God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1589: Evil originator

Hiro's golden body was smashed, and the soul altar was completely separated from the flesh, trying to get out of here.

"You can't go!"

The cold, ruthless voice came from the dragon's head, and the terrible golden dragon's horn was precisely aimed at Hero's altar.


The violent current that kills the soul, screaming out from the dragon's horn, the suspended altar, connecting the domain of Xiluo, the sea of ​​knowledge, the soul of the soul, the soul of the soul, being caught by the strange current, the current is like the power grid, stunned Pull the Hilo altar back.

Pulling the source of the power of the gold to the true meaning of the gold, the living altar will be pressed into the golden mountain.

"I don't cultivate and devour my ignorance. I can't refine your body and soul. But after all, you are the domain of the ancestors. The outstanding power of this era, your soul and the righteous power can not be wasted. Let you integrate into the origin of the mystery. And then I can absorb it, and I can get the power of your soul more or less..."

Looking at Hero's soul altar, turned into a golden stream of light into Jinshan, the golden eyes of the wild flashed a happy color, and suddenly suddenly roared, and even opened the **** mouth, sucking hard.

The power of the power of gold is actually the golden juice, which is inhaled into the abdomen by his giant whale.

He swallowed the Golden Mountain!

A layer of substantial golden energy, such as waves, such as Jinyun, condenses from the surface of the golden dragon, far away, the sky is covered in the golden sea of ​​clouds, swimming in the golden sea, a stock is extremely extreme The spirit of Jin Rui, if you want to tear the sky, amazing.

Hiro became the first victim and was killed by the first.

He is only the first one!

Beginning with Hiro, the wildness of holding the topographic map here, after the integration of the power of the gold, is acted again, according to the corresponding meaning. Start a **** hunting tour.


In the depths of the darkness and gloom, the three giants are entangled in each other. The stars and rivers are condensed. The meteors fall like raindrops. The forces of death, despair, life and space collide with each other. The sky is broken and the stars are broken. If this battle is annihilated, this battle can be annihilated. Heaven and earth are nothing.

This is the battle between the phasing, the purple glory and the rock.

In the early days, he was in charge of evil. The vertical and horizontal 睥睨 is a whole era of phasing. Proficient in engulfing and the eight evil forces, even in the era of the end, is also the top of the existence, billions of years are legends of immortality, the ancestor of the seven ethnic races, has created countless miracles.

Hegemonic bloodshed in the wilderness. Nowadays, the rock stone that rises like a comet is strictly calculated, and it is also because of his mystery.

Devouring the righteousness. The most evil and arrogant between heaven and earth is the evil and the righteousness. All the sources of evil are brought into the heavens and the earth. Inheriting it, creating a legend.

He can be described as the originator of evil creatures, one of the most terrifying existences of the trolls in the early days.

But now, this most evil creature. But faced the most difficult battle in almost eternal life.

In this battle, there is Zi Yao, who has fought side by side with him, and the miracle of this era. He engulfed the rock stone of Ouyi Fengmanglu and inherited a new generation of strong people who passed on some of his myths!

The darkness of the darkness enveloped the emptiness of the sky, and in the absolute darkness of reaching out, the screams of madness came.

The evil volatility that destroys the earth and the earth is intertwined with endless negative emotions and spiritual energy, such as the collapse of the domain world, which has exploded and spreads to nothingness!

Get a little crazy!

The evil energy that he released is simply boundless at this moment. Anyone with a slightly lower level will collapse into a demon-stricken beast and be dominated by his mystery.

It is a pity that Zi Yao and Shi Yan are here.

The body of the twelve-headed snakes of Zi Yao, now turned into a crystal-clear seven-color, such as the most exquisite jade, the mysterious and mysterious to the dazzling point.

Layers of colorful clouds, such as the beautiful Yi Yi far away, a circle, a **, such as colorful light sea with phosphorescence.

The holy, pure, and clear light of the light pervades every region around it, and the evil spirits do not invade, and the evils do not enter, and all evils are resisted.

Zi Yao is not affected by the negative waves of the sky, but also swaying the huge body, stalking with the beams of the meteor gods, stagnation of slow movements and power fluctuations.

Turned into a rock of the giant giant, such as gold and iron juice poured into the water, the dragon is sturdy, the thorns are cold, the back of the spine is unfolding, as if the incarnation of the demon ancestor, the twins, the sun, the moon and the stars are shining, such as the two The piece of Xinghai is included in it, the mysterious and strange atmosphere is not inferior to the purple glory.

Holding a chain that was condensed by the fallen star river, he sneered and sneered, ignoring the negative waves of the sky, biting his teeth, running the whole body of divine power and the body of the body torn apart.


The savage tentacles of the dragons are madly beaten on the stone rock. The tentacles contain evil forces such as death, destruction, despair, corrosion, etc., giving the soul of the soul a thought, the ultimate of evil power.

