God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1388: Soul as the sea

On a piece of taupe meteorite, Audrey's eyelids were closed, and the body was filled with fierce soul tremors.

Evelyn, Adams, and Ma Xisha, the three Tianmu people, gathered around her, their faces became extremely dignified, hesitant to start.

The murderous soul of the incarnation of Minghong rushed into the moment of Audrey’s mind. The three of them were clear, and they saw that the clusters of clouds had not entered Audrey, and they saw that Ao Lili’s soul was extremely strange. All of them were unhappy, thinking that Audrey was given a slap in the face.

"The fierce soul is Singer refining, and he contains the subtlety of Singer!" Evelyn said, and he is ready to condense the meaning of the righteousness.

"We are probably not the fierce opponent." Adams was also amazed. He looked at the surroundings and suddenly looked at him. "Hey! That is the dragon lizard!"

In front of the meteorite sea in front of them, in the turbulent energy fluctuations, the humanoid form of the dragon lizard ancestors, as well as the emoticons and the Yayun couples, flashed out and were anxiously searching.

Just because Audrey’s area is the blind spot that Shiyan deliberately found, so that the dragon lizard’s ancestors and emoticons can’t see the sight, unless they calm down and feel with the soul consciousness, otherwise they are afraid It is also impossible to search for Audrey in a short time.

"You can ask for help," Adams suggested.

Ma Xisha immediately shook his head. "They will kill Audrey together, so that they can get rid of it and can't do it."

They did not know that Audrey Stone Rock and the emoticons were old.

"What should I do? Her strength alone will definitely not be able to contend with the evil spirit. Once the evil spirits succeed, we will all be unlucky." Adams was so burned and sullen, saying: "Or, let us evacuate first." Open, no matter what she is?"

"It can only be like this." Evelyn hesitated for a while, and felt that this proposal was still reliable, otherwise it would not only help Audrey. You may also be killed by the evil spirits.

"When the three people leave, they can't find it, we will go again, or they will be exposed." Marshisha sighed and looked at Audrey deeply. "Sorry, we can't help you, you can only rely on yourself." I hope you can break free."

The avatar of the dragon lizard. The emoticon, the couple, searched in this piece and quickly left.

The Adams did not have much to stay. Quietly get out of this rock, until they fly away from the rock, look back. They are all stunned.

Behind them, there is nothing in the air, and the rock that they have just stayed for is not there at all.

The three people were dumb in their hearts, and then they knew the location of them and Audrey, and how special they were. They also had a deeper understanding of the exquisite accomplishments of Shiyan space.


They didn't leave until long. The dragon lizard ancestor, the emoticon and the couple, immediately reversed the direction and returned.

The avatar of the dragon lizard was immediately blocked in the way of three people. He vomited and vomited, and a magma barrier condensed, trapping Adams.

The dragon lizard ancestors looked at the three men's eyes very unfriendly. With a snoring, he pointed to the three people and rushed to explain the couple: "The murderous soul of Singh's incarnation is to flee here, he will certainly win one person. To avoid our detection. We also After investigation, there is no breath in the vicinity. Only the three people who just emerged..."

Adams’s face changed dramatically.

"I would rather kill it, and I can't let it go!"

The emoticons frown, they know that Adams and Shiyan, Audrey are old, but they also think that Singer’s murderous incarnation is very likely to be hidden in Adams, Mashasha and Evelyn. , hiding in their minds.

Because the murderous soul is even faster to escape, and can not avoid their pursuit in an instant, there is only one possibility - to attach one soul, instantly melt with the other soul, in order to avoid their breath.

Here, because the phantom family mask women open the killing, those secret hidden people are dead.

In the dead rock sea, the survival of the three men, Adams, Evelyn, and Maheshha, is too abnormal. In their eyes, Singer’s fierce souls must escape their perceptions, only attached to the minds of three people.

- They don't know that there is a space blind spot that they can't see in their sight, and there is an Audrey presence.

"The three people... Hey, forget it, you can do it." The emoticon hesitated, and looked helpless. He agreed that the dragon lizard ancestors could not be missed.


The dragon lizard ancestors sipped low, and the magma barriers slowly gathered together to submerge Adams, Evelyn, and Maheshha. The three screamed, and Adams knew that if he did not express his position, he If they don't explain the situation, they will all die.

"Not like this! Not like this!" Adams yelled madly.

The dragon lizard ancestors sighed, Shen Sheng: "What?"

"The murderous soul, we have seen it! He did not win us, we have not been influenced by him, and he was given to the people who took it! There!" Adams point to Audrey's position, "There is no way to see the naked eye." Is a blind spot in space, we just got out of it!"

