God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1368: Eye of enchantment

The stone room is spacious.

Evelyn, Adams, and Ma Xisha were not very good-looking. When Shi Yan came out, the three men barely squeezed their faces and greeted each other.

Shiyan paid attention to it and found that in front of the stone cave, there was a shadow that flashed away. It seems that the three people came over.

“Do you have any gains?” Ma Xisha sat down, poured herself a glass of water, sipped her light, and then asked about Shi Yan.

"Well, we did have something to gain." Shi Yan said with a smile.

His words fell, and he looked at the hole suddenly.

A tribe of the dragon lizard family, only the first **** of the two heavens, repaired, suddenly flashed over, whispered in front of the door: "Can you come in?"

The three Tianmu tribes looked tight and suddenly condensed their power to reveal a dignified color.

"Come in." Evelyn cautiously, secretly glanced at Shiyan and made Shiyan careful.

The dragon lizard, three meters tall, was entangled like a rock mass, and a thorny tail was dragged on the stone floor, and a harsh sound came from the stone.

When he came in, his face was heavy and he said to the three people of Evelyn: "I suggest that you leave early, and the people of the ghosts have already figured out your position, I am afraid that you will be bad."

"This is the territory of your dragon lizards. Can you not guarantee the safety of our dragon lizards? We are invited by you to make a little trouble. Do you have this attitude?" Ma Xisha pretty face Full of anger, could not help but scream.

Shi Yan was dumb, did not understand what happened, and asked Evelyn softly.

"This is the case. We have brought some trading things here. We used to want to trade in a lively place. It was the same as a ghost-like person, but he didn't have the materials for us. I wanted to force it. We exchanged things with what we didn't need, and we had a bit of an argument with him," Evelyn explained.

“Ghosts?” Shiyan frowned.

After taking the emoticon's illusionary compass, he had a slight survey of the surrounding territory. Regarding the things of the ghosts, the magic star compass on that day happened to be recorded.

He knows that the area closest to the dragon lizard is the place where the ghosts are entrenched. The ghosts are a second-rate race between the stars and the sea. The patriarchs and ghosts are immortal and triple heavenly. Although not as powerful as the dragon lizard, they can also be nearby. Quite a name.

The most important thing is that the ghosts are the faithful running dogs of the souls. The old ancestors of the land were said to have been the slaves of a domain ancestor of the soul family. He cultivated the righteousness of the soul of the soul, and then broke through to the immortal triple heaven. After returning to the ghost family, he claimed to be the ancestor.

is also like this. The ghosts of the earth are closely attached to the Soul. It is said that the reason why the ghost ancestors returned to the ghost family is also to monitor the nearby dragon lizards. Persuading the dragon lizard to join the soul of the alliance.

The Tianmu clan is only a small stream of small races. It is not as powerful as the Ghosts. It has no strong backing and conflicts with the people of the Ghosts. Naturally, it is impossible to fall into the favor.

"The people of the ghost family in that place, after you separated, immediately went to other areas, and should report to the masters of the ghosts. The relationship between the ghosts and the souls is close, and the soul of the souls is also in the same way. We...it’s hard to do, you either exchange the 'Eyes of Eyes' with him, or leave early, or we will have a hard time keeping our dragon lizards.”

The tribe of the dragon lizard, who had no choice but to advise a few words, left in a hurry. Let them be self-sufficient.

"The eye of enchantment? What is this?" Shi Yan frowned. "Why are the people of the ghost family in the land, so look at your eyes?"

"This is the eye." Ma Xisha suddenly had one more eye, and the eyes were like a prismatic pink spar, very magnificent. There is a fascinating wave of fascination. "This is the third eye of a ancestor of my family. After she disappeared, the third eye was preserved. This eye can charm people, and people can't help but tell their inner secrets. The tribes of the tribe said that they would dedicate this eye to the general commander of the Soul, saying that there was a great use, forcing us to trade to him."


Audrey’s closed stone door suddenly opened, and she resumed cold and arrogance. She changed her plain white dress and suddenly flashed out. She said: “The eyes of the gods and the ghosts of the land are dedicated to Singer, let Singer deal with the ancestors of my family! It must be like this!"

Shi Yan's heart moved, carefully contacted, and immediately understood, the dark road Ao Lili really smart, and instantly connected.

Singer will sculpt the sorcerer into a murderous soul, but because the ambition of meditation is also related to the soul, there is a unique way to protect his memory from being searched. Once the sorcerer is targeted, the soul will smash and annihilate immediately. Singer can't get anything.

Of course, this practice is not foolproof. As long as Singer will bring the sage to the soul of the ancestral domain, relying on the mystery of the realm of the ancestral realm, there are naturally various means to not harm the soul of the soul. His memory is stripped out.

