God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1399: Intimidating beauty

Charm Ji Ming is like a cold knife, squatting on Shi Yan, I can't wait to make Shi Yan Ling.

At this time, Otaru took the bone dragon, sipped, and directed the giants to chase Nazario and Bastos. From inside the island, there were occasional strange fluctuations.

Shi Yan also saw that the entire island is simply a weapon of the gods, a terrible treasure.

The island can close the space, so that he can not break free, can instantly form a thousand times of gravity, so that Nazario, Bastos can not immediately fly away, but also condense the bones into a huge cockroach, and can seem to activate cockroaches, This strange treasure is so unusual that he feels incredible.

Bastos apparently did not understand the depth, was hit hard 30 years ago, it is likely that Xiao Yan’s men’s mercy.

Here, Bastos invited the helpers to come over, but unfortunately the results will only get worse from now on.

Shi Yan was so relaxed, as soon as he relaxed, his mind was much more, and he glanced at the charm, and his eyes glared at her tempting and tempting...

Bastos said that the woman of the phantom family is really born, the charm of a silk gown has many holes, revealing the white snow muscles, the skin is white and red, the heavy double peak is huge, such as To crack out, slender waist, high-rise bulging buttocks, delicate and innocent cheeks, bright sparkling, mature and charming, beautiful, can evoke any man's heart desire!

Shi Yan’s heart is awe-inspiring, and this woman’s enchanting charm is indeed unstoppable. “Well, you said before, if I help you get rid of the shackles of corpse, you have to practice yourself and serve me carefully. Back? I remembered, and when things are over, let's find time to cash out..." He laughed unscrupulously.

The charm of the body is a stiff, beautiful and cold, "Do you dare to mention?"

Shiyan is amazed. "How can you not mention? Is it true that your phantom family is not fart? Is it a good faith?"

"That's just that I said casually, and the way you helped me detoxify... I have already humiliated me! I didn't say that I want to kill you, you should have sneered, you dare to ask me conditions?" A few want to vomit blood.

"I only know, if you say that if I can help you detoxify, you and me will be written off, and I will serve you once again." Shi Yan has a strong tone. Cold shouted: "Don't think that you can rely on it. With your power status at this time, if you don't give me honesty, believe it or not, can I be strong?"

"Strong. Strong?" Charm Ji stayed.

Just a second later, she screamed hysterically and trembled. "You try it! If you are not afraid of death, try it, and the old lady will not believe you!"

"Try it!" Shi Yan sneered at the bottom of his heart, a thought flashed from his mind, instantly activated the secret arrangement.

Charm Ji was ready to start, and the secret office was suddenly hot. As a cluster of flames burned in the lower body, the soul of the scared spirit flew away, and the face was pale and the body shook. The jade finger trembled and pointed. "You, you, have you done your hands and feet in my body? Can you be so mean?"

Her lower body is hot and hot, and the temperature control of the flame is extremely clever, but if she continues to rise, her body may be burned by the lower body.

I remembered the scene of sadness that might happen. She was terrified to the extreme, never dreamed of it, some people could be so evil, and cast such a brutal and innocent plot on women.

She suddenly felt that Shiyan’s sinister sinister sinisterness was not inferior to the two idiots. This made her shudder and her body was stiff. I don’t dare to move, my face is full of sorrow, and there is a kind of despair that is worse than death.

"When the dragon lizard land, I have never provoked you, it is your own greed, want to refine my soul, to help you break through the realm of the domain. I fled all the way, you chase after you, for you to break through the domain Zu, you are painstaking, but my life is hard! If I am not insisting until now, if I am slightly wrong in the middle, what will I end now? My soul will disappear, because you are completely destroyed, I am innocent with you. No hate, you can do this to me, why can't I be the same to you?"

Shi Yan looked at her indifferently, and said with a cold look, self-deprecating and laughing, and said: "It’s just making people, not thinking that Laozi can be hard to die, but you are weak to the extreme, giving me a chance, if I can’t grasp Live, even your own level can not pass."

Charm Ji listened to his cold voice and finally bowed his head. The whole person suddenly fell down. "I am now in your hands, you can do it."

She has already abandoned herself.

It was concealed by a child who was immortal and heavy, and was detoxified by humiliating incontinence. Now the lower body is still caught in the fire. Her self-respect, pride, self-confidence, tearing apart, and heart have gradually become numb.

Shiyan raised his eyebrows and walked slowly toward the charm Ji, reaching out his hand, and a finger provoked the chin of the charm of the jade, like a jade, lifted her hanging head and looked at the peerless face of the inverted beings. "You are beautiful, It’s a natural thing, any man will be fascinated by you, for your blood, I am also a man, and I can’t avoid it...”

