God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1386: Boundary boundary

The dragon lizard and the emoticon were suppressed by Singer and the mask women. In the current situation, the dragon lizard and the emoticon may not be able to reverse the situation without the help of external forces.

Shi Yan racked his brains to find a solution...

In the dark, the strong people of the small tribes, quietly coming together, are lurking around the mask women.

They still think that mask women are breakthroughs. In particular, their main goal, Shi Yan, is also in the hands of mask women.

The crystal clear giant snow lotus is cold and cold, and the internal emoticons are imprisoned, and they still spare no effort to exert their strength and break through.

The mask of the phantom family must be distracted to deal with this matter, but also careful stone rock, the situation is not very safe.

Therefore, those who truly have confidence in themselves will also pay attention to her, trying to strike a hand and take Shiyan to take it away.

In their eyes, Shiyan is a fat medicine dynasty, able to break through the dark energy of the stone rock, the advanced domain of the ancestral peak.

Shiyan closed the five senses, and the gods with dark energy formed insight into the surrounding area. He was keenly aware that there were four alien strong people, such as snakes.

The four people are all immortal triple heavens, and the emoticons and couples are in harmony!

This is among the onlookers, the most exquisite realm, and the most patience, always lurking to the hot guys who are now working.


The masked female of the phantom family, who was cold and squeaky, also noticed that those people’s plots were not in control. Her graceful body was like a water snake, and she was full of thrilling charm, a beautiful illusion that emerged beside her. A bloody, squeaky, swaying toward the four immortal triple warriors.

The same moment!

The emoticons under the crystal clear snow lotus, suddenly launched a full force, a beam of divine power, Huaguang Wanzhang, smashed to a lotus petal!

The mask of the phantom family is so shocking. Alum has a cool and cold feeling, such as moving a real fire.

Also at this moment!


Closing its own rock and rock, cracking out the fierce and violent force, and instantly break free from her mastery.

A fascinating stone slid out, seeing the wind grows, and instantly turns into a new world of whiteness. The world is like a giant hand, and the mask girl and four sneak attackers affected by her charm are caught together. They are all thrown into the new world where the illusion stone is condensed.

A white light passed.

Shiyan flew out of the trap. He did not hesitate, and the power of the whole body spurted out, and it was another illusion stone that spun out.

The new illusion stone is under his divine power. Open a new world, the world is still vast, but it has to be much bigger. Suddenly wrap it up, covering the world of the original masked woman and the sneak attacker!

There is another big world outside the world!

Two illusion stones form two worlds, the big world is wrapped around the small world, the small world is bound by the mask girl and the four sneak attackers, and Shiyan is outside the boundary.

The obstacles of the two illusions made the connection between the mask woman and the snow lotus flower greatly weakened, and the snow lotus lost the power to continue to strengthen the bondage.

The emoticon and the couple suddenly rushed out!

They looked at Shiyan together and were surprised. I am so excited and excited.

Shi Yan slightly nodded, raised his hand and pointed to the body of Singer.

The emoticons and the couples are in the heart of the mind, and they don’t say a word, they immediately turn into two streams of light, and they rush to the body of Singer.

There is nowhere, and the rock is suspended. The face is extremely dignified, and a glimpse of the gods penetrates into the New World bound by the illusion stone, searching for the most subtle fluctuations.

The illusion stone can instantly form a world, but the world is not real and can only exist for a short time. Can't bind one person for a long time.

The world can be blasted by stone rocks, and the power of space smashing is terrible. Perhaps even the people of immortality are extremely difficult to bear.

However, after all, he is only entering the immortal realm. In the construction of the space barrier in the new world, it is extremely weak. Once the detonation space collapses, he may not be able to really hit the mask girl.

But he has other plans...

He was waiting, waiting for the masked woman who was imprisoned and the four who had the same idea for him, breaking the border from the inside.

In the world of dreams like a dream, the mask of the phantom family and the four immortal triple heavens are all strange faces, and the eyes are cold and looked around.

They are deep in the realm, but they are concealed by Shi Yan. They are overturned in the gutters and are trapped in this world.

With the power of any one of them, it is actually enough to smash the world's barriers. The reason they didn't do it was because knowing that once a world collapses, the space explosive force that is formed in an instant will be extremely terrible. Even if they are, it is difficult to get the whole body. Retreat.

"Just do you dare to compete with my phantom family!"

The female voice of the mask is cold, the eyes are cold, and the gods are like tentacles, and the thickness of the space barrier is perceived.

This new world, like a glass ball, is a space barrier. The thicker the barrier, the harder it is to crush. Once it bursts, the resulting space explosion will be more violent.

