God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1528: Fierce cockroach

Yuan Shi instigated Shi Yan, and let Shi Yan persuaded Zi Yao to retort "虺", the hard layout, because he understood the true power of "虺", not inferior to him.

The struggle of Zi Yao soul, the counterattack against "虺" is huge, and then the deterrence of the Oyifu Tower.

In contrast, the continuous pressure of stone energy, the suppression of "虺" is only an auxiliary effect.

"虺" and Zi Yao, Shi Yan three people, obviously "虺" threatened the Yuan soldiers more, his painstaking plans and tricks, are to suppress "虺", and then calmly to achieve the purpose.

When everyone in Napton came over, they would have to take the Olympiad Tower, which would immediately lead to the "deaf" of getting out and destroying all his plans.

He will naturally not allow it!

"Leave far away!"

The Yuan dynasty continued to exert pressure on the dragon lizard ancestors. The giant turtle body squirmed as if all the oceans of the Xinghe River were temporarily pulled over and flooded with the black sea water to the magma pool.

The dragon lizard is difficult to walk.

At this time, the Yuan **** diverted a part of the power and hit the body of Neptune with the human body.

In the roar of the roar, Yuan Shi reached out and pointed to Napton. This piece of dark sea water, the tsunami sound came in an instant, and the waves of the sky rolled over. With the imposing momentum, Nington swept in with the rolling waves. The dark clouds formed by countless fierce ghosts were directly broken by the waves.


Napton blew his blood out, his face was horrified, his subconscious retreat, dozens of murderous souls turned into giant elephants, enchanting, violent bears, fierce bragging, resisting the impact of the waves, temporarily helping him resist Pressure.

The Oyifu Tower continued to rotate, and Nappton did not touch it even when he touched it, and he was defeated by the Yuanshi.

"Yuan Shi! One of the ten great ancestors of the Yuan!"

Keith, Roaring, Jia Ni, and Labit, several people, fell to the side of Napton. Keith’s eyes were horrified, and the identity of the Yuan’s death was suddenly revealed.

"The oldest ten-year-old ancestors were the oldest, and the news was really shocking!" Exquisite lines, such as fresh at the moment. Singularly swimming.

This is the performance of her coagulation power.

Roaring and Keith, Labit, everyone. They are all stunned. When looking at the Yuan, the expression is weird.

The Yuan **** turned out to be the beginning of life!

If you don't see it with your own eyes, they will never be able to believe that the heroes who have no place in the world for many years, and the name of the oldest domain ancestors, turned out to be the horror of the last era.

"Know who I am. Don't roll a little farther!" The Yuan **** tore off the disguise, showing the ruthless side of the beginning of the soul. "Don't just say that you are a few. Even the sky, Beverly, the prison." They come and don't dare to destroy my good deeds! Where do you come from, give me where to go back. Otherwise, I will ruthlessly ruthlessly!"

When this statement came out, everyone looked heavy.

Like the Sauron, Yuan Shi is not a member of the Seven Nationalities. He has always been mysterious among the top ten ancestors.

In particular, the Yuan **** may not take the first time in thousands of years. Moreover, these people also know the terrible things of the Yuan **** through the strong people in the family.

They are very clear that if they are alone, they are not the opponents.

Even if they all add up, it is unpredictable whether they can overcome the death of the Yuan. They are still hesitant at the moment, watching the Olympics towers dare not act rashly.

"I count to ten, when I don't leave, I will kill it!" The Yuan **** sank for a few seconds, suddenly counted fiercely, "one, two, three..."

He has no time to waste time.

Due to the shock of Shiyan’s Oyifu Tower, due to the impact of his and Shiyan forces, the soul of “虺” is in a weak position. Zi Yao has taken the opportunity to take the initiative and began to gradually absorb the soul consciousness of “虺”, if given to Zi Yao The main soul of the 虺" fusion, then Zi Yao will become extremely terrible.

It will replace "虺" and become a great threat to him. He must finalize things very early.

When he counted, everyone in Napton was hesitant, and he was fiercely fighting in his heart. He looked at the Oyifu Tower and looked at the beauty of the early life. They were somewhat reluctant to evacuate.


Just as they hesitated, the number of Yuan’s deaths was ten. His eyes were fierce. The next moment, the huge body that constantly smashed the dragon lizard’s ancestors suddenly came with a low-pitched voice.


Layers of sound waves are washed away in the ocean, causing a continuous burst of seabed, and the tornado of the sky is suddenly formed, such as the terror of terror, which wraps around Napton.

The giant tortoise's general "鼋" body temporarily abandoned the dragon lizard and turned toward the Napton people who were inundated by the tsunami.

"The dragon lizard has the primacy of the 'lizard'. After breaking through the domain of the ancestors, he is better than any of you! Take out the power to deal with him, I can easily kill you!"

