God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1542: The name!

In the land of imaginary land, among the ancient castles in the virtual city, the top warriors of the soul, the family, the black demon, and the ancient demon are gathered together.

The prison of the soul family, the Ega of the family, the Rupert of the Dark Lord, and the Beverly of the ancient demon, these four are the characters of the ten great ancestors, and they are famous among the vast expanse of the stars. The peerless powerhouse that can shake the starry field.

At this moment, the four people, with their disciples and their strong men, came to the ancient sacred castle and talked about the disappearance of Napton and others.

Neptune, Keith, Rabit, and Oliver are the strongest in the realm of the ancestors. In their race, strength and realm are second only to them.

They entered the 澜沂星域 together, chasing Shiyan, Zi Yao, and Yuan Shi, and their whereabouts are still unknown.

After the end of the war, the crystal wall of the 澜沂星 domain was torn, causing the entire domain to be turbulent, and there was no news from Shiyan, Ziyao, and Yuanshi, so that everyone was amazed and guessed the specific battle. Happening.

"Sorren is about to come to the virtual land, invite us to enter the door of the beginning of the door, the stone rock holding the Olympiad is the key to the key, as long as you can get the Olympiad, the door of the beginning must be able to open."

The ancient demon's Beverly is still bright and moving, but his eyes are cold. "The kid even merged with the blood of the beginning, and he became the body of the beginning. It is even harder to do now. I don't know where he is hiding now. It’s not that easy.”

"Soon, Mantis and Hilo will come over. They must know the exact location of Shiyan. When they ask them, they will do it." The prisoner smiled and looked calm.

"They will tell us honestly?" Ega was cold.

"The opening of the door of the beginning is about the interests of all people. Mantis and Hilo are no exception. At the very least, they will invite Shi Yan." The prison was calm and smiled: "As far as I know." Shiyan can temper the body of the beginning, but also the reason that Soren secretly promoted, rest assured, Sauron naturally has arrangements."

As soon as he mentioned Sauron, the strong expressions were a bit unnatural. Soren was the third realm of the ancestors, and reached such a height as a human being. It was simply shocking. This allows them to live in higher races. They are also very puzzled and feel a little humiliating.

The things about the beginning of the door are also dominated by Sauron. They are only passively accepted. This makes them feel a little uncomfortable.


A stream of water condenses from the center of the four strong men. In the eyes of the four people, the flow of water slowly changed, forming the appearance of the body of the Yuan Dynasty. This **** is between the illusion and the real, like a bubble in the water, it will break when touched.

Everyone looked at the body of the Yuan and gradually consolidated. After a while, I screamed: "Yuan Shizuo?"

"The predecessors of the Yuan, the battle of the realm of the realm, what happened in the end?" After a glimpse of the prison, he suddenly asked. The look is awe.

The avatar of the Yuan **** became more and more clear. He looked at the hypocritical and compassionate expression and sighed. "It’s hard to say a word. I didn’t expect the stone rock to be so violent and violent. He and the first-born creatures joined forces and will almost go to the warriors of the past. All of them were killed, and Napton, Keith, Oliver, and Rabit, including the screaming and Jia Ni, I am afraid that they will not die."

He is bitter-faced. "I have tried my best to stop it. Unfortunately, it is too strong to be too strong. I don't know why the power is soaring, and the dragon lizard ancestors and they came together, I I couldn’t beat the three, I couldn’t defend them, and I had to lose.

After a long time, the main man of the war, the first appearance, distorted the facts and revealed the lie with his lies.

The prison, the Ega people, listened to the Yuan pawn, said a huge shock, an incredible expression.

Neptune, Keith, Oliver, and Rabit are all strong strategists in the field. They were all killed by Shiyan, which made them ignite anger instantly.

The four people, who are the elites of their respective ethnic groups, the strongest ancestors, and the cornerstone of a race, were killed. It is simply to reduce their racial forces and challenge the dominance of the four races in the Xinghai.

"Yuan predecessors, are you sure they are all killed?" Rupert sipped, his eyes sparkling with violent light, such as a beast that was out of control.

"Breakthrough to the rock of the ancestral realm, insight into the ignorance of the mystery, urgently need strength to supplement the power of God. To him, only the power of the domain ancestors, can quickly enhance the power, he went to the land of the virtual, starting from Ferrer Is to accumulate strength..."

Yuan Shi looked at the crowd and poured all the sewage into Shiyan. He deliberately provoked the anger of the four ethnic groups on Shiyan, and led the four strong people to kill Shiyan at all costs.

However, his approach is nothing more than nothing.

Because very quickly, there are four ethnic groups, crazy holding the latest news, all the way rushed over.

"The patriarch! The big things are not good! Our soul ancestral land was slaughtered, thousands of people were buried, and the dead are the gods of the gods, the gods, the immortal level!" A soul-strong man, trembled and bowed, A clear message towards the prison.

As a result of this statement, all the strong people in this place are completely discolored, can not believe the facts heard.

The souls of the seven races, the ancestral land was slaughtered, the strong were killed, who was so cruel, so bold?

