God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 707: Extremely hardened body

Chapter 707 Extremely hardened body

The seven-product solid Dan is extremely violent, and in his body, like a volcanic eruption, it releases a myriad of medicinal torrents that are deliberately destroying his body.

In the process, the rushing effect of the drug spilled out, and he was so excited that his blood became vigorous, and the power he consumed was like a quick supplement.

He was sweating under the rain, and the blue veins burst, and from time to time he snorted and consumed a lot of fine elements to offset the pain of the flesh and keep the spirit invincible.

The medicinal force ran rampant, like a wild horse, so that his veins and blood vessels could not withstand it, and they burst into bursts.

Shi Yan bit his teeth, roaring in a low voice, and supporting hard.

I don't know how long it took, the power of the drug effect was weakened, and his veins and blood vessels burst nearly half. The inhuman pain, the average person fears that it will not last a few seconds, it will faint directly.

And this metamorphosis, before he came to the mainland, is like a madman who likes to challenge the limits, seeks excitement, and endurance for pain, far beyond ordinary people.

After practicing martial arts, his ability has once again multiplied exponentially, and his undead martial arts has provided him with a platform for him to persist.

He was not comatose, but he remained sensible, spread the effect completely, and integrated into his flesh and blood, which made him a great benefit.

After a long time, the efficacy of a seven-product solid Dan was finally restored.

His broken and bursting veins and blood vessels, in the strong self-healing power of the undead martial arts, began to slowly reconnect and recover quickly.

After half an hour, all the bursting veins and blood vessels reconnected, and his spirits regained their vitality, and the power of blood became more and more huge.

I took a deep breath and sat there, Shi Yan's face was heavy.

He knows that if you change the average person, after a hegemonic effect of a solid Dan, you will also lose a layer of skin if you don't die. The veins, blood vessels and bones in your body may burst by half, and you can't eat it at all.

He suddenly knew that the person who was brought over by the ashes would not stand even in the station.

The realm of the other side is slightly higher than him. It should be the realm of the gods and gods. It is such a powerful person. After the efficacy of the solid dan, the veins, bones and blood vessels are also blasted. The recovery of the soul, so the injury will gradually increase.

The other party must have been taking solid Dan, because he has no way, no solid Dan to restore blood, he will die very quickly.

Taking a solid Dan, it will supplement the power of blood, but the body will not be able to withstand it. The blood vessels, veins and bones will explode. This is a chronic death, but it is much slower than the death of the blood by the snake.

There are two choices, but they are all dead ends.

If you don't take the solid dan, you will be sucked up by the snake and die. You need a solid Dan. Without strong resilience, the veins, blood vessels and bones will burst and you will gradually die.

Shi Yan suddenly rejoiced, fortunately, he has an undead martial arts, can get a glimmer of life in the mortal world.

The effect of a solid Dan spilled out, and his blood became extremely strong. The power of the snake absorbed by the snake was not as much as that of the solid Dan, because he resisted, so he passed away. More blood than you get.

He has also become a beneficiary.

Ordinary true deities, if there is no undead martial arts, only one solid Dan can be taken in three days, and the physical function is still difficult to recover.

It seems that the efficacy of solid Dan is enough for the snake to absorb for three days. After three days, it must continue to be replenished, otherwise it will consume the blood of the military.

Shi Yan knew that he had absorbed a solid Dan. It took at most half a day, and the veins, blood vessels and bones were all healed.

He suddenly grinned and sank, poured out a solid Dan again and took it again.

It is also a bit of inhuman suffering. This solid Dan is as arrogant as a drug. While madly destroying his physical function, he has sent him a powerful force.

Those blood and blood scattered in his blood vessels, veins, internal organs and bones, seemingly tempered flesh and blood, making his body more and more tenacious.

In this room, Shiyan constantly takes solid Dan, constantly enduring the pain, to supplement the body's blood and temper the body.

The strength of the blood absorbed by the snake far exceeded the strength of his supplement, so that he later ignored the existence of the snake and felt that the power of the snake was not too powerful, and it was not hurt. To his roots.

On this day, when he was pouring the solid Dan, his brow suddenly wrinkled.

A bottle of solid Dan, a total of sixteen, he continued to take uninterrupted, until now, only two.

If there is no more solid Dan to take, the time has passed, and the little snake will **** up the blood and blood he absorbs.

Frowning, he thought for a long time, suddenly had an idea.

Two solid Dan, swallowed by him, endured the pain of double, he was destroying the potency.

