God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1591: Survival of the fittest

When Shi Yan and Zi Yao left, they died in silence, and they broke out in a brutal and **** battle.

The origin of the water, the sea shark emperor into the crystal water drops, let go of the soul idea, try to integrate the origin of the water, the water drops are transparent, the internal water is loud and pleasant.

If there is no outsider to disturb, the integration process of the sea shark should be quite smooth, and the original meaning of the water can be turned into the core of the mysterious layer.

There are always accidents in everything...

The priests and the priests and Rupert's primaries, who wandered around the body of the Yuan dynasty, released the volatility of the water and tried to find the origin of the water.

He sensed the fluctuations of the origin of the water!

The Yuan **** immediately put everything down, concentrated all the spirit, strength, and thoughts, and rushed to the crystal clear water droplets of the water.

After he arrived, he naturally felt that the sea shark had already reached the first place, and the gods had fallen into the origin of the water.

The death of the Yuan dynasty was fierce, and the eyes appeared hot and cold, and sneered: "There is a small role in the area that can't get on the table, and dare to compete with me for the origin of the righteousness. I just don't know how to live!"

During the speech, the obvious turmoil of water was transmitted from the Yuan.

His body of the human race slowly changed, condensing into a thousand-fold form of the body, his body smashed into a large blisters, the blister crystals, the interior contains a vast ocean, and soon many waves waved Come, the Yuan **** itself was wrapped in a big blisters.

If he condenses into a drop of crystal water droplets, he will excel in the essence of the water, and slowly sway to the origin of the water.

Like the bud, from the moment of birth, the soul has the imprint of the meaning of water. It can be said that he is the soul of the essence of water between the heavens and the earth. It is the sage and originator of all the sacred waters of cultivation. From the early days to the present era. I have never done another esoteric.

He dedicated his life to the power of water.

The water droplets of his body condensed into the water, and the essence of the water flows into the water. There is no barrier to block the water. If the water enters the deep sea, there is no splash of ripples. He instantly integrates into the origin of the water.

In the world of drowning. Feel the water infiltration of the sky. A kind of return to the source, such as the chaos consciousness before birth...

Among them, the soul consciousness and the body blood of the sea shark who came first step by step cannot be compared with the scorpion, and when they are not included, the singular power in the origin of the whole water. Suddenly found a more suitable intimate master, actually abandoned the sea shark emperor, have come to the surge.

The origin of the water. The soul volatility is covered, and a terrible soul consciousness is gradually connected with the origin of the entire water. Accurately search for the area where the Sea Shark's soul is located, and immediately launch an offensive!

The sea shark is almost hit hard in an instant!

Whether it is realm, strength, age, exquisiteness, and blood, the sea sharks are far less inferior. When the two people appear together in the origin of the mystery, the power of the source has the same wisdom. I chose the cockroach and abandoned the sea shark, which immediately destined the tragedy of the sea shark!


the other side.

The slain will kill Hero, and the power of the power of gold will be merged. His strength has increased greatly, and he has not stayed in place. He is once again active.

It didn't take too long, he came to a nearby point, it was a plain in the thick dust, the power of the earth, the rest of the earth's energy released, and the surrounding heavens were covered. .

After the ridiculousness, the expression was indifferent, and the eyes were slightly brighter. "The origin of the earth power in the five elements of the righteousness, the essence of the earth, and the second core of the mystery that I will merge..."


The thick dust flies, forming a gray layer of natural cover, covering the plain, the soul and sight of ordinary people are extremely difficult to penetrate.

The desert is not the same.

He absorbed the golden meaning of Kim, and he stopped here for a while. He changed his body and made new changes. A strong dust was released from his body. He quickly became the same as the plain, dusted and spread out of the earth. The thick, heavy, and simple volatility.

His eyes can penetrate the dust and enter the interior of the plain.

The taupe plain, the grass is not born, the dust is in the eyes, the vastness of the sky, in the two corners of the plain, the breath of the soul...

Deep feelings, half a ring, he made a dragon-like howling, the body disappeared a little.

The next moment, the plain of the earth's power condensed suddenly and violently, the depths of the earth, such as lurking a dragon, the dragon as if waking up, arrogant to open the bondage, to destroy all creatures.

At the two corners of the mainland, two interracial people who came from Sauron, built like sand, have a skin and a gray plain.

These are the two Tubo people, all of whom are the ancestors of the ancestors, and the natural forces of the earth.

Like the Xue people, the Tubo people can only cultivate a kind of mystery. This is innately bound. When the Tubo people are still babies, they will absorb the power of the earth in the mother's womb and enhance their physical fitness. Once born, They are all natural and righteous warriors.