"It's Shiyan! He is the incarnation of the giants, swallowing up the black holes formed by the mystery, swallowing my ethnic group one by one!" The man continued.

The prison and Ega, Beverly and others, the face of this shocked pale, even the death of the soldiers are like a chicken.

The Yuan **** has been lurking for many years in this era, and it is very good to conceal his identity and motives. The realm of the realm is to reach the three ancestors of the ancestors, and he is even stronger than in the early days. He dare not dare to make any big moves to any of the seven ethnic groups. Clean up the situation.

I didn't expect Shiyan to be so arrogant, regardless of the consequences, no matter how much impact it could cause, it was actually killing the souls.

"The prison, so you can tolerate?" Beverly was a little gloating.

"The soul is passive, perhaps, your other races will suffer." Yuan Shi reminded, "I suggest you, it is best to contact the people immediately, to defend!"

His remarks reminded Beverly, Ega, and Rupert. The three did not hesitate too much and were ready to contact the tribe.

However, when they were ready to communicate with the strong in the family, they stayed outside and yelled and yelled.

"The patriarch! The ancestral land was invaded, and the tribes were killed and wounded!"

"The patriarch! We, we were killed a lot of people!"

"Stone rock slaughtered our territory... The ancient demon, the family, the black demons outside, screamed. The trembling shows the latest news. Let Beverly, Ega, Rupert all crazy stand up.

Regarding the details of the door of the beginning, they were too late to negotiate. The four strongest realms immediately left the virtual land, with the fastest speed and the strongest strength. They have returned to their ancestral homes.

The news of the massacres that occurred in the four ethnic groups, somehow leaked out, and instantly exploded in the entire Galaxy. Let all races boil.

The ancient demon, the soul, the family, and the black demon, who have been honouring hundreds of thousands of years, have been invaded by the ancestral land. It has never been seen in the history of hundreds of thousands.

Everyone realizes that there may be a big change between heaven and earth.

The fierce name of Shiyan, driven by unstoppable, swayed in the entire galaxy in every domain, shocking all the strong, and letting the wicked and wicked people who are self-defeating means to sigh. Those who have suffered from the loss of the four races are cheered by the races that have suppressed many people.

The situation in the Star River, due to the mad revenge of Shiyan, became turbulent.

For hundreds of thousands of years, people who dared to challenge the four races throughout the age have never appeared.

However, now, a "killing god" named Shiyan, madly slaughtered the four ethnic groups, rumors that Napton, Keith have been violently killed, and the killing of Shiyan will continue...

The name of Shiyan’s “killing the gods” spreads at the fastest speed in all races and in hundreds of millions of souls.

His fierce name, even surpassing the top ten ancestors, is known as the spoiler of this era, and the situation in the era may change accordingly.

One of the domain boundaries of the Xuan Tianzu, among the ruins of a meteorite, Zi Yao is active inside the ruins, looking for the remains of the blood and dark crystals of the early days, and the heavens and the Judi and the dragon lizards are in Waiting outside the ruins, talking freely.

Even with this ruin, they have led Zi Yao, and they have walked seven ruins and monuments in succession. Those are all traces of the Xuan Tian people after decades of exploration and discovery. They are considered to be the relics of the early era, and Zi Yao will be alone every time. Going deep into it, every time there is no indication of whether there is any gain.

She will come out after a while, then let Haotian and Judy take her to the next ruins.

This place is already one of the last two relic points mastered by Xuan Tianzu. Hao Tian and Judi are very complicated and are waiting for Zi Yao’s coming out silently.

Suddenly, Judy frowned, a strange spar in her mind, swirling quietly.

A message of souls, passed from the spar, echoed in Judy's mind, Judy did not care at first, and then quickly screamed and could not help but scream: "God!"

Hao Tian and the dragon lizard ancestors, all looked at him, looked inexplicable.

Half-sounding, Judy took a deep look at the **** light strip that abandoned the inside, took a deep breath, and whispered in a tone. "You must not imagine, after Shi Yan was separated from us, where did he go, what did it do? The horror thing!"

"What is going on?"

Judy took a deep breath and stabilized her emotions. "Shi Yan and ours went to the ancestral homes of the Soul, the Dark Lord, the Family, the Ancient Yao, and the Prison, Rupert, Ega, The Beverly people in the land of imaginary land ravaged the four ancestral lands with crazy killings, and the vain gods, the first gods, and the immortal strong men of the four ancestors in the ancestral land were almost slaughtered!"

In the fearful eyes of Haotian and the dragon lizard ancestors, Judy smiled. "Fortunately, we are in the Tianmu nationality, and reached an agreement with Shiyan and Ziyao. If not, maybe our Xuan Tianzu is also his crazy attack. A goal of killing! God, the soul, the black demon, the family, the ancient demon, the strongest who have gradually improved in the past 100,000 years, the cornerstone of the core of the racial strength, was almost killed."

Hao Tian and the dragon lizard ancestors, listening to Judy's words, felt cold and cold, as if there was a cold, born from the bottom of my heart, spread to every corner of the body.

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