God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1371: Can you escape? (third more ~~)

As the small world of the enchantment stone collapses, the four ethnic groups of the ghosts inside are instantly smashed, and the soul is divided into a scorpion-like strip.

However, the evil spirits of the local ghosts are special, the soul altar is smashed, and the soul can escape. After re-condensing outside, the soul remains intact.

That Baragoo is the most exquisite realm. The flesh and the altar are smashed, and the soul is turned into a glimpse. Before escaping, I don’t forget to swear words. The cave is also filled with his sorrowful soul.

The collapse of the small world caused the cave door to collapse, and the hole was blocked by stones.

The aliens outside, at this moment, can no longer tell the movement of Shiyan. Even the emoticons can't see the situation in the cave with the naked eye.

"Want to escape? Are you fleeing!"

Shi Yan was sullen and sullen, and he smiled coldly. He held out his fingers and pointed to the eyebrows. The unpredictable black hole floated from the inside of his altar.

Such as a gloomy demon giant mouth.

Devouring the operation of the righteousness, from the black hole, there is a strong soul sucking force. With him as the center, everyone in the cave has a soul that is involved and the altar is pulled out.

In the cave, a soul like a swaying seaweed fled in the direction of the cave door.

After his black hole emerged, all the souls and souls, such as the iron filings that were adsorbed by the super magnet, instantly fell into his black hole that swallowed up the righteousness.

"Devouring the mystery! The loss of the family of the family! It is impossible! How can this be impossible?!"

The last soul of Barago was not in front of the black hole, the soul consciousness floated out, full of fear and anxiety, and there was some hysterical horror.

All the souls and souls in the cave have disappeared. Because of the collapse of the small world, the flesh and blood energy dissipated by the four ghosts and tribes has also turned into the hard energy of the naked eye, and they have not entered the Shiyan cave.

Shi Yan was silent and secretly felt that he might have been transformed by the peculiar power of the body. He has absorbed the essence of the four ghosts and tribes, and there is no sense of expansion at all.

The accommodation of his acupoints seems to have improved a lot, and can fully withstand more power filling.

The soul energy of the four ghosts and tribes was purified in the black hole-like engulfment. Soon, a strange and exquisite essence can be dissipated, such as the source of mysteriously warming his altar. Enhance his power in the sea. The dark energy in the sea is also significantly enhanced.

Those dark energy, mixed with the gods, make the gods have a strange power than the power of God. The attack can be invisible, but with great power, it can instantly penetrate the other side to understand the sea. It has an amazing sense of sensation, and the fusion of dark energy and gods makes his gods useless.

Squinting, he carefully sensed that the dark energy floated in the sea of ​​knowledge, seemingly infiltrated in the soul altar in a very slow way, quietly affecting and even changing his soul altar.

That is obviously a change that is beneficial to him, under the influence of those energies. He is intelligent and intelligent, and his understanding of the righteousness can be more profound. If the potential of the soul is opened, the integration of the righteousness will become easier.

This dark energy, he is through the erosion of the main body of the Hudson, to engulf the mystery of absorption and digestion, deep in the depths of the sea. The first to merge with the gods, the gods have wonderful, slowly changing the altar.

He secretly felt that he suddenly felt that the dark energy seemed to fuse any energy in his body and could change his body. When he thinks about it, he will know the dark energy in the sea and move to the center of the body. Swimming in the veins, bones, and flesh.

He suddenly found himself disappearing, such as hiding.

In the eyes of Evelyn, Audrey and others, he also suddenly became illusory, transparent, and gradually invisible, but a kind of fluctuating fluctuations, but from his position, it is very strong. The heart is upset.

It seems that with the changes in his body, the surrounding space and domain boundaries may collapse.

"Shi Yan!" Audrey sighed and sighed, and suddenly shouted.

Suddenly waking up from the wonderful body, Shi Yan evacuated the dark energy of the body, re-introduced into the sea, and the body reappeared. His expression was strange. He smiled and looked at the three people of Evelyn. He said: "The ghosts are not difficult to deal with. Rest assured, all that came over is dead."

"We saw it." Evelyn's expression was very weird, showing a demeanor that seemed to be confusing.

"Stone." Audrey's eyes are bright. "Before Parago's last soul disappeared, the words of consciousness, can you hear? He said, your attack on the soul... attack, the loss of the family. !"

Shi Yan Huoran understands, his expression is stagnation, said: "He did say that..."

Devouring the meaning of the righteousness is the core inheritance of the bloodthirsty vein. In the wilderness, only the bloodthirsty hole is completely true. His devouring of the righteousness is derived from bloodthirsty. How can it be related to the family?

When he looked at the Tianmu tribe, he immediately got guarded and pretended to be natural. He said: "What is the situation?"

