God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1358: Seven races

"The Soul? Seven races? It seems that there are many unknowns in the Xinghai. You tell me in detail."

On the rock, the huge crystal ball of the aquarium, such as the floating blisters, flashed blue halo, quietly moving toward the front, the speed gradually increased, and the stone rock was fascinated, suddenly whispered.

When he first arrived, he had a little understanding of many common senses of the imaginary sea. Without the introduction of the Evlin Evelyn, the next itinerary might cause some accidents, so before entering the dragon lizard territory, he needs to figure out the place. Common sense, to have a bottom in mind.

"Please promise us one thing." Evelyn solemnly said.

"What is it?" Shi Yan frowned.

"I can do my best for you, tell me everything I know, but I ask you if you can step into the realm of the ancestral realm one day, and accept a tribe of the Tianmu people." Evelyn’s expression is rare, My eyes are fixed on him, and my heart is extremely upset.

The Tianmu people are only a third-rate race among the vast expanse of the sea. Their domain is full of dangers. The living environment of the people is very difficult, and there are many races that are not weaker than their domain. They often fight each other. The family has no advantage in the battle.

In general, if a race wants to be strong, there is only one way to get a high level of spiritual and racial recognition.

- Is the birth of a real strong in the family!

The Tianmu people have not yet existed at the level of a ancestor. This is the fundamental reason why they can only be reduced to the end. To reach the realm of the domain ancestor, we must have an insight into the true meaning of dark energy. Anyone who knows the dark energy will not Reveal the mysterious.

Unless you fall down on the strong, you have a few possibilities. Through the dictation and guidance of the strong, you can explore the true meaning of dark energy and one day you will enter the domain ancestor level.

For Evelyn. Racial advancement is more important than anything else. With the strength of their current three-dimensional family, it is difficult to enter the real power of the law, and can not enter the insight into the dark energy of the strong.

And Shiyan is a good choice...

Because of today's Shiyan, the realm is still very low. If the ego is in the early stage, Shiyan can break through to the domain of the ancestors in the future, then Evelyn will make a big profit and can find a chance for the Tianmu. A chance to enter a first-class race!

Of course, the premise is that Shiyan can break through to that realm, otherwise his help will be burned.

Evelyn is very clever. He knows that even if he fails, he can at least ease the relationship with Shiyan. In the future, there will be one enemy. Once successful, it is the great blessing of the entire Tianmu.

He finished speaking this. Adams and Mashasha are all shining eyes. Excited and trembled, he even bowed down to Shiyan, and looked forward to begging.

At this moment, Ma Xisha knew Evelyn’s vision and understood that although Adams was good at small intrigues, why did he listen to Evelyn in major events.

Evelyn’s move today, once the bet is right, will be the great luck of the entire Tianmu race. This made Ma Xisha admire the eyes of this brother.

"The future is too far away. I am only the realm of the beginning of the world. You are betting that I will break into the realm of the domain ancestors in the future. Will it be too illusory?" Shi Yan was amazed.

Evelyn smiled and said sincerely: "With the strength of our Tianmu people, we are not qualified to enter the eyes of the real domain ancestors. This is our sorrow. You, at least, give us a hint of possibility, although it is illusory, but there is always A little hope exists, and that's enough."

"Good!" Shi Yan indulged for a few seconds and decisively agreed. "I swear here, if I am one day into the realm of the ancestors, I promise you, in the future, accept a tribe of the Tianmu nationality as a disciple, and carefully teach him the true meaning." ”

Evelyn, Adams, and Mahisha bowed together with the Tianmu clan, and they were excited, as they saw the magnificent scene of the future.

"Let me talk about it now." Shi Yan urged.

"as you wish……"

Evelyn’s demeanor is respectful. When the meteorite walks toward the dragon lizard territory, he will carefully explain everything he knows to Shiyan, explain the souls and the mysteries of the seven races, and explain the wonders of the domain. Explain some rumors of sporadic words from the beginning of the life.

In Evelyn's introduction, he knew that in the early days, the horror battles of the early life were over. In the later era, there were many ethnic creatures in the mysterious universe, and those ethnic creatures were no longer as big as the creatures, but those races. The soul is cultivated to the extreme, and it can still reach the level of the beginning of the living.

In the later era, countless races flashed, and many of them were somewhat related to the early births. For example, the dragon lizards are related to the lizards, and there are many similar ones. Among many ethnic creatures, many of the creatures are not very strong, but they have mystery. Where.

For example, the Terran, the fighting power is general, the cultivation qualification is ordinary, but it can mix the blood of all ethnic groups and form a new life.

Among the many races, they can be graded, strongest races, second-rate races, and third-rate races. Among them, the third-rate races such as the Tianmu race are innumerable, and the second-rate races also have dozens, but the most recognized race is only seven. For the soul, Xuantian, black demon, ancient demon, the family, the white bones, the phantom family.

