God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1352: Lord of the Milky Way

The stone rock soul is very happy and mysterious.

Since the tempering of the mysterious energy of the subject, the soul altar, the body, and the blood have been sublimated, he has not seriously confronted people.

Now fighting Evelyn, he is among the Shutai, the degree of harmony between divine power, blood and soul, reaching the realm that he never even thought about!

In his body, the ancient branches of the gods and the veins are connected, and the mind is moving, the pure and powerful power, immediately stimulated the source, and instantly flowed through his limbs. There was no stagnation in the meantime, no waste of the little bit, and the power of the gods At a glance, ten out of ten can release strength.

This was simply impossible in the past.

In the past, divine power was activated through the small belly, and there was a delay in the circulation of the muscles and veins. It would waste a bit of power in the middle, and it was difficult to spur the energy of the power.

He stared at the altar.

At the bottom of the altar is the inner sea, such as the vast ocean, a glimpse of the gods in his knowledge of the sea, no longer illusory, smoke, no longer ethereal, but, become a real liquid energy like sea!

The dark black ocean, the sea of ​​water, is filled with a nourishing soul, and has the core of strength that is even more amazing than the ancient trees of the gods!

Knowing the sea, it has become a real ocean. The dark black sea is wide and wide, releasing dark colors, rising and rising, and raising his mysterious layer, the sky fire layer, the beginning boundary, the main soul, the deputy soul, like Yong Power, like the source of energy for the soul altar!

His eyes are strangely shiny.

With his heart, he discovered that the energy in the sea and the energy of the ancient tree of the gods are completely opposite. The breath is different, just like the front and back of things, which makes him very surprised.

The ancient trees of the gods are dazzling, such as the crystals of condensed diamonds, which are known as the dark black ocean and dark as ink. It does not reflect any luster, and it is in a liquid state. Once the power of the gods flies away, it immediately becomes invisible, but it also has the power of terror.

He suddenly gave birth to a feeling that he felt that he knew the sea and was warming his soul to the altar, quietly changing everything in his altar!

To understand the so-called dark energy in the sea. He knows too little. At this moment, he secretly made up his mind that in this domain he would definitely break this energy and discover its true magic.


His mind is changing. The star river connected by the **** did not stop, and a chain of stars was connected with the meteorite, with a fierce and fierce momentum. Continue to bombard the Evelyn.

Evelyn Jinrui is confined, and a golden saw blade is cracked from his body. The impact of the rainbow is on the rock. The huge meteorite is gradually crushed, and the block explosion, the fire and the stone violent splashing, make the surrounding meteorite flow. There was a deafening thunder.

Whenever a meteorite burst, Evelyn was shocked and the whole body was bombarded with a hammer. The face is red.

When the last meteorite burst, Evelyn’s red face turned pale and his eyes became gloomy and terrible. His blood was disordered. He had a huge golden saw blade hanging over his head. The saw blade was serrated, like a demon. Open your mouth. Very awkward.

The eyes of his hatred condensed tightly on Shiyan, and his mouth blew out like a beast.

His eyebrows closed his eyes, his eyelids shook, and there was a strong energy fluctuation. If you are about to open it.

The core of Shiyan’s heart is not so good, and the solemn and secretive power of the movement. The pure power of the gods is like a stream, and his speed is flying in his veins. In an instant, his blood is strong, and the magnetic field of life is once again climbing to a new realm. So is he becoming a battle form like an enemy.

The broad ridge of the spine is broken, the shoulders, elbows, and knees are spurred. The muscles form a natural keratin armor, and the nails are like a cold knife.

An evil and violent momentum, suddenly shot from his new battle form, as if the Hell volcano roared, violently released a great horror.

Evelyn’s eyes suddenly appeared radiant, and his third eye was shaking, and he had to open completely.

"Brothers!" Adams suddenly stunned, such as a violent hurricane, standing in front of Evelyn, dignified: "Just a small conflict, do not have to fight for it? This friend's realm is only the beginning of the three heavens, can be real The strength is not weak, my brother, this thing... forget it?"

When he persuaded Evelyn, he used the language of the wilderness that Shi Yan and Audrey could understand. In his speech, he also secretly explained Evelyn with a wonderful soul fluctuation.

"This kid is very bloody, can stimulate the power of the blood to change the shape of life, afraid that it is not easy to deal with. Brother, your soul, the body have been created, it is difficult to win with your own strength, you do not pursue, you and I, Waiting for an opportunity to kill, kill him directly!"

The soul of Adams fluctuated, revealing another message, communicating with Evelyn.

Evelyn listened to Adams's private message, and his third eye did not open. He seemed to listen carefully to his suggestion.

Not far away, Ma Xisha’s eyes were faint and sighed.

