God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1401: shadow

"who are you?"

Nazario and Bastos screamed together, and the two souls were extremely turbulent at this moment, giving people a sense of badness that would burst and smash once they were not good.

Shiyan was calm and unaffected by the fluctuations of the two men. He raised his left hand and pressed it on Nazario's chest.

The palm of the hand, a group of dark flashes, immediately a black hole and black hole emerged, a force of adsorption, instantly burst out, such as the winch to take Nazario body!

"I am from the wasteland, give me the inheritor... called bloodthirsty!" Shi Yan drinks low.

Nazario and Bastos were shocked, and there was extreme horror in their eyes. "You are, you are the inheritor of that person! The wilderness! The people in your wilderness will die! Hahaha, you will all Terrible death! Because the plan of our family has been started, our young master has been born! He will kill everyone in your wilderness!"

Nazario suddenly laughed wildly.

In the laughter, he did not care about what Bastos thought. All the life fluctuations in the body were like volcanic eruptions, and even the soul altars were broken in an instant.

Shi Yan’s heart was cold, and he couldn’t think too much and moved instantly.

"call out!"

He disappeared without a trace.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two huge explosions, one after the other, with the blood of the broken meat, suddenly burst from the valley.

This is the last aftermath of the destruction of the flesh and soul altar!

After the explosion, Shiyan once again reappeared in the valley. In the valley, blood fell like heavy rain, and the blood was scarred in the whole body. Nazario and Bastos had no bones and disappeared into the valley. Their silk The spirit and soul fluctuations are gradually dissipating. To return to the heavens and the earth.

Shi Yan frowned, and the black hole on his head emerged. As a giant mouth, he absorbed the souls that had not been exhausted.

The hole rushed, and the residual death essence was also absorbed, and his face gradually gloomy.

He did not expect Nazario to listen to him after the origins of the wilderness. Actually so extreme, did not give more words, and blew the flesh and soul.

Obviously, both of these people know bloodthirsty and know some things that happen in the wasteland!

Nazario also burst into the soul altar. It is to see that he has swallowed up the truth, knowing that if the soul sacrifice is not extinguished, he will be cheaper.

Nazario said that the birth of the young masters will kill all the people in the wasteland, and cast a shadow on the heart of Shiyan...

He knows that the so-called less masters, ten are the souls coming from outside the domain, and are dragged by Xuanshan traction. After three generations of plots, after a while, quietly overlooking, the whereabouts are unknown.

That person is a weapon for "phago" and family. With the goal of destroying the wasteland, it will bring endless disasters to the wasteland in the future.

The family of the family has never stopped searching for the invasion of the wilderness. They have not found the entrance, but they have sent the singularity of the little soul through some secret methods. If you give that guy time to grow up...

The heart of Shiyan has a chill.


The bones fanned out, and Xiao Xiao and Mei Ji, who had heard the news, rode on the bone dragon and stared at the **** valley. Looking at the rock stone that was lost in thought.

Xiao Yan and Charm Ji did not speak up.

Charm Ji Ming’s colorful flashes, charming face, shocked.

Nazario and Bastos are all immortal triple heavens. Even if only one strength is left, it is far from being able to kill.

——From the breath of the valley, Nazario and Bastos burst into the soul altar. The main soul is dissipating, this is the true death. Shi Yan, how to do it?

She was secretly surprised.

Shi Yan did not give any explanation. After a long time of contemplation, he looked up and looked at Xiao Yan, "Go to your parents."

Xiaoxiao nodded.

"Right." Shi Yan frowned, said to the charm Ji: "The ancient language of the Baigu, you can understand, you will give me a transition to that language."

I don't know the language of the Baigu, and the communication with Xiaoxie can only rely on speculation. It is quite troublesome. Charm Ji can understand the language. He thinks that it should be able to like the language of the Tianmu, but also by the charm. Transfer to him.

"There is no way to give it to you. He uses the language that the Bone is not used. It is too strange. I can only use it once. Unless I return to the Phantom, I can use one thing to remember the language. Now No way." Jiao Ji shook his head.

"Is there really no way?"

"That's true!"

Shi Yan was silent. After half a ring, he said to Xiao Xiao, "Take her, she can help us communicate."

Xiao Yan nodded again. He could understand Shi Yan's words. Unfortunately, Shi Yan couldn't understand what he meant. This is indeed trouble. If Mei Ji is here, he can solve this trouble, so he promised.

Otaru rode on the bone dragon, whistling out, and shouting in his mouth.

"He let you with me." Charm jigsaw frowned.

Shiyan said nothing, suddenly rushed to the sky, steadily fell behind the charm of Ji, sitting on the back of the snow-bone dragon, and also extended a hand, on the waist of the charm Ji Feng.