Charm Ji let him be arrogant, listening to his words, his eyes are gray, and his eyes are not focal length. "I promise you, I will serve you once, but you have to promise me to solve the road for me." Source fire mark."

She was somewhat saddened by her heart and death. She was stunned by Shi Yan’s series of means. For the first time, she felt that she was falling in the wind, and she did not have any means for Shiyan.

When her voice fell, she suddenly felt that the feeling of the lower body had faded. Shi Yan’s finger on her chin suddenly recovered. Her heart was wrong and her eyes suddenly turned bright.

A cluster of orange-red flames, beating at the fingertips of Shiyan, the flames are unique. She just glanced at it and knew that it was the original fire mark hidden in her lower body. This made her suddenly have a hope, cold voice: " When my injury recovers a little, I will be with you once!"

Shi Yan looked at her deeply. "When you recover from your injury, I am happy with you midway. Are you afraid that you will fly away?"

Charm Ji frowned, "Whether you believe it or not, anyway, my promise will be counted!"

She is also secretly puzzled. I don't know why Shi Yan suddenly untied the **** and retracted the source fire mark that forced her to follow the example. Can it be other invisible means?

Charm Ji was scared by Shi Yan, and her heart was cold, and the power of suspiciousness of the ghosts was meticulously swimming in the body.

She secretly bite her teeth, and her white neck is flushed, and she makes a special detailed investigation into the lower body...

Shi Yan looked at her like a smile and guessed her intentions. "There is no follow-up, no doubt."

"Do you think I will believe you?"

"I want to restrain you, why should I recover the source of the fire? Why do you have to do this?" Shi Yan said calmly.

Charm Ji Yi, also seriously thought about it, half a ring, she gnawed her teeth: "I can honor my promise, but you have to make sure that this matter must not be mentioned by anyone! Otherwise, when I recover, I will spare no expense. The price kills you!"

She thought that Shi Yan was going to force her to have a good time when she was seriously injured.

She knows that Shiyan’s strength is at this time. With only 10% of her power, she really won’t win if she wants to fight. In particular, she feels that Shiyan and Xiaoyan have reached an agreement. On this island, she is very difficult. In the case of a small help, such as this force against stone rock.

She gradually accepted her life.

"I don't want your body." Surprisingly, Shiyan shook his head. "You should not be low in the phantom family. I need some news. I want to know what happened to the Dragon Lizard after we left. Things, I hope that you can help me find my female partner with the power of the phantom family. I want her to live!"

As long as Audrey is alive, He Hong should be there as well, and he will be able to find the domain gates that return to the wasteland to ensure that he will return to his homeland one day.

It’s very difficult to find Ao Lili with his own power. He can’t find the domain door. He can only play in the virtual sea area, Xia Xinyi, Yang Qingdi, those friends and relatives, Will always be isolated from him, especially when he is born out of the world, do not know what impact has been brought to the wasteland, he must accumulate strength, in the future to change the pattern of the wilderness.

Charm Ji, is a powerful figure of the phantom family, the phantom family is one of the seven, and as far as he knows it is the most well-informed race!

If you can use the charm of Ji, get the message support of the phantom family, his future will be much smoother.

"It turned out to be a sentimental seed." The charm of the mouth of the mouth, suddenly relaxed, the most worrying thing to unload, when she looked at Shiyan again, suddenly felt a lot of pleasing to the eye, "If only just need news, then I can Make an oath to promise you, in the name of the phantom ancestor, promise you to find the information you ask for, you, really?"

"I am sure." Shi Yan nodded.

Charm Ji does not say anything, one hand hold high, one hand presses on the full and rich chest, in the language of the phantom family, swears in the name of the phantom ancestor, vowed to abide by the promise, will ask Shiyan for information.

"The deal!" Shiyan snorted.

The next moment, he suddenly disappeared, and after the charm, he followed it.

Nazario and Bastos have been forced by a warrior in a bald mountain valley. They are surrounded by heavy sorrows. The two men are languid and their eyes are fearful and uneasy.

The little scorpion sits on the bone dragon and is driven by the ancient language of the Baigu, so that the warriors continue to rush.

Gradually, Nazario and Bastos's flesh and blood were cut by the bone knife, and the body's power was weaker than the charm.

"The two men handed over to me, they are useful to wake up your parents, let the warriors pay attention to it." At this moment, Shi Yan looked at Xiaoyan and suddenly violently shouted.

After a short while, I thought about it and nodded to him.

In the incomprehensible eyes of Otaru and Charm, Shiyan suddenly flew out and went straight to Nazario and Bastos.

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