Because Singer wants to dominate the wilderness and wants to break through the wilderness of the wilderness, he wants to break through the realm of the domain ancestors, so he concealed this matter, so that he can only find his own way.

The eyes of the gods of the Tianmu are extremely strange and mysterious. This is a kind of charm of the soul. Maybe it can be a miraculous effect. It can become a breakthrough point for dealing with the glory. The people of the ghost family should rely on Singh, so they found that This eye will be ecstatic, desperate to buy strong sales.

A series of thoughts flashed through my heart. Shiyan realized the wonders of the situation and said: "Where is the tribe of the ghost family, in what realm, if he brought the reinforcements, what level would it be?"

"The ghost and tribe of the land is only the beginning of the three heavens, the realm is not deep, and because of this, he is only qualified to be active in our activities. But the dragons and lizards are not only one of them, he dares to be so arrogant. It must be known that the people of this ghostly family must be more stable than us."

"Adding to their relationship with the soul family, even if the ghosts are chaotic, the dragon lizards may choose to wear them. The person can tell us about the dangers. It is not easy. Oh, I didn't expect it. So unlucky, it was actually targeted by the ghosts."

Evelyn frowned, sinking, and was already thinking about whether to withdraw the dragon lizard.

"Stone, we can also please..." Audrey whispered.

Because this matter is related to the glory, it is related to the gates of the wilderness domain. She is extremely nervous. She immediately thinks of the people of the Xuan Tianzu. I feel that if there is an emoticon and Yayun help, it is easy to kill the ghosts.

Shi Yan looked dignified.

He knows that this matter is indeed of great importance. If Singh learns about the entrance of the wilderness domain through the sacred sect, from now on, the ruins may have to withstand the innocence of the souls, even if Singer fails, more souls are stronger. Those will come and go.

Because the wasteland is in a state of heavy division, because the wilderness holds two pieces of artifacts at the beginning, the strongest of the ancestors of the soul family will not be willing to give up once they learn about it.

Nowadays, the wilderness area, because of the awakening of the awakening, has not known what is going on, plus the soul family, the wilderness billions of people are not living alive?

"The eyes of the enchanted, can you confuse the soul of the immortal warrior?" Shiyan suddenly asked.

"Can!" Evelyn and Adams nodded quickly, the same channel: "At least, we can't afford to eat, we will all be recruited, and we can't resist it for too long."

"Try to show me." Shi Yan Chong Ma Xisha said.

Ma Xisha hesitated and said: "You have to stare at yourself, I use the power of the soul on it, then you don't have to look around."

"it is good."

Ma Xisha then put the pink crystal-like eyes of confusion into the eyes of Shi Yan. She runs the power of the soul. The eyelids suddenly exudes an intoxicating pink glow, and a picture like a dream is like a dream. Opened, the stone rock was brought directly into the house.

Shi Yan was lost in an instant. If he had just woke up with Audrey's moving beauty, his breathing was immediately heavy and he was gradually awake.

Such as Shen Yumei dream, he is subjective and does not want to wake up, not willing to return to reality.

Audrey's expression immediately became unnatural. At this moment, Shiyan's face and breath are just the same form, especially the rock and rock movements, such as the joy of the beautiful, and the appearance of anxious, the hands and feet seem to be unscrupulous. Let her face look different, revealing a very strange color.

"Enough!" She suddenly sighed.

Ma Xisha swirled the light of the eyes of the enchanted eyes, and then saw Shi Yan as if waking up from the dream, a pair of hot eyes, burning to see Audrey.

Audrey had a red face and glanced at him. He said, "You have already begun."

Shi Yan stunned and immediately recovered his consciousness and shouted a loud voice. He said: "This thing can never be obtained by the people of the ghost family. There is only a state of soul in the glory. Even if his realm is deeper than me, I am afraid that the pure soul state. We can't support it for a long time, we have to wait and see."

"The ghosts are really coming over, they must have grasped, we may not be able to cope." Ma Xisha bitterly said.

"Nothing, let them come." Shi Yan took a breath and looked cold and said: "They just dare to come, I have a way to kill them all, unless they reach the immortal triple heaven, really, there are strong reinforcements. Dependence. Well, once I killed the ghosts and tribes, I immediately contacted the dragon lizards and said that I know the dark energy. I don’t believe that the dragon lizard ancestors dare not protect me!"

Audrey's eyes lit up. "What are you going to do?"

Shi Yan looked at the stone room and said: "There are illusion stones, you can know their motives in advance, set a trap, not afraid that they will not enter!"

"Can the illusion stone kill the immortal two heavens?" Audrey was surprised.

"I don't know, you can try it, but it won't be a problem."

"Well, let's wait for the ghosts and tribes to take the initiative to come and glory, and then give them a blood lesson!"

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