God Of Slaughter

Chapter 1597: meet

"It seems that something very bad happened..."

Above the wheel of fortune, Sauron looked up to the depths of nothingness, and there was a strong uneasiness in the depths of his soul. He was aware of the danger of untold words.

"It seems that there is a very terrible existence, just screaming, and the snoring goes straight to the soul of the strong soul, this creature must be very powerful!"

The shackles that are displayed by the human body, the white whiskers hang down to the chest, and they are a gentle and kind-looking appearance. If his forehead has a delicate spider web pattern, he is no different from the previous one. He looks at Sauron and respects him. : "Not quite right..."

"What about you?" Sauron looked awkward and shouted softly.

"The soul has an unidentified oppression, it is very evil, it is terrible..." The prison stated.

"I don't know why, I feel upset and I want to hysterically break out of my heart, and I want to release my inner evil!" Rupert replied.

The heavens and the vines are all replied, and they are much the same as the prison and Rupert.

"It seems that the phasing... may merge and devour the origin, it must be like this, and only when he merges and devours the source, the power realm skyrockets before it can bring great fear to the soul." Sauron indulged for a while, murmured. He did not stop at the pace of the source of space, as if the threat of phasing is not as terrible as Shiyan.

Almost at the same time.

In the same direction, the stature was stagnant. He also looked up to the depths of nothingness and said indifferently: "I don't know if I will devour the origin of the mystery, it is the phasing, or the kid..."

From the evil atmosphere, he is sure to devour the origin of the ignorance of the source, to be able to fuse the source, the only underground rock and stone, no matter which one, the threat to him is great.

But like Sauron’s decision, he did not manage the evil deterrent. A firm heading towards the space barrier below may be a bit of a madness.

Next to the ocean of life.

A bright silver dress, such as the goddess of the ice goddess, quietly suspended nothingness, she has always charmed the eyes of all beings, such as blooming frosty flowers, cold and overflowing.

After standing in the ocean of life for a long time, she did not say anything, just waiting for the fusion of stone rock. Waiting for Shiyan to wake up.

A piece of Caixia District.

Zi Yao lazy open his eyes. Face is gorgeous, such as a dream.

The sky of the sky, like a neon ribbon, suddenly wrapped around her ketone body, turned into a bright colorful neon dress, "I finally succeeded..."

Elegant grin. Her body turned into an orange-red light, and nothing happened in nothingness.

I don't know how long, she suddenly appeared next to a mysterious starry sky. Looking at the body of the rock that gradually condensed out of the Xinghai, she smiled brightly. "It seems that this star has a avatar. To be successful, we will continue to wait."

Nothing in the dark.

Shi Yan's evil avatars are mad and horrible, all the way down to the bottom of the mysterious layer, this evil body has been skin black, such as poison.

A dark body. Only a pair of eyes are scarlet like blood, horrible, and a sinful evil that is inseparable from the inside of the body, as if it can inspire the inner evil side of any living being.


The heart of the chest, such as a bundle of cockroaches, is constantly expanding, and the black gas visible to the naked eye spreads from his chest, plunging into his bones, flesh and blood, and veins, and enters his mind.

He is still digesting...

The evil energy that destroys the earth and the earth breaks out from this evil body. The terrible momentum makes any powerful creature tremble.


The bottom of the esoteric layer.

The vast mirror-like space has its own origin, with fine cracks, smooth mirror cracking, and strange "咔咔" sounds inside. If a wild animal eats pieces, it is necessary to cut this layer from the inside.

Time is rushing, and the infinite space of the mysterious origin seems to be slowly shrinking.

"call out!"

The wheel of fortune broke through the darkness and emptiness, and came crashing down, suspended above the mirror-like space.

Sauron, Hey, the Prison, and the Mantis, all staring together and looking down, each face showed amazement.

"Bundle! Forbidden!"

Sauron frowned, and suddenly reached out to his own eyebrows, a little strange light, spreading in his eyebrows...

The gods, the vines, the dragon lizard ancestors, the de Cula, and the stone rock acquaintances, the eyes of the change, suddenly look stunned, if the conscious wisdom is imprisoned, even thinking can not.

"It is the smell of his body, the atmosphere of space and righteousness. He is trying to fuse the origin of the space. It is his own." He is good at the soul of the soul, and holds the dark green soul ball in his hand. He draws the mystery of the soul ball with his heart. Feeling calmly, suddenly blinked.

Sauron nodded and said indifferently: "This space is the origin of the space, and it separates the two worlds. We are in the early days of the Olympics. The next layer is the first time to know the sea. The mirror under our feet is really broken, and the two layers will be Throughout. Now, the fusion road of Shiyan has just begun, there is still a distance from the real fragmentation, and so on, you can really kill the rock, even if you annihilate yourself, let him fly away."

