God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1330: Do not mind!

The words of the beginning of the living, the words are like thunder, bursting in the mind of Shiyan.

Surprisingly, he had an inexplicable endorsement of the last sentence of the creature. He knew that the other party’s words were true, Zi Yao... it was part of it.

If it is annihilated, Zi Yao will naturally return to the market without leaving a trace.

Convenience is a breakthrough, to force him to start, forcing him to attack either Widson, or tear the seal of the Xuanhe, the Ming Dynasty!

If it was before, he may not have this ability, but now, his volatility is absolutely beyond the terrible of his cognition. He believes that if he tries his best, he has the power to break the balance of today!

The miraculous power from the beginning of the birth of the soul, his bones, soul, and the beginning of the full evolution and sublimation, has reached an inexplicable height that makes him all horrified.

"As long as you promised to help me, I will give you a chance to let you know the power that can only be touched when we are too young to be born!" Zi Yao follows the temptation to hide the magical powers of the words. Sinking, so obeying it.

"The power that can be touched by the beginning of life!"

Shiyan’s eyes are violent, and the soul is moving like a heart.

He immediately grasped the other's words, the kind of power...maybe it is the power of God, Lingxiang, Nishi, and even the people of Xuanhe, who are hard to pursue, and so far, only bloodthirsty masters and display The mysterious power that comes out.

The temptation of Zi Yao, such as the devil, struck in Shiyan’s mind, and his face became extremely weird.

Close to the teeth, his expression suddenly twisted and twisted, such as struggling against the demons, the eyes gradually reddish.

Half-sounding, he snarled in the sky and laughed in his mind: "You can't reverse my heart! You are a born-minded, five immortal strongmen join hands and dare to say that you have sealed for decades, who can really make you 陨Excuse? You can't die, the guy can't kill you, at most it will bring you trauma. You can't move my heart, can't confuse my reason!"


In his mind, a star-shaped dragon emerges and is woven into a dense giant net, such as a closed barrier, sealing the mind directly.

Do not listen to any words, do not accept the penetration of any soul, and close your mind.

Zi Yao's soul is fluctuating. Can't penetrate any more. The color of her crying in her eyes instantly disappeared without a trace, reappearing the cold and ruthless color, and she looked deeply at the direction of Shiyan. In the unspeakable tone, he whispered an unintelligible discourse and re-indented into the belly of the giant insect.

Immediately, the giant worm became safe and settled down. The surface of the body secretes a yellow turbid liquid, which solidifies into a bright yellow keratin, such as the wonderful armor that fills the body.

It no longer struggles violently, no longer forcibly breaking the seal, such as the thorns shrinking and defending.

It is like giving up resistance.

However, the power of horror and corrosion that Widson released was raging, but the effect was drastically weakened.

The bright yellow **** on the giant worm. Such as a layer of wonderful enchantment, can greatly reduce the speed of corrosion, it will still appear black smoke clouds from time to time, but compared with before, it is much thinner.

Obviously, it is fully defended, and the wound is reduced to a sustainable level.

now. Closed by its own stone rock, the hole still does not stop, continue to absorb the cluster of clouds, nourish and warm the body.

The eyes are stunned and the eyes are faint. Lightly said: "Nothing!"

"The main body is fully defended, and the avatar is still ruined. When we are rushed over, how can we fight against it?" DiCarlo did not feel a little relaxed, more and more uneasy, and his tone was heavy.

Look at the empty mirror.

In addition to Shiyan, Widson, everyone looked at the mirror, and all the faces were gloomy.

In eleven different stars, the eleven giant worms squirmed, and almost all the warriors on the eleven life stars were swallowed into the abdomen. The eleven giant worms swayed at this time. Rushing in the direction of the domain.

The giant worm moved very fast, and when it flashed, it passed through the star of life, as if it was breaking through the void.

"It's the avatar to come back with the help of the domain, to find this body!" Di Carlo feared.

Everyone is as dead as the gray, and there is a feeling of powerlessness. Even the filth is sullen, and there is a kind of quest to find the law, and it is difficult to change the situation.


Tenjin Peak.

In the foothills, the face of the **** is calm, and the eyes are alternately rotating like the sun, the moon and the stars. He looks at the ethereal star field, and the line of sight can penetrate the void and reach the endless territory.

Behind him, the four kings of freedom, Shenwu, Xiaoyao and Guangming are silent, and further away, the elders of the Protoss Presbyterian Church and the twelve homeowners are crouching, each face is very heavy, such as facing The end of the catastrophe, the eyebrows have a thick cloud that cannot be opened.

Eleven protoss and bloodthirsty stars, highlighting eleven planet-like giants, such as the demon squatting in the center of the stars, eclipsing a warrior.

Those who are military, some are Protoss, some are other powers, but there is no bloodthirsty person.

