God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1578: Open the door

Another corner of the abyss.

A dazzling light passed through and pierced into one of the abyss. The dark and cold abyss, such as the deep sea, such as whirlpools, such as turbulent lakes, suddenly, there was a terror of the fate of the inside.

"call out!"

The figure of Sauron came out from the abyss, a silver robe, long hair knots, and a calm expression, such as the study of the Confucianism, chic and handsome.

He stood up and looked at the door of the beginning, his eyes brighter and brighter.

One by one, from the bottom of the abyss, there are 贞Ru, Candice, Vandler and several other racial elites, all of which are domain ancestors, who are all attached to Soren in the near future. To gamble on the future and destiny of his race to Sauron.

"They are coming over?" In the eyes of Qu Ru, the cold light was born, and the bite of the teeth rang loudly. "Wait for so long, it should come!"

Sauron looked indifferent and nodded. "Yes, Shiyan has already gone to the door of the beginning, and it will take a long time to reach the door of the beginning."

"What are we waiting for?"

Sauron ignored her. He looked up and looked at nothingness. He looked at the falling light and suddenly let out a glimpse of consciousness.

Immediately, he smiled lightly and said: "Let's go."

A huge roulette suddenly emerged from the abyss. The roulette was inlaid with gold and silver, iron stone, precious jade, and diamonds. The material itself is unknown, and the bright yellow luster is flowing. The roulette is seven big, like a giant island. There are many lines interlaced, and the lines are not dead objects, such as the human body, such as the rivers of the heavens and the earth, constantly changing and changing.

When the roulette comes out, everyone is mentally awkward and breeds a future to be manipulated. The sense of **** that fate is shackled.

The wheel of fate!

This is an artifact that has never appeared in the early days, but is the body that was completely tempered by Sauron. In the heavens and the earth, in the vast space domain, all living creatures seem to have a line of destiny linked together and can be found by the wheel of fortune. .

The wheel of fortune appeared and fell at the foot of Sauron. This roulette will be carried by everyone. The whistling whistling up, violently going to the door of the beginning.


From the illusory stars, the broken domain boundaries are hit by the wheel of fortune, and instantly become the powder, which becomes the purest energy light.

Ru Ru, Candice, Vandler and others. Standing on the huge roulette, I felt the soul faint, as if a line in the soul was tight. It may break at any time.

They all looked at Sauron with horror, and they were uneasy, and they suddenly realized. As long as it is imprisoned by this wheel of destiny, the line of destiny in the soul is taken by Sauron. Once it is broken, the soul will be directly destroyed, and the soul will fly away.


Another corner.

Nowhere. A dark tunnel, a little bit of condensation, the tunnel is unpredictable, and gradually turned into a black hole.

Ega, Rupert, the sorcerer, the Yuan pawn, etc., all came out of the black hole, and everyone was eager to see each other.

Yuan Shi is still the body of the human race. After he walked out of the black hole, his eyes were complicated. He looked at the black hole and said: "I haven’t seen it for a long time. I didn’t expect to meet again. It may be the end of an era..."

The black hole swallowed suddenly and sharply, condensed into a black spot, and the black spot burst.

A shadow that lingers in the darkness emerges from it. This person is a black shadow. He can't see the face. As soon as he appears, the nearby stars are all destroyed. All the light sources are swallowed up in an instant. It gradually became gray.

Ega, the family of the family, was respectful and respectful. When he looked at the shadow, he was full of sincerity.

This is the ancestor of their family, all of them are all ancestors of the flesh and soul. This person is the ancestor of all their family.

"In the wilderness, I am in a state of silence, and I am in a state of silence. At that time, the slashing into five, if you dare to go deep into it, with your power realm, you will be able to merge and reorganize him one by one, perhaps... There is no longer him." Seeing to the Yuan, the voice is sullen, such as the devil screaming in the ear, the person listening is uncomfortable. "Unfortunately, you are as timid as before, and you know that he is in the wild. Quiet, don't dare to go deep."

Rupert, the prisoner, and so on, all looked at the Yuan pawn, and their expressions were weird.

The Yuan is not angry, because he knows how terrible the shadows in front of him are. He knows that this person was in the early days, almost the nightmare of all living beings. If there is no more dazzling and tyrannical existence, this guy is the demon of that era. .

In the early days, in the state of peaking power, the Yuan dynasty encountered a retreat. After a whole new era of change, the power of the phasing did not fully recover. He accumulated the power of an era, so that he dared to stand in front of the phlegm. Worried that in the next moment, it will be swallowed up into ashes and turned into nothingness.

