God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1540: New source!

"What is your condition?"

Judy looked awkward and calmly looked at Shiyan and asked him to open the conditions.

It’s very important for the source of the original language to come to them.

A source symbol can help them gain insight into the most subtle parts of the mystery. They can comprehend a mysterious mystery and can accumulate their knowledge of the righteousness and help them enter a new realm.

Regardless of her, or the sky, there is an insatiable desire for the source. Shi Yan is willing to talk to them about conditions. When they look at it, it is a signal that is beneficial to them.

Because Shiyan has more choices, you can choose Baigu, Phantom, or choose other races.

However, they have no more choices. Only Shiyan owns the Oyiyi Tower, and the strength of Shiyan and Ziyao is not that they can take advantage of it.

Then you can only talk about the conditions.

Shi Yan first glanced at Zi Yao, Zi Yao smiled slightly, nodded and said to Judi: "The condition is to help me find the early blood and dark crystal, I think you know these two spar, you Xuan Tianzu , should hold more or less, at least, you should know where there are these two spar..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the sky and Judi were horrified and then revealed a dilemma.

They certainly know the blood and dark crystals at the beginning, but they also know how rare these two spar, even the mysterious people of Judy and Haotian, only a very small part, even their own weekdays. They are reluctant to take it out.

The blood crystals and the dark energy crystals at the beginning are all strange spines that are useful to Zi Yao, and can restore the power of Zi Yao.

Before Zhuang Yao did not bear the heavy losses, the domain of the three ancestors of the ancestors was very close to the last step, but it was a fierce battle in the early days. She was as badly wounded as she was, and she had to gradually recover her strength with silence.

If it is not disturbed by Shiyan, and wakes up in the void area, she may need hundreds of thousands of years to recover, in order to slowly accumulate to the extent of the year.

The recovery of the power of the beginning of the living, often takes a long time to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth, gradually refining, and recovering a little.

this process. It is often between 10,000 and hundreds of thousands of years. If the injury is too heavy, it may take millions of years to recover.

Obviously, today's Zi Yao, there is no way to wait for such a long time, because the wilderness has been awakened, and there is still a survival in this era. That phasing is also using the phalanx to restore itself.

If you want to restore your strength as soon as possible, you will have a shortcut. Then look for the early blood and dark energy crystals.

Whether it is the early blood crystal or the dark energy crystal, it is not a natural spar. Very rare and extremely precious.

The so-called **** crystal at the beginning of the day is a powerful early-early birth. After the annihilation of the early age, the blood in the body flows out and precipitates after time. A kind of blood crystal that is slowly solidified by the warming of the heaven and earth energy.

The primordial blood crystal that condenses the blood of the firstborn and the great energy, can quickly restore the physical strength of the Taichushengling, and can quickly restore the flesh and blood of the Taishengshengling.

Dark energy crystal is the strongest who reaches the domain ancestor. After the soul altar smashes and smashes, if the soul pool is not destroyed, after a long time of hardening, a little bit of solidification of the strange spar, dark energy crystal energy Enhance the soul of all domain ancestors!

In the beginning, the blood crystal enhances the physical strength of the Taishousheng, and the dark energy crystal enhances the soul. This is the most effective treasure that can make Zi Yao recover quickly.

Two kinds of strange things that are not naturally formed are also extremely precious in the eyes of the seven major races. They and the Judi, through the tremendous power of the Xuan Tianzu, have accumulated countless years of search, and indeed gained a little, but even Judi Oh, I don’t want to take it easily.

They want to keep, to cultivate new domain ancestors, and to be the core building block for the future of Xuan Tian.

If Zi Yao asks for other materials, they will not hesitate to accept it. However, for the early blood and dark crystal, the two also hesitated.

The source symbol, the early blood crystal, the dark energy crystal, the former can enhance their ambiguity, the latter two are the treasures for the benefit of future generations, how to choose to make them very difficult.

"I know that you Xuan Tianzu knows a lot of relics in the early days, so let me tell me where the relics are, let me explore them." Zi Yao suddenly said again.

In many places of battle in the early days, there were many living bodies that were buried. Maybe there were early blood crystals and dark energy crystals. After a long period of change, those positions moved in the corners of various stars, and even Ziyao was difficult to inspect, only seven. The powerful forces of the big race may be able to gain insight.

"This way, no problem, we do know a lot of ruins. There are many locations with very terrible seals. Those seals are so strong that we dare not get involved easily and can open to you." Judy immediately stated, "We are willing to bring You have a look in the past."

"Not us, it is her." Shi Yan smiled and said: "I have something else to do."

After a sigh of relief, he added: "The source of the quenching... there are shortcuts. If you can find enough powerful creatures to kill and swallow, the powerful energy can also create the source. For example, this time, Because of the death of Napton, Keith, Rabit, etc., I have tempered a source of spatial meaning..."