Yuan Shi’s face is cold and cold, and the human form is also running a mystery. Numerous energy torrents are violently emanating from his domain, turning into water arrows, water knives, and water guns. There are hundreds of millions of them, all of which are pure souls. Can condense, everyone clearly sees, a thought in his mind emerges, all are crystal clear water drops.

Every drop of water is pure soul energy, can be transformed into a lake and ocean, can form a water arrow water knife, can be turned into a stream waterfall, the various forms of water, are all perfectly derived from him, become all kinds of terrible The offensive has made Napton and others feel a lot of pressure.

"The pearl of rice grain, dare to compete with the moon! I don't know how to live!"

Yuan Shi cold smiled, a drop of crystal water drops, instantly turned into amber soft crystals, actually wrapped the ancient demon's Clark.

That Clark, like a mosquito that has been sealed by crystal, can’t move.


The strange dissolving sound came from Clark's body. In the amber crystal, Clark, who was immortal to the peak, was the first to be killed.

The Yuan dynasty continued to condense the power, and the drops of crystal water droplets became the size of an acre of acres of land, in which the flow of exquisite power, respectively, to cover the people of Napton.

The three immortal worlds, as low as Clark, quickly entered Clark's footsteps and were also dissolved by water.

Neptune, Roaring, Rabit, Keith, Jia Ni and others were sealed with a drop of crystal clear water droplets, which were covered by water pressure and subjected to the constant impact of water flow.

Neptune and others changed color one by one, and found that the power of God was consumed at a very high speed. The screaming, the zipper had bones bursting, and the body was going to burst.

"The ancestral area of ​​the district has been cultivated as a celestial realm, and dare to give birth to the heart of the Oyifu Tower. It is simply not self-reliant."

Yuan Shi sneered, his body of humanity, above the crystal water droplets.

In his eyes, a stream of clear streams flew out, like a waterline hitting every drop of water, and the body of the people hit by Napton came to the sound of "咔咔", and they were hard to get rid of. Running.

Until this moment, Neptune and the screaming people deeply realized that the power gap between them and the Yuan soldiers was large.

The strength of the Yuan dynasty is divided into three, one force suppresses the "虺", a force-forced dragon lizard ancestor can not vacate the hand counterattack, and a force can actually seal so many domain ancestors, killing several immortal peaks Strong, this means of weather, making everyone secretly chilling.

"I want to kill, how many living beings in this starry river can stop me?"

Yuan dying coldly and ruthlessly said, on the finger of this human race, a drop of water droplets quickly condenses, in which there is a miniature pattern of the "鼋" body, which shrinks hundreds of millions of times. "The turtle lines criss-crossing on the shell of the turtle suddenly lit up together."

There is a wonderful domain boundary on the turtle shell, in which the mainland has a strong aura, mountains and rivers, a national ancient city, hundreds of millions of creatures, and many powerful warriors.

The domain boundary was also reduced by hundreds of millions of times, but it was illusory, but after the presentation, everyone looked at it and suddenly became stunned.

Not far away, the giant tortoise of the "鼋" body also emerges as a world, the world is not illusory, there are indeed many national cities, there are living creatures, look carefully, in the world's skyline, and the realm of the world The warriors are fighting each other!

It’s just those creatures who carry a shell, like a human-shaped turtle. It’s obviously a race that was created by the “鼋” as its original form.

In the ancient legend, it is said that the beginning of the birth of the "鼋" from the beginning of the birth, it is carrying a continent!

There are hundreds of millions of people living on the mainland. They don't know that they exist in giant tortoises, they are proliferating, they are cultivating power, they are gradually strong, and they become terrible together with "鼋".

Until one day, "鼋" woke up and swallowed the billions of creatures on the mainland, drowning the souls of hundreds of millions of lives, and then truly opened up wisdom, turned into a living spirit, and then re- Rejuvenate the creatures and re-make them on their backs.

It is rumored that the creatures that are arbitrarily stocked, like the panacea planted, can be swallowed up by him.

Those creatures are the existence of seasons and seasons. For tens of thousands of years, for example, planting herbs and vegetables, when they reach a certain level, they will be swallowed up by the "sputum". It is a great medicine, increasing its power and developing it. wisdom.

——It relies on this way to become stronger again and again. The longer it lives, the more people will plant the season, and the stronger it will be.

At this moment, the human medicine that has been stocked this season does not seem to be fully mature. However, because the power of "鼋" is divided into three, the loss is too great, it can't wait, and it begins to swallow the elixir based on hundreds of millions of creatures. !


The huge head of the dragon head of the "鼋" body, with a large mouth high and high, opened to the mainland.

On its giant tortoise shell, suddenly the sea is full of water, and the vast continent will drown dozens of countries, hundreds of cities, hundreds of millions of creatures, and countless powerful people!

"鼋" Zhang mouth sucks, the waters of the mainland roll all the spiritual races, in the screams of those people who fear and despair, bring the souls to the sea with water, and breathe in the mouth together!


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