As she sensed, she cursed coldly and sneered at the four people who tried to be unscrupulous.

The four were silent, like four dumbs, and no one answered them—because they were not as good as mask women, and they were able to concentrate on the ability to detect the thickness of space barriers when they were not speaking.

"That kid is treacherous, but the strength is a little worse, this space barrier... too thin!"

After dozens of seconds, the mask female alum revealed a surprise, could not help but smile, laughter, her white jade hand touched nothingness, cold and cold power, such as countless ice blade explosion tear!


The stone rock outside the big world, the body suddenly shocked, concentrated all attention, and penetrated the thought into the boundary.

In the small circle inside, it is impacted by the ice blade. When the crack is gradually bursting, he also mobilizes the outside world. If there is a space for the exquisite space, you will find the outer world, such as the slowly smashing glass. , has produced fine cracks.



The two loud bangs exploded at the same time. The inner small circles were smashed by the mask women, and the space debris spurred out. The big world that was smashed by Shiyan suddenly burst, and countless space sharpened, but it blew inside.

The inside and the outside space explode and squeeze each other. In an instant, the power of the explosion surges several times!


The endless explosions burst from the front of Shiyan, such as the collapse of the void, such as the collapse of the heavens and the earth, the instantaneous formation of space fluctuations destroyed the earth!

Shi Yan pulled back and looked horrified, but also shocked the shock wave of the big and small circles at the same time.

That power, even if he is practicing the mystery of space, he is afraid that he can't bear it. Once he is swept away, there will be no chance for survival.


The four groups of flesh and blood, such as the meat ball, burst, and were turned into countless pieces of space, and turned into countless pieces of blood, and even the soul altars collapsed.

The four immortal triple heavens who had the heart to break through the realm of the ancestral martial arts suddenly died suddenly, and even the soul of the Lord was completely ruined.

Shiyan glasses suddenly rounded up, revealing an expression of incredulous expression, and the mouth is also big.

In the blast of space-like explosions, a huge snow lotus flower petals fly, like being cut by countless sharp edges, inside the snow lotus, a perfect **** ketone body, showing the snowy and innocent figure Full of huge double peaks, slim waist with a slender waist, beautiful legs like snow, beautiful as the face of art...

Subconsciously looking down, he found that the snow lotus that bound the emoticon and the couple disappeared.

He didn't know when the snow lotus disappeared and when it was taken away by the mask woman. In the two world explosions, the mask woman could gather the snow lotus to cover the whole body, resisting a damaging wave of attacks, even if they were wearing clothes and masks. The smashing of the cloud of smoke, but her life is innocent.

The huge snow lotus is bleak and faded. The woman in the center of the snow lotus, the ice-bone snow muscle, is flawless, and the body and face are the ultimate in the world.

However, her eyes are cold as a cold knife, and now she is staring straight!

The rocky back of the rock has a chill, and under the eyes of her eyes, she feels the uneasiness of being overwhelmed by the endless cold.


A loud bang, from his side, his heart shocked, could not help but look around.

He saw a burst of ice sculptures, and those ice sculptures were all interracial people who thought about it and whose realm was not particularly high. They were killed by instant chilling under the wrath of the phantom woman.

Perhaps, just because they accidentally saw something they should not see, they all died.

When the stone rock was found to be bad, when I woke up, the dragon lizard, in addition to the dragon lizard, Singh, and the emoticon, had a fierce battle to pay attention to this side, and the rest of the people were dead!

The sinister woman of the phantom family killed all the remaining people, and even an aquarium who stayed behind to inquire about the news was also killed by her.


A crystal white satin robes, wrapped in the woman, she snow white jade feet, slowly falling in the withered snow lotus.

The pair of scorpions containing countless icebergs chilled in the air, and the sensation in the scorpion swelled through the soul, and the soul of the stone rock, the sound of the cymbals, was slow. Slow freezing!

That look, can actually freeze the soul altar, this sin, it is terrible to the extreme!

"The body and appearance are perfect. I am fortunate to see you naked and not dead. I am really lucky for my life."

In a chill, Shi Yan stared at the woman and said something like this, screaming the power of the skyfire, the clusters of flames spread, and fluttering in the soul altar.

The soul chill was expelled, and the fire continued to infiltrate the gods. He gradually returned to normal, and stared at the woman, and the **** gradually became blurred, disappearing invisibly.

The phantom family woman Ming Hansen cold, the huge snow lotus in the whole body decomposed, turned into a small snow lotus, rolling like a snowball, flying around.

Her cheeks were pale, and she brought a mask again, covering her peerless face.

"You can't escape." She whispered coldly.

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