Charm Ji’s body stiffened, and she suddenly remembered that Shiyan was also behind her, remembering the shameful past...

She was extremely unnatural, and she was deeply locked in her brows and whispered softly: "Can you stay away from me? This bone dragon is not so small. Why are you so close to me?"

Shi Yan grinned and smirked, and the hand on her waist was still a few times. "What are you afraid of? Have you said that before, have you been careful to serve me once? Although our transaction has changed, let’s make it a little I take advantage of it, just when you owe me!"

"You are shameless!" Charm Ji, his face cold, even the body, are cold.

"Your deity is extremely bad. If you continue to slam the power, it will be difficult to recover. Even, it may hurt the body and form a wound that is difficult to heal. What do you think?" Shi Yan suddenly put it in her ear and gave a sigh of relief. It’s weird.

Charm Ji shuddered and angered: "What do you want to do?"

"Help you to be slightly stable and hurt." Shi Yan's tone suddenly became cold.

After his words fell, the unruly hand fell on the position of the enchanted Ji Xiaowei Dantian gas sea...

When the charm is unknown, a warm current rushes in, and the warm current contains mysterious energy, such as the hot spring that nourishes everything. In her body, Dantian and the veins swim, her wounds in the veins are exhausted, and the exhaustion of power is consumed. , magical to get back!

Under the warmth of the raft, the charm of the genius body reveals a fascinating blush, and the cheeks also reveal red light, such as bathing in a comfortable bath, can not tell the joy.

She is a little embarrassed. I don’t think much about it at this time. I don’t care if Shiyan’s hand stays too much. It’s just a feeling of Shutai, trying to catch the warmth and recover the wounds faster. .

The good scenery was not long, and soon the bone dragon stopped, and the rocky mountain room where the little parents were parked fell, and Shiyan naturally took back his hand.

Shutai of the charm of the ketone body is wonderful. Immediately after the hand leaves, the body is still aching. The body and soreness still exist. The warmth of Dantian and the wound disappeared, which made her feel stinging.

She suddenly looked at Shiyan's hand that had been taken away from her lower abdomen. There was an indescribable memory in the alum. It seemed that she could not wait for the hand to stay in that place forever, even the shame of that position... they were temporarily forgotten.

Shi Yan didn't look at her again, took a deep breath, and said to Xiao Xiao: "Remove your parents' body."

Xiao Yan immediately started, carefully fearing the damage of his parents' body, and carefully carried out the two bones from the stone sarcophagus and placed them on the cold and hard stone.

Shi Yan frowned and dipped his hands, pressing the left and right hands on the chest parts of the two bones.

The death essence that has just been absorbed from Nazario and Bastos has been rapidly purified. Some of them are cheaper. Nowadays, they are slowly injecting two bones into the heart of the core, and they are separated from the stone. After the nuclear injection of life energy, it did not pass again.

Two cores, such as sponges, absorb the vitality injected into the rock. In the rock and rock feelings, the two cores are like an endless ocean. The life energy that he injects is simply a drop in the bucket, far from reaching full. Overflow status.

He was very upset in his heart. He secretly measured it. He knew that the parents’ cores of the younger brothers, if they were all filled with energy, the strength was so thick that they would add up to the heyday of Nazzario and Bastos. Thousands of times thicker!

Absolutely the existence of the domain ancestor level!

He subconsciously looked at Xiaoxi, and the little guy was really lucky. The parents of the two ancestors had painstakingly "refined" him. Perhaps, only the degree of Baigu parents could "live" such a terrible and terrible. Little guy.

Time is in a hurry.

I don't know how long it took, Shiyan's refining power from Nazario and Bastos became a powerful life to inject two bones, mind and body, and it was exhausted at the moment.

Release the hand, Shiyan went to see the two bones of mind and body and found that there was no change in the core of the heart, but the two taupe bones, but there was a little bit of luster...

"Hey, oh..."

Xiao Yan was quite surprised. He looked at the bones of the parents who had undergone subtle changes.

"He asked you, can his parents wake up?" Jiao Ji explained.

Shi Yan was silent. After a while, he looked at the little eyes and said: "If you follow this method, you can theoretically wake up your parents. It is just that the life fluctuations are extremely large. The ones I injected are far from enough. There is still a long way to go to reach the level of your parents' awakening."


Xiao Yan’s eyes were full of sorrow, and it took a while to re-speak.

"He asked you, is there any way to be faster?"

Shi Yan is silent again.

What method can be quick?

There is a way...

It’s just that this method must be built on **** killings, at the expense of countless souls.

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