She knows that among the two brothers, Adams is more extreme than Evelyn, and he has a bad stomach. When Adams used to not persuade the words of the Tianmu people, she immediately guessed that Adams must have a heart and mind. New conspiracy to treat.

- In fact, pretending to be friendly and friendly, and then suddenly using the rules of the soul, is also Adams to Evelyn.

Among the three, Adams was the most treacherous, among them the role of a ghost army division.


Ma Xisha’s heart just made an accurate judgment, suddenly screaming and screaming, his face was unbelievable.

In her view, with Adams on the face and persuasion, and Evelyn’s “helplessness” nod, she believes that Shiyan will surely die. After all, Adams is also an immortal realm, and there is a woman who has reached the Three Gods of God. Inside.

As long as it is a wise person, you should know how to judge, and you will not be violently shot.

But at this time, when Evelyn nodded helplessly and pretended to take back the golden saw blade, the wilderness youth grinned and rushed up!

Ma Xisha was eclipsed.

Audrey is not clear, so the United States is amazed, I do not know why the other side clearly wants to stop, Shi Yan still wants to make a big move.

"Who do you think you are? If you want to kill, you can kill, if you can't kill it, stop it? It's not that simple!" Ten stars flow into one, and Shiyan suddenly disappears into the star stream, but the star stream is like a raft. Evelyn and Adams passed away.

Within the star stream, all the starlights are dazzling ribbons, and there is a wave of life fluctuations in the ribbons, such as the flooding of the sea, suddenly rushing out.

After a strong fluctuation in life, a cold and cold death was revealed, and the coldness swept around, almost at the same time, dozens of huge space blades that were freed nearby, even attracted by the star stream, such as being dragged by magnets, dragging A long rainbow of light suddenly slammed over.

In the meteorite flow, the space blades that are free from the cracks in the meteorites are the most terrible. Ma Xisha looks at the space blades and smashes the meteorites into powder.

She believes that even Evelyn and Adams are bound to be screamed by the huge space.

"You kid is crazy!" Adams' face changed.

Shi Yan’s violent shots tore up his premeditated plan, and the plan he secretly planned did not have time to show his death. At this moment, Evelyn, who cooperated with him, converges the power of Jin Rui, and the cold stars are raging. Come, see the space of the horrible space, and the scalp is numb.

They looked down on Shi Yan’s cockroaches and underestimated the fierceness of Shi Yan, which was destined to suffer a big loss.

"Space reamer!"

Hundreds of meters long and bright, the sharp edge of the blade, such as the scorpion dragon, the sharp edge of the air through the "嗤嗤" strange, a few meteorites along the way immediately exploded and smashed, the sharp blade slowly approaching close, like a reamer Falling, fierce and shocking.

Adams and Evelyn’s great earthquakes, too much thought, have been used to the extreme, like twists and turns, constantly escaping in the meteorite stream.

They did not dare to stay on the rock of Shiyan for a moment.

"Hey, give me some price!" Shi Yan suddenly laughed.

Evelyn, Adams's side of the meteorite, if it was activated in an instant, the direction of the frontal blast was changed, and it hit the two.

Unexpectedly, the two were collided by several meteorites, and immediately they were full of blood, and the wolf was at the extreme.

Those meteorites, such as the vast mountains, the small points of the undead islands are generally large, under the Shiyan Star Power, immediately connected with his heart, was inspired by his power, turned into his murder weapon.

His star-like mystery, in the vast expanse of the Xinghai, is simply a metamorphosis. There are countless meteorites in this place, which can be regarded as weapons in his hands. Fighting with him here is simply asking for trouble.

Adams and Evelyn are even higher in the realm, and they must be hit hard in his hands that occupy the right place.

"Brother!" Ma Xisha screamed.

The fire crystal boat under her body changed the route, and the blossoming fire cloud traded from the fire crystal in the underworld. The petrochemical was a crystal light, and suddenly rushed to Adams and Evelyn.

The two men were full of blood, and at the moment there was a great shock, and there was no revenge. They quickly got on the fiery stone, and Adams urged: "Go! Leave this place immediately! It's unlucky, what monster we met!"

Evelyn chills his face, and he looks at the stone rock in the direction behind him. "When my soul and my body recover, I will take this life, and deceive people too much! He is so deceiving too much!"

"Don't, don't talk big! Ah, he, he caught up! God, he turned out to be killing!" Ma Xisha's face was cold, he yelled, looked back and suddenly screamed.

In the rolling meteorite stream, the stone rock is like a meteor, rushing toward them at an extremely fast speed.

The meteorites that should have been blocked in front of him, when he flew in, took the initiative to give way and open the passage for him, as if he was the master of the Milky Way, able to sway the stars and stars, and he was born to be the overlord in the Xinghai.


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