"Wait a minute!" The emoticon shouted.

The dragon lizard ancestors stopped, hesitating to let go of the gods, to detect the realm of his immortal peak, and immediately, his red eyes stunned, two beams of demon light shot in the direction of Adams.


If the rock wall is ablated, such as the space is corroded, the hidden meteorite and the above Audrey are presented together.

On the taupe meteorite, Audrey sat on the knees, numerous intensive souls and ghosts, like heavy mountains, spread around her, on top of her head, clusters of black clouds and cotton like souls, such as black stars suspended With.

She was gathered in the center by countless souls and ghosts. Her posture was indifferent, her eyes were closed, and there was a small vortex at her eyebrows. The vortex rolled like an imprint, absorbing many souls.

Adams was amazed. He took it for granted that Audrey was taken away, thinking that Audrey was afraid of death.

At this moment, he didn't have a heart in his heart. He felt that Audrey was dead. He named the position and also avenged Audrey.

In the cluster of souls and ghosts, from the vortex of Audrey's eyebrows, a clear soul emerges.

- That is the main soul of Audrey!

"Found you!" The laughing dragon lizard ancestors, when they saw this posture, did not want to think about it, and raised their hands to prepare to kill Audrey.

Yayun suddenly screamed: "Wait!"

"Well?" The dragon lizard ancestors calmed his face.

"No! She is not Singer!" The emoticon also reacted, pointing to the main soul of Audrey's eyebrow vortex, saying: "Her soul is still alive, she is definitely not taken away, otherwise we are I should see Singer’s soul, not her main soul!”

The dragon lizard ancestors are not stupid, just just being angered by hatred and anger, after a reminder of two people also reacted.

"The situation is different from what we think." The emoticon touched his chin and indulged for a while. He said: "Don't act rashly, we will keep watching the situation, and when we are finished, we will know what happened."

The dragon lizard thought about it and nodded his consent. He did not rush to kill him immediately.

"Whirring whirring!"

Her main soul from Audrey's eyebrows, such as the witch's curse to the soul, the tens of thousands of souls floating beside her, under the influence of her soul curse, fluttering one by one, one after another Pounce on her and drill into the eyebrows of her body.

A sea of ​​souls, showing a corner in her vortex, the interior is full of souls.

The main soul of Audrey is like a net that gathers fish, and covers those souls.

In the curse, a giant crocodile under her body condensed, making the dragon lizard aging face cold, and her heart suddenly tightened.

The emoticon was busy raising his hand and made a gesture of a little sorrow, so that the dragon lizard ancestors calmed down.

I saw the giant crocodile, in the call of Audrey's curse, Zhang mouth spit out a murderous soul, those murderous souls are the ones that were previously swallowed up, and the other five of the seven murderous souls of Singh refining, that one A murderous soul, under the touch of the main soul of Audrey, also fell into the sea of ​​her eyebrows.

When the giant crocodile disappeared, the cluster of souls that lingered around the top of Audrey’s head suddenly changed into a murderous soul.

The murderous soul of Qinghong, the deep and cold, like a completely independent wisdom, he is like a huge shadow suspended behind Audrey, deep looking at the dragon lizard ancestors, a thought came: "Singh was engulfed by me It!"

The dragon lizard screamed and shouted: "What do you say?"

"Singh was swallowed up by me! He is already dead!" said the singer, and suddenly opened his mouth. Inside his dark mouth, there was a glimpse of the broken soul of Singer, like a piece of fragmentation. The clouds, those soul fragments, are still being melted and divided into smaller pieces and smaller pieces.

"God!" Yayun exclaimed. "Singer has been fierce for so many years, and finally he has been rebelled by his own refining spirit. It is retribution!"

The emoticon is also awkward.

"So, Singh... is it really dead?" The dragon lizard ancestors were not sure.

Emoticons, Yayun.

The dragon lizard ancestors were obviously relieved and looked strange. "It’s good to die. If you die, you will have less trouble. Not all the people of the soul family want to kill me. Well, I hope that Singer’s death can make The Soul is sober, don't be so mad."

The emoticons and Yayun ignore the glance and show bitterness. They know more about the souls than the dragon lizards. They understand that the souls will never give up.

However, the two did not explain, the more the souls are staring at the dragon lizards, the more the dragon lizards will depend on them and will be tied to their Xuan Tianzu, which is exactly what they want. .

The group did not continue to discuss, they all looked at Audrey and looked at her changes.

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