God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1586: A terrible birthplace!

A series of neon and colorful clouds, all over the surrounding area, dead and dark, nothingness, even suddenly become extremely bright and colorful, layers of colored light and shadow intertwined, as beautiful as a fairyland.

Zi Yao has a long red dress, a smile, and a high-end sitting on the amethyst throne, looking far ahead.

It has been a long time.

The black shadow of the avatar, came with Ega, stopped at the periphery of the Caixia, and looked at Zi Yao, cold voice: "Do you really want to stop me?"

Zi Yao was amazed. "I don't stop you. What am I doing with such a big squad? Is it interesting?"

"I heard that you are now called Ziyao, and it is ridiculous to be divided into the soul of the soul." Cold and ridiculous, "With our strength, we are also divided into souls to take the initiative, it is simply big. joke."

"Oh." Zi Yao did not argue with him. He said with a smile: "You devour the origin of the mystery, just behind me, you have to try to integrate, first of all to pass me off."

"What about him?"

"I am." Inside a bright yellow glow, the sound of Shiyan suddenly came. After that, his avatar really took his head and appeared in front of the eyes. "Looking for something?"

When I saw the stone rock outcrop, whether it was phasing or Ega, I was shocked.

I stared at Shiyan for a while and gave a sigh of relief. "The original is just a avatar. I said, if your body comes directly, you should have begun to merge and devour the origin of the ignorance, and will not What am I going to say..."

With that said, the path is going straight toward the sky.

Ega’s eyes are cold and the green skin is full of chilly atmosphere. His snake-like scorpion is shimmering with poisonous and fierce light. “Shi Yan, you are a avatar. You can only die here. ”

Rolling green spirit energy, instantly condensed into a huge reamer, the reamer can be condensed with his double soul, lifelike, actually went to Shiyan.

After the first step, his shadow changed into a huge, octopus-like alien, green-touched tentacle. It is like a dragon. Going to the Zixia condensed brilliance mask.


The color of the ray of light, violently twisted, Zi Yao's charming and beautiful face, slowly deformed in the glow of the glow, a purple spot burst.


The body of the twelve heavenly snakes came out. The height of the Zi Yao people is sitting on the head of the snake, and the smile is still bright. "It seems that you are really rich in the land of the virtual land and the sea. The strength has been restored to the original eight, it is really a little trouble."

A giant snake wanders in this empty space. Numerous dense and colorful rainbows are overwhelming, intertwined into the ocean of light, pure and holy energy spreading and flowing, to submerge the true body of that.

Roaring. The eight **** islands that are consistent with Shiyan’s meaning are in the top of the head, and among the eight **** islands, the black hole that swallows is also flashing, and the evil, gloomy, cold atmosphere is released, making this piece of heaven and earth Become a thick red blood.

A blood bridge connects the eight islands with the black hole, and the island and the black hole are integrated into one another. The gloomy, desperate, dark, and devastating atmosphere is released. If the heavens and the earth are to be extinct, all the creatures will be turned into ashes. Negative fluctuations to the evil can destroy all substances!

"If it was not old enough, the era of the early days was destroyed by you. The meaning of your existence is killing, destroying everything, destroying the soul. You are the embodiment of evil between heaven and earth, but unfortunately you lost at the same time, and lost like me. Now, it’s a whole era of silence..."

Zi Yao's expression gradually became cold. During the speech, the rainbow of the sky merged and became a giant net that covered the sky. If the giant net can bind the sky, it can tighten the universe.

The huge light net slowly covered, and the real body that was tied up, two powerful creatures in the early and lasting era, had joined forces to fight against the wild. After a long time, in the new era, the two went to the opposite side and madly killed.

If this war does not happen outside, it will collapse the world, it will destroy hundreds of millions of souls, and turn many domain boundaries into nothingness.

Here, for the most mysterious land in the universe, there is no heaven, no land, no living, no real space, pure emptiness here, the battle that takes place here, will not cause uncontrollable destruction of the real Xinghai. influences.

The battle between the two great creatures made the strong energy fluctuations here, far from the spread.

"You are a avatar. If you come to me, it will be sent to death. If you are separated, the strength of the main body will be attenuated. Then I will kill you first!" Ega sneered and began to work.

In the family of the family, Ega is the most exquisite person in the realm. He is the father of Putai. The sacred souls and deaths of the cultivation are more terrible than those of the Ming and the Xuanhe. He is one of the top ten ancestors, the most between heaven and earth. Strong existence.