Evelyn took a deep breath. "In the seven races, the family is the most peculiar. It is rumored that they are the new races of their own flesh and blood. They are said to have cultivated eight evil forces, namely, the soul, death, Corrosion, darkness, chaos, destruction, despair, corpse, and the secret of not passing away is the devouring of the righteousness. Those auspicious are said to have been taught to them by the firstborn, but today, the devouring of the family has been lost, even the eight There are also a lot of evils that have been lost, but even so, the family is one of the seven races, and the most mysterious race. No one dares to provoke it easily."

"The beginning of the birth of the soul," has disappeared very early, and it is only known by the gamuts. The rumors are the source of evil, and the evil artifacts are extremely terrible. According to the phrasing people, they say that they are strong. When you devour your stars and domain boundaries to strengthen your power, it is the most terrible creature in the world."

After a pause, Evelyn looked at Shiyan. "Your means of engulfing the souls and souls of the souls of the souls, as if they were the rumors of the lost meaning of the family, devour! This is the righteousness, now even the phalanx Can't comprehend the essence, how can you cultivate and realize?"

Audrey stayed close to Shiyan and said: "Is it bloodthirsty..."

"No." Shi Yan shook his head.

He remembered what he said through the evil spirits. The bloodthirsty was created by the wilderness. He wanted to realize the fusion of its flesh and the integration of the four ancient continents into the wild.

It is a pity that the plan of the wasteland was invaded in the middle of the plan, and it was squandered to inherit the devour of the righteousness and the eight evil forces. It wants to destroy the wasteland through bloodthirsty and achieve the effect of reinventing the wasteland so that it can never recover.

This is a battle of absurdity.

According to what he said, the dark abyss of the holy land of bloodthirsty is the phalanx.

The meditation has also said that the bloodthirsty has been defeated by the beginning of the life, he thought that the beginning of the birth of the soul, then carefully think about guessing the bloodthirsty loser, it should be phlegm, - the beginning of the early attempts to influence him .

When the blood is defeated by bloodthirsty, or silenced, or perished, bloodthirsty thinks that it can break free of the time, the wilderness once again shot, secretly prompting the Lord to get the origin of the fruit, so that the Lord Brian carries the powerful to defeat the bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty Not in the hands of Brian, but in the killing of the wild.

The root cause is that bloodthirsty is created by the wasteland, and the fate is bound by the wasteland, and is subject to the rules of the wasteland.

If, if there is no bloodthirsty first defeat, it will be severely damaged first. Perhaps he can refine the wasteland, thus replacing the wasteland, traveling to the heavens and the earth, becoming the owner of the wasteland, and also being the top in the virtual domain.

The family of the genus, for the race created by their own blood, turned into their ancestors, and passed on all of them, the righteousness, their own blood, strength, should be the way back to it before the war, Then the phasing should leave the gang to fight for the wild, and the phalanx will develop through the long time. With the death of the strong, it will gradually become more and more complete.

The fight between the phlegm and the wilderness is heavy, and it is impossible to return to the imaginary domain. Afterwards, it is defeated by bloodthirsty. Perhaps it may be devastating, or it may perish, and it will lead to the loss of the ethics.

A series of thoughts, passing through the heart of Shiyan, through this trip of the imaginary sea, his disputes between the wild and the phlegm, the emergence and annihilation of bloodthirsty, gradually got a clear understanding, probably guessed What happened in the past.

Bloodthirsty, the guy who can defeat the spirit of the firstborn, makes him more and more awe.

It is a pity that a generation of hegemons, because the life is trapped, was taken out of control by the wild, with the help of the Lord Brian’s hand, and fell into a rout, not really able to break free from all the flying in the void, not in the virtual domain, and Become a shining legend.

He failed, but he chose himself through the branding, a life is not in the wasteland, and he is superior to him!

Shi Yan looked surprisingly solemn and secretly said to himself in his heart: Your failure, because of the tragedy of your birth and fate, since you have chosen me, I will live up to your expectations and realize what you have not achieved!

"That is not to devour the mystery, it is achieved by means of a secret treasure, it is an application of dark energy." Silence and half-sound, Shi Yan smiled lightly and said to the three Tianmu tribes: "You want more, hope you don't want to Misunderstood, or the family should not be stripped of me."

Evelyn’s three people were puzzled and stunned, and there was nothing to say.

Even their own, they don't really believe in Paragon's words, because the devouring of the righteousness in the family is lost, the mystery of devouring the righteousness is terrible, and only the family is saying that they are only the self of the family. Boasting, not to mention the fact that Shi Yan is a wilderness, they are also clear about the origins of Shiyan.

In the wilderness, it is impossible to connect with the loss of the family. This is simply not a problem.

Therefore, they chose to believe in Shiyan's explanation, believing that it was formed by dark energy and a strange treasure, similar to the miraculous effect of devouring the meaning of science.

Only Audrey understands the concerns of Shiyan, and it is of great importance to devour the mystery. In the family, they are lost, and it is very precious.

If the news flow is revealed, let the gamers know, where are they still living?


Ps: Three more, weak and weak tickets, please give me some motivation to continue ~~{Astronomy astronomy www.ptwxz.com Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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