God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1344: Long and lonely

The space of the ashes, the gravel like the sea, the wreckage of the stars, and the numerous terrorists are breeding.

The endless territory is always desolate and dead, as if it were abandoned in a world of billions of years, and it does not perceive the breath and traces of any living beings.

On a piece of diamond-shaped moon, Shiyan and Audrey are at one end, and their eyes are looking at the endless places, and they look blank.

This piece of moon was tempered by stone rock and used as a temporary warship. It was driven by his power, and the speed was extremely fast, just like a meteor shuttled through the sea of ​​nothingness.

At the speed of this meteor moonstone, a daylight scene can travel through a star field, spanning hundreds of millions of miles, but the two of them are not knowing how long it has been on the moon's debris, but they have nothing to gain.

I have never encountered a strange treasure of value, and I have not encountered any living spirits. This vast and innocent sea of ​​nowhere is boundless, such as only the two of them exist.

Lonely, lonely and other emotions gradually grow in their hearts. They have a kind of feeling that they can't see hope and can't see the end.

At the beginning of the two, they also talked day and day, cheering each other, but then they even had less communication, and they all saw deep helplessness from the eyes of the other party.

There is still a weak world of energy here, and the two can still cultivate, but because of the energy, I am weak, if you want to rely on this place, the energy of the heavens and the earth is cultivated, and it is extremely difficult.

On this day, Audrey's cold eyes, suddenly shiny, she is still a green dress, Yu Rong is spotless, the ketone body is wrapped in a layer of faint mask, "How long has it been?"

She whispered as she said to herself.

The stone rock that closed the eyes, the sound of the eyes opened, the corners of the mouth filled with bitterness. "There is no illusion of the sun, the moon and the stars, there is no clear concept of time. I don't know how long it has passed. But I think It should be some time before I entered this place. The Three Kingdoms of the First God has not been stable yet, but it has now stabilized."

"I don't know what is going on in our world, what is it now, I don't know if it is, how to destroy our world. I don't know where my mother was sent, if it is here, why? We have not been able to meet..."

Audrey did not speak for a long time. This sounds. There is a tendency for the scorpion to be unacceptable. "Hey, I knew I was getting into this place. It might be a good choice to stay in place."

Shi Yan was amazed. "You have to stay, you may not die. But there must be a mark that does not belong to you in the center of your soul. Will you... become its beggar?"

Audrey Li Ming was stunned, and his head was slightly sighed, and his appearance was still touching.

"According to what you said, those who have reached the level of immortality have come here to grind themselves, how do they come in? How do they return?" Shi Yan asked.

"My mother is also an immortal, but because she is a patriarch, she has to preside over the overall situation in the family. So she did not come to the virtual sea." She once said that those who are immortal are coming to the end of our world. , came here through a strange river."

Audrey frowned and recalled her mother's words, whispering: "From our world to this place. They all refine a unique compass, which can position us in the direction of the world, so that they will not be here. Being lost, you can find your way back."

Shiyan smiled bitterly. "We are the worst. There is no direction. We don't know where our world is. It's like a headless fly."

This place is ashes, there is no time, no direction, only endless silence, coldness, loneliness, a warrior who has no clear direction without a clear direction, will soon be ruined by loneliness and loneliness, and will repeat in the dark. Lost fighting spirit.

Here, despair will be the biggest enemy in the heart. If you can't overcome despair and your willpower is exhausted, you will fall into the negative emotions of self-destruction.

It may be maddening, so it will slowly weaken until it runs out of life.

"It’s very strange. According to my mother’s words, this place is extremely dangerous and there is a crisis everywhere. Why have we been safe and sound?” Audrey said.

Shi Yan is equally puzzled.

The Protoss of the Protoss has also come to the sea of ​​nothingness, but he only dares to move in the outer layer of the domain, and the piece of star ice jade is also obtained from the periphery of the domain.

According to him, the domain is full of horrible dangers, unless it is truly immortal, it is difficult to survive.

However, in this period of time, Shiyan and Audrey, in addition to savoring loneliness, loneliness, and inner coldness, did not encounter a crisis that would make them soar.

This makes them feel confused.

"Is this really a virtual sea? Will it... We got it wrong?" Shiyan was amazed.

"It is impossible to make a mistake!" Audrey smashed the iron. "The ubiquitous pieces of stars, the scum of meteorites, the hollow caves that come across from time to time, the energy of violent turmoil, are all unique signs of the imaginary sea. We are the reason No dangers, maybe...related to our location, maybe, we have a unique position in the domain."