Hey, the Prison, and Rupert all heard this, and there was a struggle in their eyes. They seemed to want to break away from the shackles. Unfortunately, they were just a glimpse. Their struggling eyes disappeared. Instead, they replaced them. It is a deep respect for Sauron.

"Follow the owner's instructions." They whispered in unison.

"Wait." Sauron smiled.

The people who came one step at a time immediately silenced, walked away from the wheel of fortune, dispersed to the periphery, and looked at the feet.

The space is synonymous with a sleek giant mirror. At first glance, the edge of the edge is not visible. The surface of the mirror, such as glass, is cracked. The crack is gradually thickened from the previous one, and it seems to be really broken.

In the meantime, the internal space fluctuated more and more, as if a stack of spaces was ablated and slowly corroded.

Sauron’s expression was always calm, but his eyes were flickering and he could see the excitement and excitement.

At this moment, he has waited for tens of thousands of years, just waiting for this layer to split, killing Shiyan, and combining the following seas and souls to achieve the ultimate in meaning, becoming the only **** in heaven and earth!

"Who is Sauron?"

Suddenly, an indifferent and cold voice came from the sky, and hundreds of thousands of giant thunders roared together, deafening.

Suo Lun, who was indulged in the excitement, was confused at the moment and his face was so stunned.

Hey, but low and roar, suddenly very nervous, has run the water of the righteousness, a transparent blisters, wrapped his whole body tightly.

In the soul altar, the original source of the water of the fusion, such as the instantaneous connection of all the ocean waters in the universe, the power of the rolling water directly reaches the mind of his mind, so that his instantaneous strength soars.

The nervousness of the embarrassment made those who were bound by Sauron amazed. Those people knew the terribleness of the embarrassment, and they were so terrified that they would be more powerful!


When everyone is in sorrow, the screaming screams, almost condensing all the power, to cope with the catastrophe that may come.

Haotian, Mantis, Dragon Lizard ancestor and Dracula, and the Yunmeng domain world, when they fought together, they fought against the soul of the wilderness. When the sound of the wildness, they were controlled by Soren, But still instinctively running the righteousness, immediately resisting all.

Suddenly, there is nowhere in the darkness, and the golden giant mountains are tapered, such as sharp sharps, carrying the overbearing violent momentum and landing.


The terrible power that shattered the heavens and the earth, shattering the void, enveloped the entire sky.


The blisters from the sacred rituals were bombarded by a golden mountain, and there was a world-famous explosion. The cockroach condensed the body of the body almost instantaneously. The blister bursts, and the thick and thick turtle shell blocks the Jinshan.

Even so, the body of the cockroach was hit by a blow, and it fell into the space mirror, which was extremely embarrassing.

Haotian, Mantis, Dracula, and the dragon lizard ancestors instinctively embraced each other, using flames as a fire cover, delaying the speed of Jinshan’s fall, and then forming a new line of defense with magma, so that all forces can compete. Candidly block the violent bombardment of a golden mountain.

"Hey!" Hao Tian took a sip of blood, his expression changed, his heart screamed and screamed: "Good!"

His solidified soul consciousness was shattered and banned by this blow. He suddenly recovered from waking, but the altar was still bound by the destiny spider. He still could not escape the slavery of Sauron.

After he was shocked, he looked at the vines, Dracula, and the dragon lizard ancestors, and found that after they suffered a blow, their faces recovered and they recovered.

"Click! Karst!"

The sorcerer and the Rupert's body came with shattered sounds, and a golden sharp mountain came and slammed them into a space mirror, and the gods almost collapsed.

The two were eclipsed, and the scared soul flew away, rushing to condense all the strength, and resisting the speed of the body.

"The waste! It turned out to be you!"

Sauron was completely awake before the golden giant mountain, and felt the earth-shattering power of gold. He also changed slightly.

The wheel of destiny at the foot suddenly rose into the air. At that time, hundreds of millions of rays of light moved up the roulette, and hundreds of millions of souls in the world gave birth to a sense of sorrow that the soul was drawn away from the front line.


The giant mountain was smashed, and the roulette was not defeated. The wheel of fortune only trembled and swayed, and it stopped at the top of Sauron.

"You are Sauron, finally find me for you!"

The icy and arrogant sound of the wild, once again came from the depths of nothingness, and fell, and he appeared in the world of the sinister human race, suspended in the heads of all people, overlooking the living under the feet.

Sauron looked dignified, looked up at the wasteland, nodded, "I finally saw you."

"In the past few years, you have peeked into the wilderness five times and five times. What is the picture?"

"Just watch you wake up." Soren quickly calmed down. A thick book, fluttering from his eyebrows, was held by both hands. When he spoke, one hand quickly turned pages and turned to On the last page of the book, I found the familiar symbol line and reached out to press it, and I secretly let out a sigh of relief, showing a smile. "I have been waiting for you for a long time."


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