Just when the drug was about to run out, he suddenly roared wildly, and his whistling sound was like a dragon. From here, it spread far and wide, and it shrouded a thousand miles. In the roar, he was still screaming: "Come on!" Come on!"

The efficacy of the two solid Dans ruined the function of his body. His blood vessels, veins and bones all sent strange sounds. In a short time, his blood vessels and veins collapsed. Only the bones were not full. Broken, only a little break in the leg bones and hand bones.

This is the result of his physical hardening of the body during this period of time.

After more than a dozen solid Dan's medicinal effects, his physical strength has obviously increased again and he has become more and more tough.

The old lady and the ashes heard the news, sullen face, appeared in front of the lake, glanced at the painful struggle, and twisted the stone rock on the ground.

The two glanced at each other and frowned.

At this time, the efficacy of the two solid dan in the stone rock body has almost overflowed, and inside his body, the veins and blood vessels almost burst open, and all of them are overflowing with blood, under the blood, one by one. When the storm started, the whole person looked extremely horrible.

"Kid, what is your ghost?" The ash snorted and came to him. "Agitate the remedies, do you want to die soon?"

Shi Yan’s face was distorted, his eyes crossed the ashes and fell on the old lady’s face. He said painfully: “The solid Dan is exhausted. If you want the snake to continue to evolve, please give me another bottle.”

The old lady’s pupil suddenly shrank, as if she saw something extremely strange. When she flashed, she came to Shiyan’s body and reached out and touched the stone rock arm, releasing a force to seriously investigate and check. Changes in the interior of the stone rock.

She immediately discovered that the veins and blood vessels of Shiyan were bursting open. This was obviously destroyed by the efficacy of solid Dan. As a refiner, she naturally knew the potency of Qipin Solid Dan. She knew the power of this overbearing, not Generally, the true gods can resist the physical body.

A whole bottle of solid Dan was consumed in such a short time, and Shiyan was not dead, which surprised her.

She closed her eyes slightly and fell into the body of the snake, seeming to test what.

Her eyes lit up and seemed to be extremely happy. She couldn't help but smile. She nodded and took out the new three bottles of solid Dan. She was very angry and threw it at Shiyan. She smiled and said: "This is new. The three bottles of solid Dan are also seven products, you take it slowly. Oh, yes, the young man has potential, I like it."

The gray eyes and the big eyes, incredulously look at her, whispered: "Hey, can he eat it? The general warrior of the three gods of the heavens can also support the efficacy of three bottles of solid Dan, and then burst into bursts." And die, can he?"

The old lady squinted and looked extremely happy. She waved her hand and did not explain anything here. She smiled and said: "He can, go, we will not bother him."

Then she left with ashes.

Waiting for the stone rock, the old lady and the ashes came to a beautiful and beautiful building complex. Suddenly her face was positive and said: "There are five gods in the body of the little baby, that The boy's blood is extremely strong!"

"What?" The ashes were shocked and looked awkward. "In such a short time, five gods have been urging, how is it possible?"

"I also think it's incredible." The old lady's eyes were stunned. "This shows that the blood in the kid is extremely large. Well, this time Feiji brought me a good guy, not bad, less than seven days. I came out with five gods, and this progress was beyond my expectation. This kid is a treasure. It seems that I have to protect him so that he will die early."

The ashes are also a happy face. "Seven days and five gods condense Dan, go down at this speed, haha, we are really developed. The above will be very happy, 姥姥 this time I really met the treasure, congratulations."

The old lady was full of joy and nodded. "I hope this kid can support it for a long time, so that we can complete the above tasks ahead of time. Oh, I was worried before, I am afraid that I can’t keep up with the progress. I didn’t expect Feiji to give me this girl. Looking for such a good thing, yes, I will help her solve her problem immediately."


The old lady and the ashes are happy, and Shiyan is equally happy. Looking at the new three bottles of seven products of solid Dan, it is also refreshing.

The early days when the ashes and the old ladies left, they did not know that when they did not go much, there were new changes in the body of Shiyan.

His broken veins and blood vessels began to reconnect quickly. Most of the force that the medicinal herbs spilled out was absorbed by his body, leaving his skin covered with a faint dark golden luster. Extremely amazing.

Tightly holding three bottles of new solid Dan, Shi Yan grinned and whispered: "Maybe, it will take a long time, I can break through to the real gods. It seems that I would like to thank Feiji. Let me be blessed in disguise."

Grateful in his mouth, look at his eyes, but the cold is like a blade, murderous.


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