However, it was smacked by the tentacle. Shiyan, the original body of the fusion of the absurd body, only had a burning tingling, and did not hurt the bones and organs.

He has not been passively attacked. The chain of the fallen star river is a hundred stars flying out. The rolling stone carries the horrible and fierce breath, and it is shot on the body.

Stars, space, and life are rare in the world, but they are so powerful that they are so skillful that they are running with them, and they are consuming with the devouring, eight evil forces, and Zi Yao is always on the sidelines, with the gods and the light to cooperate with the attack, then After being attacked by the enemy, although he is always roaring in anger, there is no way to break free from the offensive of the two.

The phasing has gradually become unpredictable.

That is the source of the ignorance of the mystery, not far from here, after the stone rock was swallowed up, he felt that all the evil sources in the world seemed to be connected with the origin of the ignorance of the mysterious, the innumerable domain of the billions of souls inside the evil spirits, as if They all found a venting vent, and madly poured into the source of the ignorance.

He is not aware of the origin of the ignorance of the righteousness, but from the moment he was born, there is a mark of engulfing and eight evil forces in the mind. It can be said that he is a living creature that relies on this evil meaning, he can faint Get in touch with the source of the ignorance.

He feels very bad now. He feels the same treasure that should be obtained by him in his fate, and gradually leaves him.

This is the realization from the depths of the soul. This feeling is getting stronger and stronger, so strong that the souls are trembled, and they must be saved in spite of everything!


The shouting of the screaming of the sky, from the mouth of the body, the tentacle that he released, suddenly recovered, and the infinite dark clouds broke out.

Rolling in the dark, endlessly released, will wrap the body.

The thick darkness is fierce and changing. Gradually, it becomes a huge tunnel of dark ink, which is a fundamental form of devouring the righteousness to the extreme!

Devouring, with the power of flesh and blood, with the energy of the soul, with the core of the righteousness condensed out to devour the most terrible form of the righteousness, to engulf the black hole to appear!

A horrible atmosphere that wants to inundate all the souls and souls of the heavens and the earth, from the devour of the black hole, at this moment, whether it is Shiyan or Ziyao, it is extremely dignified, and the two neglect one eye and concentrate. All attention is coming to the soul altar.

Because their souls are screaming in the fierce, they are free from their control and fly out of their minds.

Devouring the righteousness, the most adept at engulfing the soul altar, refining the soul of a soul that has accumulated for hundreds of millions of years!

This point, whether it is Zi Yao or Shi Yan, is well known.

Fighting, at the most dangerous moment, as long as a little slack, the two altars did not enter the black hole that swallowed, fearing that they would not be lucky enough to retain a trace of soul.

"Whirring whirring!"

The power of horror to swallow, from the black hole, not this one, the adsorption force is still passed away, spreading to the far and far.


A cold figure wandering around, suddenly felt a burst of soul, unable to prevent, her soul ceremonies suddenly smashed away from the heavenly cover, free from the violence she controlled.

This is the soul sacrifice of Candice!

Just a quarter of an hour later, Candice’s soul altar, which appeared in the sight of Shiyan and Ziyao, sat on the main soul of Candisi on the stormy field, suddenly saw the stone rock and purple Yao’s true body was immediately feared by the shocking heart.

"no no!"

Immediately, she saw that the black hole was swallowed. She realized what had happened. She suddenly screamed and screamed, and the thoughts of the Lord’s soul waved out. She stared at Shiyan with enthusiasm and hoped that Shiyan could rescue him.

It is a pity that Shiyan did not react at all. At first sight, Candice suffered an innocent disaster and was sucked up by the black hole that had been fully developed. He was not shocked and rejoicing, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"To devour the mystery, once the soul altar is absorbed, it will take a little time to refine the altar. The more the soul of the strong is the altar, the longer the refining time will be, the phlegm, although it is the originator of the ignorance of the righteousness, but The shortcomings of this ambiguity are still impossible to avoid. When Candice's soul altar devours the black hole, he needs at least one time to refine. Once refining, his strength will rise again, and it will be more difficult to deal with. I have to take a look at it and give him a big hit!"

Shi Yan’s heart was shocked, and he watched Candice’s soul altar, struggling, but he couldn’t help flying into the black hole. He immediately spoke to Zi Yao.

In this world, Zi Yao is very rare to understand the characteristics of devouring the ignorance. She understood it when she heard it, and nodded slightly to Shi Yan.

"Save me! Please help me! I am a phantom family member, is a sister of Mantis, look at her and charm Ji, please save me!"

Seeing that the black hole was swallowing in front of him, Candice’s main soul squirmed fiercely, and the last soulful idea was heard.

Shi Yan looked cold and turned a blind eye.


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