In the land of emptiness, in the vast sea of ​​stars, the Tubo people are revered as "the darling of the earth", because they are free to haunt the earth and can exert the power of the earth.

The two Tubo nationalities have gone through all the hardships and want to integrate into the origin of the earth's power, and make themselves the **** of the earth. Unfortunately, the bad roads are not good enough.

With the violent movements in the depths of the plains, the two Tubo people were eclipsed and did not know what happened.

When the two panicked, from the depths of the earth, there was a violent energy. I saw the earth violently collapsed. Two majestic and strong earth dragons screamed out, and Zhangkou swallowed the two into the abdomen. They swallowed them and plunged into the collapsed earth's crack and quickly disappeared.

Not long after, as the souls of the two Tubo people annihilated, the plains that the dust made up gradually stopped the violent earthquake.

In the heart of the earth, the wilderness is running silently, and it is beginning to integrate the power of the earth.


Rupert, Prison, Ega, Ruo Ru, Vanderer, etc., who are deeply rooted in this place, are scattered in various corners, sometimes encounter each other, fighting will occur, and death will occur.

For a unique source of ignorance, all entrants are looking for and are struggling to trace.

Once they find the right source for themselves, they will observe it in ecstasy. However, it is likely that there will be the same kind of righteous in this period.

Almost no one can be safe.

Cruel and **** battles often erupt immediately, in order to become the only attribute of the righteousness, in order to get the origin of the righteousness, the power of the rules, they will do their best to kill.

Every remote corner, every place where the origin of the mystery exists, is carrying out similar fights, all for the inner greed, for the ultimate battle of the righteousness!


Separated from Zi Yao, the body of the stone rock that squats under the arm, returns according to the original road, and goes to the origin of life.

He got the method of integration. He believed that if he returned to the sea of ​​life, he would succeed in integrating the ocean of life into the soul and get the ultimate mystery of this kind of mystery.

He is flying and galloping.

Halfway through, the artifacts of the early days fell into the Milky Way, and suddenly there was a wonderful wave of volatility.

He suddenly stopped, slowly sensing with the soul, careful understanding, half a ring, his eyes shining, the stars in the barren.

He suddenly changed his direction.

After a long journey...

He came to a vast expanse of stars, the stars are clear and translucent, crystal clear as the purest emerald, shining with the soul of the moving light.

At the beginning, the artifacts fell into the Milky Way. After that, the waves fluctuated fiercely and turned into a stream of stars. They immediately emerged from his altar and stopped in front of him.

His eyes, the sun, the moon and the stars change, and there are two brilliant stars in the heart.

Deeply felt the origin of the star, and looked at the mysterious star of the magnificent mystery, he indulged in it and walked step by step to the Xinghai.

Just as he was about to reach the Xinghai, a mysterious power of perseverance permeated from the star river.


If his body is to be burned up, the soul will have a burning sensation, and when he is shocked, he suddenly understands it.

Quickly stopped his body, he immediately understood that the body because of the current ambiguity, or can not directly enter the origin of the stars, must once again separate a detachment, split the stars, then it is possible to enter the mysterious galaxy in the form of avatar, Try to combine them.

Just as he set about splitting flesh and blood, mystery, and soul, he noticed that there was a faint soul fluctuation in the inside of the comet.

Shi Yan was amazed, and he sighed and screamed, and suddenly he said coldly: "Vandler!"

The same as the stars of the righteous, Van derler and Shi Yan hate deeply, he did not expect that Vanderbilt also entered this place, and also he first found the origin of the stars!


A starlight, flying from his body, just before his eyes, the starlight condensed with blood, gradually becoming a body that was tempered by the stars.

He then separated the soul and took away the sea and the soul pool, and fell to the mind.

Soon, the avatar became a master of the stars, and the stars flowed, like a star, and drilled into the Galaxy.

"call out!"

The fallen star river turned into a streamer, followed by his avatar, and also penetrated into the stars.

In the sea of ​​falling stars, Vandler’s breath immediately became very obvious. This directional body set the direction and smiled long. “Vanderl! Your life is really bad!”

Deep in the depths of the Xing Xinghai, a group of stars writhed and slowly became the appearance of Vanderbilt.

In Shiyan’s glimpse into the Xinghai, Vandler immediately felt the volatility. When he heard the laughter of Shiyan, Vanderbilt was too depressed, his face became iron and green, and he said: “Shi Yan, you It’s really a ghost! You are there in any place!”

"Hey, let me get out of this piece of Xinghai, and see that you are a member of the Phantom of the People, I can spare you not to die." Shi Yan screamed coldly.


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