"Booming! Rumble!"

In the flesh of Ega, there was an astonishing roar. In the horrible voice, the world around Ega became completely dark.

He runs dark and ignorant, drowning the light of the heavens and the earth, and even the light that erupted from Zi Yao could not penetrate the position where Ega stood.

Ega disappeared, and an absolute darkness came like a cloud. He quickly did not have a detachment from Shiyan.

"The avatar is indeed only part of the strength of the main body, but if the main body is strong enough, the power of the avatar will be terrible to the point of tremor!" Shi Yan sneered, Zhang mouth spit out a sea of ​​stars.

In the galaxy, there are strange places, and you can see the mountains and lakes on the stars. You can see a lot of life and flexibility, and you can see the changes of spring, summer, autumn and winter all year round.

It is like a real domain, a world full of vitality, a time and space that is enough to make any creatures confused!

The darkness struck, the real world domain was slowly filled with darkness. In the darkness, Ega looked at the starry sky with horror. He looked at the lake on a planet, saw the fish in it, and saw several The fishermen who fished, from those fishermen, felt a strong life.

That is the real life fluctuation!

Ega suddenly lost his heart.

The domain domain in which he is located does not seem to be an illusion, but is formed by the cohesiveness of the power of stone rock, and there is no essential difference between the world and the outside world.

When did the power of Shiyan be able to evolve into the world and build a real space? Can you give birth to a living spirit?

This is the level that the ancestors of the ancestors can reach.

A series of doubts jumped into the heart, Ega suddenly stunned in his mind, he suddenly understood, really realized the realm of Shiyan - the domain ancestor three heavens!

Shiyan actually broke through to the three ancestors of the domain ancestors! Breaking through the space of strength and morality, a thought breeds the creation of all things!

The stone rock of the three ancestors of the ancestral ancestors, even if it is only one avatar, must not be underestimated!

He fully understood the meaning of Shi Yan's sentence!

If the body is strong to a certain extent, it will be terrible to make the enemy tremble!

"Receive!" At this time, in the vibrant world, all the stars inside, there is a low-pitched sound of stone rock.

The heavens and the earth suddenly changed, and the one planet suddenly converges on the stars.

The dazzling stars, all within the stars, the stars suddenly become dead stars, the whole world becomes dead and cold, and there is no life!

Ega was wrong, and went to see the lake. There was no fish in it. The fishermen on the lake also turned into a white bone. When a wind blows, it turns into a ash-corrosive bone!

Ega’s mind was shocked and lost in this world. He was swayed by many mysterious and profound mysteries of stone rock. The world was built by the stars, space, life, engulfing and the eight evil forces. The darkness is also a little bit dark. The beginning of the dissipating, the body of Ega, fully appeared in the starry sky...

He frowned frowning, thinking about something, thinking about the truth of some kind of heaven and earth, thinking about the mystery of the ultimate meaning of the righteousness.

When is the end?

He is lost in the world of stone rock...


A meteor-like rainbow of light turns into a colorful snake, infiltrating into the world of engulfing the world, to the darkness, despair, and destruction of the violent world.

He has his unique domain, the domain, the most terrifying place in the universe.

Because the world is too terrible, so that after the creation of the family, it is better to put the family in the imaginary sea to practice life, and not to let the race with their own flesh and blood live in his own domain.

Because his domain domain, with engulfing, destruction, despair, darkness, corrosion, chaos, and death as the core, engulfing and the eight evils are the eternal theme of the world, it is a terrible place than the eternal dead and desolate place. world!

That world is all the evil origins of his heart!

Being able to destroy that domain can destroy all evil forces and truly destroy them!

Zi Yao is prepared to evolve the most evil domain with holy and pure light, destroy all evil sources, break his heart, and break his realm!

“It’s very good!”

Another stone rock suddenly appeared. This is a detachment of Shiyan. After the arrival of this avatar, he smiled and turned into a drop of red blood, which was integrated into the avatar against Ega.

Time hastily, and after a while, Shi Yan’s body and the avatar that has been branded with engulfing and eight evil forces have also come over.

His body grinned and smiled, and the pair of hands that contend with Ega was fully immersed in the body.

The body screamed and suddenly changed into a huge demon **** of the heavens and the earth, and looked up and rushed to the rush.

The avatar that was swallowed by the brand and the eight evil forces was the eyes firm, taking a deep breath and stepping toward the source of the ignorance.

He wants to verify what he wants, to truly fuse the origins of the mystery, and to take care of all the evil power in the world!


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