"The wilderness domain is, after all, his domain domain. In his domain domain, he is the only true God and the rule maker." Yuan died and smiled, and did not hide his fears. "Especially knowing you and you are also In the vicinity, I am still in a state of silence. I dare to take risks in the past?"

With a cold cry, "You have been tormenting a whole era, so why are you so bold now? You didn't dare to go to the front door of the early days, why dare you now?"

The Yuan smiled and said calmly: "Because you are weak, and I am stronger..."

"There is no better than the year." Staring at him, faintly said: "Be more cautious than the year, I hope you can block the cockroaches, and I don't expect much help from you."

The Yuan died and laughed. He did not argue with him. He faced the same class and he always knew the time.

"Let's go, go to the door of the beginning of the door, the kid, you should open the door of the beginning. The door is open, and his death will be there. My part will be swallowed up, and I will take it back." "I swallowed him, I will be able to restore the peak, and overcome the waste!"


In front of the door.

Shiyan, Ziyao, Haotian, and Hilo gathered together. The gate of the beginning was also an abyss. It was the biggest one. The surface of the abyss was like a black mirror. There were countless first runes that squirmed and changed into millions of complexities. Patterns, those patterns are unsolvable, and contain great mystery.

"In the early days, we were in a **** battle around here. Whenever a similar kind of annihilation, those runes will be part of it. The opening of this door is as if it requires the annihilation of countless souls. Unfortunately, we are almost all buried. It’s gone, it’s not really open...”

Zi Yao looked at the door of the beginning, and murmured: "The great changes in the stars, the battles of the various races, the smashing of the stars, the annihilation of the domain, all this, it seems to be the opening of this door. Soren really did not Presumably wrong, he created favorable conditions, and these runes are fresh."

Everyone listened to her saying this, finally understood and understood the original doubts.

The Oyifu Tower shines brightly, and the billion-year rune escapes from it, and it falls into the door, connecting with the rune of the door, as if to form a complete...

I don’t even need to do anything about Shiyan.

He just stood here and watched the esoteric tower fly out and watched the esoteric tower dominate everything. He seemed to be an outsider at this time.

However, here, his familiarity in his heart is very strong. He thinks that he has seen this door and then carefully thought about it, but he could not think of it.

He did not know that when he came, the soul crossed the innocent space and crossed the multiple universes.

Only then was he a purely soul form, so there was a vague memory in the soul, but I really thought about it because the soul was weak and there was no way to understand the truth.


Suddenly, the door of the beginning was violently burned, and countless early runes became raging flames. At the same time, the main soul of Shiyan was violently stinging.

In the sting, he seemed to be incarnate in lightning and penetrated into the burning door of the beginning.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the door of the beginning suddenly changed dramatically, forming a huge flame vortex, fiercely swirling, and from the depth of the vortex, there was a strong suction.

Great appeal to everyone's soul!

The body of Shiyan, involuntarily volleyed, such as the moths of fire, pierced the heart of the flame vortex.


Zi Yaojiao drink, the eyes are brighter than ever, followed by Shiyan, and also into the heart of the vortex.

The people who were still hesitating, such as Haotian, Hilo, etc., saw Zi Yao also set off, and immediately knew that the door of the beginning was afraid that it was already open, and they did not think much, and they jumped into it.

Soon, everyone who came first, went deep into the heart of the vortex.

The huge flame vortex, carefully looked at, condensed by countless first runes, filled with the power of the source, extremely strange and wonderful, the flame vortex did not stop because of the entry of Shi Yan and others, but more violent burning It seems like it will never go out.

"Booming! Rumble!"

At the same time, all the abyss of the whole endless abyss, there are horror fluctuations inside, the volatility even extended from here, to the endless endless star river impact.

Many areas of the virtual sea area are constantly collapsing, there are more domain boundaries, inexplicable crush!

Billionaires, many powerful warriors, and the existence of different races, have been affected, and they are directly violent at this moment!

"it has started……"

Sauron stood on the wheel of destiny, silently chanting in his heart, speeding up the speed of the roulette.

In the abyss, in the abyss, the phlegm and the Yuan **** took the prison and other people, and they also rushed in. The phasing and the death were all turbulent, and the flesh and blood in the beginning of the body was boiling.

The sky is nothing, a blue thunder ball, the internal flow of mad energy, suddenly fell.

Inside the blue thunder ball, there is a faintly hidden soul tree, which is filled with every corner of the thunderball, releasing a rich vitality.

The waste is coming on time!


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