God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1407: Keep going

The darkness is deep in the sea.

A star-shaped meteor-like pass swiftly swept away in one direction and passed away.

Starlight shimmering, suddenly look very beautiful and beautiful, but also extremely dangerous, such as a cold knife, giving people a colder than the sea.

"call out!"

The starlight suddenly stagnated.

In the starlight, Shiyan looked condensed and looked at a group of magical men and women in front of him. His face suddenly changed and he couldn’t help but say: "Black scales!"

When the gods of the mainland were inexhaustible, he and the Mozu had fought. This Mozu, covered in black scales, was too familiar. Now, in the depths of the sea that broke the sea, he even saw the black-scale people. He was stunned at the time.

However, after careful inspection, he found that those people and the black scales are still slightly different. The black scales on those people are more shredded and small, such as the black scales of the body, and the scales of the black scales. A, as if made of gold and iron.

He stunned and quickly reacted, remembering the description of a race by Charm, and immediately shocked: "Black Devil!"

The Black Devils, one of the seven races of the imaginary domain, are famous for their warfare. They are a race that causes headaches for all races, and are races that the major races are not willing to provoke.

The black-skinned woman who looked like a man was as rough as a man. She didn’t have the slightest beauty. She heard Shiyan’s screaming, but she looked at it coldly and continued to urge: “Don’t delay the business and continue to act.”

The black devils and men and women had a brutality in their eyes, and they squinted at the stone rock and left silently.

The direction they went was the direction that Shiyan felt, which made Shi Yan quite surprised.

Sinking for a few seconds. He grinned, didn't say anything, and did not rush to follow the past.


"Florini, why not kill that person?" A burly man of the Black Devil is shaped like a dark mountain. The momentum is deep and quiet.

"Teleja, our purpose is only for the remains, not for the extra-budget." The rough-looking woman squinted and looked back at the people behind her. After thinking about it, he said: "This is a ruin of the sea. There is a domain ancestor on the bottom of the sea. Don't think that our Dark Lords can be awe-inspiring."

"But that kid is just an immortal world." Telega coldly, "Florini, after you have broken the sea, you become weak. If that is the case, I think I am more suitable to lead everyone."

The woman he called Falone, looked at him coldly and suddenly said: "He is not so easy to kill."

"If he is someone else, knowing our position. You can find the relics by the way, we will have more resistance." Telega's attitude is tough. "It's just a matter of immortality. It's easy to kill. Our whereabouts can't." Exposed!"

The tribes of the Dark Lord heard the attitude of Terega. They all nodded secretly and felt polite.

This matter is too great, and the Dark Lords have worked hard to determine the direction of the ruins. Never allow any flaws, kill a possible spoiler, and they should be the right decision.

Frononi's face became more and more annoying. "If you think it's easy to kill, then you can try it in the past. We can wait for you for a quarter of an hour."

"A quarter of an hour? Too much. I will be back soon." Telega grinned, like a violent rifle. Suddenly stabbed behind him.

The sea suddenly split, and if he opened his way to the initiative, he would go back in a very fast time and suddenly plugged in front of the stone rock that came home.

Shi Yan frowned, once again stopped, staring at the starlight, watching this obviously unscrupulous black devil man, calmly said: "What is the intention?"

"Kill you." Terega simply explained the intention, sneered, pinching a fist like a giant hammer, slamming into the top of Shiyan.


Intensive thunderstorms came from inside the fist, and the thunderous roar of the thunder was as ridiculous as the flash floods, such as the flooding of the Milky Way, the temptation to crush any obstacles, and suddenly oppressed.

Shiyan looked up and watched the sea rolling, and felt like a mountain peak suddenly slammed.

"Immense two days, kill me? It's ridiculous!" Shi Yan frowned, raising his hand and grabbing it toward the man. His fingertips suddenly flashed, and the light forcedly tore open the five rivers. Kill and cut everything, and break the sky.


The explosion at the top of the head roared, the man of the Dark Lord, who showed five traces of blood on his fist.

He screamed and looked at the blood marks on his fist in disbelief. He said: "Space is righteous!"

Shi Yan did not answer, responded with action, and the five fingers were far away from the treble, reaching out to the void.

The five brilliant brilliances, such as the sharp knives of sharp swords, are twisted to the chest of Natka, and once they are twisted, the Talega will be able to escape.

"What about the space?" Telega sneered, and there was a thunder in his heart. He immediately slammed into the bones and thundered like a drum. The sea of ​​the earthquake was so loud that he slammed his mouth and sighed. Condensed into two silver cold guns, suddenly stabbed.

On one side, the giant shield condensed with starlight suddenly burst out in the chest of Shiyan, blocking the two cold guns.

Telega still wants to start, suddenly a figure flashed, it was the formerly dissuaded her Falone, "I said that he is not good to kill, now you have confirmed, what is the waste of energy? A cultivation space If you want to kill too much energy, you still have to delay the business. If that is the case, you should quit yourself and ask the elders for sin!"

The burly woman looks like a man, and the voice is hoarse, arrogant accusation.

She looked at Shiyan again, and there was a little dignity in her eyes. "You are not a Seven ethnic group. I hope that you don't continue to follow. If not, we will not give up."

Terecha snorted and glanced at the rock and said: "I have no time to waste time with you. I am far away today."

The woman leader of the Dark Lord saw him accepting the opinion, nodded, no longer said anything, and left first.

"There is a kind of you to keep coming." After Trellega waited for her to leave, she smirked at Shiyan, and then left.

Shi Yan touched his chin and said indifferently: "Nature should be consistent with the past and the direction. Is it the place they are looking for, the same position as I perceive?"

He immediately continued to follow.

After a while, another group of people wandered to this one, and it was Jebel.

After Jebel came to this place, he closed his eyes and felt it for a moment. His eyes lit up and he smiled. "I smelled the thunder of Terechal. Here he fought with people, not long ago."

He looked at the direction of the Dark Lord and Shiyan and smiled happily. "It seems that there is no need for guidance."

Then, when he turned back, he killed the thin interracial people who led the way.

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