Di Carlo, those The Ghost penetrates the layers of space and wonderfully enhances Di Carlo's space seal.

That glimpse of ghosts, most of them are the soul level of the virtual god, the source of the gods, and even many souls reach the level of the first god, hundreds of thousands, and do not know how many killings have been formed in the past few years.

Many ghosts form the form of chain armor, which is densely covered in the space imprint, which increases the power of Nadi Carlo seals several times.

Di Carlo, who had a strange face, suddenly became a lot easier after the ghost poured into the imprint. He calmed down and took a deep breath. Suddenly, "With three of us, we may be able to trap this Taikoo." Life, but certainly can't be destroyed, even if it's sleepy, I don't know how long it will take him..."

Shiyan was stunned.

Here, after the addition of the Ming Dynasty, the Xuanhe River, and the Qiang Li Te, there are five strong people who have reached the immortal double heavens. This power is enough to sweep any forces other than the Protoss between heaven and earth.

When such a force is added up, it can only trap this thing, and listening to what Dikaro said, it can't be too long, this... What is the situation?

Surprisingly, the Ming Dynasty completely agreed with his judgment, saying: "The brothers said that they can only trap him. It may be difficult for a few decades or so. It is almost impossible to kill."

"What is it?" Reddy turned into a group of electric light, the electric light split, heavy adult shape, full of irritability.

"The history of the Tian Yaozuo, the Undead Mozu, the Emperor, and the Protoss is only 100,000 years. The earliest of our era was only made into the Taikoo era, only 100,000 years ago." Di Carlo looked at Reddy, bitter Dao: "But 100,000 years ago, there is actually an era called the early era, and there are also creatures in that era, and it is still a creature far beyond our cognitive limits. Those creatures are called Taichushengling."

Shi Yan and others all stunned.

"My master died in the bloodthirsty hand, but he is the most outstanding space singer. His exploration of space in his life has never stopped. He has learned a lot of mysteries and knows the secrets of the world. The thing is that he passed down."

Di Carlo frowned.

"The creatures of the early days are extremely strong. It is said that the original universe is ten thousand times larger than the present, the territory is infinite, and the stars in the ocean, such as the water droplets in the ocean, are endless. It will become like this, and there will be only so few The star field, listening to what my master said, was caused by the struggle of the early life."

"The creatures of that era are many times more numerous than the people of the Tian Yaozu, and they are very strange. They are not necessarily just in the form of flesh. They may be a giant mountain, an endless ocean, and even a planet is too early. They are huge. Life is endless, insight into the power of the universe, and unimaginable power."

"According to what you said, so ridiculous?" Shiyan suddenly interrupted.

"Oh, guessing is right, the wasteland is the beginning of life." The faint look at him.

When Shi Yan stayed, the soul suffered a strong impact and directly caught it.

"It is also possible to tell you the fact that the gods of the mainland, the gods of the mainland, the ancient gods, and the ancient demon continents were once part of the wilderness. Just like a person is divided into heads and limbs, the waste is the head, and the other four ancient continents are quite In its limbs, they are one, because the smashing is cut off by the incredible existence, it becomes this appearance." Di Carlo snorted.

This time, even Xuanhe, 腓right, and Reddy all looked blank, showing a huge shock. Xuanhe looked at the meditation, and the mood was turbulent. After adjusting the state of mind, he calmed down and asked: "What he said is true. of?"

Silent silence, said: "I don't know the true and false. These are the guesses of my teacher. I have tried to prove the true and false for thousands of years. I am not sure about it for the time being, but this statement should be very close to the truth. At least, we all know that there is a sense of life, and we have our own ideas, but it should have been hit hard before it becomes so weird..."

"The waste is too early to be born, this thing, it should be too early to be born, this kind of existence, we no one knows its magical details, and no one really exchanges with it, but my master said that the beginning of life is terrible, we can not force Enemy, only the other first-time creatures can resist." Di Carlo is very dignified.

"It should be good." Shi Yan interjected again, saying: "My other soul makes me feel familiar with this thing, as if I recognize it."

A line of sight, all in a moment condensed on him, stunned the look of the micro-shock, said: "I almost forgot to merge the source of the grace of God, if my master guessed that the truth is true, 伱 fusion of the source of the grace, is equivalent to the integration of a wasteland Divided into a soul, if so, it is normal to have a sense of familiarity."

He paused and looked at Dicardo. He said, "Senior brother, I said that no one has really exchanged war with the Taisheng spirit. This is wrong. If there is a person, I will fight with the Taisheng spirit, and it seems... Victory."

"Who?" Di Carlo looked shocked.

"My former master."

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