Hao Tian and Judy were moved, and the dragon lizards were stunned. "Napton, they are all dead? Dead in your hands?"

Neptune, Keith, and Oliver are all the ancestors of the seven races. They are extremely powerful in their respective inner powers. Their mysterious disappearance, let the soul, the ancient demon, the black demon, and The family has been sleepy, and they are speculating about where they went.

Hao Tian and Judi, who had previously been troubled by this incident, have guessed the movements of those people.

Now Shiyan’s remarks reveal the facts and tell them clearly that those people have been smelt and become an elementary source of Shiyan, which has become a hopeful light for his insight into higher morality. How can this not shock them?

In the eyes of everyone in the sky, Shi Yan smiled and said to Zi Yao: "According to our agreement, we will temporarily divide, you go to Haotian, Judi to find the early blood and dark crystal, I go... Enhance my strength, oh, yes. I once promised the Tianmu clan, and one day I will break through the domain ancestors and I will accept a Tianmu tribe. I don’t have much time and energy. You can do it. You can let the screaming, Jia Ni, and the apprentice of the Tianmu clan..."

He smiled and screamed.

During the speech, he runs the space in the altar, which is the mirror-like space of the imprint. There is a shiny door inside. That is the space magical power he realized with the source symbol - shuttle!


Hundreds of thousands of space beams, condensed in front of his eyes, turned into a domain door, this domain door can span different domain boundaries, so that he can come and go freely in all major domains.

From now on, the infinite sea of ​​stars. There is no distance in the world of virtual seas and major domains.

He can freely fabricate the door of space and shuttle freely in all major domains. Traveling to different domain boundaries, it can be easily revealed in all corners of the virtual domain.

Under the gaze of the gods of Jutian and Judy, he smiled and stepped into it. It disappeared from the land of the Tianmu nationality.

"He is far from the domain of the ancestors, it should not be far away, he just flashed out the power momentum, it is not inferior to the general ancestors of the two ancestors." 撼天眼看石岩 disappeared in the light gate The face is shocked. "The height of his realm today is no less inferior to the bloodthirsty of the year. Perhaps, in some respects, it will go beyond one."

"Heavy bloodthirsty?" Zi Yao smiled lightly. "He is indeed a man, but unfortunately he could not form the body of the beginning, but he was the victim of the fight against the wild. He could never reach the height of the rock because of the limitations of the soul."

In her view, today's Shiyan is completely more bloodthirsty.

"Warring, Jia Ni, you two chose an apprentice in the Tianmu people." She told me lightly.

The screaming of the Tiangong people, and the Jia Ni of the mysterious family, the dark blue serpent of the forehead brightened a bit, and both of them nodded and said that they would obey the instructions of Zi Yao.

Judy indulged a moment and sent a thought to the soul, falling outside the valley.

Outside the valley, the Xuan Tianzu's emoticons and Yayuns are all moving, and Yayun sees the light. He walks to the side of the Tianmu clan, and says: "The above words, from now on, you Tianmu It is the closest vassal race of our Xuan Tianzu. You will replace the status of the Fire Phoenix people. Later, you can directly communicate with our Xuan Tianzu. No, this is your token. You can come and go to our Xuan Tianzu in the future. In the core place, we can borrow the mystery secrets from our family and ask the elders about the problems."

She personally handed out a quaint token.

Cornett turned out to be the token, thankful, and excited and trembling.

Evelyn and Adams and others, the heart is bright, know that Haotian and Judi are definitely in the valley, and they have reached an agreement with Shiyan. Because of Shiyan and Ziyao, Xuantian will be the Tianmu. The status of status has raised a bit of hard life.

That small token means that the Tianmu will be the core race of the Xuan Tianzu. From now on, the Tianmu can communicate directly with the Xuan Tianzu to learn the mighty mystery of the Xuan Tian, ​​and even ask the elders. Their supernatural powers, which in the past is simply unthinkable.

With this foundation in place, the Tianmu people can't be strong, and they can guarantee that in the next 10,000 years, the Tianmu will continue to grow at a rapid speed.

"I am screaming. I will find an apprentice among the people of your Tianmu nationality to replace Shiyan’s apprenticeship and fulfill his agreement with you."

"Although I am practicing the righteousness, you can't cultivate, but my understanding of the righteousness is enough for me to teach you the people of the Tianmu. Similarly, I will choose an apprentice and tell you the essence of the righteousness." Also stated.

The two men walked out of the valley and stood before the Tianmu and the Xuantian people. They searched and selected the appropriate apprentices.

Evelyn, Adams, and Maheshha were all shocked by the heart. After neglecting them, they all landed on one knee and expressed their gratitude to the rock in the valley.

Unfortunately, they did not know that Shiyan had left the valley and disappeared from this domain.



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