God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1337: Surging magnetic field

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Once all eleven avatars have gathered, who can compete with them here?

At this moment, all kinds of energy in the emptiness of the turbulent turbulent turbulence, the light blast of the big bang of the stars, rolling around like a huge fireball, many cold and icy hurricane frosts have spread quietly, if you want to turn people into The ice powder, a lot of power that is not inferior to the skyfire, is a sea of ​​oceans, or a piece of ocean, almost filled in the corners that every line of sight can see.

Di Carlo's face was extremely dignified. He suddenly closed his eyes and his body waved out of space.

In his own way, he used to detect the exact time of the eleven avatars, and then consider the countermeasures.

"There is still about a quarter of an hour." He opened his eyes and his heart chilled out. "After a quarter of an hour, the cockroaches will come over. We only have a quarter of an hour, either fleeing or fighting, or trying to find a strong support." s arrival."

“Strong aid?” Qinglong smiled bitterly, and his heart sighed. The strongest **** and the sorrow suddenly disappeared. Where is there any reinforcement?

"Not at all an opponent." Xuanhe let go of the perception of God, and use the meaning of life to understand the magnetic field of life, and then the soul trembles, and there is nothing to do.

The magnetic field of life, such as the boundless life of the ocean, is vast and vast. He believes that God and the meditation add up to the magnetic field of life. The powerful magnetic field of life, he only perceives in bloodthirsty, but even bloodthirsty. At the peak of the peak, the magnetic field of life is not as good as this.

In general, the more vigorous the magnetic field of life, the stronger the soul. It means that the life form is more sophisticated.

The magnetic field of the strong. Absolutely weaker than the life magnetic field of the weaker, the magnetic field of life is like the ancient tree of the gods, is a unique symbol of the strong.

"Well?" Xuanhe was ready to take back the gods. The expression moved, and there was a horror in his eyes. He suddenly looked at Shiyan.

Because he found it here. In addition to cockroaches, there is another very strong magnetic field of life, the vitality of the magnetic field of life, even surpassing the ancestor of the celestial celestial sacred dragon, reaching an extremely incredible level.

Second only to the blood magnetic field strength of the year.

Simply incredible!

The magnetic field of life came from Shiyan, and it was only the warrior who was still in the realm of the gods. This subverted common sense and surprised Xuanhe to the extreme.

"You. How is your life magnetic field so vast?" Xuanhe could not help but scream.

He called it, and many powerful people have turned their attention to Shiyan and glimpsed it. Shiyan has become the focus. Immediately, Qinglong, Reddy, 腓right and even the four kings of the Protoss. Also all shocked.

They are all immortal strongmen in the realm of the world. They are amazing in their senses. Even the mysterious energy released by the scorpion can capture them. Naturally, they can also capture the magical changes of the rock. Until they find the magnetic field of the rock. Exuberant to the point of incredible, dumbfounded.

No one knows what happened.

The next moment, the body of Xuanhe shocked and rang the previous thing. He said: "We have not found the disappearance of God and the meditation. How can you see it, and how do you know that they may have been fooled into the 'virtual domain sea', you How do you know?"

"Yeah, your kid is not enchanting, how do you know everything?" 腓 特 特 also shouted.

When they spoke, they were still distracted from the forces that broke out from the shackles and destroyed the heavens and the earth. Those raging big bangs, the horrific shock fluctuations of energy, directly led to the collapse of the emptiness of the emptiness of the watershed, to be melted to " The same is true of the domain.

The four kings, such as Happy, also bowed to Shiyan, revealing an unknown color.

At this moment, a gap in the void flashed, and another line of people suddenly flashed out.

"Ayala!" Xuanhe saw people coming, and forgot to continue to ask about Shiyan. I couldn't help but tremble. Qigu's face was full of surprise. "How come you? This place is extremely insecure now, you What are you doing?"

A group of five people, all of whom are the emperors, are headed by the current emperor patriarch Ayala, a graceful and elegant orange palace dress, wearing a crystal rosette-like beautiful crown, the glamorous face is full of horror, In the holy land of the royal family, she perceives the metamorphosis in the emptiness of the emptiness of the valley. She also received news that the eleven stars were invaded by extraterrestrial giants, and they took the in-house power to investigate.

As soon as he came over, he discovered that Xuanhe, Qu Lie Te, Qing Long, Di Carlo, and Lei Di, the four kings, elders, and chiefs of the Protoss were all listed.

Adele is stupid again, and knows that in this emptiness, there have been earth-shattering events.

Come with her are the masters of the royal family, the pseudo-immortal Gila, the two immortal warriors Serra and Vatican, and the last one is Audrey.

Audrey has a green dress, and the skirt is embroidered with many wonderful ghost patterns. The long skirt is very close to her. It seems that her legs are straight and beautiful. She has a long hair and a high-profile, like her mother, she looks luxurious and proud, but There are a lot of indifference and indifference, like an ice muscle flower on a snowy mountain, it is very exciting.

She stood beside Ayala, and a pair of cold scorpions turned the light, and suddenly turned to Shiyan.

Shi Yan smiled and smiled slightly, saying: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

Audrey slightly hesitated, and some of the criticized return, said: "It is some time has disappeared, congratulations on your election to the bloodthirsty new master, I said before the mother, you can be successful."

In the royal family, Ayala is not optimistic about Shiyan's summit. She has a detailed understanding of the bloodthirsty veins, knowing her brother's ruthlessness, and how her former lover, Xuanhe, is a person. She did not believe in ignorance, and Xuanhe could tolerate others to issue orders on their heads.

At the time, Adele said to disdain, saying that Shiyan could not climb to the top, because his realm was too low, and even immortality did not enter. It is ironic to climb to the top of the area.

It is a satire on bloodthirsty.

However, Audrey insisted that she believed that Shiyan would succeed, and she and Shiyan fought side by side in the wasteland, and had an inexplicable sense of trust in the strength and ability of Shiyan.

She really looked very accurate, until Ayala knew that Shiyan was on the top, and the expression was very strange, like a ghost.

Nowadays, Ayala is carrying the Emperor and came here. She just glanced at the stone rock, and it was like a ghost. She couldn’t help but scream: "You, you are already in the beginning of the triple heaven?" Hell, what the **** is this?"

Not long ago, she received the latest news, Shi Yan is only a god.

A blink of an eye, Shi Yan gives such a large span, it is just shocking.

Not only her, but many people who haven’t felt so strong before, now they think about the speed of Shiyan’s breakthrough, and they all change color.


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