God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1328: Crazy spew!

Widson will never forget the childhood, and that incident changed his life, making his destiny destined to be extraordinary.

He was born with a mixture of protoss and barbarians. During his childhood, he was slightly thin and beautiful. This is intrinsically different from the rough and savage of the children in his family. He was weak in his childhood, but he was good at using the energy of the heavens and the earth. Can be used to control animal products.

This special "domain field" is not only not worthy of his attention within the family, but it has become a heterogeneity within the family. After checking the blood of the family, the old man found that his body is not pure, when he is a monster, he will It abandoned an evil swamp in the barbarian.

The water of the swamp is full of acidosis, and even the barbarian adult soldiers fall into it. They will not survive for too long and will slowly rot and die.

At the beginning of his life, Widson, who was still sinister and sinister, was thrown away and died in the swamp.

When he first entered the swamp, he tasted the most terrible pain in the world. He slowly rotted and melted, but he was screaming and screaming. In the midst of death, he survived inexplicably, and integrated the pool of mysterious swamp into the body.

This process lasted for three years!

Three years later, the water of the swamp was completely dry, and Widson walked out of it, and the old people who had thrown him down in the swamps were found to be strangled one by one, and the power of the incomparable monks reached the top of the barbarian.

He eventually became the barbarian supreme, became a barbarian, above all barbarian!

"Shi Yan, the master's bones will be absorbed to him, and only he is crazy, and the strength of the owner's bones will be motivated, and it is possible to erode the primaries!"

Shiyan is amazed.

The people of Xuanhe looked dignified and their eyes were amazed. They all looked at the meditation and gave a more detailed explanation.

"In that year, Gado was indeed dead..."

Looking at the crowd, "Before you die, you also got the owner's bones. He fell into the wild star of Widson's life, a very remote low-level star. He died with his master's bones, but he Corrosion is special. After the death of man, he still exists in the erosion of the righteousness. He wraps the remains of the master. I don’t know how many years have passed. The corrosion of the ecstasy has dissolved the remains of the master."

"The erosive swamp of the star is the erosion of the blood of the blood, which is the result of the erosion of his bones. The swamp is the essence of his corrosion. It has been eroding the remains of the master, and Widson was thrown into the swamp. It is precisely when the corrosion of the mystery dissolves the remains of the master."

"He is so lucky. He should have been dissolved. I don't know why it absorbs the exquisiteness of the swamp. It will add more corrosion and ignorance to the blood and bones. With the help of the master's remains, This is also why it is clear that only the beginning of God is a double heaven, and his madness will completely irritate the ignorance of the mystery, and even achieve the same reason as the immortal strong."

"The one who gave him the power of terror is not the corrupted meaning of Addo, but the power of the master's bones!"

The meditation snarls his speculation.

When everyone was watching Widson, like watching a crouching demon, once mad. It is enough to destroy the earth!

In fact, in the midst of the fire and rain, if he had been allowed to go wild with Widson, he could indeed destroy the entire fire and rain!

Only because of the power of bloodthirsty bones!

At this time, there are hundreds of thousands of years of emptiness in the treacherous watershed, and there are too many too early living spirits than the four major races, and they are awakened by the people, such as the **** of destruction. Eleven giant worms are ruined in destroying eleven stars, and the main body is constantly strengthening its power. Even the combined efforts of the people can not seal.

偌大星海, as if no one can still hold this thing.

Helpless, and finally call this invisible bomb of Widson. To show the magic that happened to him, to use his magical power. Come and kill this too young!

When he dropped a word, Widson showed a sorrow on his face, and immediately flashed a fierce light. "Why should I help you? How do I know what you are saying?"

"If you don't cooperate, you, me, people here, eleven stars, countless creatures will die, maybe even the whole universe will collapse and crush, and all your loved ones will cease to exist." The chilling heart, he calmly looked at Widson, a simple and clear explanation of the facts.

He raised his hand a little, and the scene inside the huge emptiness mirror became clear again.

Eleven stars, one of the prosperous stars of life in each star field, was wrapped in giant worms. The numerous warriors on the stars were touched by hands and muscles, sucking into the abdomen, and the death was terrible.

Widson glanced at him, his face was blue and half-sounding, and he looked at Shiyan.

Everyone also looked at Shiyan.

"This bone, from Lingxiang, Nishizawa, and Lorraine, was originally intended to be a holy place. Now let's see... it has more important uses."

Shi Yan had a little eyebrow, and he flew out three jade boxes from his beginning. The jade box contained blood-stained bones and fell directly to the direction of Widson.

Widson calmed his face, reached out and grabbed it, his eyes suddenly let out the amazing glory. "The things inside, really make me... have a sense of intimacy!"

Everyone is shocked.

"How do I absorb?" He looked at the meditation.

