God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1375: Tearing bottleneck

Dulle returned to the outer layer with the rock.

He apparently first conveyed the order. The tribes under the dragon lizard also moved the Tianmu and Audrey groups and four people to the new area.

It is another huge hidden stone temple. It is not a place where the dragon lizards are open to the outside world, but a place where the powerful tribes of the dragon lizards cultivate. This point can be seen from the simple and rough inside the stone temple.

The stone hall is set in the interior of a broken star meteorite. There is a cultivation room inside, there is a storage room, and there is also a place to wash and bathe. However, there is no exquisite pattern ornament, and there is no decorative jade stone that can enhance the beauty. This is a dragon lizard who has always been a style, does not like luxury.

"This is where I practice." Dulle said lightly.

Every powerful dragon lizard has its own land in the dragon lizard. This stone temple is inside the meteorite. The meteorite was transformed by Dürer and can fly directly from the dragon lizard. It can be used as a battleship. use.

In a short time, the rest of the dragon lizards also invited Evelyn and Audrey, and arranged them here.

"The ancestors want to protect your life, we will certainly not let the souls disturb you, wait for the two ancestors of the ancestors and the ancestors to complete the business, will be arranged here, you can rest assured." Du Lezhi I will say one sentence, and then I will tell the next tribe. "As long as they don't leave here, they can move freely. All the stone chambers that can be cultivated can be opened. You have nothing to harass them."

Then, Dulle hurried away from the stone temple, and the guards outside the temple all respectfully nodded.

"We have been moved to two positions. It seems that the dragon lizards are extremely jealous of the ghosts and the souls of the earth. Otherwise, they will not be painstakingly covered." Audrey was dressed in plain white clothes and looked cold and came to Shiyan. Beside it. Again: "What is the situation?"

"The dragon lizard ancestors should try to protect our lives. Well. If there is no accident, he should be discussing it, if he kills Singer." Shi Yan grinned. Chong Yevlin three people said: "Do not worry, it should be no big deal, you can practice here with peace of mind. This matter ... we will solve."

He did not mention the mysterious emoticons of the three people.

Evelyn guessed that they had something to hide. However, they are very wise, and they have not pursued it. After they have been accepted, they will find their own stone chambers for cultivation.

Shiyan and Audrey selected a huge training ground. The base is covered with square spar. It is hard and hard, not afraid of hammering and energy crit. There is a circular dome above the training ground, which is very high from the ground. There is no problem with the speeding.

He explained to Audrey that he met the dragon lizard ancestors, and listened to Audrey's horror, then he chose to sit down. Road: "This time should be safe. The dragon lizard will not be against us, and there is still some time. We will practice as soon as possible!"

"Good!" Audrey learned him, straighten his legs, and separated him from the empty training room, sitting face to face, slowly closing his eyes.


Three gray souls floated out of the wine cellar in her hands. The three souls were not conscious of reason, but pure soul energy, such as the clouds swaying, and she raised her hand and disappeared into her eyes.

Her stopped body, slightly trembled three times, a line of taupe soul, like a silky skyrocketing, quietly flying from her body, making her look very strange.

Shiyan did not hurry to start, looking at Audrey, and found that the three souls of the gods converted by the wind and thunderstones, after being inhaled by the sea, decomposed by the wonderful mystery, cutting the souls of the three groups and crushing thousands of souls. The line, let those soul lines swim in her veins, seems to imprint the mark of life in her body, but also to enhance the strength of her body with the soul, so that the tendons and bones become more and more tough.

Shi Yan looked at it for a while and suddenly smiled and nodded secretly.

He will explain the words of the dragon lizard ancestors, there is no hidden TD, let Audrey Li heart touch, and immediately put into practice.

Ao Lili's past cultivation, the soul should be directly in the altar, and there is no need to go back inside the ketone body veins. This is why she has changed her mind and will change her veins, flesh and blood. The quenching is the key, and I want to clear the direction early, to understand the dark energy and prepare for the future breakthrough of the ancestors.

She has always been smart and wise, and after knowing this secret, she naturally knows how to use it.

The original Emperor of the Qing dynasty focused on the cultivation of the soul, and regarded the soul of the soul as the key to the mystery, not to pay special attention to the tempering of flesh and blood.

Her practice today is completely out of the usual style of the Emperor. Just by Shiyan’s one-sided words, she dares to abandon the cultivation direction within the family and begin the steps of new cultivation. On the one hand, she proves that she is determined and tough, on the other hand, It also proves that she is extremely convinced of Shi Yan and believes that Shi Yan will not marry her.

Shi Yan is very pleased. He believes that with Audrey's talent and intelligence, once he has identified the direction, there will be some amazing achievements in the future.