Because of the strong bloodthirsty pulse, the core life stars of the eleven stars are held by their families, and they are stationed in the most elite fighting force in their ethnic group. At this moment, those within the family that have been cultivated for thousands of years. Elite, they have become the food of the giant worm, and it has its belly.

This is a fatal blow to the Protoss.

They thought that the giant worm, the secret weapon of bloodthirsty, was the ancestor of the oldest era of the Tian Yao.

They need the guidance of the Lord, and they all gather here to wait for God's decision.

The seal represents the Presbyterian Church, and Byers represents the twelve homeowners, crouching on the ground, looking forward to watching God.

They led them 10,000 years ago and expanded their protoss territory by hundreds of millions of times. They recognized the star field as the first surviving soulless person who was bloodthirsty and annihilated. This time, it will lead the people to a higher future.

They are convinced!

Every Protoss who came from that era were sincerely worshipped by the Lord and treated them as gods.

Because God has never let them down!

"The old president..." sealed his hands on his chest and whispered with the most respectful manners.

The lord of God is the patriarch of the Protoss of the last era. He is not a member of the Twelve Family, but a tribe of the Protoss, but turned out to be the most dazzling way to suppress the twelve families of the year. The Presbyterian Church was created, and he was elected to the position of president, so that the Presbyterian Church would overtake the twelve families. The protagonist's rights are controlled by one hand, bringing the glory of the Protoss.

The patriarchs and elders of the twelve major families also screamed in unison.

The Lord of God looked into the distance and did not return his head. He said indifferently: "The time is not yet, continue to wait."

The four kings turned back and frowned and looked at the crowd. His face sank.

Immediately. The seal and the many people who lie in the ground are all in the cold, and they all hang their heads. Silently all

Suddenly a light emerges from the Lord God, and the light turns into a light curtain. The light curtain reveals a box of heavenly angels and gods. There are six boxes in total, five boxes for the bloodthirsty five bones, and a box for the bloodthirsty skull. The skull is the king of the light.

The six boxes floated in the light curtain, and he just watched quietly, silently, and seemed to be planning something.

"Torton." He suddenly sipped.

"In!" The patriarch of the Breckel family, Thornton, listened to him. Immediately, the heart was cold, and he answered with a voice, thinking that he would pursue the loss of the fire and rain, and secretly complained.

"The Widson, who is mixed with the barbarian, is the child of your family. Can he still be alive?" The Lord spoke.

When Thornton glanced, he immediately answered honestly. "He is the son of my uncle Bermoa. My uncle was severely wounded when he was chasing Gru for three thousand years. Later he was sent back to the land of blasphemy, but he was killed by the shackles of Gru's chaos."

"What about the corpse?" God's eyes were light.

"In my family's cemetery, it is filled with thousands of years of cold jade. Each of our powerful people will get a thousand years of cold after the death. We have been following the rules you set for the past, for thousands of years. Never changed." Thornton was respectful.

When the Lord of God conquered the heavens and the earth, he set a number of rules. One of the rules was to ask the twelve family leaders. For every character who can be honored by the gods, they must be buried after annihilation. Let the descendants of the family pay attention to each other for centuries, remember to fight for the ancestors of the tribes.

Reminiscing the sages, motivating future generations, let the family form a strong worship, admire the strong, and fight for death as the spirit of honor.

"Very good." God Lord nodded and said: "You return to the Blakell family immediately with the transfer array, and personally bring me back to me. I want the body of Moya, remember, At the fastest speed!"

After a pause, he didn't seem to be relieved. He said: "Happy, you are with him, going back and forth at a very fast speed!"

If you don't say anything, you won't even give time to Thornton. He grabs Thornton and goes straight to the recent transmission.

The seal and many family patriarchs are full of doubts, but they dare not ask more questions. They all know that God will never make mistakes. Every command is conveyed, and there must be deep meaning that they can't understand.

Their unconditional trust.

After an hour.

A chilly moonlight flashed, and a huge eternal winter jade was floated in one hand. For speed, he even abandoned Thornton and returned alone.


He put down the wan of the year, and immediately stood aside, without saying a word.

God's Lord satisfied him and nodded. He reached out and grabbed it. The cover of the cold jade scorpion opened, and the body of a frozen Protoss old man was suddenly pulled by him. The corpse was gorgeous and pale, but there was no trace of decay. .

It is the effect of the eternal cold.

"excuse me."

The Lord of God was slightly squatting, and he bowed to the body of Namoa, and then he made a five-finger stroke. The belly of Moya’s icy body cracked a gap.

The six boxes of Tianxiang Anshenyu, which were suspended in front of him, were suddenly opened, and the six missing bones were stuffed into Moya’s abdomen by his hard life. Then he had two hands. The knots, the symbols of hundreds of millions of wonderful things flying in the eyelids, all fell into Moya's abdomen.

Moya's body quickly contracted and became smaller. If the bulging ball was deflated, Moya became a small point after a few seconds.


Moya’s body exploded and suddenly disappeared. No one knows where he was thrown by the Lord.

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