"I don't know, because no one can successfully break the essence of the master's bones. Everyone who gets the bones is enlightened for thousands of years. I want to know the magic of it. Unfortunately, even the Lord has not succeeded. You are The only winner, because in you, I can sense the master's breath, how to absorb, and only by yourself to find the answer."

Widson squatted for a while.

At this moment, the giant worm struggled more and more fiercely. Xuanhe, Frederick, Di Carlo, Ming, and Reddy had to concentrate all their attention to release the exquisite power and arrange more seals.

The rules contain rivers of life and death, hundreds of millions of ghosts, a head of thunder, a small space that breeds, and a condensed rope, bound to the giant worm.

The five people looked grim and seemed to be under great pressure. Then Reddy was roaring with the dragon body, and it was obviously more and more difficult to resist.

At this moment, a beautiful and moving figure emerged from the bulge of the giant worm. A pair of eyes were cold and there was no trace of human emotions. They looked at the crowd with disdain, and the mysterious language that no one knew from the mouth, the language can Through the layers of seals, you can step through the void and fall to the eleven stars.

Nature is purple.

She stopped at the giant worm, such as standing proudly in the foothills of the giant mountain. She was extremely small compared to the giant worm, but her expression and posture seemed to be the master.

The radiance of the radiance of the radiance of the road, flowing around her, makes her glamorous to unparalleled.

She suddenly looked at Shiyan, and there was a strange color in the beauty. The lips squirmed. She spit out a syllable, a syllable of any language that is known today!

But Shi Yan understood it!

That is a word - waste!

Zi Yao called him "the wasteland"!


The deputy soul far away from the mainland of the gods, such as being thundered by lightning, instantly traversed the layers of barriers and fell straight into the rocky soul altar, a cluster of flames into the mysterious layer, holding the soul .

Under the nourishment of the cluster flames, the deputy soul releases a staggering energy like a flame, and the energy is surging and washed away, which leads to the smashing of the earth around the mainland!

"Don't look at her!" The sorrow suddenly screamed, and the sound was like a cold knife, and it pierced Shiyan's mind.

Shi Yan was covered in ice and cold, and Huo Ran woke up. When he suddenly broke his tongue, a thick and undead blood splattered into a warm current, and the whole body power burst instantly!


He drank in his heart, and the soul was directly immersed in his own beginnings from the soul altar, and turned into a sea of ​​fire in the beginning.


The deputy soul fell into his own beginnings. When he really cut off all kinds of connections, he could no longer hear the voice of Zi Yao, and could not understand the whisper of Zi Yao. The feeling that his soul collapsed suddenly disappeared without a trace.

He suddenly felt the feeling of restoring the rest of his life. He knew that if he decisively fell the deputy soul into his own beginnings, he would cut off a trace of contact with the other party, and the other party would invade the situation, directly causing his main soul and deputy soul to burst!

He never dared to go to see Zi Yao, he didn't dare to look at it!

He forced himself to put all his attention on Widson. At this time, Widson opened the jade box one by one. Surprisingly, the invisible bloodthirsty bones in the box showed his reality. For a cut of bones.

Immediately, in the most direct and simple way, Widson put the bone directly into the mouth, and even chewed it, swallowed it directly!

The huge bones slid into the awful scene of his abdomen, causing Shi Yan to stun a cold sweat, feeling that the bone could burst and smash his neck and throat at any time.

He even swallowed three bloodthirsty bones!

"You don't chew it?" asked Shi Yan's back.

"Chewing!" Widson struggled to swallow three bloodthirsty bones, and his face turned angry and rushed back, and suddenly his stomach suddenly bulged!

Expand at a rate visible to the naked eye!

For example, pregnant women will shorten the time of pregnancy in September, in just a few seconds! For a while, Widson had a huge belly, and there was a strange sound of "汩汩" inside.

Widson's face was blue, and suddenly his belly was mad, like a beast that was killed, and his voice screamed and screamed. In the roar, he fell into madness again, his body skyrocketed, and a corrosive force that destroyed the heavens and the earth broke out from him. come out.

When I was in the fire and rainy days, I didn’t know how many times!

Three bloodthirsty bones into the abdomen, I do not know how to turn him into a monster, so that his horrible atmosphere continues to increase, if there is no end!

It has greatly exceeded the climbing speed of the giant insect energy!



Widson screamed and snarled, bursting into the air, and the intensive bangs, the pores of the pores spurting out the corrosive gas, mixing his unique domain field, and instantly spread.

"Stop immediately! Avoid the giant insects behind, let the giant worms admit his power of corrosion!"

Everyone's face was cold, and they did not hesitate to avoid the edge. They moved at the fastest speed and went to the rear of the giant worm. Let the giant worm and Widson face each other.

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