An electric light flashed through my mind, and all kinds of messy thoughts were cut off by the sharp sword. He calmed down in an instant, and there was no misunderstanding in his heart. The orange-red jade bottle presented by the dragon lizard ancestors suddenly floated in front of his eyes, and the stars flashed. The jade bottle burst, and a strange medicinal herb suddenly flashed out.

Danmao longan size, like a star, exudes amazing medicinal aroma. If you look carefully, you will find that the Dan Pill is actually a narrowing of a star. There are mountains, lakes, palace trees and even wind and rain. !

Shiyan’s eyes glowed amazingly, staring at Nadan’s pill and looking carefully, and found that in some palaces, there are still souls!

Immortal Dan is at least the core of the seven-level life star, with hundreds of millions of souls as the source, and is tempered by the great supernatural powers, narrowing hundreds of millions of times, and turning into a magical medicine that captures the creation of heaven and earth. Break the mystery of the immortal realm.

He suspected that the drug was true and false, and wanted to be seriously identified. Now, when he sees him, he has no doubts any more. Is it a peculiar remedy for a miniature star? Isn’t it an immortal Dan?

Zhangkou sucks, the immortal Dan, which is condensed by the stars, directly enters, slides down the stomach and goes straight to the direction of Dantian Jingyuan Ancient Trees.

That immortal Dan, sinking in the top of the ancient tree of divine power, came a heart-like "beep" beating, a pure force, released from the medicinal medicine, instantly connected his muscles, in one In an instant, his veins are like a strip of energy flowing in the river, filling his body with earth-shattering energy fluctuations.

At the same time, he clearly found that the billion-year-old soul of the medicinal remedy was turned into another clear soul force, from the bottom up, and actually rushed into his soul altar!

The clear soul power fell into the sea of ​​knowledge, and he knew the dark energy in the sea, such as fireworks bursting, numerous shimmering broken light stars filled with his mysterious layer, the sky fire layer, the soul of the soul, his space within the inner layer, Life, death, and the eternal meaning of the stars are like being touched, and the ambiguous mystery suddenly becomes a wonderful twist...

An indescribable mysterious feeling, flowing in his heart and in the altar, he is like a source of esoteric return to the wild, swimming in the ocean of death, space, life, and stars, the soul of the Lord, such as flowing from the body, The main soul image is truly endless vitality, can last forever, and can be immortal.

In rumors, those who reach the realm of immortality have an endless life and can survive. For example, after the sacred animal Qinglong, after reaching the immortal realm, he lived for 100,000 years and still was full of energy and escaped the law of normal aging.

This is difficult for the first god. Although the life of the original gods is extremely long, the gods and souls will gradually age after tens of thousands of years, and they will lose energy. The soul will gradually become weak, if it cannot break through to the immortal world. At the end of life, the beginning of God, because the magnetic field of life is gradually exhausted, will eventually die like an old tree.

Only when the breakthrough is immortal can it be truly immortal, can change the rules of the heavens and the earth, have an endless life, the magnetic field of life will always remain strong, and the soul can always be as good as ever.

Unless it is killed by a stronger, life is exhausted, the soul mark is erased, otherwise the theoretically immortal realm can survive forever.

This is immortal.

Feel the blend of the mysterious layer of the righteousness, the main soul of Shiyan, and give birth to a wonderful dream.

However, his other soul, but awake, found that the skyfire that bound him for a long time was actually triggered by the immortal Dan. When he marched toward the immortal world, he also had wonderful signs of integration.

In addition to the chaotic flame, the rest of the skyfire is wonderfully glued together to form a magnificent and colorful flame ocean. The ocean was originally divided into pieces, such as a complete piece of cloth being torn apart. At this moment, it is slowly gathering and recovering. complete.

The sky fire layer, into the ocean of fire, his deputy soul suspended above the sky fire layer, watching the remaining skyfire gradually merge.

An immortal Dan, triggering many wonderful things in his body, let him move toward the immortal world, and many hidden secrets in the body are ignited.

He and Audrey practiced a lot of movements. Evelyn and others of the Tianmu family soon discovered strange things. They all gathered outside the stone faces of Shiyan and Audrey. The stone room was temporarily closed, but the internal movement was very Obviously, this is the disorderly fluctuations that are all at the time of breakthrough.

"Audrey is moving towards the beginning of the two gods, he is to break through the realm of immortality!" Evelyn is also coming over, a little sense of understanding will come over, awe-inspiring: "We stop first, show them Shimen, during this time, the dragon lizards could not come in without permission."

"It seems that after he met the dragon lizard ancestors, he should have an immortal Dan." Ma Xisha was envious.

She followed the two brothers to come here, and there is also the thought of harvesting an immortal Dan. Now seeing Shi Yan has been practicing with immortal Dan, she is envious.

"Oh, we don't have this blessing, but if he can break through the realm of immortality, and he will master the power of dark energy, the real strength will be terrible!" Evelyn exclaimed.

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