These seven races are distributed in all major domains, distributed in various areas of the imaginary domain, and dominate the Xinghai, each with its own mysterious and unique features.

Soul, Xuantian, Black Demon, Ancient Demon, Pea, Baigu, and Phantom are the strongest races in the Xinghai, and the recognized strength is outstanding. There are strong ancestors in the family, even There is more than one, and there are many people in the ancestors who are immortal. The strength layers are arranged in layers, and the order is strict.

Seven ethnic groups, walking in the Xinghai, will be awed by other weak races. Many second-rate and third-rate races are attached to them, so that they can be proud of their relationship with them. They are also trying to win the potential second-rate race. Make it the cornerstone of the family.

For example, the soul group, the strong person who the aquarium said, is quite sympathetic with the dragon lizard. This time the dragon lizard wakes up and eats, he will come in a thousand miles, and there is also a way to persuade the dragon lizard, the dragon lizard and the soul. The relationship between the families is getting closer and closer, and it is best to formally form an alliance.

Of course, the soul group's so-called alliance is actually to let the dragon lizards vote for them and become the vassals of their souls, so that the dragon lizards are sheltered by their souls. At the crucial time, the souls encounter things, the dragon lizards also I have to work harder.

Waiting for Evelyn to express the powerful voice of the soul family, Shi Yan was shocked by the face, and could not help but smile at Audrey. "If you really meet that person, still, you still have to bear it. We are afraid that we can’t toss a little water. come out."

According to Evelyn, beyond the immortal realm as the domain ancestor, in the early days, there is no dying creature, that is, the domain ancestor level, which means that there are at least one or two horrors in the soul group that reach the wasteland and the shackles. Existence, the foundation of this family is simply unimaginable.

Perhaps even if it is a confrontation between the embarrassing, the desolate and the soul, it is not necessarily beneficial, especially the wild and the sorrow, none of them are in a state of prosperity, and the drought is still in the midst of division.

They have witnessed the power of cockroaches, and the terrible strength is like a nightmare. Then, even at this time, there is no restoring power. Think about the existence of the equivalent of the soul, even more than one, he and the Austrian Li has a little scalp tingling, and she has a small feeling.

"Do not worry, I will try my best to restrain, I am not stupid." Audrey is also bitter.

In this way, listening to Evelyn’s introduction to the Xinghai race, in his conversation with Audrey, the meteorites flew all the way, and many other interracial people were seen on the way, eventually at the end of the meteorite flow. Seeing a huge incomparable planet, the planet is very strange, covered with riddled caves, such as hollow.

"That is the territory of the dragon lizard, the dragon lizard, in the void-free sea, there will be no complete stars, the dragon lizard is also formed by the condensation of countless broken stars, is the dragon lizard to absorb the debris of the meteorite broken star, after The accumulation of many years has become what it is now," Evelyn explained.

Shiyan's eyes are bright, and it turns out that the dragon lizard star is huge, ten times larger than the **** grace star, but there are numerous gully-like gaps on the surface of the star, that is, the cracks of the meteorite condensation, there are also many caves, deep and quiet. No bottom, the number is also unclear.

The surface of the earthy dragon lizard star, the innumerable caves all have adsorption power. He found that the dragon lizard star is the center, and the surrounding stars and seas are all over the meteorite stream. They all float toward the cave inside the dragon lizard star, just like a huge mouth. , in the engulfing of free matter in the Xinghai.

"How big is the body of the dragon lizard? What does he mean by eating, what do you mean? Will all the meteorites be swallowed?" Seeing the dragon lizard, listening to Evelyn's explanation, Audrey stayed like a wooden chicken.

"The dragon lizard is very big, um, many times larger than the meteorite under us, but it is not as big as the dragon lizard. He is at the deepest point of the dragon lizard, sucking the meteorite through the mystery, his eating is not swallowing. Meteorite, but the special energy inside the meteorite, the energy he can absorb and absorb, ordinary people can not, the meteorite swallowed by him, will become stone chips, no energy will burst, will become part of the dragon lizard, It is also possible to throw away nothing directly..."

Evelyn smiled and introduced the two to the wonderful. "We will also enter the dragon lizard. In those special caves, there are people of the dragon lizard. They will arrange for us to go to the event. We don't have to work."

"What about this thing?" Audrey squatted and looked down on her face.

They have the rock underneath, and there are three-legged giant tripods inside. The origin of this thing is unknown, but it must be an artifact at the beginning. If it is not in the abdomen of the dragon lizard, will it be troublesome?

At least, they are afraid that they will miss this artifact, and the most important thing is that they can't refine it or take it away.

"For the time being abandoned, I will leave a mark on it. The future things can only be seen in the heavens." Shi Yan decisively.

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