"What direction?" Shiyan a trip.

"I don't know, but I heard my mother said that there are areas in the sea, and some areas are relatively safe. They can take a short break and adjust themselves. But she also said that those relatively safe areas are often not If there is any gain, there will be no strange things," Audrey explained.

"What is the solution?" Shi Yan asked again.

"I heard her say that in the past few years, many immortal people have entered the imaginary sea to explore. Those relatively safe areas have been searched by those people for a clean and clean, and nothing will remain. Only those who are full of dangers of destruction In the area, it is possible that there is still a treasure, and rare things have not been discovered." Audrey replied softly.

She suddenly got up, a pair of straight legs and a pen, and a pair of deep and clear eyes looked at the distance. She suddenly sighed: "According to the evil spirits, we have been living in the beginning of the wild, the world is not a real universe. I think that the real creatures in the universe should have been here, just because the land is so vast and incredible, so it is difficult to meet."

She looked at Shiyan and looked at it. She said: "My ancestors of the royal family once saw other creatures in the imaginary sea, - the real universe that does not belong to our world! This is my family. The secret inside, it is strictly forbidden to leak, but now we are in a special situation, I tell you it is no problem."

"The real life of the universe? Is it too early to be born?" Shi Yan was astonished.

"It shouldn't be." Audrey shook her head. "Because according to my ancestors' records, the body of the creature is weird, but it is normal. It is not as big as the beginning of the life. My ancestors could not communicate with them. The two just met in a hurry. I cautiously avoided it, there was no conflict, but my ancestors guessed that the guy was extremely powerful, not inferior to him, my ancestors... at the time of immortality."

Shi Yan was silent.

He has already recognized the reality, knowing that the world he has been living in is only the beginning of the wild, the universe created by the wild, not the real universe.

This imaginary domain is definitely out of the wild, and there are other living beings here, not at all rare.

In the Xing Xinghai, there are such unprecedented creatures as the wild, the phlegm, and the scorpion. There must be other living beings. Those creatures may not be as strong as the firstborn spirits, but they certainly have their own responsibilities.

The ancestors of the Emperor in the vain domain can see other creatures. In theory, there is no problem at all. It is just that this imaginary sea is too broad. They are in a place where there may be few people, so they do not meet the aliens.

A series of thoughts passed through my mind. Shiyan was silent for a long time. Suddenly, he said: "We can't go on like this. Maybe we should take the initiative to find a place of sin and a place that can threaten our lives. We should see the strange things organically. The possibility of going to other creatures."

In this safe area, even if it is a hundred years, they may not be able to find the direction of returning. If they can't meet other creatures, they will not know the mystery of this place and cannot get rid of all this.

"The idea is very good, but we still don't know the direction to the dangerous place. Even if we are heart-wrenching, we will at least find the right soil." Audrey said helplessly.

"If you say that you have a greater chance in a dangerous place, we may have already left, because when I am in the middle of the meteor, I sometimes feel great danger in some areas, just, I am taking the initiative. I avoided it and did not drive the meteor in the past to investigate." Shi Yan explained with a bitter smile.

Indeed, on his way, he let go of the gods and probed around, and he noticed some areas with huge horror fluctuations. The atmosphere of those areas has always given him the fear of annihilation.

Therefore, he did not know Audrey, he avoided it in advance to ensure his safety.

But now, listening to Ayala's careful explanation, he finally knows that if you want to find a direction, you must take risks, you must take the initiative to smash those terrible places.

"How can I not say it early?" Audrey looked grotesque, and he wasted his time.

"The dangers of those places, I am afraid that you can't bear it, I am for you." Shi Yan smiled bitterly. "You only have a god, a heaven, and I went to the dangerous land I perceive. Ten can't support it."

The area he perceives, not to mention Audrey, even he himself feels sinister, and so is he, he did not mention to Audrey.

"You yell at me?" Audrey looked cold.

"That's good, we continue to swim, the next time my gods perceive the sinister land, we will go deep in the past, I hope that you will be able to show the amazing strength that will make me." Shi Yan smiled.

Audrey snorted. "I am also one of the original fusion players. Even if the realm is slightly lower, there is a certain amount of self-protection. It is too much trouble for you."

"That's the best."


Ps: Hey, today is another chapter, stuck, scratching the ears and not swearing, shame, tonight is not sleepy, but also to cross the bottleneck! I will definitely make up tomorrow, I must make up for it! ! Believe me once again~~{Floating Astronomy www.ptwxz.com Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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